Hibernation: Do Web Site Recommendations Give Wrong Information About Its Resource Load?

Jul 3, 2008

Does Hibernation use any system resources other than the space it reserves on the hard drive? I know that it saves a file to the hard drive that is the size of installed RAM, but is it running background services that use up CPU, RAM or other resources when you are working? There are many web sites offering tips to speed up Vista, and many of them include the following statement:

"Windows hibernation background services can use a large amount of system resources. If you don't use the Hibernate feature on a regular basis you may want to disable it to give Vista a performance boost." They offer no documentation of this statement. Is it accurate or not? So, does Hibernation use any system resources other than the space it reserves on the hard drive?

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The Resource Loader Cache Doesn't Load MUI

Jun 24, 2009

So I've had my HP laptop for almost a year now, and up until a month ago it was awesome. I love Vista. But now, whenever I try to uninstall or install anything I've downloaded or try to update something or even change my firewall settings or system restore, I get a message that says: "The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry." I don't know what to do. D: I'm freaking out here. I've been to so many different sites with this problem and I haven't seen anyone else who had it. v.v Someone please help meee! T_T Also, I don't have Norton antivirus, I have AVG free. >< Everyone else with this problem that I've seen has had Norton.

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Inbox Have All Wrong Information List

Oct 25, 2009

I do remember this was an issue when I switched from XP to Vista. I solved it then, but don't remember the solution. Now I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 64-bit and Office 2007 Standard and the issue is there again. All my received faxes are in My Documents/Fax/Inbox and those that I sent are in My Documents/Fax/SentItems. When I run the Windows Fax and Scan app, I can see all the faxes from my Inbox, but none from the sent items. Also, the ones in the inbox have all the wrong info in the list: the sender for all is Microsoft Fax and Scan Team, subject is Welcome to Windows Fax and Scan, the date is today, pages 1 and fax account Microsoft. so that I can see all my received and sent faxes and with correct information?

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Control Panel Showing Wrong Information.

Dec 12, 2008

In short, my control panel (Start>Computer) is showing I have an A drive, when I don't... And not showing my CD/DVD Burner, when I do. Any suggestions where to start looking? Tried uninstalling any information under Device Manager>Disk drives.. stilll no go. Removed the hardware, confirmed connections, restarted without CD/DVD, rebooted reconnected hardware. Power works to device, tray opens, does not show icon in control panel and does not play media CD's. As for the A drive I've no clue.

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Not Able To Load Site

Aug 30, 2008

the first problem that I have had since using Vista. I use Snapfish to upload pictures from my digital camera. I have had no trouble getting into that site until yesterday. Now I cannot load www.snapfish.com, but I can load all other web sites that I normally use. I've re-booted the computer and the modem, and run the Vista diagnostics, but cannot find the reason for being able to load any other web site but not www.snapfish.com. I am able to load it using a Wi-Fi laptop, but not using my desktop.

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Recommendations Of Wireless Adapter

Jan 25, 2007

I have a WG111v2 which I bought just to be able to use Vista x64. It doesn't work well with games though, so I need an adapter with no dropouts and x64 support. Would be nice with some recommendations.

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Recommendations For 500GB External USB Drive

Nov 29, 2009

My external drive just crashed and I use it solely for backup of my systems. Since I haven't had much luck with the reliability of external drives, I welcome suggestions for a drive that holds approximately 500GB. The one I have now is 466GB capacity.

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Recommendations For Partition Manager For Vista?

May 8, 2008

Any recommendations for a partition manager for Vista? I'm looking at Acronis Disk Director, but don't see that it will work with Vista.

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Recommendations On Accurate Bandwith Monitor?

Jun 21, 2009

I am running Vista with SP-2. I am using mobile broadband here at the house and need recommendations on a accurate bandwith monitor to insure I do not go over the limit.

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Recommendations On Relative Partition Sizes On 500GB Hard Drive?

May 12, 2008

I'm going to get a new desktop with XP installed. I have a copy here of Vista Home Premium and I'd like to set up a dual boot. From reviewing everything I can find online, I think I can handle that. Eventually, I expect I'll migrate over to Vista most of the time. When I partition to install Vista, I understand I'll be creating a new drive letter. Any recommendations on relative partition sizes on a 500GB hard drive? But ... something I've not been able to locate is whether, once I install Vista and then install Office 2007, presumably under Vista, whether I'll be able to access Outlook, Excel, etc. from either OS - will I be able to open my Outlook 2007 if I boot into XP? Will one version of my browser run from either OS?

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Ultimate More Resource Hog Than Other Editions?

Aug 7, 2008

I am going to upgrade my vista home premium notebook to vista business, but since my company is providing both business and ultimate upgrades at no cost to me, I am wondering why not upgrade to vista ultimate, since I love what I have with home premium anyway. But if ultimate contains everything that other versions of vista has, it probably means more services running in background, making my system slower. Am I right about my notion, or its just a whim??? Is vista ultimate as snappy as home premium??

