Grey Screen Of Windows

Jan 5, 2010

This toshiba P205 laptop is running Vista 32. It has run for over 2 years, and recently the screen started to fail (or so it appeared). The screen will be grey, no cursor or anything, but the backlight works. I can plug into VGA monitor and operate the computer. I checked the screen connections and wiring, all good. It was an intermittent problem for about a month, and then it completely failed. I did a complete system recovery, and my screen was back. Worked fine for a couple days, and then on a reboot, it went grey again, and won't come back up. VGA output still works fine. Has anyone heard of something like this? The screen will not display anything, even the BIOS splash won't display, although I can change boot priority via F12 as it boots. I don't want to go through another day+ of recovery if I don't need to (2 years of updates takes some time). I don't know if this is something Toshiba will fix if I send it in, especially since the laptop is from 11/2007.

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Grey Screen Freeze Entering Folder

Jan 12, 2009

does video editing at times for company, so theres a folder with all my videos but after switching to vista and happy with the rendering speed and "stability" compared to XP on video editing purposeon the first run of video editing, done with the video rendered into WMA and HD mpeg-4 upon entering the folder containing video, vista GAY(grey) screen me and hell freeze over and i had to manual push power button to force switch off and boot up...

did the disabling the DEP, and still problem PERSISTED. and had to force me to do a system recovery to reinstated the OS to factory state after it fails to boot up completely... if it hadnt been a pre-installed OS in a Brand laptop, i could have used the Vista installation repair option and i really wish to find out the bloodly problem vista have up in A** that video folder cannot be access could be solved. or else i had to save my videos in a ext HD and preview it in the virtual machines environment. any vista techie guru could enlighten me?

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Grey Sidebar

Jun 5, 2009

After my sec0nd botched attempt at installing Explorer 8 on my Vista
Ultimate, I have ended up with a gray (instead of transparent) sidebar.
how to return it to its previous transparency?

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Grey Star On Task Bar Stops Everything

Oct 8, 2009

windows stops working when grey star appears in my task bar only can run in safe mode.

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Pops Up Bluish-grey Trim?

Jul 2, 2008

I had my nice sleek black color scheme for aero..I turn it on and now it's the blueish gray..I have a black task bar, where all my programs are displayed, but every program that pops up has a bluish grey trim... I don't get it. And when I go to personalize > windows color and appearance. I don't have the normal palette for colors, I have the theme chooser like they did for XP.

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Windows Crashed; Black Screen With Coursor: Cant Install New Windows

May 15, 2010

My Toshiba Labtop has crashed.I think a shared file was deleted. Labtop was operating under Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit.It happened right after uninstalling Java; because the dang updates kept popping up and it was getting annoying. Now whenever i start it, it comes to a black screen and a minute later a cursor pops up. Safe mode does not work.I have tried the recovery disk, but to no avail.I know im doing right because i purchased some Boots Disks off ebay and they come right up (PC wizard; Pc doctor).So i bought Windows Vista Ultimate and tried to install and i cant get to install thru boot.I ither need to know how to install windows thru boot, but id much rather just fix current windows.

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Windows 7 Welcome Screen

Apr 4, 2010

Is there a way to get rid of the welcome screen and the necessity to enter a password when you start up?

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Windows 7 What Will The Touch Screen Be Cut?

May 28, 2008

Microsoft has just announced that MS-Windows 7 (I like the name Borg) will have a touch screen feature to it. We know that from the Longhorn/Vista over promising and then cutting features out like WINFS. So if MS really wants a late 2009 early 2010 release will MS cut features again just to get it out the door? Or will Windows 7 really just be Windows Vista 1.2 ie service pack 2 of Vista.

I think it will be just Vista Service pack 2 with a few newer features for newer devices. MS knows people hate vista but i love it since i can now cheat at solitare and when you copy files and a file is in use it now asks you what you want it to do instead of just crapping out on you.

