Set Pc To Hibernate/shutdown/logoff Etc After Certain Time

Sep 19, 2009

i have a windows vista 64 bit desktop pc and i here theres no power options for the desktop pc's so is there any other way i can set my pc to hibernate/shutdown/logoff etc etc after a certain time?

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How Change Option From Shutdown To Logoff?

Nov 24, 2009

I was trying to find the registry value in Vista where you can change the option from shutdown to logoff. By default Vista remember the last option you have chosen and I would like to change that when a user logs in.

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Enable Detailed Logon, Logoff And Shutdown Status Messages

Dec 11, 2007

Instead of showing the default logon, logoff and shutdown status messages you can enable detailed messages that will tell you exactly what is going on.  Wondering what is taking your logon so long? With detailed messages turned on you will see messages like Processing group policy and other specific tasks Windows Vista is executing.

To enable detailed status messages on your computer, follow these steps: ....

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Hibernate Vs Shutdown

Jul 2, 2008

i use the sleep function a lot because i like to get straight back into whatever i was doing. I was wondering if i could use hibernate instead of shutdown on my pc so i can come straight back in the morning & carry on with whatever i was doing. Is it safe to do this? And can i turn off my mains supply without affecting my hibernated pc?

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PC Shutdown Time, No Sign Of HDD Activity

Nov 5, 2008

I am having my pc seems to take ages to shut down. when the sutdown logo comes up on the screen I can hear the hard drive clicking away shutting down everything but then my HDD light just sits there permantly on with no sign of HDD activity for about 1 minute then suddenly flashes a few times then shuts down straight away

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Time Schronization: Change Date & Time Internet Time Tab And Chose A Time Standard To Connect

Aug 31, 2008

I recently went into Change Date & Time Internet time tab and chose a time standard to connect with. After doing that I went onto the internet and connected with and checked the time. After that I was no longer able to go into the internet time tab. It tells me that is the time connection and I can't change it. It tells me I need to have permission to do this as administrator. I am the administrator! What goes here?

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Shutdown Causes Hardisks To Spin Up Shutdown 4 Times

Jun 13, 2007

I have read elsewhere of some users experiencing the problem of hard disks making the infamous clicking noises on shutdown of any version of vista. I don't know if its only SATA HD but thats what I have and I am experiencing the same thing. It has me concerned that the clicking of the HD arms might be unnecessary wear and tear. any fixes for this?

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How Do Turn Off The Logoff Screen In?

May 19, 2008

How do turn off the logoff screen in vista?

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Voice Greeting Upon Logon / Logoff

Feb 23, 2010

A friend of mine has a computer just like mine. HP, dual processors, 500 gig HD and when he logs on a voice greets him with good morning/evening and his name. when he logs off the same voice says goodby. Someone else set up his computer and he doesn't know how the guy did it. I would like to set mine up the same way. How do I do it? I know it can be done. He uses MSN and Quest. I use MSN and Comcast. Is this a Quest thing?

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Cannot Reconnect Wireless After Logoff, Shows Connected But No Internet

Jun 15, 2009

Running Vista64 on HP pavillion. Wireless connects great after gigaset se567 is rebooted. But if I logoff or reboot my computer, I can no longer connect until I reboot the router again. Happens if wireless is lost as well. Is an autoconnection to a non-broadcast SSID. if I manually disconnect and wait a min I can manually reconnect. Have done an ipcongif /all at one point and it showed all proper IP's etc, but I could not connect to any websites. Local access only.

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Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems

May 13, 2008

measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista

Here's my ReBoot-Time:

Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon

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AntiSpyware Real-Time Protection At One Time

Oct 13, 2009

Is it wise to have more than 1 antispyware program performing real-time protection at one time?

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Travelling Laptop - Set Time & Time Zone

Mar 29, 2008

We are using Dell laptops while travelling or at field offices.

We have to reset the clock and time zone, every time when we get to new
locations. That is quite a hassle. Is there better ways to do this?

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Laptop Display: Boot Into Aero About 50% Of The Time. The Rest Of The Time I Forced Onto The Standard Theme With No Aero Option

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Sony VGN-BX197XP laptop that I've upgraded to Windows Vista Ultimate. Since then I've encountered some strange display-related issues:

1) I could only boot into Aero about 50% of the time. The rest of the time I forced onto the Standard theme with no Aero option. Since installing Vista SP1 I can't get Aero at all.

