Files & Folders Missing But Disk Space Still Used?

Mar 19, 2010

I was adding some files from my laptop to my desktop today, and after I was finished, all of my files disappeared. All the files in the folder I was adding things to, and the parent folder that held that folder, along with all the files in the parent folder. All the disk space is still taken up though, so they must still exist SOMEWHERE. I tried a system restore, and it got some of the files back, but not many of them. I'd say about 20 out of a couple hundred. I also tried this program called Disk Healer, and it said that the folders did not exist anymore.

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Missing Disk Space

Feb 28, 2009

I'm missing a 100GB out of 150GB of my hard disk. I deleted all previous restore points backups, but no memory freed!

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Bloat, Hidden Files Consuming Disk Space

Mar 31, 2008

I performed a Clean Install of Windows Vista Ultimate, on a new computer. I loaded all of my software in preparation of switching my production system from WXP to Vista. I then noticed something about the disk space.

I have 232 GB drive and C Properties indicated I was using 69 GB. Looking at the drive with Windows Explorer (Folder options are set to show all files), I tag all files and the properties show I am using 19 GB of storage. That is correct, as it is similar to the amount of storage used on several Vista beta systems. So, where is the missing 50 GB?

I found a program, WinDirStat ( which confirms I am missing 50 GB as it does the same math I do and it labels the missing amount as Unknown. That is not terrible useful, as one would like to know what the actual files are.

I did all of the usual cleaning up (Disk Cleanup, clear the Recycle bin, remove all System Points and turn of Shadow Copies). The System Volume Information folder has only 20 KB of files in it. I surfed the Internet looking for other file management software which would show the missing files. I did not find any.

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Free Up Disk Space By Deleting Backup Files

Feb 25, 2007

Windows Vista has loads of new backup features such as previous versions of your documents and system state points that are part of System Restore.  All of these features are turned on by default and offer you a great deal of backup protection. However, you pay a big price in disk space.  Every once in a while when your system is stable and you need to free up some disk space, it is a good idea to clear all of these previous versions of your files and System Restore points from your computer. This is a very easy way to free up a few gigabytes of space across all of your hard drives.

To get started, just follow these steps: ...

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Files/folders Missing From C Drive

Jul 11, 2009

this is driving me crazy! I have now experienced this 3-4 times. It happens all of a sudden, and is scary. Some or most of my data suddenly disappears from my user folder (C:/users/username). First time it happened immediately after I installed Spyware Doctor, back in April, when they first released the x64 version. I have since restored all the data, and uninstalled Spyware Doctor. However, it happened again. The last two times, it just happened. I simply noticed that I had much more free space on my C drive (40GB more than the day before).

Last weekend, it mostly affected my photos, but other folders were missing also. I am running x64, on a HP machine with 6GB RAM. Luckaly, I perform multiple backups (TrueImage and Ghost), as well as Mozy. In each case I was able to restore all data, but it takes time, and more importantly, I don't trust my computer. I live in a fear - will my data be there tomorrow??? Or, has anyone else experienced anything similar?

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Missing Files/Folders In Call Of Duty 4 Activision Folder

Aug 24, 2008

I am playing CoD4 and I am experiencing some problems with mods and files... When I installed CoD4 I let it install as default. In the program files, Activision, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Directly after the install I downloaded Patch 1.6 and 1.6-1.7 After that I went to the Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder so that I could add my custom maps. But the folders I am looking for are missing. The folders located in my CoD4 MW folder are: Docs, Main, Miles, Mods, pb, Zone. Then there are 2 folders missing: players and usermaps. My game runs fine, but I cant do anything more... I have all my ranks, but I cant find my players folder. I did a search throughout my pc, for the names of those folders but couldnt find anything... I reinstalled CoD4 twice...

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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Windows Disk Fragmenter Easting A LOT Of Disk Space

Jun 17, 2008

I am a relatively unexperienced windows vista user using windows home premium at 32 bit on an acer aspire 6920 notebook. I noticed that occassionaly my disk space would drop dramatically without me doing anything. 100s of mbs would just disappear for no reason, so probably being stupid i decided to run the disk fragmenter to try and fix the problem. BUT to my horror i was shocked to find that the disk fragmenter began to eat up my hard disk space big style. I went from 79.7GB to 72.5GB in just over an hour. What the hell happened and can it be fixed? can i get my disk space back? i thought the disk fragmenter was supposed to help your computer not rob it. does anyone else have this problem and can someone please help me? im kinda desparate, i cant believe it.

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Missing Space On Computer

Mar 26, 2010

I can't account for around 200 gb of space on my computer. C folder is 450 gb I've been looking through my files and folders and I can only account for about 200-250 gb and I am almost out of space. I am trying to defrag my hard drive and I started compressing file folders which is saving some space but I am not sure if this should account for the entirety of the problem. I haven't downloaded anything in a while and still I've just watched 5 gb disappear in about a two week period of time. I've been deleting files and I have been clearing out the trash bin but it doesn't seem to be helping.

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Missing Hard Drive Space

Feb 1, 2009

I reformatted my computer by myself and Before I had 160 gb and now I only have 40 gb ! Can someone tell me were is my lost memory??