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Windows Freezes On Screen Saver

Sep 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why Windows periodically freezes when the screen saver is running? At first I thought it was due to the Windows Live Photo Gallery. After running for several hours (overnight, for e.g.), it would freeze on one picture. Usually moving the mouse would eventually close the screen saver and I'd return to the desktop.

I then changed to a regular screen saver, Mystify. Usually this isn't a problem, but today when I moved the mouse, the screen saver froze. I couldn't soft boot, actually had to shut down manually. This is the second time this has happened.

I've checked whether I'm using the latest video driver using device manager, and it says everything is up to date. I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, driver version Could there be a device conflict? How would I be able to tell?

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Black Screen Before Loading Windows

Nov 30, 2008

I have a problem with Vista. When I start my computer, it displays a black screen for a couple of minutes before starting to load Vista. I don't really know what to say more, since I'm totally clueless with this one. What I've tried to do, is to update my drivers. I've also updated my BIOS. What should I try next?

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Splash Screen Is Acer Not Windows

Feb 6, 2009

How do you change the splash screen, ?

When it boots up, the Acer splash comes up preceeded by a brief flash like a safe mode setup, can not see what it says it happens very quickly, then the windows logo comes up then the desktop.Do you have to change bios settings , if so how?

Vista Home Premium 32 bit, Athlon x2 Amd 64 4600, 2 g ram, BIOS

Version/Date, ASUS M2NBP-VM CSM ACPI BIOS Revision 0601, 1/29/2007,I.NVIDIA

Quadro NVS 210S / NVIDIA GeForce 6150LE

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Windows Crash, Screen Goes Black

Mar 24, 2008

My computer recently started crashing, mostly during video games (Crysis, Call of Duty 4), and occasionaly during a movie. The screen goes black, then fills with vertical pinstrips over the entire screen, and the sound 'freezes' like a skipping CD, repeating what was last said or heard over and over rapidly. Ok,... recent changes i've made. I've had a new video card for about a month, but everything worked fine until a week ago.

I installed the two above mentioned video games, which use punkbuster, a product I have no experience with. Incidentaly, the problems began about the time I started using punkbuster. However, I restored the system to a point previous to the punk buster installation, and the system is still crashing. Is it my new video card (ATI Radeon B2 512 HD 2600 xt PCI), or something else.

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Windows Mail Flash Screen

Sep 23, 2009

both from the download and manually. I still can not get my Windows Mail Flash Screen to work - Windows Mail is functioning it's just the flash screen that is not.

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Windows Mail With Prt Screen Button

May 10, 2008

I am trying to send a copy of the screen that I am currently looking at in an email. What I do is I hit my prt screen button then try to paste it in my email, but it never works. I know this works with XP, because I have XP at work and I do it all the time.

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Windows Mail Blue Screen Solution

Aug 21, 2009

I suffer from Microsoft's sick joke where a blue screen is thrown over all my emails in Windows Mail. I noticed at least one solution where anti-virus could be disabled but I did not think that was practical. I found that if I run it as an administrator I never get the blue screen. However, I can only run as administrator by right clicking and selecting that option from the menu that comes up. Is there a string that can be added to the target for the shortcut which will automatically launch windows mail in the administrator mode?

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Windows In Loop With Blue Screen Flash

Apr 9, 2010

Ok, just installed Vista service pack 2 and now I'm in a loop when booting, there is a flash of a blue screen but cant read it

note that I can not boot into any mode! I do have a repair disk and tried the startup repair to no avail!

I'm wondering is there a way to stop automatic rebooting when an error in command prompt in the recovery disk.

i really need this fixed i do have another computer that i can use to help fix. There has to be a way.

I have tried to uninstall service pack 2 via command prompt but since i used cc cleaner its not in the temp file!

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Windows Loading Bar Blue Screen Of Death

Nov 17, 2009

The next time it started, the graphics were all screwed up and when it gets to thebit after the Windows Loading Bar it goes to a Blue Screen of Death. The computer then restarts and the same thing keeps happening. I tried running the computer in Safe Mode but it doesnt work either :/ neither do any of the other Advanced Options.

