Missing Dll: Game That Not Load Saves

Feb 15, 2010

What is best way to identify and/or reload missing dlls? Should the Vista Operating System disc be used? Problem is a game that will not load saves, always goes back to the game introduction. Have tried un-installing and re-installing but no difference. Chat help from Electronic Arts unable to resolve. I think it is a missing dll file. Saved ganes and check points are in "Documents" but something is missing that links them to the game program.

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Every Game I Play Crashes, Or Fails To Load At All, Or Gets Into The Game And Crashes During Map Load

Jan 4, 2009

I finally decided to upgrade to Vista, and since I have 4GB ram I thought I'd give 64bit a shot. Every game I play crashes, or fails to load at all, or gets into the game and crashes during map load. I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed. I have installed and re-installed the OS multiple times to no effect. I've downloaded all of the windows updates. During one of my first installs of vista, I was able to get in to games of codwaw, but then it would crash after about 5 secs.......

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Freezes When Load Up Game

Dec 23, 2008

Well I just got a new laptop and it can handle sims 2 perfect but everytime I try to load up a game to play in the neiborhood it freezes while loading and i cant play so then I have to end the program.

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Star Wars: Game Did Not Load

May 15, 2010

Let it be known. This is for the FIRST game. Not the second. When I start the game this happens. I restarted, tried it again. Same Error. I uninstalled it. Restarted. Installed under Win XP Service Pack. Same Error. I made sure the exe is under the Win XP Service Pack. Same Error. I even tried the "change the mss32.dll in the directory." Same Error. I did the built-in system scan in the game configure. It's not the best but it should still play.

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Windows And Direct3D, Game Doesn't Load

Sep 16, 2009

I have just upgrade to vista from xp, and now none of my games work, i used to have directx 9.c (i think) now i have 10, which i think is good. i had windows service pack 2 now i hve windows service pack 1 and i no longer have directx. when i try to play a game (from steam) it doesn't load were as it did before, and when i load world of goo it says i am missing direct3D, but i have no idea how to fix this.

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Windows Failed To Load Because The Kernel Is Missing, Or Corrupt

Apr 19, 2009

I have the Home Premium edition and recently I received the following error:

File: WindowsSystem32tkrnlpa.exe

Status: 0xc0000001

Info: Windows Failed To Load Because The Kernel Is Missing, Or Corrupt

It tells me to insert my installation disc and restart your computer however when I do that I go right back to the previous screen which I just described. I already changed the boot order to boot from the DVD drive first however it continues to skip this screen and keeps looping to the same screen. Does anyone know another way to load my disc so I can continue with the repair?.

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Common Dialog (Load/Save) - Missing Keyboard Shortcuts?

Mar 23, 2008

as a software developer I find it very hard to use Vista just using the keyboard. One of the things I'm missing is the option to create new folders from within the Vista Common Dialogs for loading and saving files. Usually on Windows this is "+, , ". Did I perhaps misconfigure Vista to not support keyboard shortcuts? Or are they missing indeed?

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Games Missing From Game Explorer After Moving Folder

Apr 13, 2008

I am moving a lot of my games out of the Program Files folder into C:Games so that UAC doesn't ask permission to play most of my games anymore. The problem is that, after I move the game folder, even though the game plays perfectly, it disappears from the Game Explorer and I can't seem to get it added back. The specific game i'm trying with is Lord of the Rings Online. (I moved World of Warcraft and it fixed itself instantly). Everquest 1 also disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back in the game explorer other than dragging in the exectuable. Is there a way to get the official Game Explorer icon back for Lord of the Rings Online with the full game rating and ESRB rating and all after moving the folder?

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Initialization Failed, Game Data Is Missing Or Damaged

Feb 20, 2008

I installed Halo 2 and when I click to play the game, I get an error that says: Initialization failed. Either insuffecient resources were found to run the game, or game data is missing or damaged. Reinstalling the game may fix this problem. Now I tried reinstalling the game and this error still comes up.

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Snipping Tool No Longer Allows Saves

Feb 4, 2010

I can no longer save when using the Vista snipping tool. Clicking save as does not bring up the dialogue box that it used to.

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Vista Ultimate Saves All The Restore Points?

Mar 23, 2008

Vista Ultimate saves all the Restore Points? I would like to prevent some of them to be erased in the future.

