Installing Ultimate Over Premium: Stopped Compatiability Problem

Mar 26, 2008

I bought my HP Pavillion Elite m1950f, which comes with Vista Home Premium loaded. About 3-4 months ago, I bought Ultimate Upgrade version and its been sitting idle. So, I try to upgrade today and 3/4 of the way through it says, stopped compatiability problem, restarts, rollbacks, back to square one! I run the MS compat as suggested and it finds a device issue with a driver. So I uninstall the driver, rerun the compat and NO problems, says all GREEN! Attempt 2 time to upgrade, 3/4 through, bingo same problem. Restart, rollback, comp tes again, NO problems All Green! The 3rd try same thing. So here I come to the Guru's for your knowledge and wisdom!

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Installing Ultimate Over Premium Stopped Compatiability

Mar 23, 2008

finally after way to much research, I bought my HP Pavillion Elite m1950f, which comes with Vista Home Premium loaded. About 3-4 months ago, I bought Ultimate Upgrade version and its been sitting idle. So, I try to upgrade today and 3/4 of the way through it says, stopped compatiability problem, restarts, rollbacks, back to square one! I run the MS compat as suggested and it finds a device issue with a driver. So I uninstall the driver, rerun the compat and NO problems, says all GREEN! Attempt 2 time to upgrade, 3/4 through, bingo same problem. Restart, rollback, comp test again, NO problems All Green! The 3rd try same thing. So here I come to the Guru's for your knowledge and wisdom!What am I missing here? Upgrade from Prem to Ultimate I would think would be a walk in the park! When I upgraded my older system from XP to Ultimate, went though first time, not even a hiccup. So can someone show me the light at the end of the tunnel.................

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Home Premium To Ultimate Failure: Need Ultimate To Login To A Domain

Jun 17, 2008

Purchased an HP notebook with premium and set it up but did not activate yet. Then purchased an Ultimate Upgrade with anytime upgrade. Installed the upgrade using the key from the bottom of the PC when it asked for the current product key. No errors. Finishes the upgrade and restarts and still is running Home Premium. Why did ultimate not take? We need ultimate to login to a domain.

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Installing Ultimate 64bit With Ultimate Upgrade Key

Jul 7, 2008

I want to reformat my computer and install Vista Ultimate 64-bit as my operating system. I'd rather not spend a couple hundred dollars to do this when I already own Vista Ultimate 32-bit. My computer came with Home Premium and I purchased a Vista Ultimate Upgrade CD (32 bit). Now what I want to know is if I buy the $30 non liscensed Vista Ultimate (64 bit) CD, can I use my Ultimate (32 bit) Activation key to activate it? This would save me around $150. I talked to the Microsoft guys via chat but we just kept going around and around and they never really answered whether or not the Ultimate 64 bit would accept my Ultimate 32 bit upgrade key.

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Installing Home Premium And Format

Mar 26, 2008

I'm considering formatting my hard drive and then installing Vista. But during a test run I booted to the installation disk. After entering the Product Key I was told I needed to install form the operating system. So, I restarted and ran setup from my existing Vista install. I got to the 'Where do you want to install Windows' there was no selection at the bottom of the screen for Drive options to allow me to format. All that was there was saying 'If you need to make changes to this partition reboot to the installation disk'

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Installing Home Premium 64bit W/ 4g RAM?

Mar 23, 2008

I keep reading about folks who needed to remove some sticks of ram before installing vista 64-bit. Is this mandatory? I have 4 gig of Ram and I really don't want to open up my box and remove 2 gigs, as my computer is large and I'd have to remove memory cooling, etc. (I know, lazy) Do some people with 4 gigs ram succeed in installing vista without removing memory?

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Installing On My IMac, Can't Install Home Premium

Jun 27, 2008

i have an iMac and i want to install windows vista home premium Hardware Overview. would i be able to install it? What is the minimum space i have to give it? If i can't install home premium which one can i install?

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Distorted Sound After Installing Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I just installed Vista Home Premium onto my pc, and everything seems to be running ok, except for the sound. No matter what application I run, my sound seems to skip a lot. It's most noticeable when listening to music or TV. Various media players don't make a difference, and it acts like my pc is starving for resources. I've got a 3.2Ghz cpu w/2Gb of memory and plenty of hard drive space. 256Mb ATI video card, and Audigy sound card, but it looks like Vista makes the applications run off of the virtual memory, even when nothing else is running. Is anyone having issues like this? I've disabled services and features till I'm blue in the face. Nothing seems to help, although increasing CPU priority for the process seems to make it better, but it's still skipping.

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System Lockup Installing Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

I am assembling a new computer with an ASUS M2A-VM Mother Board. I have installed SATA CD Drive & SATA Maxtor 330gb HD. The installation goes normal until the screen and mouse completly lockup during the "Completing Installation" phase when it is about 3/4's complete after the message"Please wait while Windows Prepares to Start for the First Time". The "Green"progress bar moves across the bottom goes about 3/4's across then stops. I have waited for hours & hours nothing happens but lockup. I have attempted about 12 times after checking thourghly the BIOS settings and installation. I have read some problems have occurred with ATI SB600 chip set which the Motherboard has.

