User Folder Corrupt

Apr 21, 2009

I recently partitioned my 500 GB hard disk on my Vista computer into multiple drives in order to keep data files and picture files separate. In doing that I succeeded in

screwing up the folder line-up in my user folder. In spite of many tries I haven't been able to "unscrew" it. There are two main problems:

1. There are now two folders called Pictures (E referring to ther new partition

Both of these folders contain the same subfolders and files. No matter what I try, I cannot delete one of these listings.

2. There is an additional folder called Pictures.

However this folder contains all the music folders and files. When I try to rename this folder to Music, I get the error message:"This action can't be completed because the

folder is open in another program", even though no other programs are running.

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After Virus, System Restore Causes Corrupt User Profile

May 15, 2010

I believe my computer got infected with a virus. Windows Defender detected "TrojanDwonlaoder:Win32/Bredolab.AA" and "Trojan:Win32/Hiloti.gen!D". It claims to have successfully removed these. I restart my computer. When I log on, I get Data Execution Protection notifications about Rundl32 and the like. I also notice that "flvencoder.exe" is running and consuming 30% CPU. I did install this program (Gmax FLV encoder) and perhaps it contained a virus (though the program worked). I also don't recall that it should have started upon logging on. None of this really matters, I don't think. I did a System Restore to a point before I installed Gmax FLV encoder (3 days prior). The restore completes successfully. Upon logging into my account, I get see the "Preparing Desktop" message and know that this is not good news. My user profile was not loaded. All of the data is there though. What I first tried to do was logging into Safe Mode, and setting the reg. keys such that my old profile is loaded instead of a temporary one...................................

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Cookies Folder Corrupt

Mar 21, 2009

When Vista Home Premium 64 bit boots, an error pops up from the system tray saying that C:Users(username)AppdataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsCookies is corrupt, and suggests to run chkdsk (which did not help). I've tried renaming the folder to see if Vista would recreate a new one, but the same error appears, with the new folder name. I tried to delete the folder, would not delete, gave no reason why. I tried booting into the hidden admin account to delete it, still would not delete. If I try to open the folder, it says the folder is corrupt, it cannot be opened.

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Moved Documents Folder To User Profile Folder

May 18, 2010

I've accidentally moved my Documents Folder into my user profile folder by mistake and now i have a mess. basically I now have a folder that goes something like this: c:usersdocuments and it contains a duplicate of everything that was already in the desktopusernamedocuments folder except now I can't rename or delete my user profile I don't have a restore point to go back to what can I do?

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Missing User Folder

Nov 2, 2009

i did a bunch of things from the forum but my folder is missing still from my user folder example:

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No Text For Icons In User Folder

Jan 8, 2009

I've been away from the computer for the past three weeks, and when I got home I discovered everything in perfect working order. Everything, that is, except for my User Folder. None of the subfolders (Music, Videos, Pictures, etc.) have text beneath the icons. This only happens if I have the folder in icon view, no matter the size. List, Details, and Tiles all show the appropriate information, but the names of the folders disappear as soon as I slide the view to Small Icons.

This is true for anything else in the User Folder. For example, I tried moving a file there from the desktop, only to have that file's name disappear. Removing it back to the desktop confirmed that the file still had its original title. Creating a new file in the folder yields the same result. The subfolders themselves still have their names, and I can see them if click "Rename" on any of the folders.

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User Folder Shortcut Name Change

Jan 4, 2008

I accidentally changed my user folder shortcut name in Windows Explorer under Desktop.

It was changed when I tried to save a file to the desktop and accidentally create new folder while highlight the user folder shortcut. It might be a bug in the system, since I can’t duplicate the change again.

I have tried to rename it but nothing happens.

I deleted it but it came back after refresh (F5).

There is no property available since this is a special folder or shortcut like network shortcut in Windows Explorer.

I briefly went through the registry and search for ‘shell’ related value but find none to resolve the issue. Did the search on Google and this forum, I have found nothing related to this problem. Maybe I use the wrong word for the search. Does anybody know how to reverse the change or edit in the registry?

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Documents Folder For The Shiela User Gone

Aug 29, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. HP Laptop with one account. Wife's digital scrapbooking grew to large for the C drive, so I right clicked the Documents folder, selected the Location tab, clicked the move button and selected the D (Data) drive which had more space. Confirmation message appeared asking if I wanted to move all of the files (as opposed to just some of them I guess); I was warned if I didn't I would see two Documents folders for the Shiela user. Clicked 'Yes' move all the files. I expected the folder 'Documents' to be put on the root of the D drive.Well, it removed all the files from Documents and scattered them across the root of the D drive. Now I don't know what was there before the move and what was moved there. Ran a full search of all drives for 'Documents' and it returned nothing, so I guess the Documents folder evaporated. I'd be happy just to get back to where I started with the docs folder and its contents intact on the C drive. Is that possible?

