Automatically Resetting Folder View Options.

Jul 15, 2008

I have a folder (on my desktop) and when I open that folder, I want to view the files inside that folder as small icons. So I open the folder, select View – small icons, then deselect “auto arrange”. Then I put the icons in just the order that I want them and everything is fine. I close the folder and re-open the folder, and the files are still displayed by icons and positioned just the way I want them. Great so far. But then the next day, when I open the folder, the folder is back to displaying the icons by “Details” and the files are back in the original order. Very annoying to say the least.

The files are MP3 for some daily listening, and after I listen to one, I want to move it down to the bottom. Then the next day I listen to the MP3 on top and then move that one down to the bottom. Worked fine with XP, but now with Vista, everyday the folder gets changed back to view by Details, and the files are back in original order. How can I keep Vista from automatically changing folder views back to Details and leave it on “Small icons (no auto arrange)”. I tried searching for the answer on the forum, but got an error that I don’t have permission to use the search function.

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Power Options Resetting

Apr 24, 2008

My sisters PCz keeps going to sleep. I changed power options to never but each time she restarts the PC the settings go back to previous settings. i have looked around here for answers but nothing applies to her pc. all was fine before SP1 but i dont think that is the problem.

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Unable To View Options

Mar 12, 2009

I have tried to have files open in a uniform way, I have not been able to do this with the Windows Vista Control Panel. Under "view" I would prefer a "List" rather than large or medium sized Icons. I have tried checking various boxes under Folder Options but have not been able to standardize a list view.

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Not Able To View Options At Left Of Screen

May 12, 2009

windows mail vista: not able to view options at left of screen. I don't know how I made this go away but I cannnot view the options

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IMAP Folder: Resetting All Mails

Jul 29, 2009

I have an IMAP email folder. Every now and then (1-2 weeks), when I go into the folder, Windows Mail forgets all Mails in the folder, and immediately re-fetches the list. Then I need to re-download all the messages, either by clicking on them or by synchronizing the folder. As the number of messages is quite high, this takes a lot of time and is an annoyance every time it happens.

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Folder Views: Set Up The Folder Options To Display The Number Of Subfolders Or Items When Its Selected

Jun 2, 2008

how to set up the folder options to display the number of subfolders or items when its selected. It used to display in the bottom of the folder window but got disabled. Any folder clicked on would display in a small footer the number of items stored in in and size.

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Public Folder Appears Automatically In Private Folder

Jun 17, 2008

When I put e.g. documents in my publick folder, do they appear automatically in the private folder too? Do I really need 2 folders to see all my docs in vista?

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Keep Folder View Settings After Renaming Folder

Nov 20, 2009

every time I rename a folder, Vista changes the folder view settings in that folder back to the default for that specific folder. I have gone through the tutorials in this forum about making Vista always remember the current folder settings. That is not my issue. An example of what I mean: Let us say I have a folder named "Music" and the folder view settings are set to 'Music Details'. Fine. But let us now say that I also want to show the bit rates and/or the length of the songs. 'Music Details' does not have this by default, so I right-click and at the bar (tab? menu?) and choose to show them. So far so good, and my settings are always there. However, if I change the folder name to something else, the view settings revert back to the original 'Music Details'. Is there a way of stopping this from happening? I often change folder names and/or move them around, and it is annoying to always have to add/remove what I want from the view settings.

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Folder Options Access Restricted

Aug 24, 2009

I can no longer access the Folder Options from either the control panel or the windows explorer organizer tab.=20 From the control panel, clicking on the Folder Options icon does nothing. From Windows Explorer, I get a restrictions window stating 'this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator'....

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Folder Options Didn't Looking Restore

Sep 2, 2009

I don't know how to get it back! I searched folder options control panel, but either didn't see the option there, or didn't know what I was looking for to restore it. Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about, and knows what I did to bork it, and how to un-bork it!

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Windows Explorer: Folder Options 'Restricted'

Mar 6, 2009

I have a computer where I can't access the Explorer Folder Options (specifically the Folder and Search options under the Organize submenu.)

When I select it, I get an error message labeled 'Restricted.' The text reads "This option has been cancelled due to restrictions See your administrator."

However, I should point out that I DO still have admin priveleges. I can access any other menu or option. I can edit the registry, change the internet explorer options, use the group policy editor, whatever.

Most of the potential solutions I found relate to either a program changing the restrictions for Explorer folder options; but the associated registry entries where those restrictions would normally be 'keyed' are not present.

