Unknown Program In Startup

Jun 17, 2009

An unknown program has been put into the startup in msconfig. The path is: C:Users\%username%AppDataRoaming wext.exe. The name is 'userinit'. I have since deleted it from the Run key in the registry and deleted the file

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Startup Program -disable

Mar 26, 2008

I'm attempting to disable adobe photoshop from my "startup programs" (in windows defender, Software explorer). I followed the instructions to disable but when I highlight any program (ie Adobe photoshop) the "remove - disable -enable" buttons are greyed out and don't work. I checked adn this is tru of all the programs in the startup programs list.

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Disable A Startup Program?

Mar 23, 2008

On how to disable a startup program?

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A Program Starts Together With Windows, But Is Not In StartUp

Feb 11, 2009

I installed on my brand new Windows Vista PC an unnecessary program (D-Link Monitor, but it is not important). The program is not needed and also it didn't install properly. Now when I start my PC, the program starts up displaying several messages to inform me that it cannot

I had a look in StartUp - it is not there. I tried to uninstall it to no avail.

How/where else can start of this program be triggered? And how to make it not to start?

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Startup/Desktop: Freeze And The Program Will Not Load

Oct 7, 2009

Whenever I try to load vista it seems to be loading fine, but will stop once the icons start filling the taskbar. Sometimes I can try and run a program, but the start bar will freeze and the program will not load, however most of the time it will just freeze before this. It's taking a really long time to even get onto the desktop screen as well. The computer loads fine in Safe Mode (which is where I am typing this from). I have tried startup repair and it says there are no errors, tried to do a bootlog but I don't know where Windows writes the file to(although from a quick search, it appears it's not much use anyway) and I've tried system restore which completed correctly, but did not solve my problem. I actually had this problem a little while ago, and had to reinstall my system from the Dell backup, however I've just moved into digs at Uni and of course all the stuff I would want to reinstall is at home, not to forget that it takes so long. Spec is: Dell Studio 1555 Laptop, Dual Core T4200 Processor @ 2GHz, 4GB RAM, 512MB ATI mobility Radeon HD 4570, running Vista Home Premium 64Bit on SP2

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Prevent Defender Blocking Startup Program?

Aug 17, 2008

I run the Asus AI prpgram on startup. This is supposed to allow me to modify motherboard and CPU settings. However Defender will always prevent this program from running. There not appear to be any way to tell defender to stop blocking this program at startup.

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Choosing Which Monitor Displays Program At Startup?

Mar 16, 2009

On a dual monitor system, is it possible to choose which monitor displays a program at startup? If I put a shortcut to Internet Explorer in the startup folder, can I tell it to start the program on monitor 1 or monitor 2?

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Running Program In Startup As Administrator :could Not Control These Programs

Dec 19, 2008

I have few programs that I wanted to run as Administrator from startup for normal user. I tried Task Scheduler and it worked but I didn't have icons for these programs in a tray so I could not control these programs. Quite a bit of searching with google brought me to CPAU It is command line program which allows to run programs as different users. In my copied this program to C:WINDOWS directory and created shortcuts in Startup folder............

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Startup Failure, Startup Recovery

Apr 27, 2008

The last couple of days I had a few times a startup error. It said something like Windows couldn't start normally. Run Startup Recovery (Recommended) Start Windows Normally. I did the Startup Recovery and then it worked again but the next day or so the same thing, otherwise my system runs fine.

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Unknown Download Of 100 MB Each Day?

Sep 8, 2009

I am on Vista Ultimate 32 bit, puzzled by unknown download - I am getting about 100 MB of download each day and know nothing about this, where it is coming from, what it is.

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May 19, 2008

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T60p and a Lenovo USB Webcam. I installed SP1 and the camera stopped working so I uninstalled SP1 and it still doesn't work, it appears as "Unknown device". Is Microsoft going to publish some solution? I see all the reports and there are a lot people having the same problem.Should I come back to XP?

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Unknown Cable?

