Shared Windows Calendar Across Home Network

Feb 21, 2010

Vista Ultimate SP2 32 Bit. I would like to know if it is possible to subscribe to a shared Windows = Calendar on one machine by all my machines across my home network by = subscribing to the one Calendar .ICS.

I have shared the Windows calendar on the one machine and published the = calendar to a folder on my Data drive that is accessible to all machines = via the home network. The other drives on the same machine can access = the calendar by subscribing to it. But, when I tried to subscribe to = that ics file from one of the other machines via the home network it = does not work. It can access the folder and file, but, it will not = subscribe to it when I enter it into the subscription line.=20 What do I need to do to be able to share this published calendar by all = the machines. They each have the same version of Vista installed.=20

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Shared Network Not Working

Oct 29, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have a network that connects one computer by cable and 3 computer by wireless. I also have a LaserJet 4 Plus. It has an adapter card that is connected to the router/modem by cable. I have gone thru the 'Add Printer' procedure several times. It 'finds' a TCP/IP 'generic adapter card and, after awhile, a list of printers is displayed. I select mine. Give it a shared name and click on 'print test page.' Nothing happens. I used to have a Netgear modem but switch to AT&T wireless router. I am unable to find a list of attached devices and their IP address.

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Shared Files On /XP Network

Jun 23, 2009

Network fully operational - Public Folder on Vista can be shared on XP - no problem BUT when I attempt to share another folder on Vista it requests username. Options include username on Vista, Guest, Everyone or Add name. It appears that Vista cannot see usernames on XP. Do I have to add these usernames to the Vista computer? I think the 'everyone' option applies only to 'Domains' which are not recognised on XP.

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Home Network With Windows Millennium Edition

Mar 23, 2008

I am adding a new PC with Windows Vista to a home network via ethernet hub consisting of 2 other PC's, one using XP, one using Windows Millennium Edition. Access (sharing) with Vista & XP systems is working perfectly (in both directions). Access from Vista to ME is working. Access from ME to Vista is almost working. From the ME PC I can find the Vista PC in the network.

Public sharing on the Vista PC is is turned on, and Password protected sharing is turned off, but when I attempt to access Vista PC from the Windows Millennium PC, I get the window "ENTER NETWORK PASSWORD". I've tried using Admin & various user passwords from both PC's but all are returned as invalid.

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Access The Shared Folder Across The Network

Mar 23, 2008

ONly 24 hrs into using Vista. I have added my Vista PC to my Home Network. I am trying to access the shared folder on my old PC that is showing on the network but I am denied access. I did have a password/user account set up on the old machine but have removed the password now. How can I access the shared folder across the network?

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Network: Can Not Connect To Other Shared Devices

Jul 29, 2009

I am Vista Home Premium SP1. When connected to the network, I can not send problem Reports, the Help has Xs through the images, and I can not connect to other shared devices. I can go online to and several other websites. But I can not download java or flash updates, it says I do not any an internet connection. I also can not download any new Microsoft updates. If I install IE8, then the browser can no longer go online. AVG is the only ant-virus installed, and the firewalls are turned off. The machine can not be formated and reinstalled

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Network And XP: Can Not Browse Shared Files

Mar 23, 2008

Trying to network XP pro with Vista Ultimate. I installed the LLtd Responder patch on XP. When i go to network map on vista I can see the XP machine but can not browse shared files or even click on the icon for it? I can't get the XP machine to see vista. Both have the same workgroup name. What am i doing wrong?

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XP Network: Shows No Folders Shared?

Mar 10, 2009

I'm trying to get my network to function with my Vista x64 laptop. The network has 4 computers total: 3 XP machines, and the Vista Laptop. The three XP machines don't have any issues sharing files. However, I cannot view any XP computers at all on the Vista machine, and I cannot see any of the Vista Shared Folders from my Xp desktop. (I can see the Vista machine on the XP one, but expanding it shows no folders shared.