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Re-installing Ultimate OEM After Formatting HDD

Mar 26, 2008

I had to format my HDD and re-instal Vista Ultimate OEM... it wont install. Gets to the final stages of install and then just never completes it. Does anyone know what I need to do to get my media centre working again?

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Installing Ultimate 32 Bit And Itunes

Feb 29, 2008

i am having trouble installing itunes on Vista ultimate 32 bit edition. i get the following message when i click on itunessetup file: "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.

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Installing Windows XP Pro AFTER Vista Ultimate

Apr 7, 2008

Can Windows XP Pro be installed AFTER Vista Ultimate to create a dual boot system?

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Installing Second Copy Of Ultimate X64 Hangs

Mar 22, 2010

I have a multi-boot computer with Vista Ultimate x64 installed. I have an upgrade for Windows 7 Ultimate but I want to keep my Vista Ultimate x64 bootup. So I try to install a second copy of Windows Ultimate x64 so I can use that to install the Windows 7 upgrade.

When I attempt to install the second copy of Vista Ultimate x64, by booting from the Vista x64 boot CD and directing it to install itself in a separate area on my first hard drive, it starts up, says it is loading the drivers, goes to 100% on the progress bar, and just hangs there without going on. Is there any solution so that I can keep my Windows Vista x64 and still install the Windows 7 upgrade in another partition ?

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Installing Ultimate 64 Bit, Screen Freezes

Jun 30, 2008

I recently built a computer with a SATA hdd and a IDE disk drive. I had also bought vista ultimate 64 bit. I cannot install vista. the screen just freezes, about 20-50% through the expanding files part. when I boot the hdd up, I get the missing bootmgr thing, several times. I tried the tip by lifehacker to use the repair settings thing. I cannot seem to install vista. I even tried to make a copy of the dvd from the comp I am typing with now.

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Ultimate Will Not Boot Up After Installing Updates

Nov 23, 2009

I installed Windows Vista Ultimate on several machines without incident. Yesterday I installed it onto my desktop. A Gateway that was previously running Win XP I had backed up my hard drive to an external becuase I wanted to do a clean setup. I chose those uptions as they appeared in the setup screen. The os set up fine. I then ran Windows Update. AFter everything downloaded I let the system install the 87 updates. The computer shyt down. I restaeted it and re-ran updates again. After downloading it installed about 7 more updates and shut down. Now when I turn on the machine. I get the "Splash Screen" tehn a black screen and in the top left corner it says: Booting "Windows Vista".....

That hangs for about two minutes then I get a screen that says Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration. Then a screen that says: The file ARFSPK0N could not be found Press any key to continue. I press a key and I get a Setup Failed and it just basically goes back to the beginning. I have tried installing the Original XP setup disc that came with my computer however it reads it then I get a message saying that Drive "R" could not be read and then my CD drive door opens. There is no disc in that drive as the setup disk is a DVD so it is in the DVD drive. I went into the whole setup screen and chnaged the boot order but nothing seems to work.

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Upgrade From Premium To Ultimate

Dec 15, 2008

I'm interested in upgrading my computer from Vista Premium to Vista Ultimate. Can someone be as so kind at to tell me how to do this? Also will I loose anything in the upgrade? I'm interested in purchasing the upgrade version from a best buy or something like that.

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Possible To UPGRADE From Premium 64 To Ultimate 64?

Mar 26, 2008

Just wondering if it's possible to UPGRADE from Vista Premium 64 edition to Ultimate 64 without doing a clean install. I've tried 3 times and it never finishes the "completing Install" stage

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64bit Premium To 32 Bit Ultimate?

Apr 13, 2009

I am a grad student and I own a 64 bit Vista Premium laptop. My uni offers an upgrade to 32bit Vista Ultimate for 20 bucks.. My 64 bit OS just sucks..the keys get stuck, the mouse pad doesnt work properly, cant play games..sometimes both the keyboard and the touchpad dont work at all!

can i upgrade to a Windows 32bit Ultimate from a 64 bit Home Premium OS with just that upgrade DVD?? or shud i just get a new laptop?? lol i wanted to wait out for a Touchscreen windows 7 laptop :P but my present one is driving me crazy :| if it is not possible, do u think the SP2 pack to be released sometime soon can fix my problem??

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Upgrade From Premium To Ultimate?

Mar 26, 2008

I was wondering if I upgraded from Vista Home Premium to Vista Ultimate will it just add the missing features, or do a complete reinstall? When I went from XP to Vista I had to redo everything from scratch. Vista runs great on my XPS M1730 but would like to add the features missing.

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Installation Of Home Premium To Ultimate

Apr 19, 2009

Have Vista Home Premium SP1 installed on Dell desktop.

Have been playing Live Search Club and have enough points to get Vista Ultimate. I assume this is full version, not upgrade. Can I use this CD to upgrade to Ultimate or would I have to do clean install and then reinstall all programs and data files?

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Ultimate Will Not Install Over My Home Premium

Jun 26, 2008

I have a full version of Home Premium and have been running it for a year or more.

