Laggy Internet: Playing BFBC2 Or CoD4

Mar 21, 2010

I'm running Vista 64bit and when I'm playing BFBC2 or CoD4 or any other demanding game in particular, I'm getting these lag spikes. It's very annoying since it mostly happens when I'm going for a nice kill. Anyway, my connection is wireless and I'm using a sweex wirelesss lan pci card wich can receive up to 300mbs. I'm wondering if anyone shared the same problem and might had a solution for me.

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Internet And Playing Music Random Freezing

Mar 23, 2008

On the demise of my old computer, I've bought a shiny new one, complete with Windows Vista. I've had it four days, and so far it's only crashed twice. Is this... normal? The other thing it does is randomly stop for 15-20 seconds, and then start working again, as if nothing has happened.

I've not even been doing anything particularly strenuous; just browsing the internet and playing music, when suddenly the music stops, and the computer does nothing for 20 seconds, and then it's back. Anyone know what the problem might be with this, and if there's anything I can do about it?

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Audio Laggy, Stuttering, And Slow

May 5, 2009

First time posting here so be gentle. I am having difficulties with audio which has stemmed back for some time almost a year before i started buying new hardware to "correct" the problem. I have read over many posts about stuttering/laggy/jittery audio, but none seem to give me an answer. When i play Bioshock, Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour, or even Half Life have a static-clangy echoey sound to them. It is quite the disturbing sound to hear and i cant help but think of Michael Keaton in the movie White Noise, but worse sounding static... Anywho I cant simply exit out of the program (Bioshock for example) and restart the program because the sound remains the same. I recently upgraded my system, and my sound card choice from Creative X-FI (which also had the problem) to an ASUS XONAR DX. I had thought this was strictly a sound card issue at the time when I purchased the Xonar last week. I was wrong.

This cant just be a sound card issue can it? Could it be that my 500Watt PSU isnt enough for all my nice new equipment AND my sound card?

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Debating Upgrading From Home Premium To Ultimate Laggy?

Apr 28, 2008

I could use a second opinion. I've got a HP DV9000 laptop. It runs really well with Home premium on it, but I am considering upgrading to Ultimate so I can use the Remote Desktop and the Backup features. What I am concerned about is if Ultimate will slow down my system or cause me any other problems? I know there's a hack available to make Remote Desktop work on home premium and other backup products too. But it seems like the upgrade would make more sense.

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Playing Streaming Audio: "Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage"

Apr 21, 2008

When I attempt to play streaming audio from a web page with Internet Explorer I get message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" BUT when I copy the URL and paste it into Windows Media Player File/Open URL it plays perfectly.

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Cod4 Wont Work

Sep 23, 2008

i install cod4 on my pc and it wont work when i click on the icon the screen goes black like its about to start then it comes back to my desktop but u can still hear the sound from the game dont understand whats happening

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COD4 Iw3sp.exe Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

I bought cod4 (which works with disc) and wanted to play without the disc through an ISO. the multiplayer works fine but when opening single player it comes up with the error iw3sp.exe has stopped working. Now i have looked through the other threads but nothing is working for me. I am running Vista3. i made the ISO using toshiba disc creator and mount it with daemon tools lite note: multiplayer works perfectly with the mounted ISO.

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Setpoint Not Working Properly With COD4

Dec 29, 2008

I didn't know if this should go in another area or not so I just chose this one.

Anyways, my issue is I have a G5 mouse running Vista Ultimate x64. I have the Logitech SetPoint software to run at startup, but when I go into COD4 and then to controls and set the "throw frag grenade" to Mouse 5 nothing happens but on my G5 the DPI setting light goes from the top LED to the middle one as if I pressed the button to lower the DPI setting on the mouse.

Now I found a work around which was to go into the Startup folder and go into the properties of the shortcut for Setpoint and choose "run as administrator". However, everytime I boot the system it tells me that Setpoint was blocked by UAC and if I want to unblock it I have to choose to manually unblock it. This occurs EVERYTIME I boot up, however, this issue doesn't happen on my laptop which has the same software version of Setpoint and the same mouse, only difference is my laptop has Vista Home Premium.

So with all that in mind, my question is why do I have to run Setpoint as an administrator and tell it to manually run at startup on one system but on another it runs just fine?

I have tried to find on my laptop what if any difference there might be in the Setpoint software but I can't find any.

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COD4 HARD Lockups: It Locks Up Randomly

Mar 18, 2009

I've been having issues with COD4 locking up. It locks up randomly. I've proved it's not an overheating issue by playing Crysis on full graphics in a high resolution for two hours. So it's definitely not a heat issue. Joe has informed me that driver lock ups will be recognized and will keep the OS from kernel panic or hard system locks. My only other guess is SoundMAX (on-board high definition 7.1 sound). It's given me numerous problems in several games. I've killed all background processes. I have not killed PunkBusterA and B because I play professionally on CEVO and CAL. Also, Crysis uses PunkBuster.

