Missing Ability To Create Folders

Nov 4, 2009

i am unable to make new folders via right click. When i do right click and select new, the submenu only says (empty) in gray. I have no options on creating a new folder, file etc. Ive tried using the folder fix registry thing to no available correction. Also, im not sure if its related, but 1/2 of my start menu is missing as well.

When i click start, all the immediate programs in the list are empty, its just a giant white box, but if i choose like programs etc stuff shows up, what gives? I run the avg free antivirus and malwarebytes as well and neither find anything. Id rather not do a restore either as im not sure really when it started.
Vista Home Premium 64bit OS

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Extra Personal Shell Folders To Create Extra Folders

Aug 6, 2008

I love the personal shell folders so much I would like to create extra folders

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Won't Let Me Create New Folders

May 19, 2008

After a month or two honeymoon with my new computer last summer, Windows Vista quit letting me create new file folders!!! This is really, really annoying, needless to say.
The other thing is that Windows Vista crashed this weekend and lost some of my files - and the start menu quit working. I think some of the indexes got screwed up or something. I don't know what brought this on except that we had a couple of power failures - and the machine doesn't seem to run chkdsk automatically on restart. If I started the machine and walked away and didn't see the prompt, then I've been using a 'dirty disk' for a week or two and it finally crashed. Or I also installed wireless networking. Also Windows Update downloads automatically and could have downloaded something incompatible with my software. So who knows what might have caused this .I couldn't restore either - now if I ask for Windows restore, it comes up
with an error message.I've been using DOS and windows machines for 20 years and I've never had this happen to me before. I've always had virus checkers and been conscientious about backing up my data.

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Create New Text Document In Folders

Jun 10, 2009

Windows Vista Home Premium
Service Pack 2
Single user

How do I create new text documents in folders on my hard drive?

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Missing Folders Pane

May 21, 2009

I'm not sure what I have done but the left hand pane in which shows the list of folders (inbox, sent, deleted etc) in windows mail has completely disappeared.

I have tried rebooting, I have tried going into layout and making sure the folder list is checked but it will just not come back. They folders are still there as I can get to them through the folder bar option. If I uncheck the folders list box the folder bar shows a drop done menu with the folders.

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Email; Missing Some Folders

Jun 6, 2008

i use windws mail to acess my aol email, i am the mail user on the pc at home but im the imap.aol.com i am missing some folders , they are deleted items, drafts, and junk email. however they are on the other account users mail.

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Windows Mail Folders Missing

Mar 23, 2010

when I checked my computer today I discovered that my imported folders list is no longer showing up in Windows Mail. It is not just hidden, it has completely disappeared. It does not even show up when I check under my appdata user profile in the C: drive. Any ideas where it may have gone? It contains about 10 years of important emails.

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Files/folders Missing From C Drive

Jul 11, 2009

this is driving me crazy! I have now experienced this 3-4 times. It happens all of a sudden, and is scary. Some or most of my data suddenly disappears from my user folder (C:/users/username). First time it happened immediately after I installed Spyware Doctor, back in April, when they first released the x64 version. I have since restored all the data, and uninstalled Spyware Doctor. However, it happened again. The last two times, it just happened. I simply noticed that I had much more free space on my C drive (40GB more than the day before).

Last weekend, it mostly affected my photos, but other folders were missing also. I am running x64, on a HP machine with 6GB RAM. Luckaly, I perform multiple backups (TrueImage and Ghost), as well as Mozy. In each case I was able to restore all data, but it takes time, and more importantly, I don't trust my computer. I live in a fear - will my data be there tomorrow??? Or, has anyone else experienced anything similar?

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Explorer Folders Toolbar Selection Missing

Mar 2, 2009

When I bring up Windows Explorer it no longer shows the tree view of folders in the left pane. Actually, there's no left pane at all. And the "folders" button on the toolbar is gone.

I've got Vista Ultimate 32bit on a quad-core 4G machine.

This just recently happened so I'm assuming something got clobbered.

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Folders Missing Sort Of ? Dual Boot XP

Dec 8, 2008

I have a dual boot of Vista Ultimate and XP Home on one drive.

In Vista I can "see" and access all of my folders on the Vista and XP partitions but when I boot into XP I can't "see" or access my Vista folders on the Vista partition. I have been able to do so in the past but they are missing now.

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Files & Folders Missing But Disk Space Still Used?