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Not Accessible Network Resource

Jun 4, 2009

Two computers, one XP one Vista..have been networked for a while..currently can access XP from Vista, but not the other way around. Have tried it with firewalls on both computers turned off. I disabled firewall on the Vista machine AND XP, on XP clicked on MS Windows Network. get "workgroup", Click it and see names for both computers click vista machine and get "gamebox is not accessible. You might not have permission to access this network resource. contact system administrator...
network path not found"

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Disabling Windows Resource Protection

Feb 17, 2009

We currently send an alert when Windows File Protection is diabled on Win2k and 2k3, I wanted to know if there was an alert and what it is when Windows Resource Protection is disabled in Server 2008 and Vista. AND how to disable WRP for testing purposes. Is it possible to disable WRP?

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Access Another Network Resource With Different Password?

Apr 19, 2008

how can i access another network resource with different credentials/password from the address bar? is there something similar in vista? everytime i try to access a vista shared folder from vista, it asks for a username & pw in a windows prompt box, even though i typed the right username/pw it still locked me out when i made several unsuccessful attempts, it looks like vista has completely locked out that pc from trying to access it. what can i do to unlock out the xp computer from accessing the vista pc?

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Understanding Resource Monitor Memory Usage

Mar 14, 2009

I am getting intermittent memory error message saying the pc has run out of memory and trying to track down what is causing it. When I boot up the pc I see Physical memory of 3.325 Gb and used memory of 1.04GB 32% in task manager. When i go to Resource manager I can't understand which of the different types of memory (Commit, working, private) make up the 1.04 reported as used. If I add up all the processes under Working Set it only comes to about 600Mb. So 2 questions:

a) Are ther other OS processes not listed in resource monitor that are using up the unaccounted 500Mb?

b) Is Working Set the right type of memory to be monitoring to see which p[rocess is causing the reported % usage to climb so much?

I'm intending to writie down each porcesses usage every 24 hours ot try and identify the culprit. Strangly the problem has only appeared since i increased the RAM from 1Gb to 4GB!

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Windows Resource Could Not Perform The Requested Operation

Mar 23, 2008

I was doing a sfc scan and this was what the screen said: " Verification 45% complete. Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation " (end of quote). what are the possible reasons of only 45% completion, and what I should do to correct that.

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How To Give Link?

Apr 4, 2008

How do I give someone a link to the source where the person?

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Resource Loader Cache Doesn't Have Loaded MUI Entry

Dec 9, 2009

"The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry". I get this error every time I try to install or update just about anything. I had this same problem a while back and couldn't find any answers so I called DELL and paid for them to fix it because this is my business computer and I needed to install something right away. I just chalked it up to the price I have to pay for my LACK of computer skills. It worked fine for several months but now it's happening again and I don't want to pay for it again. I would like to try the quoted fix but I have no idea what "that user control THINGY" is or how to turn it off. BTW, my OS is Vista 32bit and I have McAfee Security Center installed.

Quote: Originally Posted by John Doty Steve, I turned off that user program control thingy, rebooted with it off, then turned it on again and the error went away. Apparently, windows rebuilt some file and fixed itself. Of course, this was AFTER I had removed norton and bought zonealarm. Anyway, no more error.

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Just Won't Install, I Give Up, Freakit

May 4, 2009

I have office XP (2002)

I can't get these updates to install at all.

[Office Live Add-in]
Installation date: ý5/ý4/ý2009 19:23
Installation status: Failed
Error details: Code 80070643
Update type: Optional

Microsoft Office Live Add-in for Office is a small program that you install on your local computer to extend your Microsoft Office experience to the Web. The Office Live Add-in installs a new toolbar in Microsoft Office XP and Microsoft Office 2003, and new menu options in the 2007 Microsoft Office system.

More information:

Free document sharing -- Office Live Workspace

Help and Support:

Free document sharing -- Office Live Workspace

I even tried to install 1.0,1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, & 3.5sp1---will just not load
keeps rebooting and stating incorrectly configured reverting back.
[ Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update (KB951847) x86]

Installation date: ý1/ý29/ý2009 19:41
Installation status: Failed
Error details: Code 8004100A
Update type: Important
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 is a full cumulative update that contains many new features building incrementally upon .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and includes cumulative servicing updates to the .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.0 subcomponents. The .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update provides important application compatibility updates. This update is provided to you and licensed under the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 License Terms.
More information:
List of changes and fixed issues in the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1

Help and Support:

Microsoft Help and Support

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CPU Temp Monitors Give Different Readings?

Oct 17, 2008

I have a couple..

RealTemp & Core Temp.

They both give different readings.