Nov 8, 2009

I have a cable with a square nine 9 pins, a second square nine 9 pins and a single flat blade pin same on both ends. I am assuming it is to go from computer to computer. What is it? It also has a molded clamp on each end. It came with my computer about 1 year ago.

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Unknown File Icon

Jun 10, 2009

Does anyone know where I can find the Unknown File Icon in Windows in a large size.

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Connection Status Unknown

Mar 23, 2008

I am hating Vista right now...I bought a computer from Frys and I brougt it home and it connected to the internet just fine. Sometime later it decided to lose sight of the network altogether. I have vista 32bit. My video card is an nVidia nForce Networking Controller. The driver currently on there is nvm60x32.sys. After doing some google searching I have found that I am not the only idiot who decided to try vista out and is having the same problem.

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I Get An Unknown Error Message

Jun 6, 2008

I have some messages in my Delete Box that will not be deleted. When I try to delete, I get an Unknown Error Message.

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An Unknown Blue Screen

Sep 16, 2009

Ok so i was in the middle of installing counter strike source, each time i would go to disc 2 during the installation, I would get this bsod while it was installing. I cant take any pictures because it goes by way too fast, I got the minidump file if someone wants to take a look at it and help me out.

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Unknown Computer On Network

Jul 6, 2008

I have three pc's on my wireless network. I looked at my network places tojight and noticed a fourth. I clicked on it and it said windows cannot access it. What do I do?

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Reinstalling : 2 Unknown Partitions

Jun 27, 2008

Posted to: microsoft.public.windows.vista.general + microsoft.public.windows.vista.installation_setup Follow-up to: microsoft.public.windows.vista.general

Hello from France. Here is my problem of the day... I just put a new, 160 Go hard disk in my Dell Inspiron laptop. Then, following Dell's instructions as found on a flyer that came with the machine, this is what I did :

1. install Dell's "For Reinstalling Dell Media Direct 3" DVD
2. install Vista
3. finish with "For Reinstalling Dell Media Direct 3"

At stage 2 I choose to have C: at 50 Go, leaving the rest to D: Once Vista was installed, I found that D: had yet to be formatted, which I did. Now, as I take a look at the system, I find that there are in fact 4 volumes: - one is 47 Mo -"Type :" basic -"Statut :" Sound (Configuration EISA) ; this one can't be touched

- second is 2,01 Go - "Type :" basic - "Statut :" Sound (Principal partition) ;
this one can be deleted.......

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Unknown User Account

Mar 23, 2008

I noticed a Standard user named "dlbj_IAM" in my Parental Controls and I didn't create this account. I have a stand alone Vista Premium computer with wireless connectivity. The account doesn't show up in "User Accounts" or when I check the users folder creation in explorer to determine when it was created - there are no folders created for this user. I would like to determine when this account was created and if there has been any wireless activity before deleting this account.

I set parental controls to high and put every restriction I could find on this account. I have gone to Admin Tools, Computer Management in hopes to look in Local Users and Groups but it doesn't exist. Is this something different about Vista Premium?

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Unknown IP Address Showing Up In Log

Apr 23, 2008

I'm running Vista 64-bit, OneCare firewall, and have just downloaded and run ESET AV. I have an outbound ip address showing up in a sniffer log about every 5 minutes or so, only from this one machine. The IP address does not resolve, and doesn't seem to exist, but the fact that my machine is trying to reach out bugs me. I found the problem on Airsnare, and caught the outbound ICMP request via Ethereal. Inside of a Linksys router, with only a non-standard VNC port forwarded to this machine.

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Unknown Computer Showing In Network

Mar 23, 2008

Quite a problem here. I noticed my internet [T1, I have a box with a light that flashes when in use] was going nonstop at a fast rate, even when my computer was idle. So I went and checked my network settings. My computer is alone, not on any networks, but "JACQUELINE-PC" and a media version of that is showing up on my network. My network was private and I changed it to public, seeing as Windows Help said that is safest for lone computers. I also added a password to my windows computer account. I tried to turn "file sharing" off, but it said it was controlled by my firewall. I use Nortons
Internet Security for firewall and I havent been able to find any option to
disable file sharing in it.

