Video Not Displaying When Controls Autohide

Dec 2, 2008

I'm having problems with media center displaying any kind of video on my second monitor ( well 40" sony TV). using WMP however the display is always fine. Even in media center when the video is playing full screen and the play/ pause buttons are displayed the video is fine but as soon as they autohide a frame of the video keeps repeating constantly (I'd sway the same frame at least once every second). I've tried changing the screen resolution etc in media center and in the display adapter section but I can't seem to stop this. As I said WMP and other programs play back the files correctly so why doesn't media center?

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Adjusting Video Slider Controls In WMP11

Jun 10, 2008

Have Vista HP on a Dell 1525. When I play a WMA file, adjusting any of the video settings slider controls has no affect on the quality of the video playing, not even if I adjust the settings before clicking 'Play'. When I play mpg files, however, adjusting the settings DOES result in the video quality being changed corresponding to the whichever setting is changed. What I can I do to solve this problem when playing WMA files? Is there some setting I need to amend or do I need to download a file/codec?

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Parental Controls?

Jan 26, 2009

I use the parental control for my son. But I think he is enough old to install the programs himself, but I still have to limit his time and games on the computer. Everytime he wants to install something, either it asks for my password, either it says he has to be the administrator. Isn't there a way he can install the programs himself, without the need of my password and still have the time limit activiated on his account?

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Parental Controls Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I can't get Parental Controls working in Vista. "Parental Controls" is "On" for every account on my machine, but nothing is blocked. I get no errors. Rebooting doesn't work. Manually adding sites to the "banned" list doesn't work.

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Sidebar Background Controls

Jun 30, 2008

To the right of the PLUS symbol (open gadgets) in the very top right corner of the sidebar there is a left arrow & a right arrow. I think they are supposed to cycle through backgrounds but on mine they are greyed out and do nothing. I have yet to see any mention of these controls in any help file or discussion. Are there different sidebar backgrounds and if so, how do I access them? Right now, my background is opaque.

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Parental Controls Doesn't Allow For This Game To Run

May 30, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64bit, I'm trying to install and run aBETA game I need to test, all goes fine until I try to run it, I get themessage "Parental controls doesn't allow for this game to run". I haveone account, as admin, no password and I already tried "run as admin" for the game but still the same. When I go to parental controls it tells me none are set as I'm an administrator, so no way to turn them on or off! I don't want another account, I just want one account, I'm the only user and I want to be able to do eveything with my account. How can I completely turn parental controls off?

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Parental Controls And Safe Mode

May 15, 2010

I have a 14 year old son who is not happy about parental controls--I know he now knows about using Safe Mode from a friend. I started up Vista with Safe Mode to see what I could do on his account. It still wouldn't let me sign in under his name b/c of the time limits....but there must be a way around that. Can I tell if he has used Safe Mode to get around parental controls?

Is there a way to put a password on Safe Mode? I set a password for BIOS, but I don't know what good that does. I know there is parental control software out there (Web Watcher is one I was looking at)....but what good is it if a teen can just get around it?

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Remote Parental Controls Access

Mar 15, 2009

greetings. how can i access parential controls remotely to monitor my childrens activity on thier laptops? the laptops are running windows vista. basic and it is on a LAN connected to the internet. each child has their own laptop. so having me sneek in to thier rooms at night to go in to the admin account just to view thier activity is a pain. but if there was a way to do it remotely it would make things alot simpler.

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Screen Brightness Controls Don't Work

Jan 6, 2010

Just developed a problem with the screen brightness on my Laptop. When I unplug from the mains it dims, as normal but it will not brighten up again until I reboot with it plugged into the mains. Plugging the power back in doesn't work the brightness controls don't work, disabling auto dimming doesn't work.

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Unable To Make Changes To Parental Controls

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to make changes to parental controls. I get an error message that reads: "Unable to make changes to parental controls settings. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator." I am an administrator on the computer. I have tried creating a new account and making changes there and that did not work.

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Cant Get Activex Controls/plug Working?

Mar 10, 2007

i installed adobe 8 and easy media creator 9 .the 1st one dont let me click the accept button in license user agreement. the 2nd dont show the home page with all the functions. its because i still cant get the activex controls/plug-ins working. the site requiring them just show a blank page

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Font In 64 Elevated CMD And Admin Controls

Sep 7, 2009

I'm using an HP a6827c dual channel 64 bit machine and have been trying to disable the completely the admin control system using a solution from this forum by going to an elevated command prompt and typing a command string. the instructions say to type using "Bold" characters. (Does not work in regular font)(I tried that). How does one change to bold font in the command prompt window?