Rt-click -> explore results in an error: "\Studio72 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The network path was not found.") I am only able to run ipconfig, net config and browstat info on my XP desktop and my Vista Laptop, as the other two machines are my roommate's desktop, and our little security computer (it just records a webcam set on our front door when we're not home in case someone breaks in)..............

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Cannot View Shared Drive On Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a user with a french vista laptop. Every other person are joined to the domain and can view other systems (boths XP and Vista) on the network. They can share files and access shared drive. This user however is not joined to the domain and can view any other system on the network. He can view but not access other vista systems. he cannot ping any system on the network and cannot access any shared drive. He can however access network printer. I will like him to be able to access te shared drive, how do i go about it?

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Shared Printer Does Not Work Wireless Network

Mar 25, 2008

I have a Windows XP Home desktop connected to a printer via USB and, I have a Windows Vista Premium laptop connected through a wireless network. Print jobs initiated from the laptop hang up in the print queue with a print error, and also show up on the desktop under the print jobs as a print error. Print jobs iniated from the desktop work just fine. Please help with a solution to my wireless network printing problem.

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Properties For Shared Network Folder On HD: 3 Accounts

Mar 18, 2009

My computer is a Dell XPS 420, Vista Home Premium, my account has administrator privileges. My wife's computer is a Dell Dimension E520, Vista Ultimate, her account has admin privileges. We run OneCare Live for all security and backup needs. I installed a network backup using a Linksys NLSU2 and, up till yesterday had a 320 GB TrekStor HD as the backup device. I disconnected the TrekStor and now have a LaCie 1TB HD. Prior to connecting it to the NLSU2 I connected the new HD to my computer and ran the setup. Formatted the drive to NTFS. I connected it to the network and ran a OneCare backup from my computer. Worked just fine. This morning I tried a backup from my wife's computer and it fails (asking for a log on). On my computer I can navigate to the drive, to the HD and to the folders and subfolders. On her computer I can do the same. However when I look at the Properties for the shared network folder on the HD there are 3 accounts : Everyone; everyone (LKG..everyone); and guest (LKG...guest) (LKG... is the prefix for the NLSU2).

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XP Network - Couldnt Map The Shared Documents Folder On Server

Jun 6, 2008

I have a problem trying to Map an XP drive on my Vista Home Basic Laptop that is proving a nightmare: We have several computers on our netwrok, including the XP server itself where we have our shared documents. (place where all shared files go that we want other users to see) I have mapped the same shared docs folder accross all of out XP machines. Plugged my Vista Home Basic Laptop into our network, couldnt map the shared docs folder on my server. After reading many how to's, i followed this guide: Microsoft Corporation I have downloaded and installed the LLTD responder on the server with XP All computers were restarted, now when looking on the laptops "Veiw full map" I can see FILE_STORAGE (our server) but the guide above says right click on the computer running XP, however when I do this nothing happens, it is a solid icon and clicking it does nothing.

All computers including the laptop are on the same workgroup The laptop has appeared when looking on the XP machine under viewing the network I have opened ports UDP: 137, 138, 1900 and TCP 21, 139, 445 2869 We have AVG Antivirus and Firewall on all machines including the laptop. AVG does not allow you to open ports, so the above ports were opened on my router. When I plugged the laptop into the network AVG asked me to select a profile, I selected ALLOW ALL for the time being as "Computer In Domain" was not there to select. The vista laptop has Network Disc. ON, File Sharing ON, Public Folder Sharing ON and Printer Sharing ON One thing I couldnt get my head round was the differance between Workgroup and Network. The workgroup is the same on all computers, but I wasnt aware that I had ever given a "Network" name on any of the XP machine. Vista did ask for a "Network" name. For safety i put the same name as is in the workgroup. Anyone any ideas, im desperate?

