Installing Second Copy Of Ultimate X64 Hangs

Mar 22, 2010

I have a multi-boot computer with Vista Ultimate x64 installed. I have an upgrade for Windows 7 Ultimate but I want to keep my Vista Ultimate x64 bootup. So I try to install a second copy of Windows Ultimate x64 so I can use that to install the Windows 7 upgrade.

When I attempt to install the second copy of Vista Ultimate x64, by booting from the Vista x64 boot CD and directing it to install itself in a separate area on my first hard drive, it starts up, says it is loading the drivers, goes to 100% on the progress bar, and just hangs there without going on. Is there any solution so that I can keep my Windows Vista x64 and still install the Windows 7 upgrade in another partition ?

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SP2 Hangs At 92% On Installing 3 Of 3

Dec 18, 2009

A friends relatively new Dell laptop running Vista Ultimate SP1 32bit. Downloaded SP2, but has hung for 3 hours at the "installing Service Pack 2 stage 3 of 3 - 92% complete. Do not turn off or unplug your Computer" stage. I had disabled all anti-virus and firewalling software.

I am told by friend that this is what happened when he first tried to install SP2, though he DID get through to 100% complete, before message popped up that installation failed and that his lappie would be rolled back to last good SP1 configuration. I have tried the wuauserv net stop bits net start bits repair.bat file that I read about elsewhere. His wife's exact same laptop (bought at same time, same configuration, same updates installed) installed SP2 no problems.

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Installing SP1: Hangs On Phase 3

Jun 28, 2008

I have received SP1 this morning via Windows Update. It started to install and asked to reboot to finish install. I went to lunch and after several hours is still doing this:

Show a message in the screen
Installing Service Pack: fase1 of 3 0% completed
After more less a minute it says Shutting Down and reboots

When it restarts it shows the above message again. Time after time, it's been doing this for the last 5 hours!

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Ultimate X64 Hangs

Jun 10, 2009

Good Evening / Morning / Other

I have a PC running Vista x64 specs-
MB Asus P5VD2-VM
CPU Core 2 Duo 6700
GPU BFG Nvidia 8600GTS
HD Seagate 500GB Sata
RAM 4 GB DDR2 (System only uses 3GB due to chipset lacking memory remap)

For the past year its been occasionally hanging at random - sometimes repeatedly each day, othertimes once every few days. I have run ram tests and its found nothing. Its not overheatring. The only other thing I can think of is the hard drive when I run seagates tools it cant complete the long tests but it does the short test - can anyone thing of any other diagnostics I can try.

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Ultimate 64b Hangs Boots

Mar 23, 2008

I just built a brand new computer, it consists of the following: Q6600 quad core, EVGA 780i mobo, 8 gigs Corsair XMS2-6400 800MHz mem at (of which only 2 gig during install), 2 150gig Raptors in RAID 0, and a Maxtor 300gig for additional storage. I am going to be putting in a 9800GX2 GPU in aprox 2 weeks(waiting for availability at my fav shop). For now I have an ATI X800 GTO GPU in it. Now all of these items are compatible with Vista(as far as I have found). After 4 installs that would not complete, I finally get to Vista desktop, the automatic update does its thing, reboots, and reboots...etc. I found a hard start from off it boots?!? So I turn off and put in 1 more stick of RAM(now at 4 gigs). Same prob, reboot snags over and over, but a hard start is good. I have a TON of components to install and hard start is not going to cut it.

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Installing Ultimate 64bit With Ultimate Upgrade Key

Jul 7, 2008

I want to reformat my computer and install Vista Ultimate 64-bit as my operating system. I'd rather not spend a couple hundred dollars to do this when I already own Vista Ultimate 32-bit. My computer came with Home Premium and I purchased a Vista Ultimate Upgrade CD (32 bit). Now what I want to know is if I buy the $30 non liscensed Vista Ultimate (64 bit) CD, can I use my Ultimate (32 bit) Activation key to activate it? This would save me around $150. I talked to the Microsoft guys via chat but we just kept going around and around and they never really answered whether or not the Ultimate 64 bit would accept my Ultimate 32 bit upgrade key.

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VISTA Ultimate Fresh Reformat Clean Installation Failure - Hangs...

Jul 29, 2009

I've got a serious problem. I decided to do a fresh installation of Vista Ultimate on my $4000 Asus VX2S Lamborghini notebook (which I got after getting a nice pay bonus back in 2007. Details of the Lambo are here: 'Techgage - ASUS Lamborghini VX2' It was very sluggish and took about 5minutes to loadup. It was slow in multitasking and hanged on Windows Media Centre operations. Played games ok tho - but needed a cooler.