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Randomly Created User Account Folder?

Feb 16, 2009

About a year ago, I changed my main user account from "Jaime" to "Roggie" on a whim, and everything worked fine. This past weekend, I restarted my computer and when it came back up it had created a new user profile in c:/users/. All my files are still in

"c:/users/jaime/", but now everything loads from "c:/users/roggie". Is there any way to switch it back or am I going to have to recreate all my system settings? And why would it change over a year after I switched the names?

I've already tried createing a second user account called "Jaime" and renaming the current account back to "Jaime" - both resulted in a new folder called "Jaime_02" instead of going back.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I'm running Home Basic 32bit if thats any use at all.

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Restore Default User Folder Icons

Mar 12, 2009

(i'm running vista 32bit SP1, i hope its not too out of place to ask a question in a 64bit forum)

this looks like the closest i've found to a forum w/ my prob.

essentially i backed up my HD on an external (western digital) using "second backup" as the backup software.

i noticed after backing up that all my folder icons (favorites, contacts, music, pictures, etc...) reverted to the generic yellow folder.

i was able to change one or two (and only those in the shortcuts in "favorite links" heading of a windows explorer window) by right click -> properties -> change icon but all the folders (in their actual location eg. c:users"username") remain the ugly yellow folder.

changing them one by one seems inefficient and if annoying if it were to occur again.

i've done the right-click on destop -> personalize -> change desktop icon -> restore default, no result (tho i didnt really expect one since the desktop icons arent really the issue)

i've rebuilt the icon cache, no luck.

i've re-written the desktop.ini for a couple of them, no result (tho i didnt really expect one)

system restore isn't an option, i dont have an old enough restore point (hense the need for backing up).

i'm wondering of a systemic way to essentially restore the default icons for all these folders (music, video, downloads, etc...) and their respective shortcuts.

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Access User 1's Music Folder Gives Error

Jul 29, 2009

I am setting up a Vista machine for a family of four, each one has iphones and/or ipods. Each one has their own login. I set up itunes for user 1 fine, BUT, it looks like when user 2 logs in and launches itunes, it is trying to access user 1's music folder and gives an error.

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Strange Entries Appearing In User Folder

Aug 27, 2009

I am having some strange entries appearing in my user folder. They look kind of like registry keys. The name on one is: {8fe23f09-822e-47f1-a18a-6c217d3715ac} The other is {fb188761-d295-4c64-ab73-e81bf66b0f24} If I click on these and open them, there is something inside with the file type of "security catalog" I have no idea what these are, where they came from or whether I'll do some kind of harm to my computer by deleting them. This happened to me one other time where these things started appearing. Eventually I accumulated dozens of them. I was having other problems so ended up doing a system recovery, reformatting the drive, and they stopped appearing, but now have started again.

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Unrelated Folders/files Are Blurred In User Folder

Sep 4, 2009

As you can see, there are two "Pictures" folders, and two "Music" folders. They do not contain the same contents; only one Pictures folder contains all my pictures and only one Music folder contains all my music. The "new" Music folder contains the "Sample Music" folder, and the "new Pictures folder contains all of what is in my original Pictures folder, in addition to same strange things which are shown in screen shot 2. These folders are not deletable, and probably related to the ntuser.dat.LOG2 file you can see at the bottom of the user folder. I think this is probably the cause of something going wrong in the registry, which I haven't a clue of how to edit.

Upon opening the new Pictures folder, this is shown (unrelated folders/files are blurred):

For some reason, the same default Music folder as well as an entirely new (third) Pictures folder is also present here.

If I open the third Pictures folder here, this is shown:

The new Music folders in all cases (except for the original in my user folder) only contain the default Sample Music folder, so I didn't post a screen shot of that.

Deleting any of these unneeded folders is impossible, as Vista will either prevent me from doing so or just creating a new one immediately after it is deleted.

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Your Thoughts: Moving User Data Folder To A Different Partition

Apr 20, 2009

I have purchased a new desktop (a 64 bit Dell XPS 430)that will come with a Vista Home Premium. The desktop will have one user.

I plan to partition its HD using a tool like pmagic. Partition C will have the OS. The new partition D will be for user data.

