How To Open New Tab With Home Page

Feb 26, 2009

I would like to open a new tab at my home page, rather than another click to go to my home page. Is there a way to do this?

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Hotmail: Page Opens From An Already Open Internet Explorer Web Page

Oct 21, 2007

When I open hotmail from windows live messenger, the page opens from an already open internet explorer web page + a new one with a message saying that the email address or password is incorrect. Does it happen to anyone else here?

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Home Page Keeps Going To

Oct 27, 2009

When I installed Windows Vista I made MSN my home page. I was asked if I wanted to prevent change to my home page and I answered yes because very often certain web sites try to make themselves your home page. Now I want to change my home page to but every time I reboot it goes back to MSN as my home page. I went to tools/internet options and changed my home page to Comcast and clicked apply but whenever I start IE8 it reverts back to MSN for my home page. How can I make it keep comcast as my home page?

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Hijack Home Page

Mar 1, 2010

I tried to a search on this particular issue, but did not find an identical problem. Every few days my home page get hijacked by MSN and a window comes up to download I.E 8 which I have already since last summer. Each time I change back to my home page and click on ask me later on the I.E. 8 popup because there is no other option. I did all the scans with Zone Alarm Extreme Security, ad-aware, S&D spybot, malwarebytes and CC cleaner.

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Home Page Tabs Nothing Works

May 31, 2008

A few days ago I set my home page tabs with no problem. Today I decided to add two tabs. Nothing works. I've even tried adding them via IP's. I've clicked on each tab, added the desired webpage, selected Add or Change Home Page and then checked "use the current tab set as your home page." I've also tried all other options. Only the original page is retained. What am I doing wrong? (Date/Time are correct and open new tabs next to current is checked in IE Properties.)

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Setting Home Page Tabs

May 31, 2008

I set my home page tabs with no problem. Today I decided to add two tabs. Nothing works. I've even tried adding them via IP's. I've clicked on each tab, added the desired webpage, selected Add or Change Home Page and then checked "use the current tab set as your home page." I've also tried all other options. Only the original page is retained. What am I doing wrong?

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Home Page Redirected To Some Antivirus Site

Aug 10, 2008

Some virus changed my home page to an antivirus site and I used tools to change it back, But when I restarted the IExplorer, it again displayed the antivirus site. What can I do to fix this up? I do not want to re-install the operating system.

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Home Page Reverts Back Bbc/news

May 16, 2008

On installation of Vista on my Lenovo Laptop the homepage in IE was set to Lenovo, I have changed this to BBC/NEWS and set this to be the only homepage I want. However at least 2-3 times each day it reverts back to Lenovo homeppage, I then have to reset it back to BBC/News.

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PPP Connectivity: Can't Open Page

Feb 20, 2008

I have strange problem with my PPP connection. I'm using DSL with no router. Suddenly after few hours i'm losing connectivity of both Firefox and IE, i can't open any page. But at same time my Internet connection hasn't dropped. With MS-DOS prompt i have normal ping and tracert to any public host even my 2nd PC(winXP) has internet. In order to go back to normal i have to reboot and then till next time.

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Loading Page And Can't Open To Savemode

Nov 26, 2009

My computer keep stay on the loading page for 2 hours after I restart the computer, and I can't even open to savemode. I did try used the system restore, but the result said " system restore failed due to an unspectifed error. The system cannot find the file specified. (0 x 80070002 )

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Open New Window, Minimized Page Vanishes

Feb 6, 2009

I am still looking for an answer to my question about minimizing. My minimizing will not last, in particular the webmail. Once I open a new window, the minimized page just vanishes.

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Page In The Folder Use The Center Mouse Button To Open

Jun 16, 2009

The actual question regards IE8. I just recently came back to IE8, and I got into the habit of hitting the center mouse button on my daily 3 favorites folders. Each one opens maybe= 6 web pages. The trouble is it opens each page two or more times. ie: If there= were only one page in the folder and I used the center mouse button to open = that single page, it might open that page 2 or 3 times with the single click.