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Where Has All My Disk Space Gone ..?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a Fujitsu Siemens laptop with 120GB hard drive. My problem is, there is only 78.2GB space left on it. I have hardly anything on it really so I am wondering where is has all gone. I have turned off the system restore and then turned it back on. I have run CCleaner, defragmented, done disk cleanup, so I dont know what to do next. I ran TreeSize and according to that there is 13,243.3MB taken up in the Windows folder and 10,099.7MB taken up in the Users folder, all the rest of the folder dont have that much in. Can anyone shed any light on this problem and tell me if I can safely delete any of these files to free up some disk space.

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Low On Disk Space!

Apr 4, 2008

I have an acer laptop which for various and assorted reasons I want to throw out the window. Problem of course is that I can't afford another laptop so I am forced to make the best of it. My main source of irritation right now is that I am constantly running low on disk space.........

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Low Disk Space On D

Jan 9, 2010

I run Vista home premium x64 and kept getting a low memory msg. for my recovery disk (D). I used vssadmin.cmd under administrative privaledge to increase D by 200GB. I still get the Low Disk Space warning and all backups fail due to lack of memory. What is the fix?

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27.2 GB Missing From 72.5 GB Total Hard Drive Space

Mar 17, 2010

Just received a PC with Vista Business 64 bit and a 80 GB hard drive. I've downloaded Opera and surfed the internet. I've noticed that the total free memory is being reported as 45.3 GB. I've done some research and found this forum. I've checked vssadmin list shadows and it's reported as:

used shadow copy storage space: 3.576 GB

allocated shadow copy storage space: 3.82 GB

maximum shadow copy storage space: 10.882 GB

Where did the entire 27.2 GB go?

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Showing 70Gb Used: Cannot Find Missing Space

Dec 26, 2009

I am running a Dell with 288Gb on the hard drive. Currently Vista is showing 70Gb used whereas I can only account for a max of 20Gb and most of that appears to be used by Windows itself. Anyone know why this might be? I have reasonable experience with pc's and regularly clear out temps etc but cannot find this missing space.

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System Is Out Of Disk Space

Aug 17, 2009

I wanted a fast drive, so I bought a solid state drive. But I'm a poor college student and so got the 64GB one, which only has 58GB of space (because Lenovo put something on a separate partition which they say I cannot get rid of). The only thing installed is WinVist and MS Office 2007 (and McAfee and other progrms that came with the PC which weren't taking up much space).

Those two programs took up 30GB of space. Yesterday, some Windows backup thing started to run and said "There isn't enough room on this drive to do the backup, do you want to do it anyway? (I'm paraphrasing)". Since I like having things backed up, I said Yes anyway (and to see what happened). Now I have 1 GB free on my drive. Lenovo won't help me with Windows because that's "a configuration issue" and they don't do that. How do I get rid of this backup and get at least 20GB back? Then, how can I configure Windows and Office to take up less disk space?

It seems like Lenovo sold me a PC with a disk drive that doesn't have enough space to operate correctly. And they won't help me resolve the problem. Also, it seems that it is not as easy to separate your data in WinVista as magazine articles would have you believe. I tried configuring it so my "Documents" was on another external drive, but that proved too difficult.

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Unalocated Disk Space

Aug 21, 2009

I have a 160mb internal hard drive with 1 partition (ntfs). Vista sp2.When viewing drive info 3rd party software is showing the used space and also 10mb of unallocated space.

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Fluctuations In Available Disk Space

Aug 26, 2009

Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2. I have noticed that during the course of an average week, the amount of available disk space on both my C: and D: drives varies by up to 15GB even though no significant activity in the form of manipulating files or installing programs is taking place. It might be 20GB available one night and then magically it's up to 35GB in the morning. The pattern is usually that it will reach a high and then gradually do down each day until it jumps back to the maximum all of a sudden. What could be causing this? I do not have System Protection turned on so the space is not being used for System Restore. The C: and D: "drives" are actually partitions on the same physical disk.

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Low Disk Space FOLLOWUP

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium on my one yr old HP laptop. I keep getting a popupindicating low disk space on my "D" recovery drive and have to delete files from my trash. Since the "D" drive is FULL, I have NEVER been able to do a full backup. I have not saved anything to the D drive. A friend suggested one of my 'spy security' programs had saved data there. I had 'SpyBot' but uninstalled it. I still have WeBroot Spy Sweeper, Adaware, and my Norton Anti-Virus running. Is there a setting that will allow an overwrite of the data in the D drive?

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Hogging Disk Space

Apr 18, 2010

I run a VMware setup with Vista (64-bit) Home Premium as the Host system, and Vista (32-bit) Home Premium as the guest system. Although I have only 16 GB devoted to the guest system, at one point recently I was only using not quite half of that space. Now, when I click on Computer, I am finding that there is literally no free space. If I delete some software, this freed up space gets consumed also.

How do I go about finding what it is that is clogging this allocated space? The only changes that I have made to the guest system is the addition of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software.