Things improved a bit after I deleted some of the Asus bloatware mentioned in the unofficial asus notebook forum FAQ. Stuff like Splendid, TPM, Asus Protect, Asus live update, power4phone etc... But it still seemed a tad slow for a US$4000 machine, esp the startup and multitasking. I mentioned this to my friend a computer guru who advised me to do a format and fresh clean installation. He had a spare moment in the weekend so he formated C drive - including the recovery partition as I did not want the pre-installed Asus software.......................

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Vista Ultimate Oem Copy

Oct 4, 2008

i understand that there is a vista ultimate oem which does not require activation. How does one go about getting a copy of this?

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Install A Copy Of Windows Ultimate A Virtual PC

Apr 10, 2008

Is it valid to install my Windows Vista Ultimate copy to Virtual PC 2007 on the same computer for testing several features of the OS If it is valid, do i have to activete this copy again?

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Unable To Install A Clean Copy Of Ultimate X64

May 15, 2010

I have some problems regarding a clean instalation of Vista x64. Some time ago my HDD has broken and I have bought a new one. So I have to instal Vista which I got when I was buying my laptop. It´s Asus n80, GeForce 9m series (not sure which one) 512mb, 4gb RAM, Intel 2.0 GHz Dual Core, not sure which motherboard but preaty sure it´s Gigabyte´s. So the problem is next;

I insert the Instalation CD in the DVD-ROM, I check the option, in BIOS for "boot from ´CD/DVD Drive´", the instalation beggins, I check the language, upgrade/custom (i choosed ´custom´), i accept the terms and then one of the following two happens:

1st. Starting Setup screen appears and then it freezes.. Actualy it doesen´t freeze, ´cause the "working cursor" is still moving but nothing happens.

2nd. Setup process beggins and when "expanding Windows files" beggins the setup just stops and this error code appears: Windows could not format a partition on disk 0. The error occurred while preparing the partition selected for installations. Error code: 0x80070057

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Hangs When "installing Files"

Feb 21, 2008

Having a bit of trouble with a new build HTPC. When I run Vista to install it goes through the "installing files" part and I get to the blue/green screen but then that's it. The HDD light stays on and the CD-ROM drive spins up but no activity and spins down. Then it spins up again but still nothing.

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Re-installing Ultimate OEM After Formatting HDD

Mar 26, 2008

I had to format my HDD and re-instal Vista Ultimate OEM... it wont install. Gets to the final stages of install and then just never completes it. Does anyone know what I need to do to get my media centre working again?

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Installing Ultimate 32 Bit And Itunes

Feb 29, 2008

i am having trouble installing itunes on Vista ultimate 32 bit edition. i get the following message when i click on itunessetup file: "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.

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SP2 Adds Watermark Evaluation Copy To Fully Licensed X-64 Ultimate Desktop

Mar 25, 2009

I know Vista SP2 is still in "beta" phase but unlike W7 where the WHOLE OS is a beta I've legally paid for a VISTA license -- so after installing SP2 knowing it is still in beta and will expire in Apr I was a bit peeved to see Evaluation Copy stamped on my Desktop - especially when I've PAID for a full VISTA ULTIMATE license. This implies to management etc etc that I've downloaded a temporary copy of the OS rather than a Service Pack especially the water mark doesn't even MENTION SP2 on it. This is the sort of stuff that makes me want to go to torrents to look for cracks in how to get rid of this stuff.

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Installing Windows XP Pro AFTER Vista Ultimate

Apr 7, 2008

Can Windows XP Pro be installed AFTER Vista Ultimate to create a dual boot system?

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Installing Ultimate 64 Bit, Screen Freezes

Jun 30, 2008

I recently built a computer with a SATA hdd and a IDE disk drive. I had also bought vista ultimate 64 bit. I cannot install vista. the screen just freezes, about 20-50% through the expanding files part. when I boot the hdd up, I get the missing bootmgr thing, several times. I tried the tip by lifehacker to use the repair settings thing. I cannot seem to install vista. I even tried to make a copy of the dvd from the comp I am typing with now.

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Ultimate Will Not Boot Up After Installing Updates

Nov 23, 2009

I installed Windows Vista Ultimate on several machines without incident. Yesterday I installed it onto my desktop. A Gateway that was previously running Win XP I had backed up my hard drive to an external becuase I wanted to do a clean setup. I chose those uptions as they appeared in the setup screen. The os set up fine. I then ran Windows Update. AFter everything downloaded I let the system install the 87 updates. The computer shyt down. I restaeted it and re-ran updates again. After downloading it installed about 7 more updates and shut down. Now when I turn on the machine. I get the "Splash Screen" tehn a black screen and in the top left corner it says: Booting "Windows Vista".....

