Install Software: Another Application Is In Progress....

Sep 30, 2008

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit. When I try to install almost anything, I get an error that says there is another installation in progress, finish that install and then install this program. The problem is I don't have anything at all installing. I have disabled and restarted Windows Installer and I have disabled a filed named hpqcxs08 under the Services tabs. That worked for a couple of installs, but now it has started again. I then tried to install msicuu2.exe (Windows Cleanup Utility) and it gave the same error and called it Error 1500.

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32bit Application In 64 Won't Install

Jul 29, 2008

I am running Vista 64 bit and it works well. I have an application that won't install and it happens to be one I need. The installer stops with an error that says 64 bit is not supported. I run lots of other 32 bit programs. Is there any way to install a program in a 32 bit "work space"?

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How To Install 16bit Application

Oct 30, 2009

I am trying to install a 16bit application on to Windows Vista home basic 32bit OS. How would i make this work?

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Install Application As Standard User

Jun 28, 2008

I need to convert my old InstallShield project to work under Vista for Standard User account. But I really don't know how to perform simple tasks like create some keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER or install/delete files to My Documents for user running installer. There is Admin rights UAC prompt at the beginning and all actions now are related to this admin account. But i need user account registry path and user documents path. Not admin's. What can I do? How can I access registry and directories for current user?

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Install Itune On 32 Bit Not Valid Application

Mar 13, 2009

i downloaded itune setup from apple website ( 32 mb). When i click to install on my PC ( Vista Home premium 32 bit) it says Not a valid window 32 application.

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"the Application Binding Data Format Is Invalid" While Attempting To Install SP2

Jul 24, 2009

I'm currently running Vista Home Premium x64 with SP1 and I am trying to install SP2 but I get this error: "the application binding data format is invalid"

I have uninstalled "Windows Live OneCare" and switched off the firewall and this has had no affect. I have also ran the "System Update Readiness Tool" and this has done nothing to help the situation either. Also tried the "The System File Checker tool". It got to 19% and then said "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation" Also when I try to install IE 8, I get this error code "800736b2". I had to do a system restore earlier today as something was causing Vista to lock up and I could only turn the PC off by holding the power button. This has resolved the issue of the lock ups. Don't know if this could have anything to do with it?

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No Progress Of Disk Check

May 1, 2010

i have a gateway notebook with vista x64 bit and every time i try to start it up it used to run the disk check and say it would take more than an hour so i left it over night and no progress and it would let me start the computer up normally because it would still scan it no matter what and wouldnt let me start up in safe mode either and now when i start up it runs this disk check in a black screen and never finishes it gets to the 2nd disk out of 3 and then continues again dosent leave me any other choice of booting up (no safe mode or regular) after this check that is never completed it takes me to the log on screen but right before it says completing update 3 out of 3 and it says 0% but never goes any further and then shuts off

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Performance/progress On Defrag

Jan 1, 2010

I located an old hard drive stored on a shelf the other day and connected it to my Vista machine with a USB dongle. I decided to defrag it (350Gb). Now, I already know that Vista's defrag provides NO indication of progress other than that pretty lame statement that "this may take a few minutes to a few hours". I've seen mention of other defraggers here in this NG and am wondering if any of them provide visual progress indications. Previous OS's used either marching colored blocks, or slowly moving vertical bands in a window. Vista's, on the other hand, simply does nothing to indicate progress. Do any of the others provide any performance boost (i.e. faster) as well as any indication of progress?

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Ballmer Says Vista Is A 'crap In Progress'

Apr 20, 2008

the title would be correct if it read: Ballmer says Vista is a 'crap in progress' read more crappy news about vista crap here

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Live With The Black Quicktime Progress Bar

Aug 8, 2008

Since I use the x64 version of Vista, I am plagued with Quicktime's black bar, like everyone else out there on x64. I just find it ridiculous that after more than a year, this bug still remains. Makes me wonder if they may have even purposely put it there because I'm sure they aren't making any effort in fixing it. The only way that I know of to be able to see the bar is by running the browser in compatibility mode for Windows XP. I would do that, but the problem is that Vista then changes the Aero to Basic until the browser is closed. So you either:

1. Live with the black Quicktime progress bar.
2. Run the browser in compatibility mode and live with a changing theme (and if you already use the Basic theme by default, you're lucky)

Now, I know there's a program called Quicktime Alternative(QA) that basically provides the core functions of Quicktime, while letting you watch most anything that's in a Quicktime format through Media Player Classic. Question is, since I have to uninstall the original Quicktime to use QA, would it affect my iTunes? Do you guys know if QA can also do Quicktime's virtual tours and 360* views?

I also have the Vista Codecs installed, and for those of you that don't know, there's a Quicktime codec in there. While I get a better balance of colors in WMP than in Quicktime, the volume of the audio is too loud and distorts (not distorts the speakers, but the audio itself). So I don't know what else I can do... I am open to anything that doesn't involve changing themes or black bars...