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"Windows Failed To Load Because A File Is Missing Or Corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221

Oct 15, 2009

when i turn on my computer, an error message comes saying "Windows failed to load because a file is missing or corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221" This started when i was clearing my computer of useless programs, and after i deleted Realtime player or Quicktime player, (can't remember which) an error message jumped from the taskbar saying something about Network device driver. After that every time i start the computer, the "Windows failed to load" message pops up. The first half a year, it was solved by pressing enter, to "Choose an operating system to start: Windows Vista" and then to "Windows error recovery (start windows normally, safe mode etc)" and back to "Windows failed to start", repeating it 3-20 times. Then i had a familiar "Unexpected shutdown" during a game, and now, the "Enter spamming technique" doesn't work anymore. All i can access at the moment is Windows memory diagnostic tool, and Bios setup utility. Is there any way to fix this through the setup utility or some other manner?

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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Battlefield 1942 (game Failed, Game Closing)?

Mar 23, 2008

Just got Vista (32). Battlefield 1942 expansion installed fine. runs for a second or 2 then crashes. Tried to reinstal, same thing. Came up with (game failed, game closing)?

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Join A Multiplayer Game(says "Joining Server... Then Crashes" Or Finish Loading A Single Player Game

Aug 2, 2007

I can sucessfully load up the game and all however whenever i try to join a multiplayer game(says "Joining Server... then crashes" or finish loading a single player game(after the textures are loaded or the shaders it just crashes) OR whenever i click audio in settings my game(right after i click audio it just goes boom) just crashes back to desktop with the BF2142.exe error. I've read about many different crashes with other people but this seems different, people have had crashes during map changes, splash screen, and a few secs after joining the server, havent seen anyone with my problem of crashing when i see the "joining server.." box.

I've tried
2)run the exe as admin.
3)disable UAC and reinstall/repatch after restart

Im pretty sure my computer can handle the game, my old one did fine and this one owns it. Im kind of lost, I've tried many things and this freaking game just doesnt want to work.

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Game Freezes: Game Won't Run Correctly

Jan 5, 2008

I installed SS2 on this PC (runs windows vista home premium 32bit), but sadly the game won't run correctly. I've looked around a little bit, and I see that not watching the videos is a common problem. But that's not my main problem <:/ I can run the game just fine for about 30 seconds... suddenly, it just freezes. The last sound is looped, and the mouse is frozen.

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Memory, Can't Right CLick, Missing Menubar, Missing Menu Commands

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc. Like...

Can't Right CLick
Missing Menubar
Missing Menu Commands
Thing won't open
History Dropdown list in IE Messed up!

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right? What's the cause? How do I fix it?

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NWN Keeps Crashing On Load-up

Dec 11, 2009

I have neverwinter nights loaded on my pc with both expansion packs.

it also has a hard update (i.e. manually downloaded .exe file) as teh self updater wouldn't find it, but now it keeps crashing on loadup where it shows developer logos.

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Desktop Will Not Load

Oct 10, 2009

Problems started back in the middle of Sept (1 1/2 months ago). I logged several hrs, over 3 days, over the phone w/ Microsoft Tech support. Unfortunately, were unable to pin point the problem. They said it was probably a conbination of spyware and viruses. Here are some of the issues acurring:

I have 2 accts. Mine, (which has administrator privlages), and a Guest acct. Every time I log in to my administrator account, my desktop does NOT load. A TEMP user account is created. With all new desktop settings, etc. I receive an error message saying that my user profile was/did not load correctly. A Temporary user account has been created. Any changes tothis acct will not be saved. Many of my programs are screwed up. ie; Adobe Reader, Microsoft Word. My Microsoft Word created each time, as if for the first time. But will not load 100%. The only way I am able to access my files, (Docs, music, photos, etc.), is by going to start, go into Computer, click C:/ drive, click on users, click on emilee. And there are all my folders file files.

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Two Programs That UAC Don't Allow To Load

Mar 23, 2008

I use Vista 32 Ultimate and I have this problem during the startup of Windows:

The UAC control stops 2 programs and I'm not able to let these programs loadwith UAC control active. Tried everything also in Windows defender but no success.I must always confirm and let run these programs clicking on the UAC block tray icon that appear during the load of these 2 programs.

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CPU Spinning Up To 100% Load, Why

May 26, 2009

it seems as though my CPU enjoys spinning up to 100% load. I'm not entirely sure why. It might be because I have an old CPU and motherboard (Athlon 64 3700+, which is, of course, single core and an Asus A8N-32 SLI Deluxe) but it never happened with XP Pro (unless I was doing something super intensive).