2) When not running in Aero mode I can't get the Windows Media Player to play video files, nor get a Perfomance Index.

3) If I plug in an external monitor I can't get a picture on the laptop monitor but I *do* get a picture on the external monitor and it runs Aero 100% of the time. It will also play video files and give me a performance index.

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X64 Freeze From Time To Time For 2-3 Seconds.

Aug 6, 2008

Recently I have bought Vista Home Premium x64 and to be honest I am having quite annoying issue with this OS . I had installed Vista on RAID0 partition. Additionally I have three other sata drives for my data . I noticed that from time to time when I am working on vista , system freeze for 2-3 sec then everything is fine and I can continue work. Particulary when for example I am opening some application or even windows explorer , my computer etc. (when it hangs I can't move my mouse). Moreover when it freeze I "hear" something inside my computer case as if my computer weak up from hibernation.

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Wont Time Sync Even Tho Keeps Time

Aug 20, 2009

Im in vista 64 bit. I was trying to install a licence for Cubase and was getting a time, calendar error. I look and everything is on time to the second hand on my wall. But for the hell of it, I tryed syncing it to all the availible servers but got: "An error occured while Windows was synchronizing with whatever.server" However I can ping the servers in comand prompt. And also, like the topic says, It still keeps perfect time. It set it's own time. So Im clueless. A bios thing perhaps?

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To Hibernate Or Not To Hibernate?

Jun 7, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1 (and WinXP Home SP3). After Best Buy "optimized" my new Toshiba laptop, the Hibernate option was nowhere to be found. Then, after going through World War III, erasing the disk, and re-installing Vista to factory-fresh standards, it was there. This time it even stuck around after Best Buy did their thing again. I decided to ask some questions. It seemed that if I didn't like one answer, all I had to do to get a second (and guaranteed different) opinion was to ask a different employee. I thought I liked Hibernate under XP. I was leery of Standby, probably because of my mainframe days when memory was *really* temporary. I had no trouble with Hibernate, and it was a faster restart than Shut Down. Now I'm told to use Sleep (the old Standby) because Hibernate is fraught with problems. Not only that, but I was told that Hibernate wasn't removed by Best Buy, but by Windows Update! Actually, if I could feel comfortable with
Sleep, I like the idea of, say, dozing off after 10 minutes of inactivity, but waking up instantly when necessary, combined with invoking a Shut Down (or Hibernate) only when I close the lid. I look forward to getting a variety of opinions here.

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Not Come Out Of Hibernate

Dec 16, 2007

I installed Vista Ultimate x64 in March and had had no system problems until last week. Last week I put my PC into hibernate as I always do. When I came back to my machine it would not come out of hibernate and I had to do a hard reset. From this point onwards it would spontaneously freeze (normally after about 10 minutes of normal use) where a hard reset would be required.

The only change in my system configuration at this point was a game update for Call Of Duty 4. However I used the same installer on 2 other Vista 64 machines (home editions) with identical specs (ones I built for my folks (both keen gamers )) and had no problems.

What I have tried so far:...........

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Hibernate Missing

Jul 8, 2008

i cleaned up the disk and i can not recuperate the file from hibernate option, i have tried downloading the file from main page but it impossibles i have follow all the rules.

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Where Is My Option To Hibernate

Feb 15, 2009

I'm wanting to put my computer in hibernate and I click on the start menue but the option is no longer there. I have the option to sleep, shut down, lock and so on but no longer have hibernate. Whats up with that ? Does anyone have a clue?

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Hibernate Itself Again After Resume

Aug 8, 2008

got a real annoying problem - searched over inet and found no solution :((When my Vista resume from hibernate my LCD goes off and i have about two minutes window to move mouse, press key, etc or vista ITSELF goes to hibernate again.

Thats really annoying to sit in front of the resuming computer and try to catch that 2mins window every day, when i hibernate. Is a feature or bug? Can it be overcome somehow?....Ive got Vista 64, all updates, Rad4870, Asus M3A78-EH mobo, 5000+BE, hybrid sleep off.

