How Can Sharing Files Via Router

Mar 27, 2009

I have a Wireless router connected to cable internet and I have 2 vista computers connected to the internet through it. I have WEP key on it.I need to share files between those 2 PCs and remote Desktop. How can it be done? I would also like to make it in a secure way so that no one can hack into my PCs via the Wifi Router.

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Malware Router Do Not Share Any Files

Jul 29, 2009

Can malware be transferred to my computer from another computer using the same router? Both computers are running Windows Vista Home Premium with a Linksys Router with WAP security. Both computers connect to the internet, but I have not set up a network and we do not share any files.

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Files And Printer Sharing

Nov 14, 2009

I have a wireless network with a Linksys WRT160N router connected to a Sony desktop running XP MCE(2005). In addition, I have another Toshiba laptop running XP Home Edition.

With the new Win7 laptop in the Network I can see all 3 computers, as well as access files in both the XP computers. However, I cannot access any of the Win 7 files from the XP computers. I also have tried to share an HP Officejet 6110 with the Win 7 laptop, but when I try to Add Printer, which I can see the name of with the Wizard, I get an error notice that access is denied.

The XP computers Workgroup name is MSHOME; however the Win 7 laptop was named WORKGROUP by default, but I changed this name to MHOME where all 3 computers now have the same Workgroup name,

If anyone can assist me in establishing both file sharing of the Win 7 laptop and adding the sharing of printer.

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Sharing Files On Network.

Mar 23, 2008

Have Vista Ultimate on 1 machine and XP Pro on the other. Was able to share files from XP to Vista but not, after all the trying, the other way. About a month ago I becan me unable to share either way. Can see each computer from either one. Have been reading various comments from poeple like me who are in the same boat. Have not had a clear indication on what to do. It seems to me that if Microsoft wants to push Vista then they have to catter to us relatively DUMB ones who are going to buy Vista.

Most poeple want to share their misic etc on their network and with the present layout that is not going to happen. It is alright if you are an IT Tech or System Administrator who has trained for this but the average person is not. Maybe all you Brains could come up with a Wizard to help us Dumb poeple out. Have had Vista from the beginning and have never had control of sharing .

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Set Up Files Sharing, No Access

Jul 14, 2008

I have a computer running vista premium and a computer running xp home. Vista is nfts file system and xp is fat32 file system. Both are connected to a linksys wired router, both are online. I went to set up files sharing and thought I did. When I check my view network in vista I can see the xp machine and and vista machine. I have no acces to the xp machine. Is this because the xp machine is fat32 file system and vista is nfts. I was just checking some other post on another forum and found that fat32 can read ntfs and vice versa.

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Not Playing Nice - Sharing Files

Jun 17, 2008

Vista Ultimate (non SP1) on desktop PC approved to run Vista. Vista Business (non SP1) on laptop approved to run Vista. When desktop had XP and the laptop had Vista I had no trouble sharing files/folders. Right after Vista was installed on the desktop (before a random reboot) I could share files/folders between both Vista PCs. Now I can't share files/folders. I have enabled file and printer sharing on the desktop. I have added a user to the desktop with the same "name" as the user on the laptop. Both computers are part of the same Workgroup. I have set up several shares: Music, Video, Storage (docs & programs, etc.) and can't access them from the laptop through the network share, so I also can't map the drives. If memory serves me I also allowed 'Everyone' share permission also. And UAC is disabled on both machines. The The UPNP music and video files share fine. One more thing, I am fully updated up to SP1. Unless SP1 is known to resolve this issue (I've read about this before but can't seem to fix my problem with it) I won't be installing it.

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Network Sharing Permissions: Access Files On Either PC From Either PC

Mar 8, 2009

I posted this in general, but it does not appear there so I am posting it here too. I have a desktop PC with VISTA and a laptop with VISTA. The DT is connected to a router via a cable. The laptop is connected to the router via wireless. I have set all permissions that I can find and share wherever I can find. I can't access files on either PC from either PC. I get the message "Windows can not access \Lu-PCC" or what ever folder I try to access. I can get into the folder alled "public", but my files are not in that folder on either PC. The permissions for Lu-PCC is everyone full control, change and read

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Wireless Home Network, Files Sharing

Feb 18, 2009

my computer doesnt have a wireless network card. It accesses the internet as it is connected to the wireless router with a yellow Ethernet cable. My laptop accesses the internet wirelesses. since my computer is connected to the wireless router, i thought it would be possible to set up a wireless home network to allow files sharing as well as accessing peripherals

on the laptop i went to Start>network>network & sharing center> set up a connection or network>set up a wireless router or access point, click next>click next> message says "Windows detected network hardware but cannot configure it automatically" i clicked the first option> logged on>but all settings were ok nothing wrong

i started everything again then chose the second option> i inserted the USB into the computer but i got a message saying i dont have the wireless network card/software on the computer . why does this matter since its connected to the wireless router

1)Is it possible to set up a wireless home network without buying anything

2)Can i have a really simple set by step guide on how to set this up in Windows Vista Home Premium

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Sharing Folders To Transfer Files Has Stopped

Mar 11, 2009

I wanted to share some folders to transfer files from one PC to another. It worked for a while then it stopped. I do not remember the error msg but it was something like it could not connect to folder. Both PCs are on the network under workgroup domain.