I browsed one page of IE8 bugs, and found nothing on this. So how do I = get it to stop at opening just the single links in each favorite folder only = once ? The title above. This appeared as a price for support. I've bought cars = that cost less. Is anyone actually paying for support from a telemarketer in = India at these prices ? I spent an entire day online with support with someone I could barely
understand, and never got the problem fixed awhile back.

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Open Page Id Field With Account Address

Apr 7, 2008

When I open the page, I see in the live id field someoneelse's account adress. Instead I am supposed to see my own account adress, as a cookie should keep
that. Now I dont know what is going on... I use vista ultimate with AVG. I leave my laptop open during the midnight for emule. I use wireless internet conenction and it is unsecured. My vista ultimate has the sp1 and latest updates, with firewall on... In these conditions can someone reach and use the hotmail from my computer? What is going on? If I cannot get a sensible answer, I will start to doubt if someone breaks in my home during the day and use my laptop, when I am at work.

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Windows Mail Open Automatically With A Blank Reply Page?

Jul 29, 2009

When reading an email using Windows Mail,if the text in the body of that email contains an email address,is it possible to double click on that address and have Windows Mail open automatically with a blank reply page?

This operation used to work OK with XP & OE however using Vista & Windows Mail it only pops up a message stating that the program is not associated. Clicking on an email address in a web page using IE8 works fine, it opens up a Windows Mail reply page.

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Open Excel File:go To The Page Set-up, Screen Start Pulsating

Mar 30, 2008

I am currently running Vista Ultimate (32 bit) with an Intel E6400 chip and 4 gig of ram. When I open an Excel file and go to the page set-up, my screen start pulsating and it is difficult to get the drop-down menues to work. At the
same time I have a small circle that indicates the program is grinding away. I have had similar issues with Word when I try to print an envelope. This has also happened with other software applications such as Quicken 2008. Rebooting the machine temporaily solves the problem, but not alway.

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How Can I Make The Right Click View Source Open Page In FrontPage?

May 24, 2008

I can get the right click drop down menu's 'View source' to always open a web page in MS Frontpage instead of Notepad? This is when I have a web page of a site I'm working with open on my screen in IE7. I use Windows Vista Home Premium. You could easily achieve this with WinXP using TweakUI but I don't know how to do it in Vista. Reason I want to do this is because the 'Edit with' button at taskbar at top of screen always greys out after any refresh of the page. Is there a registry tweak would let me fix this? Prefer not to have to install an entire tweaking program just for this one change.

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Contacts List : To Show "home" Page

May 14, 2009

How can show the contacts list on the "home" page,like in Outlook Express?(below the Folder options).

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How Open Firewall Log File In Home Premium?

Apr 4, 2008

I have enabled dropped packet logging in Vista Windows Firewall (Advanced Security).When I try to open the log file pfirewall.log it comes back Access Denied. I am logged in as Administrator so that doesnt seem to be the reason.

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Windows Home Premium Ed., Control Panel Will Not Open

Aug 15, 2009

I didn't see this topic listed already. I've researched on the Net and have not been able to find a solution. Since Thurs., apparently for no reason that I can find, I have lost access to the Control Panel and all associated prorgams. I have no Windows Welcome Centre, no access to the Backup/Restore. And when I go to Microsoft to validate my program it's says I'm not running a valid version of Windows.

I've tried several different things to correct the problem ... To begin with I did the obvious -- I have checked for viruses and malware. Not the problem. I ran a scan/repair, I did a defrag. Nothing. One site said it was a problem with Software Licensing so, as it suggested, I turned off the SLUNotify Service and the Software Licensing service and then restarted both services. Nothing happened. Both are set to automatic.

Another site said it was a problem with the Nero In CD ... but I don't have anything by that name on my PC, so I know that isn't my problem. Another site said it was a problem for PCs that didn't do the Service Pack 1 update -- Well, I have that so that's not the problem either. I tried going to a restore point a couple weeks before the problem started -- did nothing to solve the problem. It was suggested I hadn't gone back far enough so I went back to the first date listed under the restore points available on my PC. Again, did nothing.