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Defrag Status/progress Information

Jul 7, 2008

Is there a way to perform an analysis of the fragmentation level of a drive in Vista Home Premium? I miss being able to see a graphic representation of a disk's fragmentation. Also, previous versions of Windows provided the user a progress bar than informed them of the status of the defrag program when it was running. It appears that Home Premium runs in the background and one never gets a "defragmentation complete" dialog box with options to see a report. I've tried running it manually and not closing the Run dialog box, but it seems to run for hours without any feedback to the user.

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Defrag Progress Graph In Vista

Sep 3, 2008

why there is no defrag progress graph in vista (like the one there was in xp). The defrag just has a scheduler or defrag now and then there is no way of knowing how far along it is. Any thoughts would be welcome.

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Internet Explorer 8 Released, Progress Unmistakable

Mar 19, 2009

The final build of Internet Explorer 8 has been released in 25 languages. You can also grab the download directly from these links: Windows XP 32-bit (16.1 MB), Windows XP 64-bit (32.3 MB), Windows Server 2003 32-bit (16.0 MB), Windows Server 2003 64-bit (32.3 MB), Windows Vista 32-bit (13.2 MB), Windows Vista 64-bit (24.3 MB), Windows Server 2008 32-bit (13.2 MB), and Windows Server 2008 64-bit (24.3 MB).

The public Windows 7 beta is not being updated, and although Microsoft released an update for IE8 for Windows 7 in February, the next update is not likely to arrive until the Windows 7 Release Candidate next month. For everyone else, in the coming weeks Microsoft will put IE8 out as an optional download on Windows Update and then later roll it out to users via Automatic Updates. A quick note to all the IT administrators out there reading this post: the IE8 blocker toolkit is already available, so make sure you get acquainted with it if you're planning on avoiding IE8 when it's released via Microsoft's update channels.

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Network File Copy Progress Indication

Mar 10, 2009

I have an odd situation on network copying from my Vista X64 Ultimate PC to a Windows XP Pro PC. I suspect it is something I have altered in the settings / registry whilst I was trying to overcome network copy problems. I am using Directory Opus 9.1 as my file explorer but I don't think this is the problem.

When I copy a large file (say 1.0GB) then the copy progress bar quickly goes to 100% and then remains at 100% for a period of time before completing. If I look in the Performance tab of the Task Manager I can see memory use quickly increase by 1.0GB and then slowly start to reduce. The peak is achieved at about the same same as the 100% is shown and the progress bar remains stuck at 100% whilst the memory reduces (presumably as the file is copied over the network).

I suspect I must have set a cache figure at 1.0GB because if I copy a larger file then the memory increases and then flat lines for a period and then start reducing. In this case the progress bar will speed up to say 60% and then track slowly to 100% and then get stuck whilst the memory reduces. I am up-to-date will all MS Updates

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Obcessive Compulsive Disorder & Green Progress Bar

May 2, 2008

The windows explorer green progress bar has become a real big drag on my system. I have the ultimate on destops and a laptop. I have been using the laptop mostly and the folder exploring has alomost become a nightmare. The laptop has enough power (2Hz Intel CPU and 2G memory) and I definetely don't think that is an issue here. Every clik on a folder triggers whatever is indicated by the progress bar. It is almost like a search. If I were click on one immediately following by another one and so on, the bar starts up all over again. I have turned off indexing and I don't remember something else. It is like OCD, because everytime vista seems to take slowest possible route to the destination.

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How To Make Progress Dialog Show More Information By Default

Oct 26, 2009

Vista Users and Ex-Users! At Last The Problem is 99.9% Solved. Here is how you can make the Cut-Copy-Delete Dialog a.k.a the Progress Dialog show more information by default and get rid of all the headache about that stupid "More Information" button, as it is no longer there to bother....Log in with an Administrator account, this is important. If your current account is in the Administrators group then ignore this step. Open the properties window for the shell32.dll file (location- C:WINDOWSSystem32), click on Secutiry tab and then <Edit> button and add your user name there in the list with Full Control. If it's already there then click <Edit> and set Full Control for it.Open the shell32.dll file in Resource Hacker. In the left pane go to UIFILE -> 42 -> 1033. Select all the text you see in the right pane and press <Delete>. Download the text file in the attachment and copy all the text from it to that pane. Click on <Compile> and File->Save. If it fails to save then take Ownership over the shell32.dll file and repeat step 3 and step 4. Google "taking ownership of files in vista" if you don't know how to do it. Exit Resource Hacker and restart machine. The Progress Dialog Will Look Like This:

Notice that there is no "More Information" button. Plus the Cancel button is a bit slimmer and the Progress bar has moved a little downwards. This was done to keep the window in "shape" . minor notes:- In the default window the progress dialog shows simple location info and remaining time. Clicking the "More Information" button makes both go away and displays them in a row and column based way, along with remaining items info and data transfer speed; even the location info is devided into two rows. This is streamlined, informative and looks cool. It would be better if the detailed info window opened by default. I aimed for the same but unfortunately the scripting language is unknown to me and with my limited knowledge of html programing the best thing I could do was to make the default window show only remaining time, items and speed in columns and rows. There was no location info there.......

