Ping Alias: HP Releases Its First Linux-powered Laptop

Apr 11, 2008

What people are REALLY saying about Vista:

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Alias & Linux Ubuntu Do Not Work

Aug 14, 2009

What is the difference between Alias and Linux Ubuntu? Nothing! They both do not work!

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Alias The Delusional Lying Linux Troll...

Mar 25, 2009

alias is a drug addicted ex-patriot American fugitive living in a broken down 2nd floor apartment building with wifie 4 and her relatives in a 3rd world country. You're broke and trying to rip off little old ladies by selling them free software. You spend what little cash you get (steal) on hashish and pretend you have 3 companies. You are living in a made up fantasy world of self-delusion. You're are a real loser in every sense of the word. You are an open sore on society!

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Linux Users Lose Again Why Windows Rulez And Linux Drools

Apr 28, 2009

You had better not be using Linux because they don't support Linux. "Most Linux users are serious computer users. We?re geeks, and geeks use a lot of internet. Wouldn?t it be wise of AT&T to just acknowledge us?" Linux users are an oddball bunch of less than 1 percent of the desktop populous.

"This is not the first time I?ve run into problems with AT&T pretending that the world consists entirely of Windows and Macintosh. Once I was helping someone else get a Linux system going with AT&T DSL, and they flat-out refused to give her the manual setup instructions for the connection if she couldn?t use the automated Windows or Mac installer. The tech told her? If you run Linux you should be able to figure it all out on your own. I won?t help you, and I won?t transfer you to anyone else.".............

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Powered USB Hub Fails

May 12, 2009

I have an issue with my current vista installation of Ultimate SP1 x64 and my Hiyatek 7 port powered usb 2.0-hub. I've been looking for similar problem and solutions but so far neither of them have worked.

The problem is that randomly all usb-devices connected to it will fail and to get windows to recognize them again I need to unplug and reconnect the power and/or USB-cable to the hub. (It's quiet the anoyance to do this and watch while vista takes its time to find your newly connected devices as your party in the game is dying from lack of healing)...............

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Will Not Resolve DNS: Ping IP Addresses, But Cannot Ping Any Name

Feb 23, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out over this one. I suspect it may have had malware infection, ran combofix, TrendMicro Sysclean, reset IPv4, disabled IPv6, reset the Winsock, uninstalled Expired Norton 360, installed Microsoft Security Essentials, tried it with the Firewall on and off, checked the registry for as many Winsock Redirectors and firewalls I could think of. I don't know of anything I've missed, I'm hoping someone here can think of something.

I can ping IP Addresses, but cannot ping any name, not even localhost. The DNSCache is caching names but it won't answer for application that resolves names, Including IE, Google Chrome, Firefox, tracert, nothing! It can browse the Internet with all installed browsers, if it uses my proxy server, since the proxy resolves names for the browser, but if it depends on the DNS Resolver Service it won't work. It is Vista basic that belongs to a customer and is not a member of a domain. I've posted pings, ipconfig /all, and net start below.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 timetracert
Unable to resolve target system name

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dana-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid......................

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Releases Of Platform Update For Windows Technologies

Sep 11, 2009

Platform Update for Windows Vista Public Beta,11 September 2009,,Microsoft has released a Platform Update for Windows Vista as a Public Beta. This update installs a range of features in Vista which are available in Windows 7, including Ribbon and DirectX 11. The final version of this update will be available to all Vista owners via Windows Update late this year. Direct X 11 on Vista

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Static Ip Address: Nic On The M2n32-sli Deluxe Never Releases Its Memory

Apr 13, 2008

I want to set a static ip and it works untill I reboot then local access but not internet. When I try to switch back I have to power down the motherboard to make it change back. Weird AAH! Its like the nic on the m2n32-sli deluxe never releases its memory untill I shut down the power supply manually.

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Drivers And Downloads Or: The Dell Dock, By Stardock : Powered By ObjectDock?