I'm a beginner at this and especially in Vista. DOS was such a long time ago so I need help badly. I understand that doing away with admin controls compromises security but plan to switch back after I clean up some of the files that I can't seem to delete now. I have been working with the Brink reply 6/1/07 and like someone else I read about on one of the posts, I feel that if we own our computer, are the only administrators and users, that we should have total control and not the computer or MS.

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Active X Controls And Plug Ins To Run"

Aug 4, 2008

Every time I try and do something open browser, email, etc. A box pops up saying " Do you want to allow software such as Active X controls and plug ins to run" I know it is just a setting some where but I can't find it. So asking for some help in locating this setting so I can stop the box from popping up all the time. running Vista home premium X64.

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Parental Controls Blocks Hotmail Access

Mar 1, 2009

Since activating Parental Controls using Vista 64-bit SP1, whenever I try to access my hotmail account using the web gui, I get the following error message: This webpage is not available. The webpage at Sign In might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. More information on this error Below is the original error message Error 320 (net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE): Unknown error.

I can access my HotMail messages by direct download into the Outlook application on my Vista PC, and also via web gui in XP. How can I figure out what setting I need to relax in Parental Controls, to allow me to access my mail? For me it is less urgent than for my son: he is also prevented from using the web gui, and doesn't have the luxury of an Outlook account.

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WPG Not Displaying B&W Images Correctly

Jul 26, 2009

I have an issue with Windows Photo Gallery and viewing black & white images. The problem I am having is the white parts of the image seems to have an almost light blueish tint, and the black parts look like they were done using dark blue ink.

The thumbnail for the image, as well as opening it in paint and opening it in slideshow displays the image correctly.

So far, I attempted to fix this problem myself by changing my ICC profile in the color management settings multiple times, even rebooting my pc for some of the changes, as well as uninstalling my monitor drivers, with unsuccessful results. I do not know if this is an issue with my OS, my monitor, or my video card.

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Certain Websites Not Displaying Correctly In X64

Apr 4, 2008

Today, I was forced to use my Vista Ultimate installation disc to reinstall Vista - since yesterday morning, my computer was not able to get out of a loop (first going to Windows Error Recovery and then, when selecting any of the options, going to the green loading bar, where it the green bar stopped moving about 2/3 of the way, and going back to Windows Error Recovery).

The installation went smoothly enough, but I am absolutely clueless how to get my computer to roughly the same conditions it was before this fiasco. Fortunately, it would appear that all of my files and folders from before this re-installation have been saved in the folder Windows.old. However, I am at a complete loss as to how to reconfigure my Internet connection, how to restore my previous screen resolution (there are now only three options for resolution under Display Settings), and essentially getting the basics back in order.

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Websites Not Displaying Properly

Jun 21, 2009

at some sites, the pictures don't download, but instead I get little square placeholder frames with a red x on them. I get this at and also But other websites load fine. It only happens rarely. Especially since I'd like to see what I want to buy from Kohls I am using Vista with IE 8.0.

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Edge Of Screen Not Displaying

Jun 8, 2008

The problem I am having is when i enable my graphics card (geforce 9800 GTX) the edges of the display go out of viewing. I have tried using vista and nvidia drivers, either way once the graphic card is enabled with drivers the format changes and the edges of the display go out of screen. I am still able to click on the task bar and other windows when they are out of screen, because my mouse will also go out of screen to reach them.
If i disable my graphics card, the viewing area is fine.

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IE7: Manage Add-ons Not Displaying Correctly

Dec 7, 2008

As you can see, the right columns, normally showing publisher and status, have disappeared. Looks the same if I start IE without add-ons. I check the add-ons from time to time, but I am not sure what has happened here since last. I believe I have installed an nVidia ActiveX to detect latest driver for my graphics card, and yesterday I installed update 11 to Java 6.

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Annoying Pop-up Windows, Set Password, Activate Parental Controls

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista Ultimate. Every time I turn on my computer, little pop up windows tell me to set a password as a way to activate Parental Controls. HOWEVER, I do not need Parental Controls - I am the only user of the computer and I have not activated the Guest Account or created any other user account. And I do not want to give a password to myself? How can I stop these annoying pop up windows from popping up EVERY time I turn on my computer?

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Setup Parental Controls And IE7 Add-ons To Work Under High Setting

Mar 15, 2008

i set up an account for my daughter, and setup parental controls and under the webfilter i set the setting to high which is what i want but i cannot get adobe flash player or any other of the IE7 add-ons to work under high setting, but will work under meduim setting. how can i get adobe flash player/add-ons to work under high setting? my daughter is 5yrs, and i just want all of nick jr website to work, right now she cannot watch the shows that they have on the site or play the games on the site. like i said everything does work fine on medium setting but i feel that setting is not right for a 5yr.

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Trouble With Displaying Of Mhtml Content

Feb 7, 2010

I've trouble with displaying of *.mhtml files / content on a Vista SP2 PC.

