Vista Take So Long To Shutdown?

Apr 28, 2008

Why does Vista take so long to shutdown? I've got a brand new Dell Inspiron 530, quad-core box with 4GB ram, so I'm pretty sure it's not the hardware. I did a clean install of Vista too. When I click restart it literally is on the "shutting down" screen for 2 minutes. That's not an exaggeration at all - I clocked it several times. Is there something I can do to speed it up?

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Why Does Windows Vista X64 Search So Long?

Apr 28, 2008

Why does Windows Vista x64 search so long, especially when the progress in the bar is at the end and the ring in rolling?

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Vista Has Too Long Shut Down Time

Nov 8, 2009

A short time ago I solved following error: "Error 49: Volmgr. Conf page file for crash dump failed". Thanks to a guru here in this forum, he told me to enter into System/Advanced/Performance Settings/.../Virtual Memory Change, and check the “Automatically manage paging file size”. The error reporting stopped, everything OK so far. However, after that moment my Vista uses extremely long time to shut down, up to 2 minutes. No error reports, nothing wrong as far as I can see, my Vista works perfectly well, and has a very quick start up.

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Long File Names In Vista Nothing Works

Feb 21, 2009

I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit, and on one particular drive, I had backed up some files with extremely long names from a different system. The kind of stuff you find as temp files in the "Content.IE5" sub directory of "Temporary Internet Files."

Now, I'm trying to delete a parent directory where all these files are located. But Vista, in it's ultimate wisdom is giving me an error, indicating that it cannot delete these files becuse the overall path is too long - It suggested I move the files to a place with a "shorter path," but when I try, it won't let me do it for the same damned reason! The Source path is too long Nothing works.

Attempting to delete individual files, the parent directory, the "grand parent" directory all fail because Vista attempts to calculate/sum space and thus accesses each individual file, and fails because the "path is too long." When I try to rename individual files, it grays out the "rename" option. Is there any way I can either get rid of these files or bypass the "file length" warning so I can delete them? Formatting the drive is *not* an option. This is a SAN drive with lots of stuff on it and I'd never be able to off load it all.

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Install Vista Od Seven Takes Long Time

Apr 9, 2009

when I install x64 XP, i have no troubles, but when I try to install Vista od Seven, both x64, installation takes ages... it does install at the end, but it just takes too long (read: 2 hours). After instalation, it continues to be slow, both of the cores are at 100%. I've search for a while for a solution, but I've found different answers for the same problem, none of them works. Is there anyone with the same/simmilar configuration and has no troubles with vista?

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Vista Take A Long Time To Print Even Just A 1 Word Paper Using Notepad

May 15, 2010

I am running Windows Vista Home premium 64bit with 8gb ram and an hp c309a printer. My problem is that vista take a long time to print even just a 1 word paper using notepad. Also when i right click the printer in the printer folder it also take time to open the properties, aprox 3 minutes. So if i try to print it takes 3 minutes just to open the tab to click print and to select the printer i wish to use. The c309a is connected by usb cable, and i have tried re-installing the latest drivers and firmware for the printer as well as different usb cables and each of my usb ports. Yet for some reason there is a long 3+ minute pause when trying to print. I have also tried using the network feature and I still have same trouble. Also i have checked to make sure print spooling is on in services. HP has a utility to check for issues for both network and for usb, and the printer passes each test fine. I have done so many full uninstalls and installing of the software as well as the cable changes it is driving me nuts. I have been google'ing for days and days and have had no luck in fixing this issue. One last comment every time i try to print the applications I am using freeze for the 3+ minutes and the window application shows "application not responding", but after 3+ minutes i can finally select the printer and hit print, then at that point it freezes again for about 2 minutes and then prints. I have run multiple virus scans and multiple spyware detection programs and have also run online virus scans using bitdefend and trendmicro as well and i have no virus or spyware. I have also ran "hijackThis" and been told my system appears clean.