At this point, my PC keeps trying to install the Windows Updates from after my restore point -- no troubles downloading them, but when it tries to install them it gets stuck on the configuring and says it is reverting ...I'm out of ideas ... Anybody out there have anything I can try short of re-installing Windows Vista? Obviously since this problem was so sudden, I don't have my most recent files backed up and can't access the program to make a backup -- and some of these are work files I need to keep. Meanwhile I will continue researching ..

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Home Network: Cannot Open Share Created Files

Jun 29, 2008

There was no problem to see all computers and share files between them. Now new computer FIVE Vista 64 came to Home Network. I see all computers in my Home Network but I cannot open any computers ONE, TWO, and THREE (with Vista 32) from FIVE as well cannot open FIVE from ONE, TWO and THREE. (I am looking for share created files.) Computers ask me for “User Name” and “Password”. So far I never created User Names and Password for any of my computers

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Windows ( Home Basic) Sound Recorder Doesn't Open

Mar 17, 2008

windows sound recorder does't open and isteada pop up message comes up:

Windows sound recourder is not istalled properly.RunREGSVR32 WavDest.dll.

When I tried to run REGSVR32 WavDest.dll I got an error 0x80070005

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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Home Prem To Ultimate - Can I Still Use Home On Another Pc?

May 4, 2008

I bought retail upgrade vista home premium. Installed on my primary pc and ACTIVATED it. Had odd problems, fixed, then realized I really wanted the ultimate edition. So, bought retail ultimate upgrade. Wiped hard drive, installed XP pro, installed ultimate 64 from there. Now, here is the real question. I now have a perfectly good legal copy of home premium that is not being used. Can I use this copy on a different PC? BTW, it's too late to get a refund from MS, I missed that
window of opportunity.

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Page Defrag V2.32

Nov 17, 2009

I just tryed this out on my xp machine, and wonderd if they are ok to use PageDefrag. Can this be used in vista also.

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Page Plus 'not Responding'

Nov 25, 2009

I've been trying to run Serif Page Plus SE free but continually get the 'not responding' message. I've given up on their support line as they l=keep telling me the same thing over and over. I'm running Vista - is there a c0mpatibility problem?

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Cannot Access Web Page

Jan 11, 2010

My daughter tried to remove Norton's to put on another security and now I cannot access the internet with Explorer. I am connected but cannot get on. The response when I click on Explorer icon is that it cannot access the web page. Has anyone experienced this? I had Comcast come out and they tried to restore system to day before this happened and it didn't work.

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Start Up Page Do Not Come

Dec 21, 2008

i dont know whats wrong with my computer my start up page doen't come in anymore when i go to Internet i dont see any videos when i go to myspace i cant see my friend pics i dont know whaat to do i went to restore and it was ok but the next day the same. guessing it was the windows update i unstall it what next i also think i have some virise on it what do i do .

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Printing Web Page To A PDF

Mar 23, 2008

When attempting to print/save a web page as a PDF in Vista, a dialog pops up; "For your computer???s security, the file was saved to the Temporary Internet File Folder.? Do you want to open this folder?, Yes or No". When clicking ?Yes? you are taken to a folder named ?Virtualized?, which contains no files. Also the PDF printer dialog box shows "Error - Printing" and the PDF printer refuses to print. PDF files can be saved from other programs with no problems. The web page can also be printed to local or network printers. We are not using Zone Alarm

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Cannot Display Web Page

Aug 22, 2009

I get this literally every time i surf the net for a while. basically IE gives that message and then kills the internet, firefox does not work either. there is nothing wrong with the TCP/IP as i can ping the sites no problem. only method of fix rite now is to restart, but that is unrealistic and just a work-around. Running : Vista Business x64 SP2

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Front Page 2003

Jun 1, 2009

I have the old problem of the hyperlinks not working in preview mode.

I've done the reg fix found here;en-us;823720
which always worked ok in XP but doesn't seem to cure the problem in Vista 64.

I'm wondering if it's caused by there being two versions of IE, 32 and 64 bit.

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