Live With The Black Quicktime Progress Bar

Aug 8, 2008

Since I use the x64 version of Vista, I am plagued with Quicktime's black bar, like everyone else out there on x64. I just find it ridiculous that after more than a year, this bug still remains. Makes me wonder if they may have even purposely put it there because I'm sure they aren't making any effort in fixing it. The only way that I know of to be able to see the bar is by running the browser in compatibility mode for Windows XP. I would do that, but the problem is that Vista then changes the Aero to Basic until the browser is closed. So you either:

1. Live with the black Quicktime progress bar.
2. Run the browser in compatibility mode and live with a changing theme (and if you already use the Basic theme by default, you're lucky)

Now, I know there's a program called Quicktime Alternative(QA) that basically provides the core functions of Quicktime, while letting you watch most anything that's in a Quicktime format through Media Player Classic. Question is, since I have to uninstall the original Quicktime to use QA, would it affect my iTunes? Do you guys know if QA can also do Quicktime's virtual tours and 360* views?

I also have the Vista Codecs installed, and for those of you that don't know, there's a Quicktime codec in there. While I get a better balance of colors in WMP than in Quicktime, the volume of the audio is too loud and distorts (not distorts the speakers, but the audio itself). So I don't know what else I can do... I am open to anything that doesn't involve changing themes or black bars...

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Chkdsk & Quicktime Dilemma

Feb 21, 2010

I recently have been trying to transfer some footage I took with a camera off a MicroSD card to my computer, but when I go to copy the file, I get an error bubble on the taskbar saying

"QuickTimePlayerMain: QuickTimePlayer.exe - Corrupt File
The file or directory /DCIM/100MEDIA/FILE001.MOV is corrupt and unreadable.
Please run the Chkdsk utility"

I opened up Chkdsk on my laptop and opened up Chkdsk as administrator (Whenever I just double clicked the command prompt box for Chkdsk would just appear then dissappear)

I tried to type in a command prompt after Chkdsk asked me the file type in the fist line but no input would occur. It then began to check itself and everything on the computer.

I would really like to retrieve the footage on the card since I will never be able to capture those memories again.

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MP4: Appears As Link To Quicktime

Jun 30, 2009

why in Vista 64, it appears to be link to Quicktime, even though I never had Quicktime installed on my computer And finally, how do I open these files

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Quicktime Has Stopped Working

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to open Quicktime for my Ipod I get the message Quicktime has Stopped working.Then when I click check the internet for solutions tab nothing happens.What is going on?

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Quicktime Installer Vista Compatible

Apr 2, 2009

Is Quicktime Installer Vista compatible and, if so, which version would be feasible?

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Didn't Let It Install Quicktime 4 Or DirectX 6

Mar 23, 2008

Decided to replay the whole Myst series, so got the compilation set of parts 1 to 5. Installing on Vista Ultimate x64 (4Gb memory, Nvidia 8800GTX, etc) Myst (masterpiece edition) installs OK (just didn't let it install Quicktime 4 or directX 6 !)Can it really be possible that the original is dated 1993 ? (even this version is 1999)Forgot how little of the screen it used (especially in the middle of a 24"
widescreen)Is there any known way of forcing it to resize ? Masterpiece Edition ? Still looks like the old Myst to me. What about RealMyst ? Should I be substituting that for this first part.

Won't install.Presumably its a 16 bit installer (which of course won't run on x64) even though Riven itself is obviously 32 bit.Anyone know of a 32 bit installer ?Otherwise I am stuck with XP 32 on a laptop.Annoying as this is the one that I really wanted to play (1) never finished it the first time (2) on a bigger screen

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Lost All Sound After ITunes/Quicktime Installation,

Jul 4, 2008

My computer was working with no problems at all until I decided to download the latest versions of Itunes(7.6.2)/Quicktime(7.5) for some music shopping. At first, everything was still working as usual and I could play my purchased and downloaded music with itunes,winamp and the media player with no issues whatsoever.At the end of my session, I switched off my PC. The next day, however, my sound had completely vanished from my system. I don't get any system sounds,music,streaming audio... nothing at all.After I browsed a multitude of forums, both Apple and Vista, I still could not figure out what my issue was, as I had no hardware issues up to the itunes/quicktime installation. Nothing is muted. Speakers worked fine before the reboot. My Soundblaster X-Fi ExtremeMusic has all the necessary drivers installed and is being recognised fine. My onboard audio is disabled through BIOS. All my codecs and players were working fine until I rebooted, after installing itunes/quicktime.I was using a multitude of players without issues. (Zoom Player,CoreMediaPlayer,Winamp,VLC all worked fine). I used system restore twice, without success. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling codecs and players, without success. Uninstalling itunes/quicktime didn't help.

