Partioned Drive Remove Or Delete Not Use Out At All

Oct 6, 2009

I am using Windows Vista 32 Bit, laptop, it came with a with a Crive & a Drive, is there anyway to remove or delete the Drive, as I do not use ut at all. I do not want it.

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Safely Remove USB Thumb Drive :: Light Stays On Drive

Sep 28, 2009

Before I remove a USB thumb drive, I click the green check from notification area; I click the message that appears next to the green check, Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device - drives (F:, G; then a dialog box appears that states, This device can now be safely removed from computer.

The light on the thumb drive, however, stays lighted. I previously followed a procedure where the light would go off on the thumb drive when I did a Safely Remove.

Should the light on the thumb drive go off before it can be safely removed? If so, how do I get the thumdrive light to go off?

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Remove File Delete Confirmation

Dec 8, 2006

If you have User Account Protection enabled and are tired of all of the prompts that you get when you try to delete a protected file then this tweak is for you! 

One way to cut down on the number of prompts that you get is to disable the delete file confirmation box. If you are trying to delete a system file you are presented with first the delete confirmation box and then the UAC authorization pop-up boxes. By disabling the delete confirmation box you can get rid of one of the pop-up boxes that you are forced to click through each time.
Follow these steps to disable the Delete confirmation box:

Right click on your Recycle Bin on the desktop and select Properties.

On the bottom of the Recycle Bin Properties window, uncheck Display delete confirmation dialog.

Hit OK and you are finished.

Keep in mind that you will also no longer get a delete confirmation when you delete files that are not protected by UAC.  That will allow you to delete a file without any confirmation at all. If you make a mistake and delete a file by accident, just restore it from the Recycle bin. After all, that is what it is for!

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Bad Addresses: Cannat Delete To Remove It From The List

May 6, 2008

Not sure how to name this but you know when you compose a new message, and start typing an address and the list that comes up with your contacts that you have written to before and you can pick one without typing the whole thing? In OE, Outlook, etc, you could highlight a bad address and click delete to remove it from the list. That doesn't function in Windows Mail. How can you edit this list?

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Delete/remove 2005 Files/programs?

Feb 3, 2010

In my Programs and Features are a list of everything I use. My question is I have 3 MS Visual C++ 2005(2 redist. and 1 ATL updates) and 3 MS Visual C++2008( 2redist. and 1 ATL updates) so I am wondering can I delete/remove the 2005 files/programs and not mess my system up. I am doing my annual housecleaning and noticed these C++'s but afraid to remove without getting the go ahead from VF tech's.

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How Remove Virtual Drive?

Apr 26, 2009

I have a Sony Vaio laptop with Vista Home + SP1. It came with just a C drive. I decided to create a second D drive so that the operational side would be on C drive and data would be on D drive. The intention was to create a situation where, if I had to use the recovery disk, it could just replace C drive with the factory settings, while leaving data in place on D. But now I want to remove the separate drive D and restore the space to drive C. I have backed up everything in drive D to external media. However, whatever I do, I cannot find a way to simply dump drive D and have the space reallocated to drive C. THe system will let me create additonal drives, and shrink drives, but not just reallocate them to C drive. Of course, if all else fails, I can restore all my data to drive D, but for reasons associated with the use of an iPod I want the maximum space available in C drive to cope with this. But I can find no way to do this.

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Remove Vista On Drive 1 , Partition C:

Nov 17, 2009

I have two hard drives ,each hard drive is partitioned into 2.

Drive 1
Partition C:
Partition D:

Drive 2
Partition E:
Partition F:

I have Vista Home Premium on C: Drive. Have Windows 7 on E: Drive. My Boot File is on the C : Drive for both Operating Systems. If I want to remove Vista on Drive 1 , Partition C: First of all what would be the easiest way of removing Vista? Reformat the drive or can you uninstall it with the programs?? If I do Format the C: Drive,I would loose the Boot Manager File. I would probably not be able to even boot into Win 7. If I can not boot into 7 Can I insert the DVD do a repair to bring back the Boot file to C:? Or can I just use a second party Boot Manager like Easy BCD to configure Boot manager??

