Distorted Sound After Installing Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I just installed Vista Home Premium onto my pc, and everything seems to be running ok, except for the sound. No matter what application I run, my sound seems to skip a lot. It's most noticeable when listening to music or TV. Various media players don't make a difference, and it acts like my pc is starving for resources. I've got a 3.2Ghz cpu w/2Gb of memory and plenty of hard drive space. 256Mb ATI video card, and Audigy sound card, but it looks like Vista makes the applications run off of the virtual memory, even when nothing else is running. Is anyone having issues like this? I've disabled services and features till I'm blue in the face. Nothing seems to help, although increasing CPU priority for the process seems to make it better, but it's still skipping.

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No Sound On 64 Home Premium

Jan 31, 2008

No sound issue was solved by my finally uninstalling the driver (convenant) and reinstalling an older one. The problem did start after making alot of updates, one of which was for the Convexant driver. Jan 6 or later so I used one from Dec. Voila!

Haven't seen anyone else using this driver (the other two are Bluetooths) so wonder if it sucks and if I should be using somethng else for this system??

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Poor Sound Under Home Premium

May 31, 2009

it is particularly poor (broken up) on such sites as Internet although it wouldn't win any prizes either when playing cds or mp3 files. i am not very critical sound-wise so it has to be poor for me to notice. there is a slight issue with my monitor speakers but the sound is still poor on headphones connected to the line-output socket.

my setup is vista 32-bit premium, audigy se sound board, intel 1.8ghz dual-core, 2gb ram and an msi micro-atx mb. i have loaded what i believe to be the latest sound drivers although things are actually marginally better with the on-board, realtek hd sound chip. btw, my download speed is reasonable at about 5mb/s.

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Installing Home Premium And Format

Mar 26, 2008

I'm considering formatting my hard drive and then installing Vista. But during a test run I booted to the installation disk. After entering the Product Key I was told I needed to install form the operating system. So, I restarted and ran setup from my existing Vista install. I got to the 'Where do you want to install Windows' there was no selection at the bottom of the screen for Drive options to allow me to format. All that was there was saying 'If you need to make changes to this partition reboot to the installation disk'

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Installing Home Premium 64bit W/ 4g RAM?

Mar 23, 2008

I keep reading about folks who needed to remove some sticks of ram before installing vista 64-bit. Is this mandatory? I have 4 gig of Ram and I really don't want to open up my box and remove 2 gigs, as my computer is large and I'd have to remove memory cooling, etc. (I know, lazy) Do some people with 4 gigs ram succeed in installing vista without removing memory?

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Sound Device Not Detected On 64 Home Premium

Mar 27, 2009

I've just setup a new computer with vista but after installing, vista didn't detect any sound device. I have an Asus Rampage II extreme board with the supreme fx audio module installed. HD sound is also activated in the BIOS.

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Home Premium Freezes And The Sound Stutters.

Sep 5, 2008

I just built a new system, its a 2.6 quad core with 4 gigs of ram and 2 diamond raidon hd 4850's running crossfire. Its still a relativly clean install and when I play videos or play my video games the screen stops, the sound keeps stuttering, and I lose control of my mouse and keyboard. I then have to hard reboot my sytem to bring it back up. I am at a loss, I cant seem to track down the cause.

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Home Premium - Recording Sound From You Tube

Oct 10, 2009

How do I capture audio from the internet - through speakers? I click on my "SOund recorder" but nothing is recorded from You Tube. I assume there are some adjustments I need to make somewhere?

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Installing On My IMac, Can't Install Home Premium

Jun 27, 2008

i have an iMac and i want to install windows vista home premium Hardware Overview. would i be able to install it? What is the minimum space i have to give it? If i can't install home premium which one can i install?

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System Lockup Installing Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

I am assembling a new computer with an ASUS M2A-VM Mother Board. I have installed SATA CD Drive & SATA Maxtor 330gb HD. The installation goes normal until the screen and mouse completly lockup during the "Completing Installation" phase when it is about 3/4's complete after the message"Please wait while Windows Prepares to Start for the First Time". The "Green"progress bar moves across the bottom goes about 3/4's across then stops. I have waited for hours & hours nothing happens but lockup. I have attempted about 12 times after checking thourghly the BIOS settings and installation. I have read some problems have occurred with ATI SB600 chip set which the Motherboard has.

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Playing .wm Files, Distorted Sound And Slowed Video

Mar 23, 2008

I've got a problem with WMP 11 playing .wmv files. It suddenly started to play these with distorted sound and slowed video. When I put any graphic file into the forlder with wmv file, open picture and slide to .wmv file it plays ok. I have already tried to reset WMP 11 settings with registry patch and tried /sfc scannow to no avail.

