Resetting DRM?

Apr 28, 2008

I just recently finished upgrading my system from an nfroce 4 based Athlon 64x2 to a quad phenom 9850 with an amd 790fx based motherboard. So far it's all gone very well except one nagging issue. My media center can no longer record TV and my Zune player keeps throwing out error messages regarding media rights needing to be reset. After checking the event log I confirmed that Media Center is also unhappy with the current DRM situation, I guess
because the motherboard changed.

I've followed the steps outlined in this KB artical {url} but I've run into a snag. It points you to a website to update media rights but the site is broken, and I mean ompletely broken. All I get is a JS error saying invalid parameter, a generic MS gui and a continue button that is disabled and stays that way.

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Resetting Settings To Default?

Nov 1, 2009

Resetting settings to default?

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Cable Modem Resetting

May 15, 2010

how to get Windows to remember my modem settings. Every time I wake up or restart my computer I have to get Windows to reset my modem. This has only just started happening after I had help from Microsoft. They had me run a reset .bat to reset my services (in an effort to restart Security Center). It failed and I have since run Black Vipers "safe" settings and also turned off Media Center services. Microsoft help has left my computer in a worse state than it was before I went to them

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Power Options Resetting

Apr 24, 2008

My sisters PCz keeps going to sleep. I changed power options to never but each time she restarts the PC the settings go back to previous settings. i have looked around here for answers but nothing applies to her pc. all was fine before SP1 but i dont think that is the problem.

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Resetting Network Adapter

Jun 21, 2008

It seems many people have problems with Internet connections in Vista. I am one of them and have gone through all the discussions looking for a solution - nothing so far!! What seems to work is a script that automatically resets the adapter on
start up

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IMAP Folder: Resetting All Mails

Jul 29, 2009

I have an IMAP email folder. Every now and then (1-2 weeks), when I go into the folder, Windows Mail forgets all Mails in the folder, and immediately re-fetches the list. Then I need to re-download all the messages, either by clicking on them or by synchronizing the folder. As the number of messages is quite high, this takes a lot of time and is an annoyance every time it happens.

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Account Needs Resetting Often In Windows Mail

Apr 30, 2008

I have recently guided a friend on a new PC and set it up for him. I created his email account in Windows Mail but after a couple of days send/receive did not download emails though no error was shown, however they were viewable at the ISP's server. As the emails are still at the ISP's server they are not going into another folder. Deleting his account from Windows Mail and setting it up again allowed emails to download but this pattern has to be repeated on a regular basis. The new PC is a Dell 530S O/S Vista Premium, 2GB RAM. The Antivirus/Firewall is F-Secure. The ISP is BT in the UK. This problem never arose with Outlook Express on his old PC. Is there a known issue with Windows Mail that might be causing

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Cannot Resetting The Local Cache Files

Mar 26, 2009

I've tried resetting the local cache files - no change. Can't see any options on WinMail to "ignore your own posts". Windows Mail is version 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)

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General Question Re Resetting/renewing IP Connection

Jun 4, 2009

I have a general question re network settings under Vista Home Premium. On occasion, during busy times of the day, my cable modem will indicate that the connection is lost. If I manually unplug the power cable to the cable modem and router, wait until 15 or so seconds, and reconnect the cables, I can usually suceed in obtaining a connection. I assume the computer looks and finds a new address from my IP.

Under Vista, using cmd.exe (elevated), I tried ipconfig /renew but
received the following message - An error occured while renewing interface
Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has
timed out. [end quote]

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Automatically Resetting Folder View Options.

Jul 15, 2008

I have a folder (on my desktop) and when I open that folder, I want to view the files inside that folder as small icons. So I open the folder, select View – small icons, then deselect “auto arrange”. Then I put the icons in just the order that I want them and everything is fine. I close the folder and re-open the folder, and the files are still displayed by icons and positioned just the way I want them. Great so far. But then the next day, when I open the folder, the folder is back to displaying the icons by “Details” and the files are back in the original order. Very annoying to say the least.

The files are MP3 for some daily listening, and after I listen to one, I want to move it down to the bottom. Then the next day I listen to the MP3 on top and then move that one down to the bottom. Worked fine with XP, but now with Vista, everyday the folder gets changed back to view by Details, and the files are back in original order. How can I keep Vista from automatically changing folder views back to Details and leave it on “Small icons (no auto arrange)”. I tried searching for the answer on the forum, but got an error that I don’t have permission to use the search function.

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Lost Windows - Resetting Window Positions

May 5, 2008

I recently downsized from three monitors and two video cards to two monitors and one video card. However, I have one program that keeps coming up on the third monitor even though there is no third monitor.

Does anyone know how to get that program to load on the main monitor?