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Windows Calendar Wallpaper

Mar 29, 2008

is there a way to make my calendar show up on my wallpaper or make it my wallpaper. showing all the events

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Windows Calendar Can Not Running

Apr 22, 2008

I don't see a Calendar group. I have had several occasions when Windows Calendar did not pop up with appointments until a day or two had gone by and it then informs me that the appointment or whatever is x days overdue. Not very helpful obviously. My computer was on and logged in at least once on the days of the appointment. Another problem. Because of the afore-mentioned problem I put Windows Calendar in my Startup folder so I would be forced to see the calendar when I first log in. I have had a couple of crashes now apparently related to this. Once the calendar wouldn't close and the second time the computer froze after displaying the calendar; I was forced to do an unstructured shutdown; and this in turn generated raid 1 disk problems that took hours to be resolved.

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Windows Calendar Publishing

May 31, 2009

Vista Home Premium all upgrades. I want to publish my Windows calendar to my website but I keep getting the message that the "network path was not found"

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Windows Calendar: Cannot Add Appointments

Jun 27, 2008

I'm using Vista and have Windows Mail and Calendar. I bought my laptop at Office Depot. In the calendar view, on the left, the top box shows the current month, the box under it has: Calendars, then under that heading; Office Depot Calendar, and the box is checked. If I uncheck it and then try to enter an appointment in the calendar, a message comes up; You cannot add appointments to a calendar that is disabled. Does this mean there are other calendars, and if so, how do I access or 'enable' them? I don't really care
for this 'Office Depot' calendar/

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Windows Calendar Is Not Running

May 27, 2008

Haven't gotten any response so I'll try again. A serious problem I am having with Vista calendar is that it is frequently not alerting me to appointments/events. Sometimes days will go by and abruptly I'm presented with a list of past due items. There may be a "good" reason for this happening but I can't imagine what it is as I log into the account associated with the calendar at least once a day. I have been running with the option "Reminders should show when Windows Calendar is not running" set. Also, is there any way to truly share a calendar between users on the same machine? I've used the sharing options but always end up with copies of the calendar and they don't update themselves when another user makes a change.

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Sharing Windows Calendar

Jun 4, 2009

How should I share a calendar in windows calendar with my wife so that we both are able to add and edit apointments in it (both having the same rights)? Is it posible to sync with Live Calendar so that we can add and edit appointments in Windows calendar that will be reflected inLive calendar?

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Ending A Reccurance On Windows Calendar

Dec 9, 2008

I have recurring activities on my calendar, however they end at a certain time of the year, but i don't know how to end the recurrence.

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Windows Calendar Print Range

Apr 21, 2009

Why when I ask to print 4/21 through 5/30 does it print 4/1-5/9??

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Windows Calendar Not Notify Of Events

Mar 4, 2010

Windows Calendar does not notify me of events. When I load task scheduler it says "Task image is corrupt or has been tampered with mcupdate" and "Task image is corrupt or has been tampered with Reminders-name"

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Windows Calendar Choose Defaults

Jul 14, 2009

"Default Programs>Set Default Programs>Windows Calendar>Choose defaults for this program" and take a screenshot?

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Windows Calendar Monthly Display/Printout

Apr 13, 2008

In Windows Calendar is there a way to display the start time of events on the screen (other than in the "details pane" off to the right) and when it prints in the Month View mode?

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Fixing Windows Calendar Scheduled Task After Computer Name Change

Dec 10, 2009

If you change the name of your computer (under Control PanelSystem and MaintenanceSystem), then the scheduled task that Windows Calendar has will NOT be updated with the new name of the computer. The result is that this scheduled task does not run properly when it is supposed to, and when you open up the Task Scheduler, you get an error popping up in Task Scheduler:

"An error has ocurred for the task Reminders - {User Name}. Error message: The specified account name is not valid."

Where {User Name} is your user name.

Solution: ...

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No Home Network Available

Mar 23, 2008

1.a wireless laptop running Vista Ultimate. ethernet wired desktop running Vista Ultimate. 3.a SM8014W-G gateway. The laptop and the desktop can connect to the internet with no poroblems. I can ping the laptop( from the desktop. I get "request timed out" when I ping the desktop( from the laptop. When I map the network, my gateway icon on each computer shows up as a different address. The laptop gateway icon has, whereas the desktop gateway icon has I have double and triple checked all the Vista settings for network discovery, file and printer sharing, they are set correctly on both devices. If I connect the laptop to my desktop through a crossover cable, I do have a network available on which I can share all files and printers without any problem.