That hangs for about two minutes then I get a screen that says Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration. Then a screen that says: The file ARFSPK0N could not be found Press any key to continue. I press a key and I get a Setup Failed and it just basically goes back to the beginning. I have tried installing the Original XP setup disc that came with my computer however it reads it then I get a message saying that Drive "R" could not be read and then my CD drive door opens. There is no disc in that drive as the setup disk is a DVD so it is in the DVD drive. I went into the whole setup screen and chnaged the boot order but nothing seems to work.

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Installing Ultimate Over Premium Stopped Compatiability

Mar 23, 2008

finally after way to much research, I bought my HP Pavillion Elite m1950f, which comes with Vista Home Premium loaded. About 3-4 months ago, I bought Ultimate Upgrade version and its been sitting idle. So, I try to upgrade today and 3/4 of the way through it says, stopped compatiability problem, restarts, rollbacks, back to square one! I run the MS compat as suggested and it finds a device issue with a driver. So I uninstall the driver, rerun the compat and NO problems, says all GREEN! Attempt 2 time to upgrade, 3/4 through, bingo same problem. Restart, rollback, comp test again, NO problems All Green! The 3rd try same thing. So here I come to the Guru's for your knowledge and wisdom!What am I missing here? Upgrade from Prem to Ultimate I would think would be a walk in the park! When I upgraded my older system from XP to Ultimate, went though first time, not even a hiccup. So can someone show me the light at the end of the tunnel.................

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Installing Ultimate Over Premium: Stopped Compatiability Problem

Mar 26, 2008

I bought my HP Pavillion Elite m1950f, which comes with Vista Home Premium loaded. About 3-4 months ago, I bought Ultimate Upgrade version and its been sitting idle. So, I try to upgrade today and 3/4 of the way through it says, stopped compatiability problem, restarts, rollbacks, back to square one! I run the MS compat as suggested and it finds a device issue with a driver. So I uninstall the driver, rerun the compat and NO problems, says all GREEN! Attempt 2 time to upgrade, 3/4 through, bingo same problem. Restart, rollback, comp tes again, NO problems All Green! The 3rd try same thing. So here I come to the Guru's for your knowledge and wisdom!

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Installing Ultimate Upgrade, Disable From Using The Upgrade Choice

Mar 14, 2009

I have a Aspire AM5620-E5301A Acer computer. On Acer it has Windows Vista Premium Home. I bought Windows Ultimate software to put on my Acer computer. It starts to load up OK, put in the key number in than next step is. To pick custom install or upgrade install, but upgrade choice is grey out. It is disable from using the upgrade choice, I want to choose to pick. I did not purchase Windows Ultimate through Acer anytime upgrade option. It was a store bought software it was cheaper than Acer price they offer. What is the problem with installing Ultimate with Acer computer?

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Copy A Dvd That Contains Pictures From A Camcorder, Dvd Copy Software

Mar 24, 2009

Can anybody recommend a good but simple software program? I want to copy a dvd that contains pictures from a camcorder.

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Copying Files Bt It Took About Six Hours To Copy About 20 Gig (I Have About 180 Gig To Copy)

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to copy files from my usb hard drive: K: to my network external drive Z:
I am trying to copy everything from one to another (files in folders and files that are not in folders)

I tried selecting all and then send to Z:, but it took about six hours to copy about 20 gig (I have about 180 gig to copy)

I read some where that robocopy is a faster and better way to copy files.The thing is I do not know what syntax to use. I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax I should use to copy EVERYTHING from the usb driveK: to the network drive Z:

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Copy/backup My Files Says ; "You'll Need To Provide Administrator Permission To Copy To This File."

May 1, 2008

My old Windows XP PC died months ago (motherboard problems) and so I took out the hard drive (which still functions fine) and put it in my new PC, but I can't seem to copy any of my files in the My Documents folder from the old drive to my newer larger drive. I've had this drive in here for the last several months and have had no problems writing other files to this 'older' drive (250 gig Maxtor 16mb cache, 7,200RPM drive (btw it's only a year old), but when I try to copy files to another drive I get the following error message: "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file." This only happens with files that are in the My Documents folder. My current login has administrator rights, so I'm thinking some how this has something to do with this drive being from a different computer's installation of XP.

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New Ultimate Extras: Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs Are Back After The SP1 Upgrade

Apr 23, 2008

I see Windows Sound Schemes, and DreamScene Content Pack 3 now available. Also the Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs are back after the SP1 upgrade.

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Home Premium To Ultimate Failure: Need Ultimate To Login To A Domain

Jun 17, 2008

Purchased an HP notebook with premium and set it up but did not activate yet. Then purchased an Ultimate Upgrade with anytime upgrade. Installed the upgrade using the key from the bottom of the PC when it asked for the current product key. No errors. Finishes the upgrade and restarts and still is running Home Premium. Why did ultimate not take? We need ultimate to login to a domain.