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Windows Mail Screen- Home Premium

Aug 23, 2009

I seem to of lost the side panel on my email screen showing Inbox Sent mail Deleted mail
Outbox etc,etc

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Windows Home Premium Black Screen

Apr 24, 2008

I've had my HP laptop for almost about a year, and two days ago I started it up and logged in. Once logged in the screen went completely black except for the cursor. No message, no text, just black with a cursor. At first I thought it was a crash, but after several reboots still nothing. Eventually I tried Ctrl-Alt-Delete and got task manager, and then managed to get some apps up including a web browser. This doesn't sound like the descriptions of reduced functionalty mode I've read here and elsewhere. Is it? I tried going back to the oldest restore point, 2 weeks ago (I've had two auto-updates since then) but no change. Also tried running slui.exe as was suggested in anothe post here and all it says is "Activation Successful".What's going on and how can I get my system back?

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Windows Welcome Screen & Network Logon Scripts

Sep 23, 2009

this is what Im trying to get resolved !

1. We are currently rolling out Windows Vista (Business) in my company
2. We have a company logon script , which runs after the user logs onto the pc , and displays current company news , as its maps drives and runs app fixes and some windows updates
3. On our current platform , Windows XP , the users can see this - however with Vista the "welcome screen" sits in there and hids the logon script , so users cannot see the "company news" etc.

Is there a way of removing the welcome screen , or indeed making the welcome screen transparent??? This is a big need for my company , and I need to get it working I have been able to edit the weclome screen to get it changed to a picture of my choosing. By the way , this is not the Welcome Center that appears after logon - and enabling/disabling fast user switching or turning off ctrl&alt&del to logon in the policies, as specified by some other forums does not work.

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Windows Explorer Screen Stop Working

Mar 1, 2007

another problem with this OS, it seems once an hour my Windows Explorer will completely kick the bucket. What happens is all the windows and tabs at the bottom of the screen stop working and kind of migrate to the bottom left all mashing together making everything practically useless. So I end up have to end explorer.exe and resterting it.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Windows Updates

Jan 8, 2010

every thing was fine up untill 2 weeks ago when i got my 1st blue screen, i ran start up repair an returned laptop back to it original factory state. yesterday i was installing new windows updates an i got a new blue screen crash i get the option of launching start up repair or starting windows normally. start in windows normally results in a blue crash screen

this time around launching start up repair is different, i still get the white bar saying windows it loading files,but when the bar is filled it trys too boot up windows normally again resulting in a blue screen again the error message i get is

stop: 0x0000007E (0XC0000005,0X8471E0AE,OX8514FBA0,0X8514F89C) volsnap.sys - address 847270AE BASE AT 84722000, DATE STAMP 47918F92

I still have the option of pressing f2 or f8 when u turn it on Everything on the safe mode option screen results in the same error. is there another way i can launch start up repair or any other ideas of fixing this?

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Black Screen And Cursor After Windows Logo

Sep 1, 2008

I've been running Vista for a few months now without much complaint until recently. After booting, the green loading bar is followed by the windows logo before the screen flickers several dark colors and then produces a black screen with a movable cursor. The hard drive light remains unlit after the black screen. Running in safe mode gives the same result. I do not have a repair disk and I would rather not wipe the hard drive with a factory default disk as I have important data on my hard disk.

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Windows Photo Gallery Now A Blank Screen

Mar 23, 2008

I installed Kodak EasyShare's printer and photo software. Since then, when I plug my Canon 900IS camera in, AutoPlay no longer brings up the Import Pictures window, and I can no longer access Photo Gallery, which now is just a blank window that I can't close (I have to reboot to get rid of it). I uninstalled the Kodak software but that didn't help. Ideas? I'd like to have the Import Pictures feature back, as well as Photo

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Blue Screen: Windows Media Player

May 13, 2008

Got a new computer in January, is Vista, just started recently getting BSOD's..Also not sure if its a coincidance but i seem to get them while running windows media player here the info I get Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

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Screen Stops Working When Login To Windows