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Premiere Elements: "Error 1500, Another Installation Is In Progress"

Nov 24, 2008

I get up to the Install button, click it, and then it gives me a message saying "Error 1500, another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one." However, I'm not aware of any other programs that I'm installing.

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X 64 And The Application Is X32

Oct 15, 2009

i've download batman and it dont work even install coz it says i am x 64 and the application is x32

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How To End Unresponsive Application

Oct 8, 2008

i'm using vista x64 ultimate and having this issue for a long time, couldn't find a solution to fix it clearly.

Sometimes when i start Winamp, it just stops responding for few minutes and a message appears'' The program is not responding, if you wait for longer, it may respond etc..'' But even i'm not able to close it via Taskbar by Ending process or processes tree. Cannot get rid of it without changing the user or restarting the pc.

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ISASS.EXE Application

Feb 22, 2010

I am getting this error on start up ISASS.EXE application error then getting a black screen can move my mouse but nothig happens can't boot from safe mode/ last good config etc..

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Application Cannot Be Found

Jun 9, 2009

just the other day i was using my CD Drive. and now it says that the application cannot be found.

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NET: On-the-fly Backup Application

Jul 3, 2008

I'm trying to install under Vista Ultimate x64 one of those on-the-fly backup programs (Western Digital Backup Anwhere, or R4Yware Clonedir2), but they just won't run... I suspect this has sth to do with the .NET; I googled and saw a mention somewhere that under x64 systems, they require .NET 3.5. So I downloaded and installed. Net 3.5 - to no avail... In the Vista components, .NET 3.0 is still listed (while in the Program List in Control Panel, only the new 3.5 version is present). I don't think my installation actually changed anything in the system.

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Application Ran Out Of Memory

Mar 23, 2008

when running a game in vista (premium 64bit) i get this message: application ran out of memory when requesting 1048608 bytes. i have 4 gig of ram and dual 3870 graphics cards running in crossfire, so i know its not due to ram.

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MFC Application Crashes

Jun 10, 2008

trying to run a MFC application which crashes as soon as I try and launch with the following:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:SceeneManager.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:484c3a64
Fault Module Name:USER32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6000.16438
Fault Module Timestamp:45d3dc0e
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:000361b4
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:d13e
Additional Information 2:1b6ddd9d0e77c7a9b9dba28240cb8582
Additional Information 3:62d8
Additional Information 4:a1a9213e82db4bc58479eeab6f322eb1

Clean reinstall of Vista only two days ago, the program functioned correctly on the previous installation of Windows Vista. A friend connected via TeamViewer, and the program launched and functioned with no problems, its only when I attempt todo so.

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Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 20, 2009

Get message " ------Is not a valid win32 application " Get this message from all my programs and applications.

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Application To Be Maximized When Launched

Dec 12, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have an open source app that I want to be maximized when launched. How can I do this?

I've tried maximizing in 2 ways:

- Using the small square at the top right.

- Dragging the corners of the window to fill the screen.

In both cases, if I close and then re-open, the window has its default size.

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Blue Screens, Application Name

Feb 25, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Dwm.exe
Application Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp: 4791944e
Fault Module Name: Dwm.exe
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791944e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000000000000c678
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 7287
Additional Information 2: 9ed0c8ce566d95e54a1a90b775fe4842
Additional Information 3: 27e9
Additional Information 4: b04e9607475e6bdb13ec99451a46bdca

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Strange Application Switcher

Mar 3, 2009

Just discovered a bizarre application switcher from microsoft, somewhat similar to Apple's Expose.

Here's the screenshot ...

The thing came up when I clicked the mouse wheel. The mouse is Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000. Microsoft software that came with the mouse is installed. Checked the mouse buttons config, and it says that clicking the wheel brings up the Flip 3D.

But, since I use the basic vista theme with Aero disabled (like it more this way), there is no Flip 3D on my machine. When I enable the Aero, clicking the mouse wheel brings up Flip 3D.

Anyone got any idea what is this thing?

Actually i quite like it, because it is fast as hell, way faster and more useful than other third party "expose on windows" third party solutions I tried some time before.

I was wondering how to bring up this thing from my keyboard, but win+tab does nothing. As for now, only clicking the mouse wheel works.

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Is There A Microsoft Speedtest Application

Jun 19, 2008

where to find the microsoft speedtest application for Vista OS in order to test my Internet download and upload broadband speeds.

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SP1 Breaks OpenGL Application

Jun 27, 2008

I've got a Sony VAIO with GeForce 7400Go. Doom 3 and my OpenGL programs run fine before Vista SP1 and crash at startup after SP1 update. I notice the nvidia driver installed is 2006/12/19, version Sony does not have any new driver on its website and Nvidia does not provide drivers for laptops. I'd like to know which is culprit of the break of my opengl apps, Vista SP1 or nvidia driver?

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Puts Not Responding Box Over Application Always

Jul 24, 2009

When my application(32bit) about to launch in Visat x64, it draws the border over my application and says "Not responding". This is not happening in Windows XP. Also the time period that taken by application differs from XP and Vista x64. Vista takes more time to load than Xp.

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