Firewall: Internet Access Blocked

Apr 7, 2008

They had Norton Internet Security 2007 installed and it was really causing more problems than it was solving so I tried to uninstall it and the uninstaller wouldn't finish and Norton's removal tool (the latest downloaded from their website) appears to be broken since it keeps saying that it's expired and won't do anything. So following some instructions I found I manually removed the Norton Program directories and registry entries and reset the winsock lsp settings with "netsh winsock reset". However the Security Center now shows that the Firewall is on but when I go to Control Panel / Windows Firewall it says that the Firewall is off.

The problem is that despite having done all this any program other than Internet Explorer that needs internet access is being blocked. Spybot Search & Destroy is being blocked from downloading updates, FireFox can't access the internet, NOD32 is being blocked from download signature updates, etc.

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Firewall Requests Access To Internet For SQL

Apr 1, 2009

my firewall requests access to the internet for SQL - SQM as a Server. If I am running a Client machine and not a true server. I am using local network access, but not running a web server or FTP or anything. Do I really need SQL ? I understand it vaguely but never have understood it well enough to know how important or NOT, it is to the Operating system.

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Firewall Says It's A Blocked Connection That It Does Not Allow

Mar 22, 2010

My firewall says it's a blocked connection that it does not allow, what is this IP?

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Yahoo Blocked, Not Able Access

Apr 8, 2009

Why is my Yahoo mail not able to get accessed from window vista

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Blocked File Access From All Accounts!

Feb 11, 2009

Vista has blocked access to all of my files, and it's not because I did anything from a non-administrator account. This happened to me several months ago, and could not be resolved no matter which account I tried to make changes from (Vista never has saved any changes to my permissions settings even in the original Administrator account). All posted comments presumed it was as basic as switching user accounts, but when none of that worked I ended up deleting the subordinate account.

I've been fine for almost a year, and now the same problem, but with a lot more to lose in files and programs! Currently, I have one account other than the original "Administrator", which is also of type "Administrator" (never understood why this is possible, but it is, and I just couldn't limit my own permissions). I have Vista Home Premium 6.

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User Account Access Can Be Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

I've set up a Windows Vista standard user account for a foreign student staying with us, and found he can access all the files on my 'C' drive. Is there some way this access can be blocked?

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Firewall Can't Access Firefox

Jun 1, 2008

How do I disconnect the firewall.

I have certain web sites that I cannot access using Firefox and I'm thinking maybe this is the problem.

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Unable To Access Firewall Settings

Apr 2, 2008

we have Vista Home Premium on my sons laptop and just put Mcafee desktop firewall on. When I try to access the firewall settings I get the message 'If you are using FUS, disable it'. How do I disable it? or do I need to?

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Want To Disable Internet Connection In Firewall

Oct 29, 2009

I want to disable internet connection in Firewall for some programs... well well tell what I do disable/enable internet conn, when :

1)Firewall ON or OFF

2)In Exceptions the software title is ticked or un-ticked?

tell me for all combinations? i-conn is disabled or enabled for the particular program?

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Windows Firewall: Connect To The Internet

Jun 16, 2009

i have just installed PES 2009 an i could log into the Gamenetwork of Konami without permitting PES to connect to the internet! So have looked it up and there is no cross for PES in the FireWall-settings. How is this possible? Perhaps the Gamesettings which open some Ports (but ports have nothing to do with the firewall or?)

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Third Party Firewall Internet Connection

Mar 27, 2009

I've been using Vista for a few years and I've never used a third party firewall for my internet connection. I have a direct ethernet connection from my modem to my laptop, so no hardware firewall AFAIK, and as for anti-virus, I've been using Avast home free edition with no problems so far. I've never considered installing a 3rd party firewall - I just leave Windows' default firewall settings enabled. My questions is, do any of you believe that it's neccesary to have a firewall, and if so, which do you use? How would you rate it's performance? (I'm looking for free firewalls that perform well) I've read about Comodo and Zone alarm (I believe that's what it's called) but I've also read how they are essentially useless. I'm looking for one that won't be too much of a nuisance, ex: one that’s incompatible with other programs.

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Wireless Network / Internet : Firewall It Blocking

Mar 23, 2008

I am having trouble with my wireless internet. When i was home over the Christmas break, I attempted to forward my port on my wireless internet at home so my router would allow me to access some of my programs (the router had a firewall on it blocking these programs). Ever since then, the only place i can access wireless internet is only at my house, nowhere ele. When i go other places, I can find connections and connect to them, but i can only connect to the network part of it, not the internet. For example, when I go to the Network and Sharing Center, it will show the connection between my computer and the network working properly, but then the line between the Network and the Internet has a Red X through it and the Internet Globe is grey. When i troubleshoot, it says it cannot contact my server / ISP, and it shows that the ISP is the one from my wireless at home.