Apr 29, 2010

I already have this on my Inspiron 1545 laptop, but I wanted this on my old desktop as well, which has Windows XP Professional. Which of these sites contains the right Dell Dock, well at least for my situation. Drivers and Downloads Or: The Dell Dock, by Stardock : Powered by ObjectDock

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Oct 3, 2009

Alias is quite a two face. Shame on the corporations making money, while he yachts it away on monies made installing Ubuntu. ITN News: MADRID - Air pollution has long been a fact of life in Spanish cities, but scientists now say it is not just smog that chokes people as they walk to work or stroll through the park. A new study has found the air in Madrid and Barcelona is also laced with atleast five drugs - most prominently cocaine.

The Superior Council of Scientific Investigations, a government institute, said on its Web site Thursday that in addition to cocaine, they found trace amounts of amphetamines, opiates, cannabinoids and lysergic acid - a relative of LSD - in two air-quality control stations, one in each cities. With the amount of WEED Alias smokes and the drugs in the air, Alias' brain has been fried. No wonder why Ubuntu does well in Spain, they are too stoned to know any better. My mom has recently returned from France & Spain, and is not too impressed. Homeless, poor and one woman tried to snatch my mom's purse in daylight. Congratulations Alias. Yours is a truly developed country.

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Frank And Alias & All Their Juvenile BS?

Mar 18, 2009

Is anyone monitoring this group? If so, Y haven't U barred Frank and Alias & all their juvenile BS??

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Alias Says He Makes More Than $14,000 A Week

Apr 1, 2009

He really must be stoned because earlier today he said that he makes more than $14,000 a week. In his dreams. If I made more than $14,000 a week, this would be the last place I would park my ass every day. I would be on a tropical island with five 23 year old BABES serving me drinks all day long while I lay in the sun on the beach.

Alias has to scam little old ladies out of their hard earned money to purchase Ubuntu and everyone knows that Ubuntu is free but NOBODY wants it. Imagine, Ubuntu is free and is still on less than one percent of the desktops out there. That should tell you all you need to know about that piece of crap OS.

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Can Spot Alias In This Group?

Feb 2, 2010

Men dressed in sheepskin costumes have a rest during a carnival celebration as they march to the village of Ituren in northern Spain, Monday. The tradition is to march through the village every year in a ritual to purify the harvest land from evil spirits and to welcome the coming Spring.

Why they walk in relative safety on the serene streets of downtown Ituren is a question that has puzzled sociologists and anthropologists for decades. When asked, the men of Iturene state, "cuz that's where the booze is". For the curious, here's what the bravaduras looked like photographically.

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Do I Own Windows On My Laptop 100%, Use The Vista Home Premium 32bit Key From The Laptop On One Of My Other Desktops

Nov 5, 2009

I bought an Laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. If I install a FULL version of Windows 7 on this Laptop, can I use the Vista Home Premium 32bit key from the laptop on one of my other desktops? If so, would I talk to Microsoft or the manufacturer to get a disk without all the manufacturer "Bonus" software?

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Alias Can't Wait Until The Next Version Of Ubuntu

Oct 1, 2009

Alias is smoking double the amount of Has in celebration of another major patch for that INFERIOR Ubuntu that they throw out to the public without any testing. Alias is starting his countdown. Alias can't wait until the next version of Ubuntu comes out in anticipation of bug fixes. In reality, the next version of Ubuntu is just a patch thrown together by unemployed programmers who have nothing better to do.

When the next version of Ubuntu comes out, it will probably have a different brown screen and a few cubes will spin. This will make Alias jump up and down. When you try to do real work, you will realize that Ubuntu still can't run any of the popular software programs and Ubuntu is still worth exactly what you pay for it: N O T H I N G.

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From Outlook In XP On Laptop 1 To Mail On Laptop 2

Jul 5, 2008

there must be many people who have moved all their mail from XP on one laptop to Vista mail on a new laptop. These two computers can see each other on the network. How can I easily move all history, contacts, folders etc from one to the other?

