Malware Router Do Not Share Any Files

Jul 29, 2009

Can malware be transferred to my computer from another computer using the same router? Both computers are running Windows Vista Home Premium with a Linksys Router with WAP security. Both computers connect to the internet, but I have not set up a network and we do not share any files.

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Malware Files That Will Not Be Removed

Feb 20, 2010

I have Avast 5 and it scanned and found two malware files. Here is the picture, They will not be deleted or to be moved to Chest. I can't get the whole information from that folder because it won't allow me to check from Avast. I also used two malware scanners. They found nothing about those two malware files. They also found some files from Spyware.MarketScore. Here is the log from malwarebyte,

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How To Share Files Between Xp And Vista

Dec 16, 2008

I just bought a gatway laptop with vista and also have another laptop with xp. I have a network set up. Both laptops can get on that network wirelessly and can get on the internet with both. Now the PROBLEM, my xp laptop (wireless) sees the vista laptop (wireless) but the vista laptop doesn't see the xp laptop.

I have made the vistat laptop private and turned on all sharing. I also tried to double click the vista laptop icon(on the xp laptop) but got the error message (not authorized...). What steps do I need to take to get the two computers sharing?

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Cannot Share The Files And Folders

Apr 5, 2008

We have vista on both desktop (office-pc) and wireless laptop (daniel-pc) and a canon mp830 connected to the desktop pc. Desktop has macafee with firewall off and laptop had pc-cillin with firewall off. Both machines have identical sharing & discovery settings (no passwords), and the printer is shared. Both pc's see the other's files and printer. I plugged the MP830 into the laptop and let vista install the drivers.

When the printer is connected to the desktop pc, and I try to connect from the laptop, I get the 0x00000012 error. I then followed the advice in this forum and tried to create a local port on the laptop printer as \office-pcCanon830 and I get 'access denied'. Now, here's the thing, I plugged the printer into the laptop and tried to connect to it from the desktop. I clicked START, NETWORK, Daniel-pc and then right clicked the printer and clicked connect and IT DID. I then printed a document from the desktop to the printer connected to the laptop.

Next i uninstalled the printer from the desktop and then plugged it back in and let vista install the drivers as I had the laptop, thinking that perhaps there was a snag in the Canon software. I also downloaded the vista driver from Canon as I had done for the laptop. But when I tried to connect the desktop printer from the laptop, I once again got the 0X00000012 error. I've been round and round with this for a week and i must be missing some little thing.

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How Can Share Files C Drive

May 5, 2008

I am having issues sharing files located on the C drive of my host computer. Both computers are running Vista Ultimate SP1. I have set up the sharing, but I get access denied when I attempt to access the files. what I need to change to fix this?

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Share Specific Files

May 19, 2008

My Vista Laptop. I enabled Guest, although I heard it is better not to do that. I have a administrative account named "Owner". And I added a user name called "Brandon T". On this last one I assigned a password. Network is set to "private". Password protected sharing is set to "off" to avoid any hassles. Public folder sharing is set to off because I want to share specific files. For the specific folder "music", sharing says "Brandon T" and "Owner". "Brandon T" is "reading" but that's ok because I only want to copy for back up purposes onto my desktop. I have McAfee protection but I disabled firewalls on both sides of the equation.

My XP Desktop. One user account "Brandon T" with same password as laptop. Workgroup is set to same as laptop, "MSHOME". I have NOT downloaded the LLTP .... thing ... because I read it wasn't necessary to share. My Desktop CAN SEE the "music" file, but ... and you know what's coming ... " is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access pemissions."

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Dual Boot Share Same .exe Files?

May 15, 2010

My main program is Windows Vista. (C:/ Partition is 202 GB).

I made a Windows 7 partition (D:/) about 20 GB big.

I can navigate from the Windows 7 (D:/ partition) over to the C:/ partition and create links to some programs like Skype, Filezilla, Audacity and others.

That way I don't have to duplicate the .exe programs on the 7 partition.

But I couldn't get Word 2007 or iTunes to work, so I installed them again on the 7 partition. Now the partition is full and I won't be able to load anything else, should the need arise.