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Sound: Loading Music Is Severely Distorted, Cannot Listen To Any Music On Myspace Or Watch Any Videos

Apr 23, 2008

i am having problems with the sound on vista. music plays fine until i open anything else. if anything is loading music is severely distorted. i have updated eveything there is. i cannot listen to any music on myspace or watch any videos on Internet.

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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No Sound After Installing Upgrade Disk

Mar 23, 2008

My sound was working perfectly and then I inserted the Upgrade Your Windows Vista Experience disk. A red X appeared next to the speaker icon on my thing tray. When I click on it it says "no audio output device is installed". Did the disk wipe out my "audio output device"? Any way of getting it back? Downloading? Getting Microsoft to fix?

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Lost Sound After Installing Webcam

Mar 24, 2009

I bought a logitech webcam it had a built in mic and all that jazz, before I installed it I had a Sound Blaster XFi Xtreme Audio sound card in there, it worked fine no issues. When I hooked in and installed my logitech webcam my microphone no longer works on my headset I dunno if i disabled somethign or what I tried doing a system restore but to no avail.

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SigmaTel Audio Sound Card Can't Installing

Jul 27, 2009

I guess SigmaTel is famous for putting out pretty ****ty audio hardware/software because a lot of people claim to having had problems with thier sound cards...Anyway, I have no sound coming from my speakers what so ever except for the windows error beep. Theres an "x" on the speakers on the taskbar. The device name is there and claims to be working when I hover over the speaker sys. tray icon, also in device manager and in playback devices. Although the Levels tab in Sound>Speakers/Headphones>Properties is completely empty. The Volume Mixer claims there is NO audio device installed even tho' its there when I hover on the speaker icon. I've tried uninstalling and installing just about everything possible from both gateway and windows but the problem persists...

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No Sound After Installing SP: PnP Audio Device Failure

May 23, 2008

I just installed SP1 on my Home Premium 64bit. After installing it, all my sound is gone. I checked the Help page about this subject, and found out that the drivers or my "PnP Audio Device" are not up to date (there is a yellow triangle with !-mark in front of it). I tried to update them via Device Manager, but it didn't work.

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System Lost Sound After Installing Updates

May 3, 2010

Sometimes, after installing MS updates or other apps, I lose my sound. The only way I get it back is to use System Restore to a point where the sound worked. However, then I don't have the updates or apps. This tells me that it's a software problem with Vista - not a hardware problem. Now, I am about 11 MS updates behind - and no sound. Also, the System Restore doesn't work anymore (I no longer have a Restore point where the sound worked). I've Googled and have found that many people have similar problems with their HP laptops. I am using Vista, SP-2. I am now going to ionstall the updates since I can't go back to get the sound. I've checked in Device Manager (no problem) and made sure I'm using the most recent signed driver. I can't find any text indication that I have a problem but when I go to Playback Options and try the sound Test, I get a message which says the sound didn't play. Hope I included all the relevant information. If not, please tell me. I've tried everything I know of. I have a full backup of my hard drive

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Installing Ultimate Over Premium Stopped Compatiability

Mar 23, 2008

finally after way to much research, I bought my HP Pavillion Elite m1950f, which comes with Vista Home Premium loaded. About 3-4 months ago, I bought Ultimate Upgrade version and its been sitting idle. So, I try to upgrade today and 3/4 of the way through it says, stopped compatiability problem, restarts, rollbacks, back to square one! I run the MS compat as suggested and it finds a device issue with a driver. So I uninstall the driver, rerun the compat and NO problems, says all GREEN! Attempt 2 time to upgrade, 3/4 through, bingo same problem. Restart, rollback, comp test again, NO problems All Green! The 3rd try same thing. So here I come to the Guru's for your knowledge and wisdom!What am I missing here? Upgrade from Prem to Ultimate I would think would be a walk in the park! When I upgraded my older system from XP to Ultimate, went though first time, not even a hiccup. So can someone show me the light at the end of the tunnel.................

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Upgraded To Vista Premium From Basic Lost Sound

Apr 20, 2007

When I upgraded to Vista Premium from Basic I lost sound. Seems to be a common problem. I got the message "no audio output device is installed" I tried updating drivers to no avail.The following worked for me just now.