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Click Sleep Goes Into Hibernate

May 15, 2010

I looks as though Vista goes into hibernate even though I click on sleep. Up until now, Vista always went to sleep. What should I be checking?

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Hibernate, How To Remove Suspend

Mar 26, 2008

I don't want suspend, it does not even work. I do how ever want Hibernate. My Question is how do i remove suspend?

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Hibernate: Screen Turns Off

Feb 23, 2009

I recently installed SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.2 and now when I go into Vista and click the hibernate feature, my screen turns off for about a minute, lights stay on, then my log on screen comes, just as it would if I turned my computer on after hibernation. Also, when GRUB boot loader gives me the OS Choices, how can I set "Windows" as default? Right now, SLED is default.

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Hibernate Warning. How Do Generate One?

Jul 29, 2009

When my battery runs low I usually don't notice it's happening until it's too late. On my last laptop under XP I was given a screen pop-up warning to plug in my power adaptor before it was too late. I've searched all over the Power Management section in Vista and cannot find this ability even though I'm sure it's there. Where is it?

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Lost The Sleep And Hibernate

May 19, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion and cannot get the machine to power down into Sleep Mode or Hibernation. When I first bought this PC the middle of last year I remember reading after my first Windows Update that the feature might be lost as a result of the Windows Updating process. However, as the months have gone by and more and more apps having been installed and loaded on to this machine, it now takes longer for it to boot up. I always liked the Hibernate feature on my old Windows XP machine, but since I lost the Sleep and Hibernation features on this machine and realized why they were gone shortly after having purchased it.

I just went ahead with complete shut downs and cold boots. At this point though I'm pretty tired of the extended waits for the machine to boot up all the time so I would like to know if it's possible, and if so, how, I might get the Sleep or Hibernate features back on this machine. I wasn’t sure what other Section to post this message in since I don’t see an applicable Heading, so I went with the General Folder.

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Hibernate / Sleep Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

This is the second time in the past year I had to do this and I cant remember what I did to fix it. When I click the "round circle" hibernate button it shuts down and the restarts again?

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Toshiba Does Not Recommend Using Hibernate Mode

Dec 29, 2009

Multiple support reps at Toshiba have told me that Toshiba does not recommend using the hibernate mode as it may damage the system board. They referred to it as "overhibernation" and they recommend only using the full shut down. Sounds screwy to me. Opinions please

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Shut Down, Sleep, Hibernate: Which Is Recommended?

Jun 10, 2008

My Vista 32bit is used at home for a few hours daily. A comment in another group stated shutting down / starting back up is harder on the system over the years. True? Is there any difference between the button left of the lock symbol ('Saves session & puts comp. in low power state' and sleep? When I'm done for the day which is recommended by those who know?

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Fix Hibernate After Running Disk Cleanup

Jan 17, 2007

I have found my first bug in the final code of Windows Vista. A few weeks ago after my hard drive was getting low on space I ran disk cleanup to try to delete some unneeded files. Since I needed a lot of space fast I also checked the option to clear my hibernation file. It turns out that was a big mistake.

After clearing my hibernation file my laptops ability to hibernate was destroyed. It was so badly damaged that I could not get to the control panel hibernation settings to turn it back on. Thanks Disk Cleanup!

The fix is actually very easy to do.. Since the control panel settings were gone, I simply used the the command prompt to turn it back on. If you have a similar problem, run the follow command at an administrative level command prompt to turn hibernation back on:
Powercfg /hibernate on ...

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Turn Off Hibernate And Stop This File From Being Created

Apr 18, 2009

I know there's a way to turn off hibernate and stop this file from being created. I did a new install and now can't figure it out. I already have my power plan, advanced, sleep, never on all sleep options. I tried to manually delete the file and it won't let me. I don't think I had this problem before and don't know what's different this time around. I have admin privileges. There have been more than 1 funky things happened since the new install. It's almost like a different OS. I have admin rights, but sometimes it's as if I don't. I can't see for example a hidden folder in program data. I have selected for folder views to show hidden files and unchecked hide system files etc. I installed IconViewer which I used before. It worked great. It adds an extra tab to file properties named icons (If the file type has icons associated with it) and allows you to change it. I have installed, uninstalled, installed. It just doesn't work. It's a really basic program/add-on.

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