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Sharing Files On Network: Access Denied

Mar 23, 2008

Have Vista and Xp Pro computers on network (Workgroup). Am able to see and access files from Vista unit. Can see XP Pro unit but am not able to (Access it) Access Denied. Have setup identical usernames and passwords on both, but am getting nowhere.

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File Sharing Works Fine, But New Files Not Visible

Feb 2, 2009

I have enabled file sharing on my home network so that my wife's XP machine can access photos and music stored on my Vista Home Premium box. Also share printers. I have set up non-password protected sharing, and it works fine overall - I can see everything she shares, and vice versa, printers work, etc. The only problem we're having is the photos. Whenever I add new photos they don't show up until I re-share the folder. If I put new photos in a sub-folder, the sub-folder is visible and can be opened without errors, but it appears empty until I re-share the entire photo folder. I cannot find any information about this problem, but it just occurred to me that I gave the guest account read-only access to the photo folder instead of full permissions. I guess that's one thing to try when I get home, but I would like to keep it read-only so that nothing happens to the pictures accidentally.

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Dual Boot System Sharing Files With WinXP

Oct 17, 2009

I have a dual boot system with WinXP on HD1 and Vista on HD2 - HD1 is partitioned in 2 - I would like my files to be available to either operating system and would like to know if this is ok - I plan on storing my files on the second partition of the first harddrive (HD1)

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Sharing EFS Encrypted Files "access Denied "error

Jul 31, 2009

I'm trying to access a network folder share with my notebook. The share contains EFS encrpyted files and is located on a PC that runs Vista Ultimate. My notebook runs Vista Entreprise. I can see the files and its sizes, but I cannot copy them to my notebook or open them directly from the share without getting an "access denied" error. I installed the PC's encryption certificate on my notebook (as documented in Vista's help) but keep getting the "access denied" error. I have no issues with copying or opening files on the network share that are not encrypted. The error message only appears when trying to copy/open encrypted files.

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Cannot Access Files: "Network And Sharing Center"

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 laptops running Vista Home Premium and a Desktop running XP Home -- all are using the same WORKGROUP workgroup. Laptop 1 can see the desktop and access files without issues. Laptop 1 can see laptop 2 in the "Network and Sharing Center", but cannot access any files on it. Laptop 2 cannot see the desktop at all, nor can I type the "\desktop" path to get to it. Laptop 2 can see Laptop 1 and access the files without issues.

Laptop 1 and Laptop 2 have all the same settings that I could think of. Network and File Sharing settings, workgroup definition, etc. In fact they are basically the same laptops. I have been trying to get this to work for days now. I have rebooted all machines at some point a few times.

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File Sharing Is 'on', Password Protected Sharing Is 'off'

Mar 23, 2008

Network of two computers, a desktop running vista home premium and a laptop running vista basic. I am the only user on each of the computers, my user account name is the same on both computers and I don't need a password to log on. File sharing is 'on', password protected sharing is 'off', and I have shared the 'documents' folder on both machines

When I view my network I see both computers "PAUL-PC" and PAUL-LAPTOP", when I select the one I'm not working on I see "Users", "Documents" and "Printers". When I select "Documents" I see "\PAUL-LAPTOPDocuments is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource....... etc."

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Fails To Get IP From Router

Jun 18, 2008

I just installed Vista x64 and found it failed to connect to my home network. Diagnostic indicates the Vista is failing to get IP from the router. This did not happen when I installed Vista x86 or XP x86, x64. Other machine running these OSes have no connection problem. What could be wrong with the Vista x64?

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Changing Name Of Router

Feb 12, 2010

Ref. Windows Vista. I have noticed that when viewing Network that my router displays its type and most of the password. I'd like to remove the password information from the icon information. File - Rename is greyed.

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, XP And Router Don't Work

Mar 27, 2009

3 PC's (Windows XP Home, Windows XP Pro and Vista Home Premium The two XP's work flawlwssly with simple file sharing and printer sharing - the Vista has a problem. All I care about having work, for now, is simple file sharing with no user restrictions and printer sharing.All Workgroups are the same. The two XP's use Zone Alarm The Vista uses the built-in Microsoft firewall Some login Usernames are different on the three machines. The router is a Linksys WRT160N

Situation: The XP's are fine. The Vista shows the networking map OK (I think). The reason I say I think is that, under the router icon is a switch icon. I have no switch that I know of. At least the Vista machine recognizes that there are three machines in the network. Internet works fine on all three machines. However, in Explorer, under Network, on the Vista machine, only the Vista machine shows up with its' shared folders.