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Infinate File, Hard Drive Cannot Remove

Oct 15, 2009

The problem I have is a file on my hard drive which i cannot remove. If i try to delete it then explorer restarts and i recieve the error message Error 0x80070057:The parameter is incorrect. The file was 3.4TB...yes TB which cannot be as my...........

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How To Remove Vista From Without Hammer On The Hard Drive?

Mar 23, 2008

I recently acquired a new Sony Vaio laptop computer with Vista pre-installed. how to remove all of Vista from my machine without using a fairly large hammer on the hard drive? I would like to get back to some pleasant computing with XP.

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Access Denied: Remove Directory On The Usb Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I tried to do some work with a usb drive that was on a XP Pro system. both system have the same user and password. This user is an administrator on both systems. When I try to remove a directory on the usb drive I get access denied. If i try to look at the level of security for this directory it say that I can't view the security. If I try to run the cmd as administrator and view the security it says access denied. How the heck are you supposed to correct this type of error. The book says to run cmd as administrator. But that does not seem to work. If I knew that XP PRO would work on this laptop I would remove Vista I've never had so much trouble with a new OS.

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Remove Partitions On External Hard Drive

Dec 20, 2009

I have an external hard drive that's divided into 2 partitions. I want to reformat the drive and eliminate the partitions. (Or do I say I want to have only 1 partition?) How do I get rid of the two partitions?

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C:drive Partitioned Recovery Disks Can Remove The D:

Feb 20, 2009

I have a computer from HP, Hp Pavilion 3200n slimline, running vista 32, 4 gb Ram, Athlon 64X2, I have my C: drive partitioned to accomidate for the making of the recovery disks. Can I remove the D: to make my C: drive bigger?

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Unable To Safely Remove USB External Drive

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to disconnect my external usb drive I get the following message. " Windows can't stop your Generic volume device because it is in use. Close any programs or windows that might be using the device, and then try again later." I have no programs running that would be accessing the USB external drive that I know of. Is there some way to find out what program is accessing it? I have things in the back ground like Windows Onecare who uses that drive to back up my files, but happens in the middle of the night.

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E Recovery Drive And Need To Delete?

Mar 5, 2010

I keep getting a message that my recovery drive E is almost full and I need to delete some of my programs. My C drive is fine and has plenty of room. I have talked to Dell and the tech man was not following my problem. I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 x64 bit. He said I would just have to put up with this message and not to delete any of the recovery drive. I don't think he is right. When I follow the says to delete all of my recycle (which I did) and free up disc space.

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How Can Delete F Hard Drive

Oct 7, 2009

Alright I have one Hard drive. My main drive is C: which is what my Vista is installed on. I made a partition to split this drive and made a F: My question is how can I delete my F: and get the hard drive space back on C:? I already have all of my data backed up so don't worry about that.

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Delete A Bunch Of Stuff From My Hard Drive

Mar 25, 2009

I am about to set up my new HP computer which has Vista Premium 64 bit and a 750 gig hard drive. With all the mp3's, lossless audio and avi's I have on various external hard drives, 750 gigs isn't really "that big" anymore! So I was on the phone with a friend last night and he said "I have to delete a bunch of stuff from my hard drive because my computer geek friend told me I should never have my drive more than 50% full." I said, "Well, surely nowadays with big hard drives that is no longer true. But I will ask."

How full can a 750gig hard drive be, before it causes sluggishness or other problems, using Vista Premium 64bit? Note: I am thinking of shrinking the C partition into various partitions: about 20gigs for a cd/dvd ripping area about 100gigs for Vista and programs and desktop working area" (C drive) about 400 gigs for mp3's and the rest for .avi movie files Is this a reasonable plan? And is it okay to shrink it and divide it after I'm already up and running with Vista, internet, etc.?

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Is It Ok To Delete Windows.old To Free Up Drive Space?