I'm at my wits' end. The problem clearly lies with the itunes/quicktime installation and something it did with my sound output or registry. I think I'm not the only one with this problem, but none of the suggested workarounds/fixes worked for me. I hope someone who had a similar issue can help me fix this, because I really don't want to format and reinstall everything from scratch.

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No Progress Of Disk Check

May 1, 2010

i have a gateway notebook with vista x64 bit and every time i try to start it up it used to run the disk check and say it would take more than an hour so i left it over night and no progress and it would let me start the computer up normally because it would still scan it no matter what and wouldnt let me start up in safe mode either and now when i start up it runs this disk check in a black screen and never finishes it gets to the 2nd disk out of 3 and then continues again dosent leave me any other choice of booting up (no safe mode or regular) after this check that is never completed it takes me to the log on screen but right before it says completing update 3 out of 3 and it says 0% but never goes any further and then shuts off

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Performance/progress On Defrag

Jan 1, 2010

I located an old hard drive stored on a shelf the other day and connected it to my Vista machine with a USB dongle. I decided to defrag it (350Gb). Now, I already know that Vista's defrag provides NO indication of progress other than that pretty lame statement that "this may take a few minutes to a few hours". I've seen mention of other defraggers here in this NG and am wondering if any of them provide visual progress indications. Previous OS's used either marching colored blocks, or slowly moving vertical bands in a window. Vista's, on the other hand, simply does nothing to indicate progress. Do any of the others provide any performance boost (i.e. faster) as well as any indication of progress?

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Ballmer Says Vista Is A 'crap In Progress'

Apr 20, 2008

the title would be correct if it read: Ballmer says Vista is a 'crap in progress' read more crappy news about vista crap here

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Defrag Status/progress Information

Jul 7, 2008

Is there a way to perform an analysis of the fragmentation level of a drive in Vista Home Premium? I miss being able to see a graphic representation of a disk's fragmentation. Also, previous versions of Windows provided the user a progress bar than informed them of the status of the defrag program when it was running. It appears that Home Premium runs in the background and one never gets a "defragmentation complete" dialog box with options to see a report. I've tried running it manually and not closing the Run dialog box, but it seems to run for hours without any feedback to the user.

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Install Software: Another Application Is In Progress....

Sep 30, 2008

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit. When I try to install almost anything, I get an error that says there is another installation in progress, finish that install and then install this program. The problem is I don't have anything at all installing. I have disabled and restarted Windows Installer and I have disabled a filed named hpqcxs08 under the Services tabs. That worked for a couple of installs, but now it has started again. I then tried to install msicuu2.exe (Windows Cleanup Utility) and it gave the same error and called it Error 1500.

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Defrag Progress Graph In Vista

Sep 3, 2008

why there is no defrag progress graph in vista (like the one there was in xp). The defrag just has a scheduler or defrag now and then there is no way of knowing how far along it is. Any thoughts would be welcome.

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Internet Explorer 8 Released, Progress Unmistakable

Mar 19, 2009

The final build of Internet Explorer 8 has been released in 25 languages. You can also grab the download directly from these links: Windows XP 32-bit (16.1 MB), Windows XP 64-bit (32.3 MB), Windows Server 2003 32-bit (16.0 MB), Windows Server 2003 64-bit (32.3 MB), Windows Vista 32-bit (13.2 MB), Windows Vista 64-bit (24.3 MB), Windows Server 2008 32-bit (13.2 MB), and Windows Server 2008 64-bit (24.3 MB).

The public Windows 7 beta is not being updated, and although Microsoft released an update for IE8 for Windows 7 in February, the next update is not likely to arrive until the Windows 7 Release Candidate next month. For everyone else, in the coming weeks Microsoft will put IE8 out as an optional download on Windows Update and then later roll it out to users via Automatic Updates. A quick note to all the IT administrators out there reading this post: the IE8 blocker toolkit is already available, so make sure you get acquainted with it if you're planning on avoiding IE8 when it's released via Microsoft's update channels.

