Visual Studio 2008 Pro Has An Invalid Digital Signature

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to install Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition (download from Microsoft Dreamspark: but every time, I get has an invalid Digital Signature.

This install of Vista was a completely clean install less than a month ago, but it has never been quite right, so I may do another clean install. Everything has been an argument with the computer, a battle of errors and solutions. If I knew the next clean install would be better, I would do one immediately.

I have searched the internet for about a month now, and have tried every solution I have found. I have checked that does indeed have a valid digital signature, it does, and so do all the others I have checked. This has happened with two downloads of the same file iso file. One of them has been tried and tested with this machine before the clean install and several other computers, all immediate successes, so it is not a corrupt iso file.

I have followed every solution on the two Heath Stewart blogs and several more.

I have:
Run sfc /scannow. No problems. Defragmented my hard disk. Copied the files to hard disk, run off DVD, run from iso, and repeated with other iso. Disabled all CRL checks using setreg.exe Downloaded the CRL list although my internet has been connected all the time. Done a System Restore, same problem. Used signtool.exe on and others, digital signature validated successfully. I am getting so annoyed now. I am a programmer, and have not written a single line of code for over a month now! Please do not tell me to use Notepad and csc.exe! I cannot even continue with Project Euler: Project Euler

If I thought that I would be able to uninstall it and not cause massive problems later, I would try Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.

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Slow, Visual Studio 2008

Nov 29, 2009

I've been working for days to speed up Vista performance, have been through all the usual performance tweak tutorials (appearance/performance, start-up apps, etc) and am frustrated... In general Vista is not too bad performance-wise, but is very slow to open Internet Explorer and to find the first web page (OK after that), and is verrry sloooow to bring up or close Visual Studio 2008. Intellisense and typing in a project is nearly unusably slow. I have to type a few characters, wait several seconds for intellisense to finally pop up, type a little more, wait again (and again and again.) This box is my new dev box and I'm going to drop it over a cliff rather than work with it the way it is (not! But the temptation is there...)

In googling around, I don't see a lot of other folks having similar issues so I'm assuming that there is a setup or config or software or services or 'some' type of issue that is specific to my machine that can very likely correct the issue and get me back on track. I don't know where to start however, and am seeking some advice on where to start. As stated, I've already disabled all the startups (start up menu, msconfig) that I can, I think, and have already played with the appearance settings, and have even tried raising the priority on visual studio to 'Real Time' via the task manager And yes, things are better than they were, but the slow response time for Intellisense and typing in VS08 is killing me

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Slow After Installing Visual Studio 2008

Apr 6, 2008

after installing visual studio 2008, it takes 20-30 more seconds for the windows orb to come after the progress is shown at boot. A black screen with a busy cursor is shown for 20 seconds and then the orb comes. The Visual Studio 2008 is installed without the SQL express option.

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Visual Studio Installation Crashes

Mar 30, 2008

Has anyone tried to install Visual Studio 2008 on Vista? Installation crashes and crashes. So does the installation of Express editions. Why cannot a Microsoft program run on a Microsoft operating system

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Unable To Install As Visual Studio 2005 Is 32-bit Supported And My Os Is 64-bit

Feb 9, 2010

I have a vista home pre 64 bit os. I tried to install visual studio 2005 standard edition but i am unable to install as visual studio 2005 is 32-bit supported and my os is 64-bit.

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Installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Failure

Sep 13, 2008

When attempting to instal Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 on my Windows Vista computer, I got the following error: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite - ENU: [2] ERROR:Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.ATL,type="win32",version="8.0.50727.42",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="ia64"'.

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Visual C++ 2008 Update X86 Or X64

Sep 18, 2009

I need to update my Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. I need to know which version... either x86 or x64. My operating system is Vista home premium - 64 bit. The computer is an Acer6920.

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After Instalation Windows, Did Not Have Digital Signature

Jan 31, 2009

I recently updated my drivers for my video card (an integrated Ati Radeon Hd3200)off of Ati/Amd's website. After instalation windows told me it did not have a digital signature so it would not be allowed to run. I tried to reinstall multiple times to no effect. The main thing is that I can not access my CCC ( Catalyst Control Center). Im running a out of the box Hp pavilion dv4 - 1222nr entertainment notebook pc. I have specs upon request. Sorry im not a verygood speller.

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Windows Mail Encryption And Digital Signature

Feb 6, 2009

When I want to send an email, it tells me that the message won't be encrypted and that it doesn't have a digital signature for my outgoing mail or the recipient of my email. My question is this: how do I get this and is it necessary?

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3rd Party Application "Missing Digital Signature Certificate"

Apr 30, 2009

When starting 3rd party app there is a Windows popup warning about missing digiital signature certificate. Which Vista settings are responsible for that message? I need to disable it.