Mar 14, 2007

1. Is it ok to delete windows.old to free up drive space?

2. I tried deleting it and in the recycling progress box thing, the file kept growing and growing. And when i select properties for Windows.old it too seems to be growing.

P.S. I did a custom install when I installed Home premium upgrade and I want to leave the past behind and start with a clean computer slate. I only have 77gb/225gb free. That's why I'm trying to delete it

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Delete The C Drive From A Dual Boot System?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a dual-boot setup. Volume C runs Vista Home Premium. Volume F runs Vista Ultimate. (Vol. D is a recovery volume.) I would like to blow away C: and boot only from F. Would the following be a possible/advisable solution?

1. Boot from F.
2. Delete C.
3. Rename F "C".
4. Expand F (the new "C") to include the old C.

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Can Not Delete Directory Of External Hard Drive

May 3, 2008

I tried a program for backup. Don't know what it did. It never made a backup that was correct. The problem is now there is a directory on my F drive which is an external hard drive that I can not delete. There are 3 directories under it that I can't either. The message I get is "Error 0x80070570 The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable. I have ran chkdsk on the drive, I ran defrag. Nothing will let me get rid of this directory.

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Disk Management & EISA Partition: Delete And Remove To Unlock EISA Hidden Recovery Or Diagnostic Partition In Vista

Jan 14, 2009

I think I messed up my hard drive while trying to erase the EISA partition on it. It's a Gateway P7811-FX laptop with a single 200 GB hard drive. Before, I only had 1 main partition: the C: Drive (176.31 GB), along with the hidden 10 GB EISA partition. After making recovery disks, I followed this tutorial: Delete and Remove to Unlock EISA Hidden Recovery or Diagnostic Partition in Vista » My Digital Life

Following that, I went in Disk Management. The hidden partition showed up, but I couldn't extend the C drive to use the unallocated 10 GB, so I converted it to a simple 10 GB volume. Then I used Acronis Disk Director Suite and merged the two partitions. And now, I can't do anything in Disk Management. There's only one partition now (186.31 GB), but when I right click on it, there's no options to create, shrink, delete, or extend the partition. They were there before, but the only option that shows up is Help.

Under Status, it says Healthy (Active, EISA Configuration). I think I merged the partitions the wrong way, so now there's no "System, Boot, Page File..." partition. Everything is on the EISA partition. When I try to run Acronis, the program doesn't load up. I've tried using Diskpart but I can't create any new partitions either.

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Add/Remove In Vista Does Not Remove All The Software

May 12, 2008

I have experienced two instances were Add/Remove in Vista does not remove all the software, so that comprehensive installation of similar software is not possible. The first concerned a Scanner, where Add/Remove would not remove all the software, so that installation of the new Scanner is not possible, until a procedure recommended by the Scanner's makers involving modifications to the Registry is carried out, which I could not possibly do myself, so it means hiring a Professional to do the job!

The second concerns Spellex. Here again the old version has not been removed, so that installation of the latest version is not fully carried out, making the software useless. How can Microsoft produce Windows where such problems occur? What is the experience of others in case this is a fault with my computer?

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Delete Empty Partition, Get Empty Space On Hard Drive?

Mar 19, 2009

I have an Acer aspire 5715z series which as its hard drive partitioned into two 30gig partitions. I would like to know, if I was to delete one of the partitions which is empty would the remaining partition take up the empty space on the hard drive.

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Cloning A Drive: Tranfer Entire Drive Incuding All Files And The Operating System From Current IDE HDD To A New SATA Drive

May 2, 2008

I am Using Vista Ultimate 64. I would like to tranfer my entire drive incuding all files and the Operating system From my current IDE HDD to a new SATA Drive of the sames size (500 Gig) I need the IDE Drive for an older computer ( The 40 Gig IBM Deathstar still functions great, but all programs seem more bloated these Days)

Anyway I went to Administrative Tools and Formated the New Drive NFTS with no Drive Letter. But I cannot get it recognized as a transfer device when I go to system backup. Can I use 'C' on the second and soon to be only drive? If I have to use E or F for now can I change it back later. would that affect the file system? I intend to Low level Format the IDE and try cloning the old machine's XP Drive (32 bit) to it in the second place.