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Sample Picture: Use Pic Internet With Vista Give

Jul 29, 2009

I used a "sample picture" on my website and now Getty is after me. I usually use my own pictures but for some reason saw the "sample public pictures" and used a tree! I am not sure what the consequence will be but this is warn ALL users that if you think it is free to use it is not. It was a moment of stupidity, I do not just use pictures from the internet but because it was with vista i did not give it a second thought - big mistake.

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How To Give Non-admin User Ability To Chkdsk Drive?

Jun 19, 2008

On some Vista Business systems I deploy, I need to be able to give non-admin uers the ability to chkdsk drives. I found the "Perform volume maintenance tasks" user rights policy, but that isn't doing it. Anyone know if it is even possible (I know some things can only be done by Administrators), and if so, how?

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Driver And Updates, Windows Update Is Refusing To Give SP2

Dec 1, 2009

I got a new Acer Aspire M3800-U3802A desktop machine and I updated everything in Vista HP SP1 OEM. However, I did not get its IE8 since it was optional and I didn't want it yet. It does not offer me a SP2. Why is that? I read it can be picky on drivers and stuff, but which ones? Do I really have to get every driver and updates from Acer.com? I know I can get the stand alone SP2, but I would like to know why Windows Update is refusing to give me SP2.

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Uninstall Ultimate: Control Panel Have Not Give Me The Options

Mar 23, 2008

I installed the upgrade to windows vista ultimate, because I thought I had to when I bought my computer. Now that I know it is unneccessary, I want to use just the vista Retail. How do I uninstall Vista Ultimate? I have already gone into control panel and it does not give me the options. Am I going to need to do a system restore? And if I do, is that going to wipe off everything else that i have installed.

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Windows Not Shut Down Properly, Give Safe Mode Option

Mar 26, 2008

i bought a 64 bit version of vista and i have built a new system with an asus p5e mobo 4gb of ram 8800 gt graphics and everything shows to install at the complete installation time it reboots and it then tells me windows did not shut down properly and and give me the safe mode option or boot windows normally when i hit safe mode it says it cannot boot into safe mode and when i hit boot normally it says the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected problem and cannot proceed. to install press ok to restart and start the whole installation process over again.

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Windows Programme Features Show Give Option To Uninstall

Oct 9, 2009

I have tried going into Programs and Features and It show it but gives on option to uninstall.

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Home Premium Or Ultimate, Which Version Of Vista Will Give Me The Best Gaming Performance

Apr 10, 2008

which version of Vista will give me the best gaming performance. Home Premium or Ultimate?

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Home Premium 32 Bit Disc: It Doesn't Give The Options To Format Or Which Hdd To Install System On

Sep 4, 2008

i bought this acer PC and i hate the recovery disc. i have a cd key on the side of my case. Can't i borow a Vista home premium 32bit disc and use the cd key on the side of my case because i H8 recovery disc's. it doesn't give the options to format or which hdd to install system on

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Unable To Give Objective Advice And Generally Color Their Comments To Favor Microsoft Decisions

Jun 3, 2008

The main problem with ALL Microsoft "support" groups is they are infested with way too many Microsoft butt kissers (ie MVP's) that simply seem unable to give objective advice and generally color their comments to favor Microsoft decisions no matter what. I find it amusing, but also misleading, harmful and counterproductive. :-)

The reality is Vista follows a long line of previous Windows releases that also were buggy, not tested well enough under real world conditions, is overpriced, lacks imagination, contains flawed, crippled or broken features, removes items that were hinted at being included in beta releases or shifts wanted features to the most expensive version and perhaps the worse thing, leaves bugs that were reported in earlier versions of Windows with Vista adding many new ones.

In other words, typical Microsoft software. Overpriced, not thoroughly tested, not ready for prime time and sure to frustrate millions with useless things like UAC that mostly gets in the way rather then helping or offering any real security. Add in a useless Vista Upgrade Advisor that lulls users into falsely thinking their system is ready to have Vista installed when it often crashes in a BSOD due to driver issues the Advisor claimed "shouldn't" be a problem, yes, it is fair to label Vista as a disaster. Is there such a thing as a Quality Control Department at Microsoft?

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Won't Come Out Of Hibernation

Aug 8, 2009

I have a new HP Pavilion dv-4 laptop with Vista Home Premium 64 bit. When I try to
restart from hibernating, I receive a fatal error message the computer can't come out
of hibernation. I tried to disable hibernation and delete the hiberfil.sys file through the Disk Cleanup application. After it was run, the Hibernate option disappeared from
the shutdown menu but hyberfil.sys was not deleted. I deleted hiberfil.sys from
the command prompt and then ran powercfg -h on which recreated hiberfil.sys and restored Hibernate to the shut-down menu - but it still fails when I try to come out of hibernation. I have RollBack RX installed on the system and I wonder if this is causing the problem.

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Still Does Not Hibernation

Feb 6, 2009

I am running Vista Ultimate with the appropraite power settings but it still does not want to go into hibernation. I have searched the posts but see anything like this.

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