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Shutdown Causes Hardisks To Spin Up Shutdown 4 Times

Jun 13, 2007

I have read elsewhere of some users experiencing the problem of hard disks making the infamous clicking noises on shutdown of any version of vista. I don't know if its only SATA HD but thats what I have and I am experiencing the same thing. It has me concerned that the clicking of the HD arms might be unnecessary wear and tear. any fixes for this?

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Programming Keyboard Keys: 'browse' To The Command Vista Uses To Shutdown

Mar 30, 2010

I just got my hands on a MS 3000 wireless keyboard. This thing is nice. Anyway you can program/reset just about all the keys. My wired keyboard had a power button, this one has no power know that you can shutdown windows with a push of a button. Well, since I can reassign keys I need to 'browse' to the command vista uses to shutdown. Any one know it ?

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Windows Failed To Start: Shutdown And Install Updates In Vista

Oct 6, 2009

last night before bed I clicked shutdown and install updates in Vista. I woke up this morning and my computer will not turn on. It leads me to this: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and then click "next"

3. Click "repair your computer"

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assisance.

File: BootBCD

Status: 0xc000000f

Info: An error occured while attempting to read the boot configuration data.

problem I have is that I do not have vista installation dvd. I am currently studying abroad in Rome and will take more time than I have to receive the dvd in the mail. None of my friends here have one either, but they all have the same make and model computer that I do. Is it possible for one of them create a installation dvd that I could use? Or could they make a recovery disc that could as least get me to the system recovery options screen?

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Vista Home Premium 64bit Low Power Shutdown Icon

Jan 31, 2009

For some reason, the laptop I just bought (Gateway FX P-7805u) will not remain shutdown if the Ethernet cable is still plugged in, and will turn itself back on. Sometimes it's immediately after shutdown, sometimes it's a few minutes later. I am actually pressing shutdown (not the "low power" option button, that looks very similar to the shutdown icon, located next to the Lock button in the Start Menu).

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Vista "repair/install" And How Long This Takes?

Mar 23, 2008

I may have to run a Vista "repair/install" and I wonder how long this takes? Soon seems best before SP1 is released.

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Long Log In Times

Apr 15, 2009

I have several Vista business 32bit laptops,of various makes and models, but all have the same problem. They are joined to a w2k3r2 domain, and whenever the users take them home and are not connected to the domain, they are unable to login. They can get to the welcome screen and put in their domain username and password but it will sit forever at the welcome screen with the circle spinning. I have clocked it up to an hour before shutting it down. As soon as they come in the next day and are plugged into our network they have no problems. However I have found that if I log in as the local administrator, let everything come up, I can log off and log back in with my cached domain user account. i did check to see if the user profiles were actually created ahead of time and they are. I am stumped and it is to the point where I am ready to downgrade to xp on these machines as work is being lost.

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LONG Boot Up

Feb 14, 2007

I'm running a clean install of Home Premium. I basically rebuilt my computer to run vista. The problem is that when I boot, it gets past my normal boot screen (where you enter your bios options) and goes to a black screen. Then after several minutes (3-5) I get the green vista progress bar and the computer boots into Vista. Once i'm in, it's a screaming machine. Works great, I've got a WEI of 4.4. Anyone know why the boot up takes SOOOO long?

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Very Long Wait

Apr 10, 2009

I have just purchase a Toshiba laptop with AMD dual core , 2 gig of ram and 250 gig hard drive. I had to complete the vista-setup myself. I started the computer and it's standing right next to me but is only displaying one strange icon for already 15 minutes now. Is it normal that it takes that long?

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How Long Does It Take To Load?

Mar 26, 2008

im getting kinda tired if not mad about having to install vista. I had XP on a system I just built for a friend but now I have been trying to install Vista 64 on his new gammin rig. Howeve Ive found that the load process seems to be locking up. The first time I tried to load it, it just sat at 0% in Expanding files, the second time at 18% and were talking 30 mins at a time. Im just about had it with messing with windows vista and doing a nice fresh XP load on it cause I know that It works already, I just wanted him to get the newer better...........