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Cannot Ping Through Vpn

Mar 23, 2008

I have a netgear box to box vpn which is working perfectly. I have tested the connection using xp computers at either end and they can ping each other, and the routers at each end no problem. Vista machines can ping other xp machines on the local network and also can ping google for instance, but cannot ping through the vpn to either the remote router or remote computers. The request simply times out. I have tried turning the firewall off and removing AV software.

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Ping Went Below 100

Jan 20, 2009

I have problem with my MS/PING playing WoW and im very sure that is something about Vista. Why? becouse i just bought a new pc and i was playing with a btter ping and i had Win XP. At first i was playing with high latency. But then a friend of mine told me about some kind of trick with some .Net framework stuff he gave me, and my ping went below 100 after i installed it. Like magic. Now i have Vista 64 in my new pc, and i just cant believe that im playing at 360+ ping Again. I have been very carefull downloading only what is necessary, I mean, im not installing every crap i see on the inet. Im running task manager and i cant see anything strange or unusual.

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Ping From XP To OK, But Not From To XP

Mar 23, 2008

I can ping my Vista Home Premium machine from my XP machine, but I can not ping from the Vista machine to the XP machine. What is wrong? The network setup:

ip =
arp -a shows the ethernet mac-adresse for the Vista machine
Connection to internet: Yes
No security is setup regarding IPSec.............

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Can Not Ping Ip

Aug 5, 2008

I have a Vista Home Primium computer on my home network. I noticed that i cannot connect to it from my other Windows xp computers yet from my vista computer i can connect to the WinXP computers. In looking into this further i realized that i cannot even ping my own ip address from the vista machine or any other machine on the network. However i can ping the loopback address

I have so far tried disabling the windows firewall reinstalled network card drivers disabling IPV6 support within the dapter checked all ip configuration settings and ensured all computers are on the same workgroup and all seems to be ok..........

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Ping But No Internet

Sep 23, 2009

I was using my computer fine at first but decided to restart since I've had it on for 100 hours without a real shutdown (I was using hibernate). When I rebooted I was unable to access the internet using any programs such as IE, ff, msn, etc.. but I was still able to ping Google and get a <100ms response.

What happens when I open IE for example is that it simply says that it cannot connect to the internet. When I close it I get "Internet Explorer is not responding" twice in succession. I then get a warning telling me that it was blocked by DEP. So I disabled DEP and restarted but I still had the same problem just without the DEP warning.

This is very annoying because this is on my uni laptop and I need to use these programs almost daily in and out of class, so reinstalling is a last resort option. I'm currently running a previously installed version of Ubuntu on the same machine with no problems with the internet so I can eliminate any possibilities of it being a hardware problem.

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Is It Faster Than GNU/Linux

Feb 25, 2009

"Recent and controversial benchmarks for Windows 7 leave an important question unanswered: 'Is it faster than GNU/Linux?' Here, at last, is a benchmark that pits Ubuntu, Vista and Windows 7 against each other on the same modern hardware. From install time to GUI efficiency, Ubuntu beats Windows and is often twice as fast. Where Windows 7 is competitive, the difference is something the average user would not notice. The average GNU/Linux user is now getting better absolute performance from their computer as well as better value than the average Windows user."

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Box Is Isolated: Cannot Ping T1 From The Other PCs

Aug 23, 2008

T1 is a Vista machine that the is isolated on my home network in that no other PCs (2 XP, 1 Vista) on my network can reach him except T1 can reach the Windows shares on *all* of the other PCs. T1 has no problems browsing the Internet. I cannot ping T1 from the other PCs. Windows firewall is disabled on T1. I have disabled IP6 and the link layer discoveries butthat did no good.

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Why Unable To Ping

Jun 16, 2008

I have Vista basic edition. At the CMD command line, I cannot ping anything successfully (e.g.,,, with my broswer, my Internet connection is working fine.

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Cannot Ping With IPv6

May 27, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate with IPv6 and Teredo installed and enabled, but it seems I am unable to ping any hosts on the local network (which consists of one other XP SP3 machine) or internet. Both computers are connected to a standard router (Dell TrueMobile 2300, which is

IPv4 only I believe). Still, an IPv4 router should not matter considering Teredo should be enabled on both computers. Running ipconfig returns the following:...........