Editing the group policy (which by default is 'not configured') to 'disable' the 'Remove Folder Options' policy has no effect whatsoever. Editing the registry, adding keys, and then disabling them, also has no effect.

Using NOD32 and scanning in safe mode results in no infection found, and I'm not seeing the telltale signs of an infection (such as limiting my admin priveleges in other areas, like registry editing or using the control panel applets.)

Hijack this does not provide any clues; it all looks clean (with the exception of some leftover services from TuneUp Utilities, which I ended up cleaning out manually.) Cleaning this did not change the problem at hand.

Using a restore point from several days ago did not fix the problem. I could go further back but I don't even know when this problem began. Maybe as long as a month ago.

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WRONG Folder Options In File Explore Bar

May 17, 2008

For a while now, Vista thinks ALL my folders are either music folder or Photo folders so I get Music or Photo related information in the explorer bar such as Burn instead of New Folder And the list shows Artist, Album, Genre, Date taken. Instead of Creation Date, type, size and so on. It's driving my nuts. I can't work like this. How do I change all my folder so it shows the standard "PC Geek Tools and infomation" and not the

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Public Folder: No Options To Move Or Delete?

Dec 11, 2008

I have a public folder that has appeared on my desktop. I had updates to install, I did so, re-started and hey presto there it is. What now? I don't want it on my desktop but there are no options to move or delete it

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Does SP1 Fix Folder View Setttings

Mar 23, 2008

i just wanted to know if Vista SP1 finally fixes the folder view settings ? Does SP 1 finally end all the folders being rearranged ?

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How To View The Size Of A Folder

Jun 7, 2008

how can I view the size of folders, without having to r-mouse --> proparties. is it plausible to see this in the 'details-classification' in windows explorer?

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Restricting Folder View

Apr 1, 2009

When I am looking at the files in a folder view window, is there any way to restrict the files displayed to be only of a certain extension (.DOC for example)?

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Folder View Resets Itself

May 7, 2008

I know every one here has this default Vista (even XP) problem. The problem is that the folder customization / layout never stays the way you set it, even minutes later after closing/re-opening explorer. This is driving me insane. For example, in explorer under Computer I choose large icons. Close, re-open its back to list view instead. Sometimes other folders will somehow change views by themselves too. This is really annoying.

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Keeps Chainging My Folder View

Jun 14, 2010

I go into a folder and get the following colums Album Artist, Genre, , Rating. I don't want any of this rubbish. I only want date Modified which is missing. I remove this and put in Date Modified. Next time I go to my PC they are back again and Date Modified is gone

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Folder Options No Longer Appears As A Search Result

Jun 11, 2009

A few months ago, I was messing around with the Windows indexing options , adding folders, etc. and it seems to have screwed up the way Search works. I often need to access Folder Options, and I found the easiest way to do this was by hitting the Start key and typing "Folder" since I'm used to "Launchy" type utilities. However, for some reason, Folder Options no longer appears as a search result. I've rebuilt the index several times and it still doesn't show up. Neither does Programs and Features. I haven't tested every Control Panel utility but these seem to be the only 2 so far that do not show up on Search.

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Change Folder View Templates

Feb 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me if I can change the templates used to display folders in Vista.

I've searched the forums and discovered plenty of tutorials about the problem of Vista remembering the template used and how to change which template is used.

But that is not what I want. I actually want to change the template itself (In an ideal world I'd like to create new templates), but at the minimum I'd like to change what the existing templates show.

For example, I have a number of Sound FX files and for those, I'd like the template to show the length of the clip. Similarly, I do not use Ratings, and have no use for them or Genres or track numbers, but I would like file size. For Images, I again never use Ratings, or tags (I use Adobe Lightroom to catalog my images as I have thousands) but I would like to see file type and modification date!

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Windows Explorer Folder View?

Mar 15, 2009

This is about Windows 7, I do not know whether this is an issue in Vista. Seems like Microsoft has undervalued the folder view, maybe even trying to get rid of it. Some time after Windows 98, I think Microsoft improved folder view by allowing a single click on the folder name to expand subfolders underneath. Now with Windows 7, clicking on the default taskbar folder opens with the folder view exposed. Apparently Microsoft again understands how useful folder view is. But, unless I am mistaken, here we go again... Currently I am looking at Windows 7, trying to find the setting to allow single clicking on a folder name in the folder view to expand the folder. Before, it was the same function as clicking on the small plus mark on the left side of the folder name. In the main window of Windows Explorer, you can enable hover to select and a single click to expand the folder, but that IMO sucks when working with files.