I would like to move the /user folder that contains users files (e.g., documents, audio, video, downloads, etc) to the new partition D. (This is how I maintained my many XP systems: alluser data, except settings, were on partition D).

What is the most optimal approach? I have read Microsoft article73760 entitled "Managing Roaming User Data Deployment Guide."

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Why Standard User Able To Replace Folder Ownership With Admin?

Jul 27, 2009

I have 2 accounts on my Vista Home Premium machine. One is an admin account with password and the other is a standard account without password (UAC off). I have multiple internal hard drives some of which has folders that I want only my admin account to access. I have denied all permissions for the standard account to these folders.

When I login as the standard user and try to open these same folders I get a pop up message saying that I don't have permission to access them and to click “continue” for access. Then I get a second message saying the same thing but there is a clickable link at the bottom to the "security tab" and it's suggesting to use to gain access. Once I click on that I get another "You don't have permission to change security setting" message in the folder properties window under the security tab.

At the bottom of that window it's also suggesting to click on the "Advanced" button for special permissions which will lead to taking the ownership from the admin account under the "Owner" tab by clicking "Edit", thus allowing full access to the contents of those folders. Does that make sense to anyone? I also noticed that the standard account has the ability to change the type to an administrator account from “User Accounts” in Control panel, is that normal?

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Joining Network: User Profile Folder Is Set To Private

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Vista Laptop and am trying to join to a SBS 2003 Premium network. I would like to preserve the existing settings and so select the current user settings for the new network user. When I attempt to proceed, I receive a message that the User Profile Folder is set to Private. What should I change and where in order to set the user profile correctly?

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Documents Folder Renamed Desktop: When Open User File

Jun 9, 2009

I noticed my Documents folder has been renamed Desktop. It shows up as Desktop on the start menu. When I open my user file, Desktop shows up twice. One is empty and the other has my stuff in it. I can not rename it back to Documents.

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Disk Management Vs Acronis, Move The Entire User Folder

Mar 26, 2008

Recently replaced an ACER factory load with a clean install of VISTA Home Preimum. My HD has 3 partitions C (228gb), D (227gb), and hidden (9gb). Would like to get rid of the hidden (ACER factory load ). My HD is 500 GB and my total use is 51 GB on C. Would it make sense to create 3 partitions C (small) for Vista and applications, D (small) for data and E (whats left) for whatever.

Is it possible / pratical to move the entire User folder to D or would this actually cause more future trouble than it is worth. Can any of this be done with Disk Management (when I right click on the hidden I get no options) or is a third party solution required ? Or should I just leave well enough alone

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Vista Work Winxp Copy Folder All User Not Working

Oct 6, 2009

I am new to Vista and in my work I write small programs In WinXP when I wish to copy a folder to all users I would use. For the Desktop screens: COPY C:FOLDERNAME C:Documents And SettingsALL USERSDESKTOPFOLDERNAME where FOLDERNAME is the folder containing icons and stuff. For Start Menu COPY C:FOLDERNAME C:Documents And SettingsALL USERSSTARTM~1PROGRAMSFOLDERNAME

Now I wish to do the same to Vista and Windows desktop. I need to copy to "ALL USERS" as when installing I would not know the name of the users , so it is best to send to ALL USERS in that computer. Hope someone here can assist let me know the exact instructions required to do the same for Vista or Windows 7?

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Move "user Files" Folder's To "my Documents" Folder

Mar 4, 2010

I tried using a tweak to move my "user files" folder's to "my documents" folder left from the XP OS which was on another partition on my hard drive, it didn't work well so I reversed everything. Now every time I click on "contacts", the "my documents" folder opens up which now shows as a shortcut in my Vista's "user files". My Contacts folder (which is empty) is still in the "user files" folder. However, I cannot open Contacts by a shortcut or within the Windows mail.

I checked the Contacts shortcut in the Start Menu and it points to ""%Program Files%Windows Mailwab.exe", so it seems that wab.exe is messed up. Is there a registry tweak or a similar trick to correct this?

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Access User Controls Delete A Folder Not Allowed System Rolled Back

Mar 25, 2008

I am so tired of all of the, what appear to be, bugs with this new system. The irritating pop-ups everytime I want to do something (like access user controls, delete a folder, etc.) that want confirmation. Unfortunately I purchased this comptuer with Vista Home installed. Is there a way to just install XP Home back on this thing? I have tried with the XP Home CD and it appears that it will not allow the system to be rolled back.