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WM Signature: Using An HTML File For The Signature

Mar 23, 2008

The only way I've been able to have my signature included in posts is to = use RTF, but even then the signature is automatically included only with = a new post. When I post a reply I need to manually insert it. I'm using = an HTML file for the signature.

The only way I've been able to have my signature = included in=20 posts is to use RTF, but even then the signature is=20 automatically included only with a new post. When I post a reply I need = to=20 manually insert it. I'm using an HTML file for the = signature.

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Realtek Digital Out(RCA) Only 2 Channel Sound To RCA Digital Into Reciever

Dec 31, 2008

Sound functions but reciever is only detecting 2 channel output. Apon browsing RealTekHD audio properites I discovered that the only options for Digital Output(RCA) were all 2-Channel under "Default Format" tab. However my front pannel Audio Output Jack(HD Audio 2nd Output) has an extra third tab labeled "Speaker Configuration" and has options for up to 7.1 surround but these settings do not impact my Digital Output(RCA) channel. Now my reciever does have a multi-channel input that could take advantage of the Analog Outputs in the rear but the distance is to great and multiple wires are expensive.

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Uninstalling Samsung Pc Studio Used

Apr 26, 2010

i am uninstalling programs and there are quite a few that are samsung,is it safe to assume that they are left over from when i uninstalled samsung pc studio used for my mobile phone or are they to do with computer.

View 6 Replies View Related An Unhandled Error Has Occurred

Sep 16, 2009

I have various applications which I sell. Written in Visual some in 2003, and some in 2008 versions. However the problem is the same with both. The applications have been running successfully on Vista 32 bit, but with Vista 64 bit, this error message appears when the user tries to start the program: Runtime error: An unhandled error has occurred. "An attempt to load a program with an incorrect format, (Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B)" If the problem persists, please contact your software supplier.

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Windows Update Failure: Studio

Nov 24, 2009

I have a Studio laptop with Windows Vista 32 bit installed that has recently failed on every attempt for Windows Update. Just does not respond.

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Installed Samsung Studio Not Runing

Aug 25, 2009

i just bought Samsung jet and have installed Samsung New PC studio into my laptop. But i cannot run this program as it keep on appeared: New PC Studio has stopped working.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: NewPCStudio.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49e6d9a5......

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Trying To Insert A Signature

Jun 27, 2008

I have been trying to insert a signature which includes a logo into messages for one of my e-mail accounts. No matter where I place the html file (built using Frontpage) holding the signature and graphic, the graphic will not show in the message. Just the horrible red 'x' below the text. Clicking the blank,

View 8 Replies View Related

Insert A Jpg File Into A Signature

Jun 19, 2008

I recently purchased my business card in a jpg file so I can use it in an automated signature. I do Tools>Options>Signatures>File>Browse and insert the file with my e-card. When I go to create a new email, all that appears instead of my card is.

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Signature With A Business Card

May 2, 2009

i want to be able to click on insert signature in my e mail and have my business card appear

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Logo In An E-mail Signature.

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried to save the following info with the required path, but have been unable to save it from Notepad to another file in an .htm file. I have used the following info for notepad. This would be the path to your logo

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Signature Why Is It Double Spaced

Jul 29, 2009

I'm having a problem with my signature. I've created it in Microsoft Works Word Processor and everything appears correct except for the double spacing. It is not double spaced on the Word Processor so why after I transfer it to Windows Mail does it get double spaced??? I can't figure out how to correct this;

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Adjust Visual Effects

Jun 10, 2008

The Windows Experience Index was 2.0, held down because of "memory operations per second." So I just added two 1 GB memory modules. Now the score for Memory is 4.6 (yay!). But the score for "Graphics" is still 2.4. I went to "adjust visual effects" and clicked "adjust for best performance." And so my screen looks ifferent now--I gather this is "Classic Windows," as opposed to "Aero." But the score is still the same: 2.4! What do I have to do to make it go higher?

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BioShock & Microsoft Visual

Nov 28, 2008

I just recently bought a new computer, and a few days ago I decided to install a BioShock demo through Steam. Everything went right just until I decided to try the demo for the first time. In the loading process, I see BioShock logo, and then the screen goes black and nothing happens: no visual, no sound, nothing, and I have to close the program / process.

I saw in Steam board, BioShock section, advices to solve some problems, and one was to uninstall the Microsoft Visual C++, and the game would reinstall them again automatically in the reinstallment process. The problem is that the game won't install nothing at all, and, in truth, not even starts, cause it goes all black just like I said previously.

Few questions here: a) I can't remember right, but it seems my computer already came from the store with two versions installed of Microsoft Visual C++: Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (it didn't said the version, but I presume it was x86) and Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64).........