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Networking: Share Files And Printer?

Mar 23, 2008

Trying to network a Vista laptop with an xp desktop. Want to share files and printer on the xp machine. I have downloaded and installed LLTD as suggested by others. Still unable to see the xp machine on the Vista map. Vista is running Norton 360 and the XP is running Norton Antivirus, latest version

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Unable To Share Files Between XP And Vista

Feb 2, 2008

Ive just installed Vista Ultimate 64 bit on my comp and im having trouble sharing files with another computer that has WinXP 32bit installed. Ive checked that the workgroup names are the same and that file sharing is enabled, but it wont allow me to access files on my vista machine FROM the winxp machine. I have no trouble accessing files on the winxp machine from my vista machine, but it wont work the other way around. It gives me an access denied error due to permissions, even though I let it have full control. Could this be because the 32bit is clashing with the 64 bit? Because I previously have winxp installed on both machines and file sharing was working fine.

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Cannot Share Files Or Printer Between XP SP2 And Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 (actually 4, but 2 are important here) machines that can see each other network-wise, but not share files. The Windows XP machine (Home SP2) has the printer and files that need shared. It can see the Vista machine (a laptop) when I go to "My Network Places" and click on "View Network Computers", but clicking on the machine gives me the error "\Laptop is not accessible. You might not have permission to access this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The network path is not found."

The XP machine can share to other XP machines just fine. The Windows Vista machine (it's Home Premium RTM, no beta versions of SP1 installed) can not see any other machine on the workgroup (it sees the router, however) from "Network" on the start menu, but it sees the XP machine in "Control Panel > Network Map" (the XP machine DOES have LLTP installed so that this happens.) When I type in "\Desktop" in the address bar, the error is "Windows cannot find '\Desktop'. Check the spelling and try again. In "Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center", Network discovery, File sharing, and Public folder sharing are on, and my wireless network (it's encrypted and MAC-address- filtered) shows up as a private network.

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XP Network - Computers Unable To Share Files

Apr 23, 2008

I have a home office network with one new Dell laptop with Windows Vista Home Basic which I bought a couple of weeks ago, one desktop with Windows XP Pro and one older laptop with Windows XP Pro. The laptops are connected wirelessly, the desktop is using a wired Ethernet connection.

Obviously, there have been never a problem with XP machines. Initially, the Vista machine was also able to connect to everybody else. I didn't even bother to look at the settings because everything worked. Then I went to a business trip, and connected to other networks, including wireless public ones in the airports. When I came back, I was unable to share files or even see other computers on the LAN. The internet connection is working fine though. Oh yes, and I also installed a couple of updates, probably some of those constituting Service Pack 1 as well.

When I checked the network, to my surprise, it turned out that it became "Public" (could this be "guilt by association" - the airport wireless networks are public, so my home network is public, too?). I changed it to "Private". Didn't help. Checked shares, made sure that the users have the same passwords. Ditto. I deleted the history of the airport networks. Still the same.........

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Windows Media Player Connect And Share Files

Jul 3, 2008

I keep getting messages saying wmp has found xxxx -pc do i want to connect and share files. I dont know where this comes from and always click NO but it seems to always come back.

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Home Network: Cannot Open Share Created Files

Jun 29, 2008

There was no problem to see all computers and share files between them. Now new computer FIVE Vista 64 came to Home Network. I see all computers in my Home Network but I cannot open any computers ONE, TWO, and THREE (with Vista 32) from FIVE as well cannot open FIVE from ONE, TWO and THREE. (I am looking for share created files.) Computers ask me for “User Name” and “Password”. So far I never created User Names and Password for any of my computers

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How Can Sharing Files Via Router

Mar 27, 2009

I have a Wireless router connected to cable internet and I have 2 vista computers connected to the internet through it. I have WEP key on it.I need to share files between those 2 PCs and remote Desktop. How can it be done? I would also like to make it in a secure way so that no one can hack into my PCs via the Wifi Router.