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Delete Email :: Unknown Error

Apr 14, 2008

I get an error message, an unknown error has occurred and I can't delete the message

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Limited Connectivity / Unknown Network

Apr 16, 2008

About 3 days ago I was downloading a file when I noticed the download had stopped half-way through. Thinking the router had frozen I unplugged the router to reset it, as I have done a hundred times before with no problem. After restarting the router Vista (Home Premium 32-bit SP1) stopped recognizing my home network (wired) and I started receiving a "Limited Connectivity" message. When I go into the Network & Sharing screen I see "Unknown Network". When I boot this same computer into Ubuntu (7.10) I can access my network and the internet. I also have a small Ubuntu server and Xbox 360 that can access the network just fine. This is definitely a Vista issue. After trying many, many suggestions (Unplug router, Reset router, IP refresh,...) from around the internet with no success, I purchased a new PCI Ethernet card (Netgear GA311) just to rule out a possible hardware issue. I unistalled the onboard lan in Vista and disabled it in the BIOS then installed the new card. No Luck, Same Problem. My router is a Netgear FWG114P. I have had this network for over a year with no issues and now, out of the blue, nothing. I tried re-entering the IP, Subnet, Default Gateway and DNS addresses for the ethernet adapter, NO LUCK. I did notice a strange issue when I ran "Ipconfig /all" The default gateway was shown as "". After re-entering the gateway address, the gateway was listed as "" with my gateway address listed below.

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Unknown New Hard Disk Drive.

Feb 21, 2010

Recnetly I noticed I had a 4th hard disk drive instead of 3. The strange thing is that I can't remember adding one.. I just got my 2 internal hard disk drives and 1 external hard disk. But now it shows 4. Also, when I try to open this 4th hard disk it gives an acces denied error message. Also, I'm unaible to scan the hard disk. For my other hard disks, when I right click, I got the option to scan for virus. This option isn't in the list when I right click this new station. Here are the menu list by right clicking on the HDD's.

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Uninstall Not Working, UNKNOWN Registry Key

May 2, 2009

This week when I tried to install Office 2007 SP2, it would not install because of an UNKNOWNComponents\ key. In RegEdit I tried to find 'unknown' and the first 8 characters of the number1 but they cannot be found.

Now I've removed Office the hard way, because uninstall also would not work because of that key and tried to fresh install it. But still I get an error (1402) on that key. How can I get rid of the UNKNOWN key? (I do not think I have any malware on my computer.)

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Unknown Device (Related To ACPI)

Nov 24, 2008

I have windows vista x64 installed. My system is an AMD 64 X2 6000+, ASUS M2A - VM motherboard. I cannot figure out what device is unknown. Can someone give me any ideas what it could be? I've used Driver Detective and it says all of my drivers are up-to-date.

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Program Permissions: Add The Program To A Trusted List So I Dont Get This Any More

Sep 12, 2009

I'm getting "a program needs your permission to continue" how do I add the program to a trusted list so I dont get this any more. Im bouncing around lots of different programs and its driving me crazy, I need to stop this for selected programs that I trust like putty

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Can't Send Email :: An Unknown Error Has Occurred

Jun 3, 2008

This is my first time using Windows Mail and for whatever reason I am not able to send emails to people who have an office email address. The error message reads:

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Re: ', Account: 'mail.charter.net',
Server: 'mail.charter.net', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421 charter.net
connection refused from []', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server
Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.

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Downloaded Trial Versions: Unknown Publisher

May 1, 2010

My full version of AVG just ran out a few days ago so i'm looking for a new antivirus program. I've downloaded trial versions of different scanners but I always get the same error message when iI try and install the program. "unknown publisher" Vista will not let me install antivirus software or any service packs.

Vista 32bit home edition OS - Internet Explorer. Pages don't load completely, runs very slow. I know a little about computers, I guess an average user.

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