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Home 32 Bit: Firewall Is Not Running, Doesn't Connect Internet

Apr 15, 2010

The symptom of my problem is Vista is telling me that my firewall is not running, but it won't start manually. Also doesn't connect to the internet (I'm using a borrowed machine here) I can see that BFE is not running and that won't start either, says a file is missing. I have tried a system restore to several different points, after quite a few minutes tells me this has failed and the problem is still there. Tried the sfc which said it fixed some files but could not fix all, wasn't obvious to me from the log what it couldn't fix.

In desperation have backed everything up I can find and tried to reinstall (I have a Dell installation disc so no option to repair) This got to the first reboot on expanding files (27%) and then failed and restored back to the original configuration. As you can see I seem to be in big troubles, (started after a Windows Update this morning as far as I can tell, was alright before that)

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How To Allow Server Access But Restrict Internet Access

Feb 27, 2010

Our Vista laptops (& my Xbox) access our basic Windows Home Server system through a Netgear router. It's all fine, but I want to (easily & quickly!) restrict & control when some laptops can access the internet while allowing free access to the server. (For instance, so children's internet access can be monitored but they can always get to photos & backups, etc. on the server.)

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Windows Firewall/printing: If Turn Off The Firewall It Prints Stright Away

May 19, 2008

I am using Vista ultimate with a new Canon LBP2900I laser printer. If I print with the windows firewall turned on it takes an age ti get a print out, if I turn off the firewall it prints stright away. All the drivers are up to date. In the firewall exceptions the printer is listed and ticked

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Can't Access To The Internet

Jun 9, 2009

I just reinstalled my OS, and am having trouble connecting to the internet with my desktop. I've tried calling up att, and it turns out my IP can be located, but I can't seem to access the internet. I tried pinging a few websites in my command prompt, but all my requests ended up timing out. So I am connected to the internet, but am unable to access it.

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Cant Access The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

Recently, my older laptop crashed and I could not access the Internet. Being as I am a college student, I cannot function without network capability. I bought my new computer, which has Vista (and I'm not familiar with it). So I got it home and tried to install my SBC Yahoo wireless internet. The network is fine but the USB adapter device can't be recognized. I went on the device support page and installed the driver information and it still won't work. Am I the only one out there with this problem?

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Cannot Access The Internet

May 26, 2008

I have a wireless issue at work with my Vista laptop. I am able to connect to my works wireless service ok, but cannot access the internet. I can connect to everything locally without issues but not the internet. I can do everything locally such as file/print, connect to exchange, etc. I even tried to ping the router/ default gateway but just get time outs even though it'son the same subnet.

All other laptops (which are Win XP) are able to access the internet from the wireless service without issue. When pinging the router they get successful responses. I've tried recreating wireless connection on vista laptop but issues
continues and tried googling but cannot find anything.

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No Internet Access

Jun 25, 2008

The router is connected to my PC. Cable modem connected to my router. I can access the internet with my PC. Netgear XE104 connected to the router. I can plug the laptop in to any outlet and see my PC. I can surf the net on my laptop. Netgear NAS connected to the network though an electrical outlet. The PC can see the NAS. the problem lies with my wireless network. t shows up on the PC as Home_wireless (I have changed the name). This network is visible on the laptop, SmartPhome, and PDA. All show signal strength as Fair to Excellent. But, none can access the net. I have read too many documents/web pages in the last 2 weeks and tried millions (OK, 'a lot') of variations. If it matters, although the laptop can see the wireless network, 'Network and Sharing Center' shows it as 'unidentified' and an 'X' between 'unidentified' and 'internet.' Laptop, PDA, Smartphone all accept the password wihout complaining. Finally, FWIW, the laptoo can find 3 networks although only 2 exist. The 3rd network shown is the old (I thought, deleted) network of several months ago. What am I missing? I hva found many documents guiding me through network setup but very few on troubleshooting.

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No Access Internet From Both Machines

Apr 29, 2008

What I can do: Access the internet from both machines. Share files both ways using Net Use. From Laptop apparently access printer on old PC using Net Use but it does not work What I cannot do. Access the other PC (either way) by browsing (but I did on one occasion)Print from the laptop to to a printer attached to the old PC; on the laptop the document status is shown as "Error - Sent to printer" while nothing appears to occur on the the old PC.

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VPN : Lose All Internet Access

Mar 5, 2009

I have a Vista Business laptop which I connect to the internet via wireless, and need to VPN to my company. I have created a VPN connection and it works until I'm connected to my company server. I then , and the Network and Sharing Center shows both connections as Local Only. If I disconnect the VPN, internet access is restored.It seems Vista cannot cope with two connections to different networks!

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Cannot Access Internet Even Though Connected

Sep 2, 2009

I upgraded my Vista Home Premium x64 to SP2 on 8/28. No problem until 8/31. Now I cannot get on the internet regardless of firefox, IE, or Chrome. The Windows Network Diagnostics did not find any problems. The network and Sharing center shows that I am connected to my network and then to the internet with no issues. IPv4 = Internet. IPv6 = limited.