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Malware Detections Of Free Anti-Malware/Anti-Spyware

Jun 10, 2008

Donna over at Calendar of Updates has posted a second test regarding the viability of free anti-malware and free anti-spyware programs - Malware Detections of Free Anti-Malware/Anti-Spyware. see Malware Detections of Free Anti-Malware/Anti-Spyware - Calendar Of Updates

For those who don't know, Donna also previously posted another test, Rogue Detections: Old, Not So Old and New Threats see Rogue Detections (old, not so old, new threats) by malware scanners - Calendar Of Updates

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Network Share Setup Some Files"missing"

Feb 9, 2009

I have a network share setup b/w a Vista Ultimate x32 and XP machines. Using the XP machine, I open the Vista hosted share but found some files "missing", ie. even though they physically exist in the Vista machine, I simply cannot see them from XP. Turns out that these files are missing the EVERYONE in the File Permissions (right click file, properties, security). These are files downloaded using Firefox, and whether they are JPG, AVI, TXT, DOC, XLS they are all missing the EVERYONE permission. If I download the same files using Internet Explorer, the files get created with the EVERYONE permission.

My current workarounds ... which none are desirable are this:Use Internet Explorer, Add EVERYONE permission for each file manually (you have to do this one by one, can't select multiple files and perform bulk operation),Use CMD line utilities like takeown and icacls Note this is a secure home network, and while file sharing using EVEYRONE isn't the safest way to do this, I can finetune this later. The key problem at hand is what I've described above. I'd be happy just to be able to get FireFox create files with the full permissions, same way IE does.

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Anti-Malware And Anti-Virus: Should I Be Utilizing An Anti-Malware Program

Sep 28, 2009

I'm currently using AVG free. Should I be utilizing an Anti-Malware program, also?

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Malware Present After S&d

Oct 25, 2009

after downloading spybot s&d i ran it with brilliant results, it cleared my laptop apart from two entries (win32.fraudload.edt)it said after a restart it should clear these,but said after being restarted it couldn't due to these files being still in use(eg memory),they don't seem to be affecting my laptop but what do i know,i mean does anyone know what they are,what are they doing, and how to get rid of them,i'm on windows vista basic ultimate 64, after a restart it takes about two hours to try and get rid of them but to no avail and i've tried about six times.

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Get Rid Of Zlob Malware?

Dec 4, 2008

I got Zlob malware!! From Facebook, a trusted friend of mine (of course it was a fake message). SIGH. Note, that I had AVG running and updated, and Lavasoft Ad Aware running and updated. They just cannot detect it. Windows defender did. But still I cannot get rid of it. I downloaded Spybot and it can detect it and clean it, but apparently not completely and I am back to same situation. IExplore is redirected to shopping sites (if not porn...). I searched the forums for solutions, but there is nothing specific for Vista (eg Smithfraud does not work). Also i tried to follow manual removal instructions, but I could not find the mentioned files. Yet the computer is infected. Any procedure for specific for Vista?

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Malware Bytes Removal

Jun 19, 2009

I have one file that will not uninstall, here is a picture of the file.

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Malware How Do I Check Settings?

Apr 11, 2009

I run AVG, Spybot-S&D and Rapport Setup,(web protection e.g.Bank's) but the computer from time to time warns me that I have no protection for Malware and to check the settings.

How do I check the settings? (I am a self-taught user)

Do I need any other software for protection?

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MS Malware Protection Center

Sep 28, 2009

Get the latest definitions - Microsoft Malware Protection Center Hopefully this site hasnt been hijacked, but as of friday evening, i have not found one update to this MS program. Definition Change Log is the same one that i downloaded on Friday the 25th of Sept. i.e., Ver. Would anyone know if the site is down, or has MY listing for this site been hijacked.