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No Long E-Mails

Jan 13, 2009

I can not send long E-Mails IE with movies or pictures. the first message I get is: your SMTP server has not responed in 60 seconds. would you like to wait another 60 seconds for the server to respond. Account: ATTnet E-Mail, erver:mailhost. then I get the error protocol: SMTP, Port: 25 secure(SSL) NO, error number: 0x800CCC19.

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How Long Should Keep Backups?

Jul 15, 2009

1) How long should I keep backups performed by windows? (files back)

2) How long should I keep backups performed by Acronis software (entire system backs)

I've got windows backups from the beginning of 2009 and I keep about 6 Acronis backups.

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Email: Reply Is Too Long

May 8, 2008

I just got a new HP PC with Vista. The Windows Mail is brutal! When I hit reply I have to wait forever for the email to open up and I can start typing.

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Long Filenames Showing

Mar 24, 2010

I use Vista x64 and I browse my explorer windows in the 'List' view. Just recently (well, today actually) my main music folder has decided it will not shorten the file names (limit the amount of characters shown) and is showing the full length, which means I am only seeing one column until I scroll along to the right as some names are LONG. This is very annoying. It doesn't do it in any other view mode and it doesn't do it if I open a different folder (they're shorted with the '...' at the end), and yet directly or indirectly as soon as I open the music folder they are full again. As I wrote earlier I've tried the different 'view' modes and putting it back does nothing, so I'm perplexed why it's happened and how I can fix it.

ETA: Oh, I have to say it now seems like every folder's doing the same thing, and if I right click the 'Name' tag, go to 'More' and select the width for columns it does not save when I exit the folder and re-enter. This is how it looks now: and this is how it used to look, and how it temporarily looks if I switch the view to medium/large/extra large icons and then back (although as soon as I refresh the window, close, etc it reverts back): I did once use a registry edit to stop Vista changing the folder view due to folder content (I think this was it here, not sure), but I don't think that has any impact on this.

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Very Long Boot Cycle

Mar 29, 2009

When I launch Vista 64 Ultimate, my harddrive light shows activity for 7 to 10 minutes.
Is this normal or do I have something turned on that I can turn off? I run AVG antivirus, I'm going to check and see if it's doing a boot scan. But the disk activity is something like that....for a very long time.

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How Long Should Startup Repair Run For?

Mar 22, 2009

Or is this sort of like asking "how long is a piece of string?" My laptop was attacked by my 9 year old computer illiterate child this morning and has since failed to bootup. I got as far as the startup repair which kicked in automatically but after several cycles (each lasting a few minutes) it has now been "attempting repairs" for over 4 hours. It won't let me cancel and I don't want to cut the power in case it is still working and not actually hung. Should I let it carry on running? Should I cut the power? Any keys I could use to bypass? I can't provide a lot of info about the machine or what happened on the run up to the error.

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Does Take So Long To Delete Files?

Feb 8, 2009

When I'm deleting a large number of files, it takes forever. Why is this? This a new laptop which is supposed to be faster. It has 4 gig memory & a large hard drive. It is also very slow when emptying the recycle bin. In fact, everything in Vista seems to be slower than in XP, even though the older computer was 4 years old. What's the big deal with Vista supposed to be better? IMO it's not at all

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Start-up Screen Logo For Long

Jul 6, 2009

I have a GW M6307 2gigs ram with VHP 32 bit. Over the last several days on start-up the computer will show the GW screen for about 150 sec. then boot normally. I did do a Java update just before this started and have since uninstalled and reinstalled Java with no problem. I ran malware bytes(no issues) SFC ( 2 files repaired from log) and CHK disc. After shutting down for 10min. and a start-up the GW logo was normal(6 sec) with swift boot. This lasted 2 days. I ran SFC again and that appeared to fix the issue again for 2 days.

There appears to be nothing wrong anywere,in fact the box works great. All my drivers and bios are up to date.

It's more of a PIA then a problem....What would be the possible causes for the box to hang on the GW logo for so long??