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Network File Copy Progress Indication

Mar 10, 2009

I have an odd situation on network copying from my Vista X64 Ultimate PC to a Windows XP Pro PC. I suspect it is something I have altered in the settings / registry whilst I was trying to overcome network copy problems. I am using Directory Opus 9.1 as my file explorer but I don't think this is the problem.

When I copy a large file (say 1.0GB) then the copy progress bar quickly goes to 100% and then remains at 100% for a period of time before completing. If I look in the Performance tab of the Task Manager I can see memory use quickly increase by 1.0GB and then slowly start to reduce. The peak is achieved at about the same same as the 100% is shown and the progress bar remains stuck at 100% whilst the memory reduces (presumably as the file is copied over the network).

I suspect I must have set a cache figure at 1.0GB because if I copy a larger file then the memory increases and then flat lines for a period and then start reducing. In this case the progress bar will speed up to say 60% and then track slowly to 100% and then get stuck whilst the memory reduces. I am up-to-date will all MS Updates

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Obcessive Compulsive Disorder & Green Progress Bar

May 2, 2008

The windows explorer green progress bar has become a real big drag on my system. I have the ultimate on destops and a laptop. I have been using the laptop mostly and the folder exploring has alomost become a nightmare. The laptop has enough power (2Hz Intel CPU and 2G memory) and I definetely don't think that is an issue here. Every clik on a folder triggers whatever is indicated by the progress bar. It is almost like a search. If I were click on one immediately following by another one and so on, the bar starts up all over again. I have turned off indexing and I don't remember something else. It is like OCD, because everytime vista seems to take slowest possible route to the destination.

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How To Make Progress Dialog Show More Information By Default

Oct 26, 2009

Vista Users and Ex-Users! At Last The Problem is 99.9% Solved. Here is how you can make the Cut-Copy-Delete Dialog a.k.a the Progress Dialog show more information by default and get rid of all the headache about that stupid "More Information" button, as it is no longer there to bother....Log in with an Administrator account, this is important. If your current account is in the Administrators group then ignore this step. Open the properties window for the shell32.dll file (location- C:WINDOWSSystem32), click on Secutiry tab and then <Edit> button and add your user name there in the list with Full Control. If it's already there then click <Edit> and set Full Control for it.Open the shell32.dll file in Resource Hacker. In the left pane go to UIFILE -> 42 -> 1033. Select all the text you see in the right pane and press <Delete>. Download the text file in the attachment and copy all the text from it to that pane. Click on <Compile> and File->Save. If it fails to save then take Ownership over the shell32.dll file and repeat step 3 and step 4. Google "taking ownership of files in vista" if you don't know how to do it. Exit Resource Hacker and restart machine. The Progress Dialog Will Look Like This:

Notice that there is no "More Information" button. Plus the Cancel button is a bit slimmer and the Progress bar has moved a little downwards. This was done to keep the window in "shape" . minor notes:- In the default window the progress dialog shows simple location info and remaining time. Clicking the "More Information" button makes both go away and displays them in a row and column based way, along with remaining items info and data transfer speed; even the location info is devided into two rows. This is streamlined, informative and looks cool. It would be better if the detailed info window opened by default. I aimed for the same but unfortunately the scripting language is unknown to me and with my limited knowledge of html programing the best thing I could do was to make the default window show only remaining time, items and speed in columns and rows. There was no location info there.......

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Carmen Sandiego (world), "Appcrash" And Quicktime

May 19, 2009

Having big problems loading Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego. Getting "Appcrash" and Quicktime problems. Microsoft "help" says Carmen is compatible.

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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Premiere Elements: "Error 1500, Another Installation Is In Progress"

Nov 24, 2008

I get up to the Install button, click it, and then it gives me a message saying "Error 1500, another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one." However, I'm not aware of any other programs that I'm installing.

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"Live" Applications: Does "live" Have Any Special Meaning Or Is It Simply A Marketing Term

Feb 7, 2009

I have seen reference to "live" windows applications. Where can I find out what this is all about. Does "live" have any special meaning or is it simply a marketing term.

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Windows Mail VS Live Mail Not Available In Live Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Is there anything that is extra in windows mail that is not available in live mail? Is there any way to uninstall windows mail since it seems to be integrated with vista?

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Live OneCare Vs AVG ?