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Creating A Personal User Folder: Name It "Shortcuts" Or "X-Files"

May 2, 2008

Is it possible to create a new personal user folder (i.e. I want to name it "Shortcuts" or "X-Files")? I tried renaming one of the existing personal user folder (i.e. Downloads renamed to Shortcuts) and changing the location it points to another folder. However, if you execute the shell command "Shell: Downloads", it will still go to the folder being pointed to now by the "Shortcuts" folder. Is there a way to change this via registery?

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User Admin Previous User Missing

Mar 26, 2008

[This is my second post on the same subject. The first thread died] I had this Vista Home Basic machine working okay, but the power went out and then another person who was high used the machine. They named a new user as administrator. I don't know what else they did.

Now I have a new user as administrator and the previous users are gone. I still see evidence of them in the file tree but the old programs are gone and the documents are buried in C > Users > Admin (that was a name of a previous user that I had named when I first got the machine) I've gradually installed some of my old programs and I'm currently
just rebuilding everything, but it would be a lot easier if I could revert to the old user system. The Control Panel > add or remove user accounts is useless. I only have two icons there So is there anyway to return to the original condition? How can I recover the missing users?

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Administration: User Name In Task Manager Under User Shows Up As "BOBLAFAYETTE Est"

Feb 6, 2009

Received my computer back yesterday from HP with reinstalled clean version of Vista Home Premium. It came back with a user name of 'test'. I attempted to change the name to my name "Bob Lafayette" and the user name in task manager under user shows up as "BOBLAFAYETTE est". In System Information the user name shows as BOBLAFAYETTE est

In user profiles the administrator shows as Bob Lafayette. The computer name shows as "BobLafayette." Computer description shows as "Bob's Computer." How can I amend the user name in task manager to reflect solely "BobLafayette"? Without the "test"?

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Saying C Drive Corrupt .

Mar 29, 2009

I turn on my computer and it tells me that my c drive is corrupt and to run chkdsk.

I go into command prompt (right clicking on it to run it as an admin) and run the command sfc /scannow.

It says that it's starting the system scan and that it will take some time, but as it's getting it's "Verification" it stops at 9 percent complete and says that "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation."

I've also tried going in through computer>right click>properties>tools>error-checking>check now and then clicking both check-boxes >start>schedule disk check and then I've tried restarting, but nothing happened.

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C:toskrnl.exe IS CORRUPT

Sep 30, 2008

I have a problem with my PC with windows updates. When I turn the computer on in the morning it starts installing new updates. this takes about 35 minutes on stage 1 of 3 then it shuts down. When it restarts again I get a tech guys message to say "Your computer was unable to start. Running start-up repair"
At the end of this when I look at the diagnosis it says:
Boot critical file C:
toskrnl.exe is corrupt
Repair Action: File repair
Result! failed error code OxA
Time taken = 4462ms
Repair action: System restore
Result: Completed successfully
Error code = OXO.
This is now happening every time I restart my computer and it takes about an hour. Windows then starts OK until the next time
Do I need to reinstall windows Vista Home Premium??? It was already installed on the PC when I bought it and they did not give me a CD.

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Tcpip.sys Is Corrupt

Mar 7, 2009

I downloaded the lastest updates for Vista, upon reboot, got the following error Boot Critical file: C......Tcpip.sys is corrupt. Will not boot at all, even in safe mode. Inserted my DVD and attempted a "repair", it failed on TCPIP.sys and said there it was not able to complete the repair.

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Pfn List Corrupt

Apr 9, 2009

just re-booted my pc got error pfn list corrupt am i right in thinking this is ram or hard drive related i did run memtest for 16 hours then stopped it thought it was playing up thats why it was running so long or does it run that long i have 2 gig of ram vista intel quad core 6600 2.40 ghz. 64 bit operating system memtest did show some error but how reliable is it.

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Fix A Corrupt File?

Apr 9, 2009

As stated above, my locallow file is corrupt, and it is not very nice for me at all. how to fix a corrupt file, let me know.

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Firmware Is Corrupt

Nov 18, 2008

I have a flashing power LED on my WRT54GP2 I have read in to this and it tells me that this is due to the firmware is corrupt but how do I refresh the firmware(I am finding it hard to find any WRT54GP2 firmware on the linksys website)?? This is not a ISP WRT54GP2, I brought it myself. [EDIT] so I have found some firmware but now Im struggling to get to the setup screen. I put in which is the webbased setup no joy is there anyother way of getting the firmware on there?

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