Just for grins I checked my CPU/GPU/MOBO temps and they all appear well within operational ranges. I have no add-ins except for my graphics card: EVGA GeForce GTX 280. I'm on the i7 processor with the P6T Deluxe motherboard. I use a SATA Hard Drive (I was thinking about firmware updates, but I doubt it's a hard drive issue since Crysis runs for hours). I'm using a Sony CD/DVD RW ROM. My OS is Vista 64 Ultimate. I'm using a USB mouse/keyboard and DELL Flat Panel (DVI).......

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Installed Patches In Order, Cod4 Freezing

Mar 28, 2008

the problem is that cod4 freezers ive installed the patches in order, all drivers are up to date, directx up to date but still it freezers

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Second Life And Graphics Card Problem & COD4

Mar 23, 2008

Have just discovered that my new laptop, an Advent 9315 2GB mem, Vista Home etc, contains a SiS graphics system which is not supported by Second Life. What can I do? Also I have loaded Call of Duty 4 but it too won't run.

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COD4: Sound Lagging Or Complete System Lockups

Jun 11, 2008

I play COD4 ALOT but lately since SP1 ive had issues with sound lagging and or complete system lockups, If I kill SP1 i can play fine with no issues.

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COD4: Run Sins Of A Solar Empire And Medieval 2 Total War On Almost All High Graphics

Jun 11, 2008

COD4 lags extremly on my laptop even though I have 2 GB ram and a GeForce 8400 GS graphic card and run Sins of a Solar Empire and Medieval 2 Total war on almost all High Graphics.

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(.jpg) : CD Not Playing

Dec 5, 2008

I have Windows Vista Ultimate and it will not let me play a CD for more than half a minute. I get the following message... this is my second post and hopefully the message (.jpg) is visible.

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DVDs Not Playing

Sep 9, 2009

I recently upgraded to Vista 32bit service pack 2. I held off because of a problem I was having with service pack 1 (as I am about to explain), but I thought service pack 2 may have fixed the problem. However, it hasn't.

When I try to play a DVD through Windows Media Center it is just all fuzzy and static. You can see the picture moving, but it's so fuzzy and pixelated that it's impossible to actually make anything out. When I play through Media Player, the picture is just black. The sound is working fine in both programs.

I downloaded a program called VLC media player, and that plays the DVDs just fine, so does this mean that it is a problem with codecs? I'm not too sure, hence why I'm asking here on how to fix the problem. Obviously I could just keep using this new VLC player, but I prefer using Media Center.

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Wmv Files Not Playing

Mar 23, 2008

All .wmv files have stopped playing. I noticed the wmpconfig, wmplayer, and wmpshare files were updated 10/11/07. This appears to have occurred with an automatic Windows update. What happened and how do I fix this. No program I have on my computer will play these videos. I'm running Vista Home Premium.

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5.1 Sound Not Playing Out Of All Speakers

Sep 20, 2009

I have Logitech X-530 speakers, a 5.1 setup. Yesterday I wanted to use my headset to play a game, so I had to change my settings to stereo to get the sound out of both the left and right headphones. When I had finished, I changed it back to 5.1 through the control panel, but now the sound is only playing out of the left and right speakers. All speakers are functional, since when I test it through the control panel the 'bing' sound plays through all one-by-one. The speakers worked fully in 5.1 before I changed the settings. Windows Vista 32bit SP2.

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DEP Stops Me From Playing My Games.

Jan 27, 2009

with all the latest games I have bought (gta IV and mirror's edge) I get DEP errors. I tried to exclude them from DEP but my vista won't accept it. So now every ten minutes my games freeze up. What can I do about it? I've read some artikels about shutting of DEP completely. I'm wondering though what that will mean for my security. On some other forums it has been implied that the DEP errors have something to do with faulty hardware.

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Movie Maker Not Playing

Feb 6, 2009

I created a 5min + video within movie maker, published it and have been in since. All of a sudden i now go into movie maker and open the project and it won't play/preview the movie. Any ideas? the machine doesn't even try to play, the button to play is pressed but the movie doesn't start. individual clips that are in the project window play.

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Screen Shakes Playing GTA 4

Jun 15, 2009

My screen begins to shake when im playing gta4. It only start after some minutes playing. Others games have no problem. Im using vista x64 ultimate, and i got the last drivers for my graphic card (gtx 285).

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Crashes While Playing The Game

May 18, 2009

*Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Fallout3.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 48f62dcc.....

1) Sound & Audio Driver Uninstalled & Reinstalled
2) Windows Completely Updated
3) FFShow Audio & Video Decoder Excluded
4) Fallout 3 Patch 1.5 Applied. It Crashes While Playing the Game, randomly.