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Cannot Ping Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have an XP laptop (Wireless) and a Vista desktop (Wired) connected through a liksys wireless router. I can't get the xp machine to ping the vista machine. All firewalls are disabled and neither machine has any anti-virus or software. They both have connections to the internet and can even share files.

On the vista machine I have the network discovery turned on, the network is set to private and I have all the sharing options turned on. I even unchecked the "local area connection" to unprotect it from the firewall. (Even though the firewall is off). What would keep vista from responding to pings?

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No Internet But CAN Ping

Jan 16, 2009

I owned a Asus N50Vn-C1S with Vista Home Premium 32-bit since a month now and a week ago I've been having some weird wireless problem. Sometimes my wireless works properly when i turn on the laptop for an hour or so, after 45 minutes it start getting slower and so on till it stop working. The weird part is that i can make ping to any website so it's not a DNS issue. I have the latest Intel 5100 AGN wireless drivers and the Device Manager said that it works properly.

When this happens I've tryied to flush the DNS via Command Prompt, tryied to change ip address (i use static IP, DHCP disable), tryied to turn off and on the wireless card via switch and Fn+F2, tryied to disable and enable the wireless network connection, tryied to let Vista repair it via Diagnose and Repair connection, tryied to turn off and on my wireless router and modem and nothing works! The only thing that works is if i restart Vista (logging off doesn't fix it either, only restarting OS). Firewall Off and AVG antivirus disabled. Already tryied to change the auto tuning tcp/ip level of Vista.

I think is some Vista issues because i tryied to see if it was my wireless router by using my other laptop (with XP) and it worked just fine. When this happens i am unable to use the browser or any other internet activity like MSN, Skype or even a Weather gadget with the exception that i CAN make a ping to any websites flawlessly! I was wondering if anyone had this problem or could give me any ideas, maybe a misconfiguration (Not very good using Vista, I've only tryied what i know that works on XP). it isnt range problem because I've tryied to be as closed to the wireless router as posible. I have a DI-624 D-Link Wireless Router and it works flawlessly with every other pc's and laptops of my house.

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Cannot Ping Own Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have VISTA Home Premium. I recently uninstalled Symantec Security. After that, I could not access my home network. Now, I cannot even ping my own machine.

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Can't Ping The Home Pc

Jun 11, 2008

I've got a Vista laptop that normally resides within my company domain. I take it home periodically and I'm trying to print to my home computer. The laptop is Vista Ultimate and the home PC is Vista Home Premium. For some reason I can't see the home computer from the laptop. I also can't ping the home PC, but I can connect to the Internet. The laptop is on a WAN connection. If I click on the full map view in Network and Sharing center the laptop can see the home computer there. I assume this has to do with the laptop not being in the same workgroup as the home computer, but I'm unsure on how to work around that.

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Ping Rick Rogers

Mar 29, 2008

I'm still using Windows 98SE and I'm very happy with it. I had the
hard drive replaced 2 years ago, but that's been the only major

I've been reading this forum for a couple of months now and have
noticed the quantity of problems have increased quite a bit.

I back up important files regularly to Iomega, but fear one of these
days this system will come crashing down.

I'd like to replace my computer with a really good one (no concern for
cost), but fear a never ending battle with a VISTA OS. I also do not
like the prospect of deleting all the junk pre installed programs that
usually comes with a new computer.

Should I wait 6 months or a year until they clean up VISTA or should I
take the plunge now.

Once again, I'm happy with 98 but fear an irretrievable collapse.

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Protecting The Windows Using Linux

Feb 12, 2010

The internet connection is in Linux (Host OS).

I am just eager to know if i have Windows as a guest OS on Host OS(Linux), is it less possible for Windows to get infected by virus ?

If Windows crashes, is there a mechanism to recover it from Host OS(Linux) ?
Also, is there any mechanism to debug windows .

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