Go to Device manager
open Sound, video and game controllers
double click the driver
click "update driver"
click "search my computer"
choose "high definition audio device" - NOT the driver

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Installing Ultimate Over Premium: Stopped Compatiability Problem

Mar 26, 2008

I bought my HP Pavillion Elite m1950f, which comes with Vista Home Premium loaded. About 3-4 months ago, I bought Ultimate Upgrade version and its been sitting idle. So, I try to upgrade today and 3/4 of the way through it says, stopped compatiability problem, restarts, rollbacks, back to square one! I run the MS compat as suggested and it finds a device issue with a driver. So I uninstall the driver, rerun the compat and NO problems, says all GREEN! Attempt 2 time to upgrade, 3/4 through, bingo same problem. Restart, rollback, comp tes again, NO problems All Green! The 3rd try same thing. So here I come to the Guru's for your knowledge and wisdom!

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No Sound On Home Editon 32 Bit

Feb 16, 2009

I just recently install vista home edition 32 bit on my asus p5gl mx motherboard. Unfortunately, there isnt any sound that will come out from my altec lansing 151i speaker(5.1). I tried to install the audio driver from the cd that comes with the motherboard but vista would say that the hardware doesnt support the software.

It used to function well on my windows xp sp 3. Now, I dont have any sound at all. The os showed the volume control panel and it wasnt muted but to my surprise there isnt anyt sound coming out from the speakers.

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Installing Home And Garden For Windows 95

Jun 21, 2009

I am trying to install home and garden for windows 95. Im am having trouble. I think that my computer may have the requirments but the disk doesnt have the capability of running on the newer software.

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Install 64 Home Premium

Jun 12, 2009

Can anybody tell me How can I install vista 64 home premium?

I have xp 32 bit on my computer, and I used the upgrade advice manager from Microsoft, and it tells me my system is compatible with vista. Thank you for any help you can provide, and this is my system info....

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Upgrading Home Premium To SP1

May 17, 2008

I suddenly notice a lot of references to SP1 for Vista. I have stopped updates on my Vista Home Premium, after it killed my WinMail. I uninstalled upto KB 933928, and disabled updates. It is working fine, but I found AVG offering me AVG 8.0, which refused to install saying my Vista is not updated ( after downloading 80MB twice !! !&*()^%$$). How do I get to SP1? Just install all updates from MS? Will my WinMail survive? Or will I be forced to shift to XP Outlook? There is a lot of flak meant for Vista, but my system is very stable ( touch wood and everything else)
Request MVP advice.

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Home Premium 32 Bit Is Not Booting HDD

May 8, 2009

last Sunday(may 3rd 2009) i updated my bios (unfortunately). problem is, vista (Home Premium 32 bit which i used when problem occurs) is not booting my HDD. after showing my bios screen black screen appears with blinking cursor. i removed and inserted bios jumper for recovery and also battery. but the problem didn't solved. fortunately windows xp is working without problem. now iam using XP professional. i dont know whats the problem.

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Home Premium 64 Bit Got Ntdll.dll

May 5, 2009

I've just got this Error for a few days and tried so many ways to solve it, but it seems to be useless.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: patcher_1.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49055f74
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a783
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00023592
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 1573
Additional Information 2: 8174477e3f239fdb2eb28590ffa32700
Additional Information 3: f1c9
Additional Information 4: f7c0aa8817dca409d416936c036f5b41

On the first day, i tried to reinstall windows and install this software again. [ Still that error]. The next nay, i tried to install this software on my laptop. [ Still it]. And after checking CMD, i tried on both of mine. [ still it ] The last day, tried to download that software again and reinstall it. [ still the same ] i spent 3 days to find out what's going on! But nothing's gonna change or be better!

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Re-Installation Of Home Premium (32 Bit)

Jun 16, 2008

I am facing problems with the registry of the OS. When I install new software, I get some unusual error messages pointing to registry. When I try to uninstall old software, it leaves traces of the software even on the Start up Menu.

Can I do a format of the entire hard disk, reinstall Vista Home Premium (32 bit) again ?? Will it consider my old license or do I need to purchase an additional license ?

If I do a clean installation of the entire OS, what will be the case for Microsoft Office Student Edition 2003 ? Will it consume additional license if I clean install it?

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Upgrading 32 Bit Home Premium To 64 Bit

Mar 26, 2008

When I put the 64 bit install disk in, it goes through the usual install process. I entered the product key from my 32 bit box, and continued. The install then fails as it says it cannot find an authorised disk to install on. My 32 bit Vista is fully activated, so I am not sure how to get around this.

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Home Premium 64 Bit Really Slow?

Mar 23, 2008

What am I doing wrong? What have I missed? just double clicking on a icon seams to take ages to draw on screen. Do I need to switch things off?

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