I have contacted my ISP (Rogers) numerous times and they told me I had to contact the manufacturer(SMC) as they only provide support for connectivity. I contacted SMC and they told me that Rogers had to provide support as Rogers has all the administrator rights to my gateway. I contacted Rogers and they told me that I had to "use a PRIVATE IP address and not a PUBLIC IP address". Umm, isn't the 192. series the private IP's? Needless to say I don't believe anyone at Rogers knows what they're doing. I am also beginning to believe that my gateway is not designed to create a home network and is just a modem with multiple connection ports. Aside from returning the gateway to rogers for a regular single connection modem and purchasing a router from say best buy, do you all have any ideas? I am only looking to set-up a home network consisting of a laptop and a desktop for file and prineter sharing.

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Setting Up A XP/ Home Network

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to set up a small network but having some difficulties – it does not work - I have done everything I think I should have done but still it does not work. OK what I have is two desktop machines DT (1) and DT(2) running XP Pro I think with SP2 – dont think I have SP3 and a nice four port O2 wirelessrouter which seems to be a Thomson Telecoms product and lovely new and shiny New Toshiba Tecra M10 running Vista Business. I am running ZoneAlarm as my firewall.

At the movement my main DT PC (1) is the only XP PC connected - obviously using Cat 5 cable and the Toshiba Laptop is also connected using Cat 5 cable. I did the XP set up a home network wizard and that seemed to be OK. I have set both the DT (1) and the LT to be on the same workgroup and on the DT (1) when I go to My Networks and then workgroup I can see (icons for) both the DT (1) and the LT.

I have multiple LARGE drives on the DT (1) and this is why I want the other DT (2) machine on the network to use as a fileserver – i have what must be close to a trillion pictures that i want to sort out - the work of a lifetime and a lifetimes work and i still have years of negatives to scan and sort I will then move all (apart from one) HDD’s to the second DT (2)............

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Home Network: Able To Map The C Drives

Mar 23, 2008

i'm trying to network my laptop with my desktop via my modem. i cant seem to get it right. only thing i did so far was to access the public folder. i want to be able to map the C drives onto both machines.

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Printing In Home Network

Mar 23, 2009

I have an annoying problem that might be a Vista problem. I am using a D-Link router with a built-in printerserver and a USB cable from the server to a HP Deskjet printer (I have two, one 1500-series, one 2300, both having the same problem). Ok. I install the printer via a TCP/IP port, no problem. I print a test page, it starts ok, but stops and hangs 2-3 lines from the end, and the print queu hangs. I have contacted HP, no help, and Microsoft, no help. No error messages. Has anyone heard of this, I have found nothing in different fora? In addition: I also have a PC using XP, use the same print server and printer without any problems

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XP Home Network Not Accessable

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop running XP Home SP2, and a new laptop running Vista Home Premium. I would like to access the DVD-ROM drive on the latop from the desktop. I have successfully shared my desktop resources with the laptop, but not vice versa. Both computers are on the same Workgroup. I have turned off Password protected sharing and shared the DVD-ROM drive in the Folders window. Network Discovery and File Sharing are on.

When I try to access the laptop from my desktop through Windows Explorer>My Network Places>Microsoft Windows Network>"workgroup name">"Laptop name" I get a window that says "'laptop name' not accessable. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions."

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How To Send Fax From Home Network

Feb 6, 2009

We have four or so computers on a home office network, with one of them being used as a fax receiver, using the fax software that comes with Windows. We want to be able to send faxes from each computer, via that one that is connected to the phone line. It has XP, most of the others have Vista.

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Cannot Connect To Home Network

Mar 24, 2007

I cannot connect to my existing small home network unless I plug directly into the cable modem. Three other PC's in the house connect properly via the router/switch (all XP machines) but I cannot. I have disabled firewall, have no AV or other security software installed yet, have checked all settings

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