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Too Long Boot Time (nearly 200 Seconds)

May 4, 2009

I use a hp pavilion laptop with 2 gb ram and centrino1.73ghz c2d vista ultimate 64bit.
most of the times when i press power button(when my laptop is switch off or say shut down)the very "first screen" which shows hp logo,intel logo and phoenix logo along with press del and press f options remains for too long and i mean too long i.e. nearly 160 seconds.but this problem occurs 8 outta 10 times.and whenever this problem occurs , cd rom icon from "my computer" window disappears and thus i cant use my cd/dvd when on switching on the "first screen" shows for a fraction of a second then everything works fine and cd/dvd rom appears in "my computer" window.i thought that there might be some problem in my hdd so i did a factory reset(i.e. recovery) bt to my disappointment nothing went right.the problem exists as it happened to be.

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Use Of The Battery In A Laptop For Long Time?

Aug 1, 2009

To keep the battery for a longer life what is the best:

1. using the mainpower : removing the battery and performing regularly a decharging and recharging?

2. using the mainpower : keeping the battery into the PC and performing regularly a decharging and recharging?

3. only working with the battery and of course performing the charging when needed?

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Motherboard 2 Long And 1 Short Beeps

Jun 12, 2009

im having another problem (they just keep coming) but this time it is with a brand new mmotherboard and RAM i just bought them yesterday and as the title says i get 1 short and 2 long beeps, i know what you guys will say is that i should take it back, but i would rather not as it is a two and a half hour return trip to the store (Umart for those locals) i read that it could be one of two things.

1. the Graphics card which i have checked in another board and it works

2. the RAM which i went to the store and replaced from one 2gb stick and now is 2X TEAM Xtreem 800mhz DDR2 and2X Kingston HyperX 1066Mhz DDR2 and they are all Brand New. Except the Graphics Card (Zotac nvidia 9800GT 612MB)are there any ideas of what i can do? as might have to drive to Umart tomorrow but would rather not. Please reply ASAP!

My Specs:

MotherBoard: Asus P5kPL-1600 Socket 775
CPU: intel P4 2.93Ghz
Graphics card: Zotac Nvidia 9800GT 512MB
HDD: Seagate Baracuda 250GB
RAM: 2X Kingston 1066mhz 2X team Extreme 800mhz DDR2
PSU: 550W

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System Restore - Taking Too Long?

Sep 13, 2008

I was trying to do a system restore – I went through the normal steps, (may be that was a mistake to start with) clicked on “restore to an earlier date" and selected 24 Aug. 30 hours later the restore is still running –the green line is still going across the bottom of the screen. Not sure what to do now – If I pull the plug on the PC what will or might happen? I have a HP Pavillion Elite M9351 with Vista Ultimate 64

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Very Long Response Of System After Rightclick

Nov 3, 2009

This problem have been bugging me for about a year now. Whenever I bring up a new window (where you can browse for files), when opening, saving or importing something into the applications, so when I rightclick anywhere (the space, the folders or files), it just hangs for a minute (sometimes longer), while I see an hourglass-mouse-cursor, and I can't do anything about that window. I can tab to other programs, though. Sometimes there is also the same delay, when I right-click an icon (of an application that does not exist) on my Quick Launch bar. I have tried different applications, like ShellX, ShellMenuView and ProcMon. I've also tried removing some keys in regedit, to get rid of the extra rightclick options (like Winrar).

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Rename File Takes Too Long?

Sep 16, 2008

I have a vista home premium 32bit. Whenever i try to rename a file or folder it takes around 1 min. I don't know why it happens.

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Can Check How Long A Process Has Been Running?

Oct 12, 2009

Is there a way to see how long a process has been running in a current Windows session? For an example, how long has calc.exe been running since it started? I also don't mean its CPU time either that I see in Task Manager. I just want to know how when it started.

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How Long Do Files Stay In Recycle Bin

Feb 25, 2009

I'm using Vista Home Premium, 64bit, with SP1 update. Problem: I have "recycled" several files thinking that they would stay in the recycle bin until I emptied it.... like in XP. However, the Vista Recycle Bin seems to empty itself. When I go back a few days later, the bin is empty, though I did not empty it. Hence my question: How long do files stay in Vista Recycle Bin? Is there a setting to keep it from auto-clearing the Recycle Bin?

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