Third Party Firewall Internet Connection

Mar 27, 2009

I've been using Vista for a few years and I've never used a third party firewall for my internet connection. I have a direct ethernet connection from my modem to my laptop, so no hardware firewall AFAIK, and as for anti-virus, I've been using Avast home free edition with no problems so far. I've never considered installing a 3rd party firewall - I just leave Windows' default firewall settings enabled. My questions is, do any of you believe that it's neccesary to have a firewall, and if so, which do you use? How would you rate it's performance? (I'm looking for free firewalls that perform well) I've read about Comodo and Zone alarm (I believe that's what it's called) but I've also read how they are essentially useless. I'm looking for one that won't be too much of a nuisance, ex: one that’s incompatible with other programs.

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Windows Firewall And 3rd Party Firewall

Apr 21, 2009

Windows Vista Basic sp1. Im using a 3rd party firewall program. In Administrative Tools---Services it shows Windows Firewall status as Started. But, in Security Center it shows my 3rd party firewall being On but Windows Firewall being off. Also, in Administrative Tools---Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is showing Windows Firewall being on in Domain Profile. Is this normal? Why would one show Windows Firewall as On and another show it as Off?

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Want To Disable Internet Connection In Firewall

Oct 29, 2009

I want to disable internet connection in Firewall for some programs... well well tell what I do disable/enable internet conn, when :

1)Firewall ON or OFF

2)In Exceptions the software title is ticked or un-ticked?

tell me for all combinations? i-conn is disabled or enabled for the particular program?

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Firewall Says It's A Blocked Connection That It Does Not Allow

Mar 22, 2010

My firewall says it's a blocked connection that it does not allow, what is this IP?

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How To Bypass Firewall On Side For Remote Connection...

Feb 25, 2009

i need a way to connect to my home computer from school but the firewall is restricting incoming connections from RDC so i cant get any feedback. I have admin access (dont ask) and have disabled the local firewall but it still blocks the connection so the firewall on the server must be blocking it. Is there software I could install like logmein which would let me do it but doesn't need a webpage to use ( and doesn't get stopped by a firewall?

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Internet Connection: Secure The Connection Permanently

May 20, 2009

my computer is not holding it's internet connection, even when i refresh it just wont reconnect and i end up having to restart and then the connection is fine. I'm running Vista Home Premium, Defender, ZoneAlarm (free) and Avast (free). Broadband connection. is there anyway to secure the connection permanently (which it should be) Have i, a setting wrong? At all times my internet icon says i am fully connected?

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Firewall: Internet Access Blocked

Apr 7, 2008

They had Norton Internet Security 2007 installed and it was really causing more problems than it was solving so I tried to uninstall it and the uninstaller wouldn't finish and Norton's removal tool (the latest downloaded from their website) appears to be broken since it keeps saying that it's expired and won't do anything. So following some instructions I found I manually removed the Norton Program directories and registry entries and reset the winsock lsp settings with "netsh winsock reset". However the Security Center now shows that the Firewall is on but when I go to Control Panel / Windows Firewall it says that the Firewall is off.

The problem is that despite having done all this any program other than Internet Explorer that needs internet access is being blocked. Spybot Search & Destroy is being blocked from downloading updates, FireFox can't access the internet, NOD32 is being blocked from download signature updates, etc.

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Windows Firewall: Connect To The Internet

Jun 16, 2009

i have just installed PES 2009 an i could log into the Gamenetwork of Konami without permitting PES to connect to the internet! So have looked it up and there is no cross for PES in the FireWall-settings. How is this possible? Perhaps the Gamesettings which open some Ports (but ports have nothing to do with the firewall or?)

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Firewall Requests Access To Internet For SQL

Apr 1, 2009

my firewall requests access to the internet for SQL - SQM as a Server. If I am running a Client machine and not a true server. I am using local network access, but not running a web server or FTP or anything. Do I really need SQL ? I understand it vaguely but never have understood it well enough to know how important or NOT, it is to the Operating system.

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Wireless Network / Internet : Firewall It Blocking

Mar 23, 2008

I am having trouble with my wireless internet. When i was home over the Christmas break, I attempted to forward my port on my wireless internet at home so my router would allow me to access some of my programs (the router had a firewall on it blocking these programs). Ever since then, the only place i can access wireless internet is only at my house, nowhere ele. When i go other places, I can find connections and connect to them, but i can only connect to the network part of it, not the internet. For example, when I go to the Network and Sharing Center, it will show the connection between my computer and the network working properly, but then the line between the Network and the Internet has a Red X through it and the Internet Globe is grey. When i troubleshoot, it says it cannot contact my server / ISP, and it shows that the ISP is the one from my wireless at home.