Feb 17, 2010

my laptop screen stops working when login to windows (when in normal boot mode). So when i boot in safe mode it does work! also i don't know when it stop working in vista since i normally always work with my tv, you see and rarely switch back to my laptop screen. so what i have tried so far: reinstalled the VGA drivers fn+f3

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Pc Restart Proceeds Black Windows Screen

Apr 28, 2009

I am doing a clean install of Vista 64 Ultimate SP1. At the partition screen I select load drivers (I obtained drivers directly from Gigabyte Support). Windows installs the ACHI10 drivers with no problem. I select ?Next? to begin the install. After ?Completing Installation? the PC restarts and proceeds to the black Windows screen with the green scroll bar. It scrolls two or three times and then hangs. I then go into Safe Mode where the computer hangs at crcdisk.sys. An error message then returns that says ?Windows cannot finish the installation?. My only remaining option is to try and repair from the CD. But when I select ?The repair option? the blue repair bar scrolls indefinitely. I actually let it scroll for over 24 hours?and it never stopped. Gigabyte tech support told me to remove all ram except 1 cartridge. I?ve tried that and did a clean install (deleted the partition and loaded the correct chipset drivers and the beginning of the install) yet the scroll bar still hangs.

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Remove Windows Mail Splash Screen

Oct 18, 2006

Are you a frequent user of Windows Mail? Would you like to shave a second off of load time and remove that annoying splash screen? Using a quick reg hack, you can easily remove the splash screen.

Click on the start button and type in regedit and hit Enter....

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Installing Windows: Get The Blue Screen And It Restarted Everytime

Apr 25, 2009

i got a computer, wich i baught new in the store's and it had windows vista already preinstalled. it was windows vista home edition 32bit. but after alot of stupid things of me becuz the pc was very slow, i decided to format the whole pc, and install windows xp on it, i got the xp cd , and i putted it in, and it just wont install windows xp on it, everytime, i get the blue screen and it restarted everytime the xp installation, so first you can format the partitions, then it requires a reboot, and then the xp installation starts again from scratch, so its unable to install xp, but thats not my question.

so i decided to download a windows vista ultimate edition, 32 bit, and i burned it on a dvd and i putted it in my computer, and the boot from the dvd was good. then it asks where do you want to install windows, well, the page was blank it could not find any drives, or well, i dont know. then it says you want to load a driver, ( driver?? drive?? ) i dont understand this so good. i was hoping you guys can help me out, and i just want my normal pc back with a good vista, i cannot go to a pc store, becuz that takes too much time i wanna try it like this first

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Desktop Doesnt Appear In Full Screen Applications Or Windows

Feb 13, 2008

i have had this for a while, and i have no idea what it is, just a little white square in top left corner of screen. doesnt appear in full screen apps or windows, only on desktop (even if i change pic) when i have no programs running the only thing in task manager - applications is ASUS ACPI Cneter could it be that? what is that? doesnt affect comp in any way just annoying seeing it there

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Blue Screen Of Death Except Now It's White, Windows Could Not Restart

Apr 27, 2009

I bought an Asus G50-VT with Vista pre-installed. There was some sort of glitch while I was overnighting the download of a long file. Anyway I wound up at what I can only say was the blue screen of death except now it's white. It told me that Windows could not restart and I should insert my installation disk to repair a busted file which it also named. Looked and I had no installation disk, indeed I did not have any Windows disks at all included with the machine. I called Asus Tech Support. They told me that Microsoft no longer lets OEMs ship the windows disks. Although there were two disks called "recovery disks" the TS person said my only option was to hold down f9 to rebootr and WIPE THE DISK AND REINSTALL WINDOWS! So I lost all my data and have spent all morning recovering.

Was Asus right? You do not get install disks anymore even though a system message tells you to insert it? I only have a few days in which I could return this computer. Do other manufacturers like Sony or Hewlett Packard supply Windows Vista installtion disks with their machines? Or is Asus right? If it is just Asus that does not do this I feel I need to return this right away.

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