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Anytime Upgrade To Ultimate Can I Choose Between The 32 And 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

Mar 25, 2008

I Have Windows Vista OEM 32 bit that came on my computer. I noticed that the full retail version of ultimate includes the 32 and 64 bit install. With the anytime upgrade to ultimate can I choose between the 32 and 64 bit vista ultimate? I do realize that I would have to do a clean install of the 64 bit OS. I would like to try the 64 bit version but would also like to be able revert back to the 32 bit if the 64 bit doesn't work out. If I can't then the 32 bit version it is as I need to join a domain.........

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32 Bit Ultimate To 64 Bit Ultimate, Migrate Hotmail To Windows Mail

Nov 19, 2009

I just migrated to 64 bit Vista and I have Windows Mail. When I was using 32 bit Vista I had all my Hotmail folders, newsgroups, calendar, etc. when I selected the Mail icon. Is there a way to migrate Hotmail to Windows Mail, or a way to replace Windows Mail with what I had when I was using 32 bit Vista? I had IE 8 with 32 bit and I have IE 8 with 64 bit.

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Reinstall Ultimate 64 Over Ultimate 64 : A Boot Defrag

Apr 2, 2008

Vista Ultimate 64 Crashed, Tried Recovery Dvd, Start-up Repair, Ng, Can't Get Into Safe Mode Or Command Prompt, Tried To Reinstall, Won't Allow Upgrade "upgrade Disablied, Must Be From Windows", But I Can't Get Into Windows. I Don't Want To Do A Clean Install To Much On There. It Also Seems My Restore Poits Are Gone. This Is After Diskkeeper Did A Boot Defrag.

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IE7 Just Hangs After Some Time

Feb 5, 2008

I just purchased a Toshiba A205-7464 laptop before Christmas and have been having a problem lately with the wireless internet hanging on me.

I will be online for a certain period of time, sometimes hours, sometimes 10 minutes. I will try to go to a website, not always the same one, and IE will just hang, no graphics will come up, the green bar just stops halfway through and it just hangs. I get no error page or anything but in order to get it working again, I have to reboot. It is really starting to tick me off because it is starting to happen more frequently. I have uninstalled McAfee and installed my own Security Software (CA Suite).

Here are some stats on my PC:...

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Hangs During Startup

Oct 23, 2008

I have built up a new system...been running perfectly since August 2008.

2 nights ago I had just finished an update to itunes and some other apple software which required a restart. Upon restart, the system hung while booting.didn't get to the user account log-in froze with a blackscreen with the mouse cursor sitting there in the middle.

I have done the following things and observed the following behaviour:I have not added any hardware to the system Windows Update has doing automatic updates the systems boots and runs perfectly in safe mode with networking I have reverted to a couple of different restore points prior to installing the apple change I have disabled all non-Microsoft software from starting up via Windows change I can get the system to boot to where it displays the user accounts login screen. When I click on an account and enter the password it will hang at that point. Mouse continues to respond but no further response. Disk drive light goes solid but no sound of the disk operating If at the user account log in screen I select to shut the system down it will hang during shutdown checking the event logs shows a range of various fatal errors.I can provide more info on this at later posts if needed but the messages look quite similar to other posts given for a range of different behaviours so I am not sure which if any are relevant. Booting to the Vista CD and doing a repair found no errors. In short, my perfectly happy and functioning system has suddenly gone mental for no obvious reason.

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Computer Hangs

Feb 10, 2010

I have a recurring problem in that my computer randomly will freeze and become non responsive(though I can move the mouse during these freezes). When clicking on a link or trying to view an e-mail I get the message "Not Responsive" as I watch the Windows "circle" rotate in the middle of the screen. Usually within 15 seconds to a minute the computer again returns to usable state. It used to happen only in Windows Mail. But about two weeks ago it started happening when using other programs, IE, Firefox, etc.

My system specs are as follows:

Dell Dimension E521

Vista Home Premium 32 bit

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2GHz

2GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz- 2DIMMs

256MB NVIDIA Geforce 7300LE TurboCache

Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio

Optiquest 19" widescreen lcd 1280 x 768

250GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™


Dell USB Keyboard and Dell 2-button Scroll Mouse

DSL 3.0 Mbps down 384 Kbps up

To this point I worked with Dell support to try to solve the problem. After doing a disk cleanup, removing temp files, etc. that didn't fix it, they had me perform a restore to Factory Settings. However even after doing that and reinstalling my programs and data files, the problem persists. I have tried opening Windows in safe mode and the problem doesn't occur then. BTW, there are no error messages when this occurs.

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