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Home 32 Bit: Firewall Is Not Running, Doesn't Connect Internet

Apr 15, 2010

The symptom of my problem is Vista is telling me that my firewall is not running, but it won't start manually. Also doesn't connect to the internet (I'm using a borrowed machine here) I can see that BFE is not running and that won't start either, says a file is missing. I have tried a system restore to several different points, after quite a few minutes tells me this has failed and the problem is still there. Tried the sfc which said it fixed some files but could not fix all, wasn't obvious to me from the log what it couldn't fix.

In desperation have backed everything up I can find and tried to reinstall (I have a Dell installation disc so no option to repair) This got to the first reboot on expanding files (27%) and then failed and restored back to the original configuration. As you can see I seem to be in big troubles, (started after a Windows Update this morning as far as I can tell, was alright before that)

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Windows Firewall/printing: If Turn Off The Firewall It Prints Stright Away

May 19, 2008

I am using Vista ultimate with a new Canon LBP2900I laser printer. If I print with the windows firewall turned on it takes an age ti get a print out, if I turn off the firewall it prints stright away. All the drivers are up to date. In the firewall exceptions the printer is listed and ticked

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DNS: Connection To The Internet

May 7, 2008

I have had a problem keeping my connection to the Internet. when I connect everything is OK until I want to use my browser and then I lose the connection from my server to the web (dialup connection)I am still connected to my ISP but cannot access anything from the Internet zone,It is shown only that I have a local connection only. I can ping my ISP and Ping the ISP's website. so it seems that I have a DNS misconfiguration, question is what do I start looking for?

Netcomm internal modem IN5920 and have tried a swansmart internal modem and a webexcel external modem with the same results. I can start to download virus defs Etc but will drop the Internet connection as soon as I touch the browser and be just left with a local connection. I have had this problem for over a month and have greatly increased Telstra's Australian coffers

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Need To Hog The Internet Connection

Apr 21, 2009

We have a bt homehub router, two pc's connect wirelessly, the wifes laptop and my gaming rig, we live practically nextdoor to the exchange and sync up at 8192kb/s my ip profile is 7000kb/s so i know my connection is sound. she is a facebook fiend and when she is browsing pictures i lag out ingame regulaly, its getting to the point where i cant game if she is on the laptop its like being on a piece of elastic ingame is there any way i can make my pc hog the lions share of the banwidth? Or is it just a case of it being split equally? even if it means me connecting to the router with an ethernet cable.

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Third Party Spam Filters

Mar 23, 2008

Any Spam Filters that are compatible with Windows Mail?

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How Can Transfer Of Mail To A Third Party

May 5, 2008

I hold a number of emails which I received whilst an officer of a charity, and now need to transfer them to a new officer. I want to put them on a removable disc, but as copy and paste doesn't seem to be allowed, I am lost.

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Cannot Browse, Have Internet Connection

May 5, 2010

I cannot browse the net, but am definitely online. I have an HP desktop with Vista OS. I have wireless and I know everything is fine with the connection, because I am typing this post off an XP laptop which is using the same modem.

Yesterday the problem began when I uninstalled a DivX player that I dont use. I have read up on this and other sites and can't find a solution. Everytime I try to browse from the desktop I get the HTTP 403 error message. I have tried rebooting, "winsockfix", several command prompts, pinging, the IP address is fine, I am all out of ideas.

Can somebody please point me in the right direction, I have spoken to HP, AT&T and the store I purchased the computer and no dice, anywhere.

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Reinstalling Without An Internet Connection

Mar 23, 2008

My son purchased a laptop for college in August. Recently he installed Unix on it and now he cannot connect to the Internet. How can he reinstall Vista on his machine without having to purchase Vista? His computer came with Vista, so it seems like he should be able to get it somehow. Of course, the quicker he can do this the better.

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Losing Internet Connection

May 15, 2010

This has been an ongoing problem for around 6 mths now and is really getting to me now. Namely the dropping of the internet. I can be merrily surfing the net one minute and then the next if I go to a site I get the message "looking up XXXXX". At this time my taskbar internet icon can be showing the internet connect to be either "local" or "local and internet". Now obviously if local I will lose it but if it's saying "local and internet" why doesn't it work? It will eventually drop back to local everytime. Even though at all times the ADSL line light on my modem/router is showing solid.

The problem is intermittent. I can have best part of a day without trouble, then it may happen lots of times in a short period. To get it back requires reboots of the modem/router and/or reboots of the PC. I have tried 3 different modem/routers all do the same. Now losing patience

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SP1 Causes Problems With Internet Connection

Apr 15, 2008

After installing Windows Vista Service Pack 1 I lost my internet connection. I kept trying to open various websites in Internet Explorer and eventually I was able to download partial, sometimes even complete web pages, although IE wasn't displaying them, presumably because various resources on the page weren't downloaded yet (I used View Source in the empty browser window to see what it had downloaded up until that point and in most cases it was only half of a web page). Some sites began to work all of the time, such as, while other sites didn't work at all, like

I persisted to keep trying to connect to various web sites, assuming that it was just a major coincidence that my network connection was failing at the same exact time that I installed SP1, but after several hours now I'm still having the same exact problem and some research has turned up that I'm certainly not the only person to experience internet connection issues due to having installed SP1.