I bought Vista Ultimate upgrade. However when I try and install and upgrade
to Premium I get a message saying.

You need a newer version of this software to upgrade.

I am running Vista SP1. It offers to do a clean install, which I do not want.

What does Ultimate want? It is so vague.

If it is an upgrade it certainly does not need a clean install.

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Cannot Upgrade Home Premium To Ultimate

Feb 23, 2010

I apologize for the length of this diatribe. Here we go. I bought a new computer two years ago. It. came with Vista Home Premium 32 bit. I upgraded to Vista Ultimate 32 bit. No problem. I saved a full image of Ultimate to an external HD using Acronis. I did a clean install of Win 7 Beta when it was released. I decided to remove the Win 7 Beta and go back to Vista Ultimate using the Acronis Image. The Acronis image of Vista Ultimate destroyed my boot sector and I could not go back to the Vista Ultimate image so I did a repair using the Win 7 repair DVD I had made. That fixed the boot problem.......

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Upgrading From Premium SP1 To Ultimate Retail

May 19, 2008

How do you upgrade from Premium to Ultimate if the Premium version number is newer than the Ultimate version number? When I try the upgrade to the Ultimate DVD, the install says that the Premium install is a "newer operating system" and then only allows a clean install, which isn't much fun. Is there any way to tell the install to ignore the version numbers and just do it?

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Home Premium To Ultimate Upgrade

Mar 23, 2008

Seems that a number of individuals have had issues with upgrading legitimate copies of Vista Home Premium to Vista Ultimate. Using the upgrade media provided, the upgrade seems to fail during the last few steps by indicating rather cryptically that a component could not be configured. There is no indiation as to which component didn't get configured.

Now, I do not understand why this should happen. I used the upgrade advisor which indicated to me that the recommended version of Vista was Ultimate and there were no hardware/software/driver issues identified. Why can't I just upgrade then? Why do I have to disable all drivers except for the video, keyboard, and mouse to get a good upgrade? All drivers are Vista certified - I have no hardware whatsoever that isn't certified with Vista and am assuming that this certified hardware comes with certified drivers.

I have been unsuccessful so far in updating my system. I would really love to see Microsoft take ownership here and supply us with an upgrade disk that does what it indicates on the box. I should not have this much difficulty upgrading my system. After all, Microsoft developed the upgrade system and is selling it to the general public. Just insert the disk, add the key, and click install. What could be easier?

Does anyone have any suggestions? I do not really want to go through the hassle of disabling all drivers - if that is required, then instructions should have been included with the update disk on how to do this. Will Microsoft change this and provide a cleaner install DVD. If not, can I get my money back? Should I upgrade to something else?

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What Diffrence: Home Premium And Ultimate

Jan 16, 2009

what the diffrence is between Home Premium and Ultimate the only reason i ask is iam runing vista Home Premium 64 and also windows 7 ultimate 64 beta one of the machines we have will be having windows 7 loaded when the full version comes out but i dont now if it will be worth going for ultimate or going for the cheeper home premium. And also will sp2 for vista run a bit like windows 7 i only ask because some of the changes that 7 has i quite like.

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Home Premium Vs Ultimate What Difference Between Each Other

Apr 13, 2009

coming from the word ULTIMATE i think it has a edge against vista home premium. but i'd like to know the major difference between each other. advantage and disadvantage with one another?

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Difference Between Ultimate & Home Premium?

Dec 3, 2008

So, what's the major Difference? Would you recommend me to buy the Ultimate version or just take the Home Premium? And why? Is there a site where i can see differences or something?

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Upgrade Home Premium 64 To Ultimate 64?

Mar 24, 2009

Is there any way to upgrade from home premium 64 to ultimate 64? I feel kind of silly asking this question because it seems like it should be so simple, but I cannot figure it out.

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Upgrade Premium 64 Edit Ultimate 64

Mar 23, 2008

Just wondering if it's possible to UPGRADE from Vista Premium 64 edition to Ultimate 64 without doing a clean install. I've tried 3 times and it never finishes the "completing Install" stage. Also, can you transfer a registered vista program from one computer to another.

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Premium To Ultimate Upgrade Failed

Mar 26, 2008

I have bought the upgrade and the anytime upgrade disc. I am having problems with the upgrade. I have tried twice to do it, the second time was after speaking to microsoft direct services helpdesk. I was walked through the first part of the installation, inserting the disc and to the gathering information stage. I told support I would contact them if it failed again The installation seemed to go ok right through to the last stage where I got a message - "could not configure one or more windows components" My computer then rolled back to vista premium.

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Home Premium To Ultimate Upgrade Horrors

Oct 25, 2008

I bought a new HP dv7-1175 yesterday and need to upgrade it to Ultimate from my July 2008 disk from my MSDN subscription (Vista with SP1 x64 and x86). When I put in my (valid) activation code is just says "An error has occurred" and to restart the installation. When I bypass the activation and choose the Ultimate x64 it disables the upgrade option. I do not want to do a fresh install because I know what a driver hassle people are having with that option and I am more of an XP experienced installer.

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