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Playing DVDs Will Not Working

Mar 26, 2008

My new PC with Vista Business edition will not play DVD's on Media Player as I was told it would do. I get an error message saying no encoder installed. The help search said go to options and enable encoder. It still doesn't play. Do I need some kind of encoder?

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X64 Lag Spikes While Playing Games

Jul 17, 2008

Topic pretty much says it all. It happens when I play numerous games - Counter-Strike, Warcraft III, etc. This has never happened when I had Windows XP. I've searched the forums for a solution but have yet to find one. I'm using 'Win Optimizer' right now and I still get spikes (more frequent as of lately). Anyone know a "fix" or solution for this problem?

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Media Player Not Playing Cds

Apr 26, 2008

Media player stops playing CDs exactly 1 minute and 3 seconds in. It says: Windows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged. Turn on Error correction, and then try again. I've turned on error correction, it didn't help

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WMP11 Not Playing Mp3 Files

Sep 4, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 and noticed a problem recently when playing music via windows media center. However, having played around in WMP11 also, WMP is doing the same thing so I believe the problem is somewhere in there. Initially the problem started when trying to play a collection of mp3 files off my local drive. Whether it be via an existing playlist or simply by selecting an album within WMC. The problem is that a track plays and then WMC/WMP freezes on the next track. If I skip to the next track that plays, but then the next track freezes. Sometimes the 1st track on the list doesn't play but the next will. Sometimes the 1st plays and then the next won't!
So, I closed WMC and opened up WMP directly. (This happens in both x86 and x64 versions of WMP by the way). If I create a playlist, the same thing happens a track plays, then freezes, if I skip on, the next track plays and then the next one freezes.....

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Windows Dreamscene Not Playing

Aug 20, 2008

I have a problem with windows dreamscene. When I try to apply downloaded .wmv dreamscenes from sites such as or and custom .wmv for that matter, it works but when I restore a minimized window and then if if i x out or go back to my desktop the dreamscene which is a custom .wmv is paused...when I right click to hit play dreamscene i cannot for it is already supposedly playing..and sometimes when apply a custom .wmv it experiences that problem and it will also sometimes cause explorer.exe to crash and then ask me to restart explorer.exe or find solution online?

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Strange Sound Playing After Every 5-10 Minutes

Sep 13, 2008

i have the notebook since a month and everything works fine. however, i always have that strange sound playing in vista. it happens every 5-10mins, i dont know what it it. its not caused by the hardware, but its played by vista, so to make it clear it is a soundfile. i have no clue, which software or whatever causes it. anyone, who has an idea? and no, it was already there with the original setup, it is not because of any software i installed additionally. i would really be happy, if someone knows how to stop that.

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Game Froze, Playing Crysis

Mar 28, 2009

I was playing Crysis today and all of a sudden the game froze. I have a HP Presario xxx with Vista premium. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?" Example 2: "The Postmaster said my mail box is nearly full! I have a lot of messages in my sent Items folder, but Vista won’t let me delete them!? What do I do now?" This question is so vague that it leads to more questions than answers. This is an easy post to ignore! Example 3:.................

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Not Playing Nice - Sharing Files

Jun 17, 2008

Vista Ultimate (non SP1) on desktop PC approved to run Vista. Vista Business (non SP1) on laptop approved to run Vista. When desktop had XP and the laptop had Vista I had no trouble sharing files/folders. Right after Vista was installed on the desktop (before a random reboot) I could share files/folders between both Vista PCs. Now I can't share files/folders. I have enabled file and printer sharing on the desktop. I have added a user to the desktop with the same "name" as the user on the laptop. Both computers are part of the same Workgroup. I have set up several shares: Music, Video, Storage (docs & programs, etc.) and can't access them from the laptop through the network share, so I also can't map the drives. If memory serves me I also allowed 'Everyone' share permission also. And UAC is disabled on both machines. The The UPNP music and video files share fine. One more thing, I am fully updated up to SP1. Unless SP1 is known to resolve this issue (I've read about this before but can't seem to fix my problem with it) I won't be installing it.

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Playing DVDs: No Encoder Installed

Mar 23, 2008

My new PC with Vista Business edition will not play DVD's on Media Player as I was told it would do. I get an error message saying no encoder installed. The help search said go to options and enable encoder. It still doesn't play. Do I need some kind of encoder?

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Playing Music Cause Skipping & Lockups

Jul 29, 2009

My stepdaughters computer skips sound and locks up when playing loud Rock music. When playing other types of music it is fine. I changed her audio drivers from Microsoft to Dell drivers and that fixed most music but it still happens when playing Rock music. The hardware diagnostics says the device is working properly. She has Vista Home Premium with SP2.

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