I've tried the following:.........

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Internet Connection Speeds

May 24, 2008

i want to get my connection to go faster is their anything i can do at my system end to increase performace i've already noticed an increased perfomace when using a desktop from a laptop on the same connection so it stands to reason that their might be something else i can do to get it to run faster still.

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Connection To Router But Not The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I am having problems getting a wireless internet connection for a friend who has just bought a new laptop with Windows Vista. He connects through a Netgear, wireless router however the network connection on the laptop shows as local connection ok however there is limited access due to no internet connection. The adapter has a router assigned IP address of The gateway, DNS server and DHCP server address all show the I have connected to the admin console on the router and the router has been assigned a public address and DNS address from the ISP (AOL ADSL).

I disabled encryption and mac authentication incase for some reason this would be causing it but its still the same. He has a desktop PC hard wired to the router and this connects without any problems. The IPConfig of the adapter is much the same as the wireless adapter on the laptop with exception of the IP address which is I can get a connection to the internet if I hard wire the laptop however when connecting wireless it once again gets a local intranet connection but no internet. I can ping the local network and the gateway but nothing beyond the gateway.

I have done the usual things in the way of power cycling the router/modem and disabling/repairing network connections etc. I recall having the same problem around 2 months ago for another friend. They were using a cable modem with an Actiontec router. I did as I did above and even tried 2 different routers with no change. My XP laptop connects fine.

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No Internet Connection Through A Switch

Jan 17, 2009

i just installed Windows Vista x64 and immediately ran into network problems. My Network and Sharing center said my connection was connecting/disconnecting every few seconds and I was unable to reach the internet. My network is something like this (ignore the periods, they're there because the field won't format blank spaces :P ) :

Cable modem ---> Linksys SD2005 Switch ---> Wireless router ---> Game systems ........|........ (Netgear WGT624)......|.......+--->Vista 32 Bit PC........+--->Windows XP SP2 PC.....+--->Vista x64 (mine)

I have 4 separate IPs from my ISP so I can RDP into anything not behind the router from work. The wireless is just nice for random evices. All 3 PCs have independent IPs assigned from the ISPs DNS. All systems work fine except the x64.I thought it was my on-board NIC so I went and bought a PCI NIC. It did the same thing. At this point I think I might have 2 bad NICs so i went and got a third - same thing. I read around on some forums and tweaked my duplex settings which stopped the connect/disconnect, but then I got something like this in my Network and Sharing Center:x64 ===>green===>Unidentified Network===> X ===> Internet,Changing the duplex settings around did not resolve this.Next, I followed a Microsoft fix and changed a setting in my registry that did something about disabling a packet broadcast Vista does that some devices cannot respond to. Still no go.After pulling what's left of my hair out I slept on it and plugged my x64 system into the router.

Disco! It worked. However, because of the physical locations of each system this is messy and cannot remain in place. (Aside from that I want to resolve this issue because I think it is dumb :/ )So my question is - why can't my Vista x64 system get an IP via DHCP from the ISPs DNS? Is there something I need to turn off/kill that I haven't hit yet? When it is getting it from the router it seems happy as a clam but through the switch is no-go. (gives that nasty 169.... (preferred) address). I used mostly XP before and it looks like Vista is trying to connect to some local network and self-assign its IP. How can I make it stop (without asking my ISP for a static IP, cause they prolly won't give it to me w/o mucho $$)?

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Internet Connection Failure

Aug 16, 2007

In January I bought a Dell Dimension E551(2.60 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 320 gig hard drive). This came with XP installed and a free Vista Home Premium upgrade when it became available. It was after installing this that my troubles began.

1. I discovered that my M-audio delta sound card is not yet compatible with Vista. Obviously I should have checked this out before install, but as a non-techie I naively assumed Microsoft would have issues like this covered before releasing their OS. Also, Dell supplied an additional disc with Vista which supposedly checks for conflicts before upgrade, but nothing came up about the sound card, hence I presumed it would work. I since moved the card to my other computer but I am now left with an m-audio control panel which I am unable to install (does not appear on add/remove program list).

2. My broadband Internet connection has failed. It worked for a few weeks, then became unreliable and now can't get online at all. My ISP (tiscali) claim it should work with their service, but none of their staff have been trained in Vista and can’t advise. I did eventually manage to get online by installing Virtual PC and running XP on that, so obviously it’s a Vista conflict somewhere and not the connection or hardware.