So, here's the deal: it sounds like something is spinning up but it's not my hard drives. Could it be the chip fan? It happens when I'm playing video games and, more recently, when I've been loading something even moderately graphics intense on the internets (I use Firefox 3.0.10, which has been crashing a bit lately, but that's not the issue here, hehe). Could it be the graphics card? Though I don't see why that would put a huge load on my CPU. (The card is an nVidia 8800 GT.)

There doesn't seem to be anyone one process that is causing this; the processes with the massive load change while whatever it is is spinning and the CPU is at 100% load.

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CPU Load About 50%, Pc Idle

Mar 23, 2008

I installed Vista recently and now, when I've got all updates and I've installed few programs into Windows like Visual Studio, Mobile Device Center, some SDKs etc, every time the system is idle the CPU load is 50%, not exactly, but about 50%.

So I've tried to determine which process makes this CPU load. After Alt Ctrl Delete and Task Manager I haven't got to know anything. I've installed Process Explorer from Sysinternals. He told me process "System" makes this high load. I've tried to "kill" process "System". Yes, load felt down. But this isn't solution because after reboot it's the same.

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Cannot Load Setver.exe

Sep 12, 2009

I switched to Vista from XP but I have now a problem. I am using an old DOS program which needs some settings in SETVER.EXE I am asked to load this program in CONFIG.SYS (or CONFIG.NT) and so I added there the line device="c:xxxsetver.exe" But when I call setver.exe it says that it is not loaded. I have been able to load this program in Windows 2000 and XP without problem

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IE8: Can't Load Pages

Aug 25, 2009

I have a new machine with Vista Home Premium. I find when browsing in IE8 it works fine for a while then it just can't seem to load any pages even my home page. No message, just a blank screen and the green bar across the bottom sitting there about half way across and doesn't go any further as if it can't load the page. I have cleaners I have tried but the only thing that works is to restart my machine.

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Could'nt Load Wmhtll32.dll

Mar 20, 2009

Whenever I startup my computer it gives me an error message saying the it could'nt load wmhtll32.dll. It doesn't seem to be affecting system functionality or anything though.

My laptop runs vista ult 64 also so I checked the syswow64 folder for the file but it wasn't in there. why would this file be in desktop install of vista but not my laptop. I've ran multiple spyware and virus scans with nothing turning up.

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Startup: Could Not Load Or Run

Mar 23, 2008

On start up my laptop dispaly the desktop error message: Could not load or run '""' specified in the registry. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry. This makes no sense to me at all.

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IE Does Not Load Any Pages

Apr 26, 2009

I can open google, search with google, but IE does not open any of the links! I tried to load firefox or chrome, but IE won't open the pages! Also, I can't update Windows. I tried to check for problems in connection, result was no problems found. Obviously I'm connected, because google works fine. Nothing else (virus, Win updates) does.

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Not Able To Load Dll From System32

Dec 22, 2008

I've got an 32 bit application that uses a data feed plugin two .dll components of this plugin need to be placed in the application folder but the third which is an API needs to go to Windows>system32 folder. The application can not load under Vista Home Premium x64 the API .dll residing in system 32. needless to say that everything worked fine with Windows XP. I have no clue where the problem is. Is there any security Vista that I'm not aware of?

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What Is Load Domm3 Os

Mar 23, 2008

Not able to load Doom3 on my new system with Vista OS

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Cannot Load 64 Bit Verson?

Aug 20, 2008

I have the unfortunate need to reinstall Vista Ultimate on my home PC. My OEM sent me reinstall disks for both 64 and 32 bit Ultimate versions. I am graciously inquiring for experts' opinions on whether or not to load the 64 bit verson since my basic use will only be home office, some photo editing and some gaming. I have also read that there are a lot of software compatibility issues with 64 bit. Just looking for general opinions. (My desktop is quite capable of supporting Vista 64 bit).

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How Long Does It Take To Load?

Mar 26, 2008

im getting kinda tired if not mad about having to install vista. I had XP on a system I just built for a friend but now I have been trying to install Vista 64 on his new gammin rig. Howeve Ive found that the load process seems to be locking up. The first time I tried to load it, it just sat at 0% in Expanding files, the second time at 18% and were talking 30 mins at a time. Im just about had it with messing with windows vista and doing a nice fresh XP load on it cause I know that It works already, I just wanted him to get the newer better...........

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