Mar 19, 2010

I was adding some files from my laptop to my desktop today, and after I was finished, all of my files disappeared. All the files in the folder I was adding things to, and the parent folder that held that folder, along with all the files in the parent folder. All the disk space is still taken up though, so they must still exist SOMEWHERE. I tried a system restore, and it got some of the files back, but not many of them. I'd say about 20 out of a couple hundred. I also tried this program called Disk Healer, and it said that the folders did not exist anymore.

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Resolved User Profile Cannot Be Loaded, But Folders Missing

Mar 23, 2008

I received the 'user profile cannot be loaded' message and completed option one at the below link. I now am able to log into my user account which is great, but all my document folders and files are missing. Is there a way I can restore these.

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Missing Files/Folders In Call Of Duty 4 Activision Folder

Aug 24, 2008

I am playing CoD4 and I am experiencing some problems with mods and files... When I installed CoD4 I let it install as default. In the program files, Activision, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Directly after the install I downloaded Patch 1.6 and 1.6-1.7 After that I went to the Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder so that I could add my custom maps. But the folders I am looking for are missing. The folders located in my CoD4 MW folder are: Docs, Main, Miles, Mods, pb, Zone. Then there are 2 folders missing: players and usermaps. My game runs fine, but I cant do anything more... I have all my ranks, but I cant find my players folder. I did a search throughout my pc, for the names of those folders but couldnt find anything... I reinstalled CoD4 twice...

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Seem To Have Lost The Ability To Receive Mail

Sep 11, 2009

just come home from work, check emails as usual, however get the following error message: The host 'pop.wanadoo.co.uk' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop.wanadoo.co.uk', Server: 'pop.wanadoo.co.uk', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

I haven't changed anything since I changed ISP to BT, then 'mac' helped me out by suggesting changing the SMTP because then I couldn't send mail, I have checked that and nothings changed there so hoping 'mac' will respond to this question.

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New Contact Group Lost Ability

May 21, 2008

When Windows Vista changes from Windows Address book to Windows Contacts, I lost the ability to put my contacts in groups, which I use all the time. It says the Windows Contacts toolbar should have a "New Contact Group" button, but mine only has Organize, View and Burn. How do I fix this

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SP1 Breaks Switching Users Ability

Mar 18, 2008

Before SP1, I use to be able to switch between users with no problems, now with SP1, the second user will never load right. It dosent matter which user logs in first, the second one will always be messed up and the only way to fix it is to restart. Logging off dosent fix it, the second user never works right unless you restart. This is a very bad thing for me, I need to be able to switch users on the fly.

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Lost Ability To View Sent Items

Nov 12, 2009

i have lost ability to view sent items.

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Ability To Select Double Sided Printing

Mar 23, 2008

1. Do you have Print Preview that allows you to select which pages are printed and cancel the pages you do not want printed?
2. Do you have the ability to select double sided printing -- print all the odd pages and then print all the even pages?
3. Select the print quality, no matter what is selected in the Control Panel?

I have a Epson CX6400 and had the features listed above with Windows XP, but lost them with Vista, so I'm thinking about buying a new CX8400, because Epson is not going to write code for a new Print Preferences Window for my CX6400.

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Lost Pairing Ability With MS Bluetooth Mouse

Aug 3, 2009

Upto about 10 days ago my MS Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 paired with the built-in BT of my HP tx1000 series tablet notebook just fine, but at one point the notebook no longer recognized the mouse and zince then it does not show up in the BT devices screen when I try to add the mouse manually. The OS is Vista Home Premium and the notebook uses the Broadcom 6.2 driver. I know the mouse is OK because I can pair it with the BT on my desktop PC. I figure the problem was caused by one of the automatic Vista updates but it's too late to go to do a restore that far. I just about tried everything except HP's email support that is pretty worthless, based on my prior experience with them.