You would think Microsoft would be smart enough to fix Vista so that it realized a monitor was now missing and open the programs on the default screen.

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Blue Screen Crash, Dumps Before Resetting

Jun 29, 2008

Blue Screen crash that dumps before resetting - according to the minidump its a WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR, but it doesn't state which piece of hardware it is.
The dump file arguments are as follows:

Arg1: 0000000000000000, MCA_ASSERT

Arg2: fffffa8009785c6e, Address of WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure

Arg3: 00000000b6200013, High 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had

the error Arg4: 0000000000080a01, Low 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had...........

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BIOS Setup Resetting To Factory Installation

Apr 9, 2009

I recently had a problem with my Dell Inspiron 1525 (System Event Notification Service error) and I had to use the function to return the system to its factory settings. I believe this involves using an OS image that's installed on a separate partition on the laptops hard drive. I followed the steps in the manual which involves using the F8 setup screen and selecting "repair your computer" and "system recovery options" and selecting restore factory settings or something to that effect. I selected this and after about 10 minutes a message appeared stating that the return to factory settings was successful. Per the instructions, I hit enter but after I did the computer went into a continuous loop of showing the bios screen and what sounded like trying to boot up and then back to the bios screen. It would continue doing this unless I hit the power button or pressed the F2 key or the F12 key. I hit F2 and noticed that the boot sequence had been changed to diskette drive as first and hard drive as second....

I guess I have the other option of reinstalling the operating system from the OS disk Dell provided but I'm wondering if that is the same as the restore to factory settings option? For example, are all the necessary drivers and other applications that were on the machine when it left the factory copied during installation? The manual says the OS image file on the hard drive has all the drivers and applications so I'd really like to go that route if I can but I do need some advice on how to fix this problem with the Bios looping.

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Resetting Internet Explorer, Scanning For Spyware,

Nov 16, 2008

I have two labtops, one (gateway) with Vista and one (compaq) with XP. Each one runs on a Netgear router and for the first few months I had the Gateway which I bought last December there were no problems. Around August I could get to the start page on Internet Explorer but when trying to get to another website my page loaded half way slowly on my usually fast connection then stopped, no error message no internet conection problem screen, just kept loading but couldn't load any farther. I've tried everything, updating Vista and McAfee, resetting Internet Explorer, deleting cookies and favorites as well as other internet files, scanning for spyware, othning works. Details: 2006 Gateway M-6816 model with Vista Home Premium 32-bit, wireless connection, Netgear router provided by Comcast, Internet Explorer 7.

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Trouble Resetting Active Window Text Font

Jun 25, 2008

Somehow my basic active windows text font changed. I think newly installed software may be to blame. Anyway, following the help suggestions of going to "Appearance Settings" and clicking on "Advanced" looks promising. However, for Windows Vista Basic, Standard, & Classic clicking on the Active Text within the Active Windows only get item Windows which does not allow me to set a font. Only a general color and a font color. I can't figure out how to reset the font. The font drop down list is empty and inactive.

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Resetting C-drive Allocations To Default Setting In Vista

Jan 15, 2010

To prepare for a dual boot installation (Vista / Ubuntu) I had to allocate space on my C-drive using Vista's 'Disk Management' and 'Shrink Volume' features. Unfortunately, in the process of making the allocation, I mistakenly allocated 40 MB instead of 40 GB. Went back into 'Shrink Volume' to correct the allocation but it apparently cannot increase space. Also tried 'Extend Volume', no luck there either (or maybe I just don't understand how it works). For what it's worth, here's my current C-drive allocations.

144.81 GB NTFS
40.00 MB Unallocated (reserved for Ubuntu) (this is what should have been 40GB)
75.29 GB Primary Partition
3.24 GB Primary Partition
9.49 GB NTFS

I should also mention that I already have Ubuntu installed, so this is actually a re-installation to solve a connection problem I'm having with Ubuntu.

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Change Proxy Settings Or Try Resetting Local Connection Setting

Mar 23, 2008

i used advanced vista optimiser to give my laptop a good clean out as i do every week. but this time when i went to log on the diagnostic comes and says either change proxy settings or try resetting local connection setting. i tried resetting many a time which as done no good. web address bar states where its going but the diag box comes on in the mean time while this is all going on a new tab keeps on opening by its self and saying the same thing,this started to happen before i cleaned my l.p but it was just redirecting to a blank page.

that is why i did the clean.anyhow resetting the lan did not work so i reset the internet expolorer in the tools on the bar. which as worked but the same thing is still happening with the tab ,but now its redirecting to all the freebiee sites and it will not stop. i have spyware-adware-trojan software on my l.p and still no good it did pick up 3 infections which it sorted out, its driving me f*&^%*ng nuts:mad::mad:

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