Steps completed thus far:I rebooted the cable modem and the router (linksys wrt54g) I successfully pinged the x64 computer with a different cpu on the network. Status activity shows bytes sent and received successfully on the x64 system. I tried to system restore prior to SP2 upgrade but says failed, however System properties show that running SP1. I updated network card driver (intel 82567lf-2) to most recent - 7/23 I ran the Intel network card diagnostics and all test were sucessful Booted into safe mode with networking. Unsuccessful. Ran Hijackthis, nothing unusual. I am at a loss of what to do. I do even know how to describe the situation succinctly enough to search and see if others have had the same problem.

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Local Access, No Internet

Mar 14, 2009

I installed Vista Business on a new computer (Asus P2) and it keeps loosing the internet connection intermittently. Local access always works. In the network are 3 computers, 2 Vista desktops, 1 XP Home which acts as a file and printer server and a Draytek router behind a cable modem. The 2 Vista PC's are new and both have the same problem. When the XP machine was the desktop PC this problem never occurred, and it still doesn't as the XP machine always has a live internet connection (the cable provider is wonderfully reliable). The machines are connected via a wired 100Mbps network...............

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Connect But Not Access The Internet

Jun 8, 2008

I live in an Apartment complex and latley i have been connecting off of other people, lastnight i got on the internet but today when i woke up it said connected like usual but yet the internet wouldnt work. I went to the Library to make sure it just wasnt the certian connection at the apartment messed up but it would say connect there but not acces the internet, im not sure whats wrong the laptop is new and this is the first time it has happend.Even thought the strength is good and it says "connected" when i go to Network Sharing Center theres an X on the internet. I tried to "diagnose and repair" several times but it still didn't work

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64 Install / Internet Not Access

Dec 8, 2008

I have just built a new computer with an asus board and amd 64 bit chip. Loaded Vista Ultimate 64. Fairly clean install at this point with the OS updated with all recommended patches. Strange problem I am having is "only" via explorer can I access the web. Installed Firefox AND also tried Sahara (apple) and neither can access the web.

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Broken Internet Access

May 9, 2010

my sisters HijackThis log >O10- Broken Internet access because of provider LSP 'c:windowssystem32wshbth.dll' missing. This appeared after she re-installed her OS. She has Vista Home Premium, SP2, IE8 and Firefox. Pretty much the same that I have but on a Dell laptop. She has no issues with her computer connecting nor running. I looked it up on SystemLookup and it is Windows Bluetooth related. See here > SystemLookup - O10 List Could someone please tell me what this refers to? There is one entry in the 04's that is related to this. See here > O4 - Global Startup: Bluetooth.lnk = ?

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Windows Firewall And 3rd Party Firewall

Apr 21, 2009

Windows Vista Basic sp1. Im using a 3rd party firewall program. In Administrative Tools---Services it shows Windows Firewall status as Started. But, in Security Center it shows my 3rd party firewall being On but Windows Firewall being off. Also, in Administrative Tools---Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is showing Windows Firewall being on in Domain Profile. Is this normal? Why would one show Windows Firewall as On and another show it as Off?

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Local Access Only When Connected To Internet

Oct 7, 2009

I am running vista on a hp laptop. I can connect to the local network, but can't connect to the login website. I have tried several fixes including disableing ipv6. I feel the issue is when Im attempting to connect to this wifii public unsecure network Im unable to receive the redirect to the terms of use page. in the network sharing center it shows me conected to the local network but not to the internet.

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Access The Internet But Very Slow Networking

Aug 9, 2006

I'm running build 5384 on a Dell Precision 370 and a Precision 380. I've tried 64 and 32bit versions but I keep having the following problem: Basically I can access the internet but very, very slowly. Most pages just time out. The machines both have Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit NIC's connected to Dell Powerconnect Gigabit switches. I've tried Manual IP config and DHCP but I can't get a reasonable speed through via ethernet! There's nothing wrong with the network, I've got hundreds of XP 32bit and x64 clients connected to the same network and they can all access the Internet fine. I can ping other clients on the netowork from the Vista machines and I get

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Wireless Connection But No Internet Access...

Sep 26, 2009

I have been on the phone collectively for 6 hours with AT&T as well as had a technician out here to look at this problem. I have a new wireless router box. The whole At&T system went down briefly (tvs and all). When it booted back up my computer wouldn't recognize the wireless network. After getting a new box, it will now recognize the wireless network in my home. It says I am connected to the network with excellent strength but I still cannot get online. My desktop works fine and I plugged the ethernet cable into my computer and it still won't get online being hardwired to the router. My firewalls are turned off. I have run an ipconfig with the following message:...................

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Access The Internet Via Ethernet Cable

Jan 17, 2010

I've got a SAMSUNG notebook and my "Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter" seems to be not working. I cannot see (let alone connect to) any wireless environment. I have to access the internet via ethernet cable, which is really annoying. I've done the following so far: The device manager says the adapter is working properly. I've updated to the latest driver The adapter is also turned on. I don't know what else I should do.

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