IE8 shows "The page cannot be displayed", and Windows Mail isn't able to show mail content (IMAP server), but the list of mails is updated as usual.

Currently saved web pages (as *.mht ) can be opened!
(And their content looks very similar.)

This trouble only affects one (restricted) user account. Others and Administrator eren't affected. So reason is located in this special user profile.

The mshtml.dll is ok, of course (only Administrator is allowed to change).

A virus scan didn't produce a result.

Do anybody know how the display of *.mhtml files is working en detail?

Where can I look for the reason of this display problem (with mshtml.dll)?

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Certain Websites Not Displaying Correctly In X64, Happens In All Browser

Apr 5, 2008

This problem happens in all browsers. I can't see Adbrite ads, for example. And some websites don't display correctly. Here's how my website displays Statcounter: To see how it should be displayed visit StatCounter Free invisible Web tracker, Hit counter and Web stats. I have Flash Player installed, so that shouldn't be the problem. I also have Java 32 bits SE installed.

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Selecting Files Not Displaying Detail

May 6, 2008

I recently upgraded from XP to Vista and for the most I really like the improvements. One thing that is annoying me is that if your folder view is details and you have your mouse set to select when you hover your cursor over a file it will select the file even if you hover over the size column or the type column etc.
In XP it would only select if you hovered over the name of the file. Is there anyway to change this setting?

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Started Displaying Stopped Working

Aug 12, 2009

I had Netmeter installed to show network activity. I like to see if I'm downloading or if I'm just sitting waiting for nothing. Then when on vacation in June/July, Netmeter on Vista suddenly started displaying an incredibly long list of "network adapters" with the weirdest names and descriptions, while at the same time saying it couldn't find any active adapter. This after it worked for a long time (years?) on XP and then on Vista since December when I got a new laptop. In frustration I downloaded the Netmeter beta. This alleviated the problem and I could see network activity again. Unfortunately, the beta was simply an .exe file, not an install through Windows installer.

Now, after a few weeks, when I start up, I get a message that Netmeter has stopped working and that Vista has reported the problem to MS (asif that will do anything!). Unfortunately, I can't get it to not start up, since the option to start at boot-up is set in the program and since the program won't start ... you get my drift? How can I safely tell Vista to not attempt to start Netmeter at start-up?

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Emails Not Displaying Full Contents

Apr 18, 2009

my emails have a message "Some pictures have been blocked etc.etc:- Click here to download pictures. On doing this the headings come through but there are gaps or empty spaces were pictures should be.

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Calendar Gadget Displaying Uninstall

Jun 16, 2009

I used to have a Calendar Gadget displaying on my Vista Home Premium Sidebar. Someone in my house decided to remove it by opening the box that shows the Gadget Gallery, right clicked on the calendar, then clicked Uninstall. How do I get it back?

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How To Stop Outlook Displaying Emails

Sep 11, 2009

This is driving me nuts - I CANNOT stop Outlook displaying emails in my Inbox by size. This behaviour is new - previously, they were shown by the sender, and even though the sort criterion is displayed as 'Arranged By: From', I cannot get rid of these maddeningly irritating and totally unwanted '2KB', '10KB', etc. If you would like to know what steps I have taken, I have: Tried to reset the criteria about 8 times Ran System Restore twice Uninstalled Office in it's entirety and reinstalled. I cannot shake this behaviour off and it's really getting on my nerves now.

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Displaying Email Addresses In Windows Mail

Jun 20, 2008

When sending a message in Windows Mail, the 'TO' line shows the recipient's name and email address. Is there any way to just show the name and not email address?

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Not Displaying Option, Network Adapter Not Function Properly

Apr 4, 2009

My board is an Asus P5QC...the most unstable board I have ever owned... Anyway, I got this board since November and it was not running it's best but the I had the basics running. In the past 3 months, I have re-installed Vista 9 times I was blaming Vista, but I notice that my BIOS for some weird reason is not displaying some option that I had before. Now my network adapter will not function properly. I tried my old driver and the latest drivers, I installed it the way it is suppose to be installed and success.
I tested all my cat 5 and they are all in good condition. My router is functionning well, seeing that my other computers are working.

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Displaying Email Addresses On The Left Payne Underneath

Mar 23, 2008

I m looking for the correct way of displaying all my email addresses on the left payne underneath - the Local Folders, inbox, sent, drafts etc.. instead of going up to the toolbar and going through that procedure looking for the correct addresses for an email.

I just want it the way i had it on my old pc when i used outlook express. Also currently when emailing - the persons name and email address both appear in the 'to' box, which i cant seem to fix to just the persons real name. Both of these question are real headscratchers for me and have spent many hours on them already.

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