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Router Not Showing

Mar 28, 2009

how do i get my router showing in my network folder ive turned network discovery

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How To Access Router In X64

May 4, 2008

Well i know i viewed my belkin routers settings before in Vx64 via the IExplorer. But i cant remember how... and i think it requires a firmware update.

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Router: Cannot See XP Machine

Jun 1, 2008

I have a laptop running Windows XP SP3 and a desktop running Windows Vista SP1. After connecting them to access internet through a router, they both work well. However, when I want to share files between them, despite proceeding all the steps outlined in the following link, the desktop still cannot see the laptop yet the laptop can see and access the desktop shared folders.

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64 Bit: Stopped By Router

Sep 28, 2009

I updated my home PC today from XP Pro to Vista 64 Bit Business. I was provided the software by my employer and purchased a brand new HD to install it on. Install went fine. I installed Vista 64 Business on a new HD today and changed nothing else as above. I cannot connect to the Internet at all through my router. When I bypass the router and plug in directly, I can connect without issues. This (for obvious reasons) will not work.

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Router Not Obtaining Ip

Mar 23, 2008

i have a windows xp pc witch i connected to my router then router to my cable modem on my vista laptop it says local only is there away i can fix this?

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Router Will Not Connect

May 27, 2009

last week virgin media installed TV, Phone and BB. since then, my sons desktop windows vista will not connect to the internet and has local only connection via a Belkin adapter. The adapter has found the router but will not connect. Previous supplier, tiscali. A friend has tried to change the IP address, and still nothing. We have tried to uninstall Norton security, but the machine seems to want to hold onto it, and will not fully uninstall. I have another desktop, which is plugged into the router and that works fine. My laptop which is also Windows Vista, has connected perfectly well. I am seriously pulling my hair out as what to do next. bearing in mind i can navigate a computer but not very technical.

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Can't Working Router

Mar 23, 2008

I posted this message to forum sometime back have been using Vista home edition on a Toshiba laptop for almost 6 months now without any issues when suddenly since last couple of weeks I am having networking problems. Suddenly in the middle of work the connection would be lost. I am using wireless adapter. So I investigated the issue but could not find anything conclusive. When this happens I am unable to ping my router. Initially I suspected my cable modem / router but that is fine beceuase I have another laptop that works fine when this happens.

I now suspect that it is to do with a problem for which a hotfix is available. Unfortunatley when I filled out the form I received an email from MS support that the hotfix is not available!!! Not sure where to go from here. Why write a KB article with a dangling carrot when it leads to a dead end :-)

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Monitor Router Activity

Mar 23, 2008

We are using Netgear Router in most offices in Northern California offices. Most are Net gear router modele MR814 & WGR614, 4 wired ports and 1 wireless port; and WG311 wireless adapters. Is there anyway to monitor the router activity? Anyway to see which port (wired and wireless) is active and network traffic. Also, want to make sure nobody outside our approved users is using the wireless ports? We know about the router log in the router set up page (from all ports, all mixed), howing what URL is contacted and time stamped.

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Router Randomly Dissconnects.

Aug 12, 2008

Ok, my friend asked me a few days ago to help him fix his router. Its a Belkin N1.

It keeps knocking of at random times every few minutes. I have tried everything I know to solve the problem but nothing seems to work. He can connect to his neighbours internet and it stays connected but when he connects to his own it goes offline after a few mins.

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How A Router Can Be Incompatible With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

how a router can be incompatible with Vista? Surely a router is platform independant as it is merley directing network traffic?

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Physical Router Address

Mar 23, 2008

I live in a congested area. On one glorious morning my fiddling around with the wifi card allowed me to discover that I was able to access a 54g Wifi (lynksys) Internet connection. My experience with high speed was null so you could imagine my delight. Prior to this I was using "Netzero" which is like being homeless. My Question is- How can I look up the physical Router address that is providing me access? Its important to me because I could be sniped off easily for many reasons and to share the cost with a good neighbor is the moral thing to do. One exception is, if it???s the Hotel near-by.

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Connection To Router But Not The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I am having problems getting a wireless internet connection for a friend who has just bought a new laptop with Windows Vista. He connects through a Netgear, wireless router however the network connection on the laptop shows as local connection ok however there is limited access due to no internet connection. The adapter has a router assigned IP address of The gateway, DNS server and DHCP server address all show the I have connected to the admin console on the router and the router has been assigned a public address and DNS address from the ISP (AOL ADSL).

I disabled encryption and mac authentication incase for some reason this would be causing it but its still the same. He has a desktop PC hard wired to the router and this connects without any problems. The IPConfig of the adapter is much the same as the wireless adapter on the laptop with exception of the IP address which is I can get a connection to the internet if I hard wire the laptop however when connecting wireless it once again gets a local intranet connection but no internet. I can ping the local network and the gateway but nothing beyond the gateway.

I have done the usual things in the way of power cycling the router/modem and disabling/repairing network connections etc. I recall having the same problem around 2 months ago for another friend. They were using a cable modem with an Actiontec router. I did as I did above and even tried 2 different routers with no change. My XP laptop connects fine.

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