3. Windows Explorer seems to dislike certain files and will often crash and restart when attempting to access these files. Example: I created a folder and moved a zipped file into it (which was working fine from the desktop). Clicking on this file now instantly causes windows explorer to crash. I cannot now move or delete this file.

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Slow Internet Connection

Feb 20, 2009

Been running Vista x64 for a while with no problems at all ( yes...honestly!!! ) with a Quad Core and 4Gb ram and an internet connection that was as good as I was expecting. A few months back, though, things went downhill very suddenly! Now, it takes 20 minutes plus just to open some websites, and download speeds have dropped to virtually nothing. I am talking dialup speeds on a 2Mb line. Model is a Belkin wireless router, but I am connected to it by cable since the PC is right by the phone line. I have 2 other PC's in the house ( both running XP wirelessly ) One is temporarily offline due to other issues... but the other is connecting normally with no speed problems. I have done the 'google' thing, and disabled the auto-tuning facility, with no noticable improvements............................

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Internet Connection Difficulties

Oct 3, 2009

i have started this thread on behalf of a friend. He claims that when he updated chrome, and internet explorer a week ago he found that none of his browsers worked(firefox, opera etc that i gave him on a cd were no differnet). Only some the programs still managed to update themselves(advanced system care) windows update finds available updates but wont download or install them. The taskbbar icon show he is connected, Also he has a wierd boradband connection with avanti comunications if that is any use.

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The Internet Often Lose Its Connection

Dec 3, 2008

I recently bought a new desktop. Os is the vista home premium edition. The internet often lose its connection. My msn keeps on re-connecting again and again. when i checked the status of the connection, everything is perfectly fine, the signal strength is excellent. I have no problems with my previous xp desktop. Everything is excellent, well, until it crash.

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Internet Connection Hacked

Jul 6, 2008

I am being hacked by someone very malicious. At one time there were 3 other PCs on my Norton map view and I have done enough research to find out that someone is using my internet connection with wireless devices. I myself don't have any wireless devices and have only 1 PC so I know they are not mine. Now they have blocked me out of that page so I can't check if they are there or not. The phone company refuse to help me track them so. I need to know how to find their IP so I can give it to the authorities and get it stopped. I'm so tired of reformatting every week or two because they mess with my system files etc.

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PC Slow When Connection With Internet.

May 10, 2008

is it plausible to see a list with all applications that use the network/internet? this because my pc is very quick when the internet is off, but when I start my pc and the internet is on, than it is very slow (for example: I had to wait 30 minutes before I could log in on this site!!!). it's not because of any firewall/antivirus/antispam/antispyware program, because I turned them off.

(it started on the 7th this month, when I found out there were some updates from vista. I even couldn't download them, because everything crashed: desktop, windows update, taskbar, microsoft word, MSN. Since than it happens all the time there is an internetconnection)

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Log Off, Internet Connection Page Up

Mar 23, 2008

Everytime I close my mail box I get the internet connection page up with a message do you want to disconnet from the internet

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No Internet Connection & No Shut Down

Feb 17, 2010

I'm posting this message for my girlfriend. Back in September, both she and I bought brand new Lenovo laptop computers. They have worked great with little, to no problems, until recently. About a week or so ago I bought high speed internet for my house and I added my girlfriend's computer to the service. For the first few days her computer worked fine at my house, but yesterday something strange happened. Now the computer won't connect at all to the internet. Here is what has happened so far:

Yesterday when my girlfriend tried to log onto the wireless connection, whenever she would open IE the window would take forever to load and then after awhile, the window would say that the Internet Connection Could Not Connect. After clicking on the "diagnose this problem" button, the computer would then tell her that Windows could not fix the problem. The strange thing is that whenever she looks at the Access Connections, the computer says that it is indeed picking up the signal from my router, and she has the correct password, but for whatever reason the computer simple will not connect to the internet. I even tried plugging the ethernet cord directly into her computer and still, nothing from the net will load.

Another odd thing is that her laptop will not shut down automatically. Whenever she clicks on the shut down button, the computer takes a good 7-8 minutes, just logging off her desktop, until finally a blue screen comes on, says something about a bug, then restarts to protect the computer from crashing (so it says). So the only way to shut off her computer now is to hold down the power button until the laptop does shut off, but whenever she turns the computer on again, it says that the computer was shut down improperly.

Anyways, she is at a loss at what to do and so am I. She has McAfee on her computer and I ran the program today, it didn't find anything in the way of viruses on her system and she hasn't dropped it or anything. Her computer was working fine on the internet at my house the other day, but now it won't connect at all, and after we do try to log onto the net and fail, everything else in her computer becomes super slow. Opening programs and closing windows takes forever to do!

She has had something similar to this happen before when she used to go to a local internet cafe and sign on using their wireless. The IE window would open and take forever loading only to never load at all.

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