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Create An Account For Another User I Cannot Create One, Either Admin Or Standard

Sep 13, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 32 (system specs: laptop 2.1 Ghz core 2 duo, 4 gb RAM, 500gb hd (about half full) nvidia 8400M GS, Avira Premium Security Suite). I have had the computer for about a year running fine with 1 main admin account. Now when I need to create an account for another user I cannot create one, either admin or standard. When I create it, using either the control panel or command prompt, it creates the user picture, making the account visible on the control panel user accounts screen, and on logon screen. However, when trying to log into the new account I am greeted with the error "User profile service failed on logon. User profile cannot be loaded." The standard fix for this from various forums is to edit the registry key of the account. However, on going to regedit I see that no key even exists for the account. On further investigation I discover that no user files have been created either. I attempted a system restore, but discovered that all my past restore points were gone, and intruigingly, the computer had stopped createing 24 hour checkpoints. I cannot say for definite whether it was this issue or another one that caused system restore to mess up, as I don't check my system restore all that often. Either way, system restore is not an option. There have been mentions of a full Vista reinstall, though if at all possible I would like to avoid this.

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Cannot Create Shortcuts On Desktop Windows Could Not Create The Shortcut

Apr 30, 2010

I am having problems with creating shortcuts on my desktop. when i select send to desktop (create shortcut) it comes up with the error. Windows could create the shortcut. Check to see if the disc is full.I have over 180 GB free space left. To get things to the desktop i can drag it into the tab section next to the start icon, and then drag onto desktop.But when i do this i am always required to give permission and it creates two desktop icons.i have been having problems with my catalyst control centre but i dont think they are related.

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Create Local Account Won't Create One Called Admin

Mar 5, 2009

When I install Vista, it wants to force me to create a local account, and it won't let me create one called Administrator, becuase the name is already used (thus the Administrator account exists). I don't want to create some dummy account just just to log in to join the domain. How do I get past the "Choose a user name and picture" screen and log in as Administrator so I can just install the network drivers and join my domain?

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How To Give Non-admin User Ability To Chkdsk Drive?

Jun 19, 2008

On some Vista Business systems I deploy, I need to be able to give non-admin uers the ability to chkdsk drives. I found the "Perform volume maintenance tasks" user rights policy, but that isn't doing it. Anyone know if it is even possible (I know some things can only be done by Administrators), and if so, how?

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Repair Install: Interfere With System's Ability To Multi Boot?

Jun 29, 2008

I partitioned a new hard drive and formatted it using my Windows XP Home Ed. SP2 Install CD. I then installed Win XP. I then installed Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit on the other partition. ( I have two partitions on a single drive, C: and D This has been working great for me for the last 5 months. Today I have a reason to perform a repair install on just the Windows XP partition. I have performed a Win XP repair install successfully in the past using the XP SP2 install CD but never when my system was set up as dual boot. If I perform a repair install using my WinXP install disk to repair the Windows XP installation, will this leave my Vista partition untouched? Will it at all interfere with the system's ability to multi boot? I'm not very concerned about not being able to boot up into Windows XP but it's extremely critical that my system's ability to boot up into Vista is not compromised.

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Complete Lack In Ability To Move, Copy And Delete Files

May 21, 2007

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing Vista's complete lack in ability to move, copy and delete files in a timely fashion? It's a well reported bug, but just wondering how many *real* Vista users see it. Basically Vista takes forever to delete large quanties of files, or even movecopy them. Aparently there is a fix on the way.

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Windows Media Player That Comes With Vista Enterprise Does Not Include The Ability To Play DVDs

May 26, 2010

It appears that Windows Media Player that comes with Vista Enterprise does not include the ability to play DVDs. When I try it says that no codec is installed. what I need to download, preferably for free, to either get WMP to play DVDs, or a free player that's not too obnoxious with ads. I tried installing the K-Lite Standard Codec pack, but either I did it wrong or it isn't enough.

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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Memory, Can't Right CLick, Missing Menubar, Missing Menu Commands

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc. Like...

Can't Right CLick
Missing Menubar
Missing Menu Commands
Thing won't open
History Dropdown list in IE Messed up!

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right? What's the cause? How do I fix it?

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Sharing Folders And Sub-folders

May 19, 2008

How do I share a folder and all its sub-folders and files? When I enable sharing on a folder, I cannot access it from my XP box. I see it in the network but I cannot access it. I turned off Password Protection in Vista.

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Multiple Folders And Sub Folders And Such

Jul 29, 2009

I am just configuring Windows Mail in Vista. In Outlook (on XP), I had multiple email accounts linked to different folder structures. Each account had a different set of folders. In Windows Mail, it seems everything is being downloaded into one Inbox. Can I re-create the separate folders for each email account in WinMail?

Also, my gmail accounts folder structure was synchronized with the folder structure on the web using IMAP. Can I do that in WinMail, too? If so, how (or point me to directions)?

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