Is there a setting in Windows 7 which allows a single click on a folder name in folder view to expand the subfolders underneath that folder in folder view? Or are we stuck once again having to click the small plus sign to the left of the folder name?

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Contacts Displayed In Folder View

Mar 10, 2009

When I click the contacts button in Windows Mail, it gives me a folder view of all my contacts. There is no button to add a new contact and no way to create a new group. Is this something I accidentally turned on?

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Folder View Settings Not Remembered

May 14, 2008

I have seen many people with folders' view settings not being remembered. My issue is that I would like to have folders on the desktop without the navigation pane. However, getting rid of one folder's pane gets rid of them all. Any ideas on how to fix this? Hopefully, it could fix all the other non-requested changes in folders' views (sort orders not sticking for example).
** Stress - the condition brought about by having to
** resist the temptation to beat the living daylights
** out of someone who richly deserves it.

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Permissions: Cannot View The All Users Desktop Folder?

Aug 28, 2008

When logged on as Administrator or as myself with full admin rights why can't I view the All Users Desktop folder? My desktop shows the shortcuts that are in the All Users desktop folder. I am not paranoid but methinks there is a user predefined in Vista that is higher than Administrator.

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Personal Folder View Doesn't Wrok

Feb 29, 2008

Im having some problems with my personal folder. When i go to it all the thumbnails have no information under them: when I go to a folder at a different location it has the information under each large thumbnail: When I go and access my personal folder the "long way" by going to COMPUTER>C DRIVE>USERS>ELENA I can see the information. I have no idea why this happened. I remember I was cutting and pasting things to that folder, but I must have pressed something on my keyboard by accident and the mouse was stuck on select. Then I restarted and this happened. How can I get the text under the large thumbnails to appear again? Going to "View" doesnt work by the way.

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Deleted Items Folder Empty Automatically

Jul 3, 2008

In OE6 my Deleted Items folder would empty automatically when I closed the programme. I cannot find that option anywhere in Windows Mail Tools - is there one?

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Emails Automatically Move To The Deleted Folder

Apr 12, 2008

my emails would get marked as read or automatically move to the deleted folder when deleted. Instead, they remain BOLD black until I exit the inbox THEN return. At that point, the messages are either marked as read or have been deleted. It is weird nothing was changed by me! The box "Mark as read" is set to 0 seconds and that never changed. It's annoying to have to click on EVERY message in order to get it read and then delete what I want, move to the next message, delete it, etc.......exit the folder, then return to it for the messages to be corrected.

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File Names Disappeared / Folder View Changed?

Aug 7, 2009

When I turned my computer on today it seems that all of my filenames have 'disappeared' - the files are still called the same that I named them, but instead of them showing the titles, they either show the date modified or only certain details. I mainly have music on my hard drive, and now the folder looks like this:

As you can see, on the left in the folder tree, the path is showing up, the files are still there etc, but instead of the track titles, there is now only the artist and album? I have tried shift and view, tried different views, tried changing the folder view to pictures and videos etc, I have also completely scanned the drives and there doesn't seem to be any problems? Under 'folder options' I have tried showing all extensions etc, showing hidden files, different customizing of views:...........

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Folder View To 'List' And Removing The Column Headers?

Sep 21, 2009

I thought that by selecting 'Apply to Folders' in Folder Options it would apply to all folders. But I still find myself changing the folders to 'List' and removing the column headers. I have Vista Basic sp2 and have thought they would have corrected this by
now. Or, is there a problem with my system?

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View Folder Contents Menu Causes Server Busy...

Sep 8, 2008

I am not sure what is going on, but I think it may be an over-aggressive registry cleaner. I am running Vista Ultimate 64 and every time I get an open file dialog box, and try to open the menu at the top of it to select the way I want to view the folder contents (List, Details, Thumbnails, etc.) the button stays depressed and after a few seconds I get the Server Busy... Switch To | Retry | Cancel... dialog. The Cancel button is always grayed out. The list always comes up eventually, after several hundred Retry clicks... If I do not move the mouse I do not get the Server Busy dialog, but it takes 30-45 seconds for the list to appear. After that everything works fine. I am running Vista Ultimate 64-bit on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ @ 2.6GHz with 3GB RAM and an nVidia GTS8600.

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Windows Explorer Didn't Remember The Folder View

Nov 12, 2008

I'm sorry for wasn't here for a very long time - But I'm back! Last time my Windows Explorer Just didn't remember the folder view.. but today it just reset all the settings.. But this isn't the problem the problem is that it have changed the default view.. It's Hebrew so everything is mirrored. I'v tried Brink's Tutorial in method 2 that helped me last time..

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