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My Docs On E Drive, Not C Drive: How I Go About Changing That So The Default Is My Documents On The E Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running Vista on a PC that has a hd that has been formated into 3 discrete drives.Vista is loaded onto the C drive, programmes are loaded onto the d drive while i have my data stored on my E drive. By default any documents I save are directed towards My Documents on the C drive - how I go about changing that so the default is my Documents on the E drive?

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Delete Broswsing History Does Not Delete Favorite History

May 15, 2010

I can delete my browsing history but it dosen't delete my favorite history. I don't want to delete my favorite list, just the history from when I access my favorite sites. Also how do I stop pages from auto loading. When I leave my pc on, when I get back to it I noticed other sites have automactically loaded. These ere sites my grandson went out to. I really don't have a need to go out to ninja turtle sites. I have tried everything I know to correct the above two issues but can't.

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Usb External Hard Drive Plugged In And The Drive Has Been Emptied And Replaced By Windows

Mar 23, 2008

when booting up from a vista cd I accidentally had my usb external hard drive plugged in and the drive has been emptied and replaced by windows there are sintimental photos etc on the drive can anyone help me to restore them

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Does 'Local Disc' D Mean It Is A Drive Inside My Machine Or Could It Be My External Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

Does 'Local Disc' D mean it is a drive inside my machine or could it be my external hard drive?

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Windows Can't Format Drive H: - Check To See That The Disk And Drive Are Connected Properly

Jul 29, 2009

i just bought My Book Essential 1 TB today... and when i got home i plug it and it works just fine but its bothering me that the HDD type is FAT32 .. so i format it and try to change it to NTFS.. but somethings happen and boom the electric in my apartment was down... and so when the electric back i want to format it again but i can't... there drive is detected but with no space detail... it says "Windows can't format Drive H: - Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again.

For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them" when i open the Disk Management from (My COmputer > Manage) it seems it's already a volume.. but the weird thing there is no space detail.. and i cant erase the volume ... i've tried using diskpart but i can't do nothing because there is no volume and i can't erase the disk... no luck with fsutil cause its not ntfs... I havent tried 3rd party software and i havent tried it on other computer (don't have other computer right now) and WDC didnt give live cd for formatting because all of them was in the drive... though i already redownload it but the program is useless..

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Ethernet Hard Drive: Both Operating Systems Unable To Browse Drive

Apr 17, 2008

I was wonder if anyone know a solution for the following problem. I have a ethernet hard drive and I've never had a problem until using vista and windows server 2008. both operating systems are unable to browse the drive, instead it completely crashes explorer.exe. Windows server 2003 & XP have never had trouble.

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Drive Letter Shortage: Limitatation Of 26 Letters For Drive Designations

Oct 19, 2009

With the advent of terabyte hard drives, is there a work around for the limitatation of 26 letters for drive designations. I have a new computer with 2 terabyte hard drives, two DVD's, several USB connections, and I am running three different programs from ISO files stored on the hard drive with Daemon Tools, all of which take up drive letters. I have Windows Vista Home Premium, but see no work around for this limitation. I have searched Microsoft KB finding nothing addressing this issue. I am hoping that some one knows of a work around for the problem

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Hard Drive Installation: No Designated Lettered Drive Appears

May 18, 2009

i bought a kit for an old hard drive. i got it to work once ealier today, and now it doesn't work. when i plug it into the usb, it will not successfully install. the kit is a rocketfish hd 35, the hard drive is seagate u8 model st313021a. the "remove hardware" icon appears in the tray, but no designated lettered drive appears on the computer.

the hard drive was part of an older tower that i couldn't get to boot. it's strange because just today i accessed the hard drive and located old pictures, music and other files that i hadn't seen in a few years. had i known this would have happened i would have started saving right away. i thought i had it working.

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