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Visual Master Messed Everything Up!

Aug 27, 2009

I've been "using" this forum for a long time, as a guest. I finally decided to register My problem is, I downloaded and tried to use Vista Visual Master (v1.0.2) to change my boot logo as mentioned in this forum. I also had to change the input languge to en-US. It didn't workout anyway. After closing the program i realised that my explorer settings have been changed (While browsing locally, every single folder opens another window.)

As well as my OEM info beeing deleted. So I opened the Folder Options to change the settings to the default position. I clicked Apply then OK. I logged off and on again and opened Computer. I double-clicked Local Disk and it opened another window. So I decided to download the theme program again. I downloaded it but i encountered an error saying that windows has blocked the destination (which is the Temp. folder) and now i can't even save a file I downloaded from the internet. I think this is a self-protection behavior becouse of the changed settings. P.S. I also tried to reset folder and desktop options from regedit.

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Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable.

Mar 23, 2008

I bought vista ultimate 32 for my new build and I have had nothing but problems. When trying to install 3 different games, i get an error when it is "configuring visual c++ 2005 redistributable. i am very angry that microsofts own plugins dont work with their own operating system and I must pay $60 to have them fix it. I am not going to pay them to fix their own problem. I have spent $180 on 3 games and NONE of them work...

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Alright, I Have Visual Issues

Mar 18, 2009

This is my issue. I installed Vista Home Premuim 32-bit and at first everything worked fine and looked how it should. Then i purchased driver detective. I have a dell with the sigmatell audio and nvidia graphics. I updated all the drivers it said were out of date, but there is one that i've downloaded and didn't automatically install, so I manually stuck the driver files into the folder specified by Dell, specifically the R144920 folder. Now when I load Vista it looks just like xp. no black toolbar, no glass windows, just your basic classic windows look. I tried to go to to colors and appearances to switch it back to the vista look and it's not even an option anymore. I've tried everything I know to get it back to the vista look, set aside another whole system restore, which I really don't want to do again( just got all my programs installed and registered, took 1 whole day) but nothing has worked.

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Microsoft Visual C ++: Can Not Log On To Windows

Apr 18, 2010

I get this message when I turn on my computer: "Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information". I dont get the chance to log on to windows because of this message.

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Windows Mail Signature And Attachments

May 14, 2009

Recently bought a Dell Inspiron laptop from Future Shop and having a
couple of challenges:

1. Regarding standard text signature at the end of an e-mail: I set up
going through tools, options, signature and want it to appear at the end
of each originally created e-mail and the end of each reply or Arial and font size of 10. Works fine when I create an
e-mail, but for a reply or a forward appears as Times New Roman.
Anything I can do to ensure always shows as Arial?

2. Regarding attachments received with an e-mail: often unable to open
when I click on. Someone suggested saving the attachment to the desk top
and then opening...generally works but a pain to save. Someone suggested
the problem is that I don't have full Microsoft Office suite on the
laptop just what came with it-Microsoft Works. Attachements being sent
are not unusual...generally Word, Excel, PDF or PowerPoint. Any
suggestion so that I don't have to save to desktop?

3. Last question...laptop came with a webcam, the workings of which I
am new to. Doesn't always open/work when I click on its icon...window
opens and says " please plug in a supported webcam". Sometimes when I
unplug from internet and reboot computer the webcam works.

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Rundll32.exe, Signature, Event Name:APPCRASH

Mar 31, 2008

I am getting this error...seems to occur pretty randomly. Just reinstalled Vista twice (clean). Each time going from clean install to Vista HP SP1. Error seems to change a bit each time.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:rundll32.exe
Application Version:6.0.6000.16386
Application Timestamp:4549b0e1
Fault Module Name:USER32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6000.16386
Fault Module Timestamp:4549bdc9
Exception Code:c0000142
Exception Offset:00008fc7
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:1033
Additional Information 1:9d13
Additional Information 2:1abee00edb3fc1158f9ad6f44f0f6be8
Additional Information 3:9d13
Additional Information 4:1abee00edb3fc1158f9ad6f44f0f6be8

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID:345306578

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Signature Or Business Card Grayed Out

Mar 23, 2008

When writing an email, clicking on insert drops down various choices, but Signature & Business card are grayed out. Does anyone know how to use this feature? It was easy to set up in Outlook Express.

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Insert The Signature On Top Of A Reply Instead Of At The Bottom?

Apr 29, 2008

I created a signature in windows mail and it is inserted in every mail and reply at the bottom of the mail. However, I always reply on top of a message so that the person who receives my reply doesn't need to scroll down to read the (latest) reply. Now, I have to move the signature from the bottom to the end of my reply, above the original message I received. Is there any way to insert the signature on top of a reply instead of at the bottom?

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