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Transferring Disk Space

Jul 6, 2008

how I would "transfer" disk space from my partioned D drive to C drive? Just tp try, I've already "unallocated" 1G, and now have no clue what to do with it - lol (I did not request the drive be partioned

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Showing Low Disk Space

Mar 31, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium running on a Dell Inspiron 1720 laptop with a 120 GB hard drive. I keep getting the low disc space on C: error message, and when I click on My Computer, it says I only have 189 MB of free space on the C: drive. However, when I click on the C drive, highlight all the folders, and click Properties, it says I am using 26 GB of space next to "size on disk". I tried to solve this problem about a week ago by moving 30 gigs of music to an external hard drive, but the C drive has filled up again even though I have not added anything to the C drive. I've also tried using disk cleanup and defrag, but that hasn't worked.

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Running Out Of Disk Space

Feb 9, 2010

I seems to be getting a large number of in %temp% folder lately like 10 GB in two days. I deleted them a couple of days ago and got disk fill message today, seeing a large number of again in %temp%. what is causing this? windows search?

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(drive)not Enough Disk Space

Mar 20, 2010

when i try to install software it comes up with (drive)not enough disk space..when i have 30gb left.. when i attempt to create a restore point twice 1st came up with 0x80070070 and 2nd was. when i load a picture it says not enough picture please close some apps/free up disk space. when i uninstall a software it says an error occured while writing installation information to disk.check to make sure enough disk space is available, and click retry or cancel end the.. my computer has 1 harddrive split into C and D partitions...its an ACER 57357 with 4gb ram,2.16ghz-667mhz fsb-1mb l2 cache, 320gb harddrive, 4500m intergrated graphics

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Low Disk Space: When Open A New Folder

Apr 3, 2008

On Windows Mail (I am running 32-bit Vista) every few hours when I go to open a new folder a message appears where the message thread is usually shown which says that the message can't be shown because of low disk space and system memory. It does not appear to be because of a stuck email, as there are no emails in the Outbox and everything sends OK. Also, it happens when I click on random folders, from being in an existing folder.

For example, I may be in my inbox and want to check sent messages, so I'll click on the sent folder and then all messages will be hidden in all folders, and I'll just see the message about low disk space etc. If I exit Windows Mail then open it back up, the problem remains, though if I restart the computer it goes back to normal, for a few hours

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Lost 45 GB Hard Disk Space

Mar 23, 2008

Hey again I???m here as a new user of vista and Im going trough a bunch of problems. As for now one day I ran the diskeeper and some how I lost 45 GB of hard disk space for no real reason. After that I ran it again but it didnt help, I don???t know if it has to do with the diskeeper or maybe some other type of problem with the computer applications.

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Re-formatting The HDD, Reclaim Disk Space?

Feb 11, 2009

I've got a 3-yr old Dell laptop that I recently upgraded to Vista Business from WinXP Pro with SP3. It's a spare for the staff and it has been checked out. The staff member came back to say the HDD was almost full, I checked and saw that only 7 GB of the 80 GB total was free. So I uninstalled a bunch of programs and windows components she didn't need or want, ran Disk Cleanup, Defrag .... I was only able to reclaim 3 GB. Downloaded a trusty defrag program I use - JK Defrag - and ran it. Only gained another GB. Rebooted a couple times and re-ran JK Defrag. No gain. Checked the folder sizes and saw that the WINSXS folder was huge. Checked it via Google and saw that I can't really get rid of it.

Short of re-formatting the HDD and starting over, what else can I do to reclaim disk space? I'm guessing that Defrag and JK Defrag aren't doing so well becuase they have less than 10 GB of "wiggle room" to work with.

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Low Disk Space, Install Windows?

Apr 1, 2008

I have Vista Home Basic, and i have decided to reinstall windows, start with a clean slate so to speak. However when it reinstalled, it just installed another version of vista in the same drive. How do i clean the drive and then install windows? Giving major problems as my computer is now running on low disk space!

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Disk Space Usage Doesn't Add Up

Jun 9, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium running on an HP Pavilion laptop computer. I have noticed that my disk space usage doesn't add up, because my total usage always exceeds what I can account for by 20-30GB, even after I have included hidden/system files (or so I believe). However, I recently installed SP2 for Windows Vista Home Premium, and noticed that somehow a large amount of space (around 20GB) on my system disk had been recovered during the installation.

However, over the next few days this space gradually disappeared again, seemingly without giving me anything in return. Can anyone tell me what might be going on here? Better still, is there a way to avoid this disk space usage problem altogether?

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Does SP1 Craets Free Disk Space?

Mar 24, 2008

Before starting the SP1 installation (full SP1 installation disk - downloaded) I had 70GB free space on C drive. After completing the SP1 install I have 95GB free space.

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Disk Space Eater Mr. Defraggo

Feb 29, 2008

i was just wondering why defragging my computer consumes approx. 10GB of hard disk space? and if there is anything i can do to regain that space, or prevent it from happening in the future. i have tried the disk cleanup function which helpfully regained nearly 60GB of system restore files during an unrelated loss of disk space, but disk cleanup did not work for me this time after defragging.

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