Mar 23, 2008

I've been given a new Windows Live OneCare subscription to try, and I
currently use AVG Internet Security, for 3 home computers, all running Vista.
I'd like to know if Onecare is something I should give up the AVG for. I have
a subscription with AVG through Feb of next year, (paid for) so I don't want
to give it up unless there is particulary good benefit from it.
Could someone give a review of these two programs?

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Live OneCare And SP1

May 25, 2008

I uninstalled Vista SP1 for several reasons. Live OneCare keeps telling me I need to "Install missing updates." Is there any way I can tell OneCare NOT to alert me about the SP1 update?

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Soundblaster Live!

Sep 21, 2007

I have a regular Soundblaster Live! soundcard (not SBLive! 5.1) with the expansion daughter card connected to the orignal Creativelabs 4.1 speaker setup. The card is on black PCB and has gold-plated connectors. This is from back in the days when this combo was the top of the line. Currently I have Vista x32 and am considering moving to x64 to use the full 4GB of RAM I have. However I am concerned there are no drivers for this. Right now I am using the modified KxDrivers 3538m which I get full quadrophonic sound and can adjust it anyway I want like the creative control panels. I don't believe this is compatible with x64. All the "fixes" I see on a simple Google search are for SBLive! 5.1,Audigy,X-Fi, etc.

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Live TV Stutter In 32-bit

May 5, 2008

Media Centre generally works well for me in Vista Home Premium except for a fairly continuous stutter in sound and vision when watching live digital TV (Freeview) and concurrently using several windows in Explorer/IE - especially when scrolling in IE.

Is this performance to be expected with such a set-up - or are there adjustments I could make to overcome the problem, such as prioritising the processing of the TV receiver signals?

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Use Ubuntu Live CD Using LAN

Apr 5, 2010

Question: How to use Ubuntu Live CD using LAN. I want to access my dead vista laptop using my windows xp desktop with the use of ubuntu live cd, is this even possible? Vista Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically. Can no longer boot up after vista update. Microsoft Windows Vista Community Vistaheads.

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Cannot Play Live TV On MCE,

May 24, 2008

I've come upon a problem and I dread calling MS support. I have found nothing useful (without paying a subscription) on the net. I have Vista U x64 and a Hauppage WinTV1600. Everything was working fine for a couple months, but now I cannot play Live TV as I get this error. "Cannot Play Video: The file is currently in use by another application and cannot be played. Please try again later." Well, later is now over a week. I can still record tv and all other functions, no other issues at all.

I can't exactly pin down when it started due to a 2 week period of not watching live tv or what software (if any) could have caused it. I also tried the maintanence feature of MCE, but did not correct it. Does anyone have any thoughts or experience to this issue? I'm not sure what "file" or "application" could be doing this. I do have Nero 7 Essentials installed and uninstalled Cyberlink DVD in case, but I'm just swatting flies with these thoughts.

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XFX GTX 260 Black

Dec 31, 2008

I've been wanting a new GPU for a while now as, even with the great new drivers, I'm noticing the limitations of my current BFG 8800GTS OC 512MB card in some of the newer games I've got.

I thought I'd see what the new 55nm refresh on Nvidia cards would turn out like but early reports don't sound good at all.

Also every time I look on a retail site here in the UK I notice the prices are creeping up. This must be something to do with the crisis of capitalism, dollar/yen rate etc.

So I thought I'd buy a new card immediately and wait until the end of next year or 2010 for DX11 to come along at a reasonable price.

Sadly my price range won't run to a GTX 280 or 4870x2 ( I prefer Nvidia anyway) so I'm looking at the XFX GTX 260 Black Edition. This has got great reviews and would hopefully tide me over for a year.

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Windows Live OneCare

May 7, 2008

I uninstalled (using the removal tool) Norton and installed OneCare on a trial basis. Do I need any additional spyware with this? Spybot, for example.

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WTF Is Up With The New Version Of Live Mail?

Apr 21, 2009

I have just installed an update that included the latest version of Live Mail and am absolutely amazed at the result. Surely they are kidding? In newsgroups now for some reason, new items have only the author (From) field highlighted with bold text and the subject and other fields just in normal text. The result is that when you receive new items in watched threads, you cannot see which thread it is that has the new items unless you go through and expand each one manually! Surely this is a bug in my setup and can't really be like this?

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