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Malware Infection The System

Jun 26, 2009

last week i brought a new laptop, it came with the norton antivirus free trial. While visiting a site (i dont remember what) norton detected a virus (again i dont remember what) norton then crashed on me and would not run at all even after following the "fixes" it suggested. Ive always used AVG free on my PC's so i uninstalled Norton and after a few attempts finally managed to find and install AVG.I ran AVG which had a few hits but all were successfully removed. After that i also tried to install Spybot however it will not fully install, i get to the final page for installation, click install and then I get a error which reads " Error Sending Request The server name or address could not be resolved"

I know I have some form of virus/ spyware or somethimg on my PC as my browser frequently directs to Myspace (which i dont use) on the first click on a link, but when i go back to my search and click the same link again it will generally take me to where i need to go- unless it is a virus/spyware/malware removal page (in which case the link is always broken) My browser has also been opening up webpages that generally start with ad. eg At the request of a different forum i down loaded hijack this so i could get a log of my pc however the program wont run. So i have come here wher hopefully all advice will be specially tailored to a vista PC. I am aware that i am supposed to post my system information etc however i am new to Vista and still learning the ropes,

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Norton 360 Not Recognized As Malware Protection

Mar 23, 2008

Upon accessing Windows Security Center, I see both Virus Protection and Spyware are both turned Off. Upon accessing Security Provider - Symantec, I see only Norton Internet Security listed. What do we need to do for the Windows Security Center to acknowledge Norton 360 installed and working well?

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Uninstall Anti Malware (spydoctor)

Nov 18, 2009

anyone got a free tool to remove that.. I tried spydoctor but after the scan its asking yo purchase the product..

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Possible Malware, No Sound,no Internet Connection

Jan 28, 2010

Well after I had made another adminstrator account which I dident mean to I had logged in to my account I always use and had no sound,no Internet connection, my whole start menu bar looked like I was in xp which I'm not. So I wanted to know if restore will I still have this problem. I have 2 restore disk they gave me when I bought my computer.

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Ultimate Malware Removal Guide

Feb 8, 2009

Ultimate Malware Removal Guide -- Purge Your PC of Junk Files!

Quote: Malware is everywhere. You can't browse on any Internet tech forum without someone mentioning this word (with disdain), usually in search of a remedy after being infected with spyware. No matter how careful you are, we’re guessing that many of you have had malware inadvertently installed on your system and may have even ended up reformatting your computer as a last resort. While that may have been the most thorough solution, it is in a sense admitting defeat. Or worse yet, you took your computer to get cleaned and was charged anywhere from $50-300 -- a high price for humiliation. But don't fret, because you can actually purge your system of malicious software for free! Just follow our comprehensive guide. Read more at: Ultimate Malware Removal Guide -- Purge Your PC of Junk Files! | Maximum PC

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Malware Hiding, Windows Firewall?

Nov 10, 2008

I have this annoying windows firewall box that pops up about every 15 minutes or so and i am starting to get really annoyed. The attached picture shows everything. I had Avast! when it stared and that didnt catch anything in real-time if my full system scan. I also downloaded spybot and that didnot come up with anything in my full system scan. Now i have downloaded comodo and there is nothing that has come up so far. How should i go about this? how do i stop comodo from haveing a popup box everytime i run something(it feels like every time i click the mouse for a program i have to approve about 5 other things with comodo before i can actually get to the program or task i am doing.)

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IE8 Offers Better Protection Against Malware Threats.

Aug 14, 2009

Today, socially engineered malware threats are on the rise and are heavily impacting the way people use the Internet - making it a consumer and industry issue. A new study released today from NSS Labs shows that Internet Explorer 8 is the #1 browser in malware protection and also the #1 browser in phishing protection.

The independent test results showed that Internet Explorer 8 blocks 3 times more malware threats than Firefox 3 and 10 times more malware threats than Google Chrome 2. Link - Internet Explorer 8 Offers Better Protection against Socially Engineered Malware Threats - Windows Experience Blog - The Windows Blog

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After Malware Removal Computer Is Slow

May 17, 2008

what could be causing my computer to boot up so slowly? If anything i thought it would be faster since I just removed a bunch of spyware and a virus too. I had to use stopzilla because live one care was not detecting it .I could see a trojan in my files so I bought stopzilla and it found no less than 34 infections, I removed them all and now is when i actually notice weird behavior from my computer.

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