Connect But Not Access The Internet

Jun 8, 2008

I live in an Apartment complex and latley i have been connecting off of other people, lastnight i got on the internet but today when i woke up it said connected like usual but yet the internet wouldnt work. I went to the Library to make sure it just wasnt the certian connection at the apartment messed up but it would say connect there but not acces the internet, im not sure whats wrong the laptop is new and this is the first time it has happend.Even thought the strength is good and it says "connected" when i go to Network Sharing Center theres an X on the internet. I tried to "diagnose and repair" several times but it still didn't work

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Cannot Connect To Internet - Local Access Only

Apr 1, 2009

I have a Samsung Vista Home laptop that has connected to the internet without problem for over 2 years. It cannot connect now, either wirelessly or wired, but two other computers running XP can connect both wired and wireless. The connection shows as 'local access only'. I have tried so many things, and have come to a grinding halt

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Local Access Only, No Longer Connect To Internet

Dec 27, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium (32-bit). I've had the same laptop/modem/DSL for over a year and everything worked fine, then about a week ago I started getting the local-access-only message and can no longer connect to the internet.

1) Taking my laptop to another wireless location - same error.
2) Trying an XP laptop on my home wireless - works just fine.
3) Rebooting in Safe Mode - still doesn't work.
4) Deleting the Network adapter drivers and letting windows reinstall - still doesn't work.
5) Going back to the latest windows update and uninstalling it - still doesn't work.
6) Disabling TCP/IPv6

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How To Allow Server Access But Restrict Internet Access

Feb 27, 2010

Our Vista laptops (& my Xbox) access our basic Windows Home Server system through a Netgear router. It's all fine, but I want to (easily & quickly!) restrict & control when some laptops can access the internet while allowing free access to the server. (For instance, so children's internet access can be monitored but they can always get to photos & backups, etc. on the server.)

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Can Not Connect Wireless Access

May 16, 2008

I bought an HP Pavilion tx2110us (with Windows Vista) and been to hotels and home and so it just does not connect to any wireless connection (my old laptop with XP connects no problem!). After spending 4 hours with 3 HP assistants on the phone and chatting online with them, and talking to my personal computer technician, I found that the wireless connection does not obtain the IP address and DNS server address "automatically". I can't do this manually for every time I arrive in a hotel, or anywhere I go. I bought this computer especially to save time when I travel so I need to make this thing "Obtain an IP and DNS adress automatically" for any wireless connection that it finds.

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Cannot Connect To Internet

Sep 29, 2008

We bought a new dlink Gigabyte unmanaged switch,installed it and now the vista machines connects fine to the network but not to the internet. if i go ipconfig /release and /renew it works for a bit but then goes down again. The Windows XP machines are working perfect to the network and internet. What Can cause this problem with vista.

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Cannot Connect To The Internet

Aug 18, 2009

My laptop (gateway) can connect to any network (public, private, wired or wireless) with no problem but no matter what it cannot connect to the internet. I've tried as much as possible but nothing resolves this error and my isp says because my other computers work fine they can't help me. I've recycled the router and the modem, tried to ping the router (unsuccessful), tried manually setting up my connection (ip address, dns, gateway), bought a new router (belkin enhanced wireless), bought a express card ethernet port, reset winsock, but nothing works! I honestly don't know what to do since this laptop didn't include a vista disc so i don't think i can wipe the hard drive and reinstall windows without paying for something i already have. If you need any further info just let me know i'll be checking my internet every hour as i'm at the end of my rope!

On the network connections page it shows an uninterrupted line to the network which it always says is unidentified (even networks with names) but there's always a red x preventing me from getting to the internet and when i do the auto repair and diagnose it tells me to call the isp or get help from a network administrator. This problem occured shortly after my norton 360 subscription ran out and i uninstalled it to install avira in it's place.

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Not Connect To Internet

May 15, 2010

I have a Inspiron 350 and the Router is NETGEAR G-Wireless WGR61v10. My problem is since I had a reformat on the computer. It would not connect to the internet in fact it said Local or limited connection before I changed the channel where now lets me go on Google and surf is very limited and very slow. I can't log into my programs like MSN and Skype and only logs in when I restart the computer and drops the connection again. I would like to know how to unblock the connection so I can do everything again. I am just really frustrated and would like to know if there is a solution to get the net up and running again.

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Internet Won't Connect

Aug 14, 2009

Bare with me, I am a bit computer illiterate. . .I use a linksys router (I don't exactly know what type/version, but I doubt that matters when I have connected to older models, I believe). However, the only reason why my internet will not connect seems to be that I have encrypted my router with a WEP key! I say this because I can connect to unsecured routers just fine.

I have tried connecting manually, and it will accept the WEP key I type in (well, it doesn't tell me I'm wrong). . . But once I finish typing in the WEP and checking the two option boxes (start this connection automatically, connect even if the network is not roadcasting) and try and connect (to the existing network), it says I cannot connect. I am just wondering if it's something simple. . . Making a new WEP key, perhaps? I really have no clue and I would like to figure this out soon.

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Not Able To Connect To The Internet

Aug 22, 2009

1) I was online and suddenly I wasnt able to connect to the internet. I called my IP provider and they told me that I could "ping" but couldn't connect to the domain name, I have run a dianostic tool which said I had no dial tone but had local area connection. I went step by step with my IP provider and we still couldnt get it to work.

2) Last night I went to open a zip file using Zipeg (never had any problems til then) and now on the desktop all my programs are opening with notepad, I cannot access my files on the desktop. When I open the files, I get a notepad with all these symbols and numbers and thats it!

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Cant Connect To Internet

May 26, 2009

I had someone move into my old office & his computer (Dell, Vista Home, 1gbRam, 160GBhd, nVidia network controller) is now going to be the one wired directly into the router & modem with the rest of the 3 comps in the house getting wireless signal as they had been for the past 2 years. When I first plugged his comp in & installed the Netgear router from the disk, the install screwed up in that his comp was getting the internet cause it was plugged via ethernet, but the rest of the house couldn't cause there was no wireless signal. Also shown by the wireless light not being on on the router, but all the other were, power, LAN port4, & internet.

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Not Able To Connect To Internet

Mar 25, 2010

My laptop (Vista Ultimate x64) got hit by a malware recently, removed it and is now clean. But after cleaning (malwarebytes) and doing a registry repair (using advanced systemcare pro), i was not able to connect to the internet. When i checked Device, the "Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)" had a yellow astrix to it. I tried uninstalling the driver and re-installing the driver from the cd. But still the yellow astrix remains and the internet does not work. I tried uninstalling the driver - rebooting - reinstalling - rebooting - still same result. let me know what i should do to make the internet work. I really don't want to do a reinstall of the OS again - have a lot of programs and would be a pain to reinstall each of them.

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Cannot Connect To Internet...

Jan 5, 2009

i have purchased a laptop and recently taken an internet connection (tata indicom). My OS is vista i am not able to connect to the internet, the same internet connections works on a laptop which has XP. The error i get is " firewall is running between the 2 computers and is blocking the domain. Windows firewall on this computer is correctly configured to allow this connection, however a remote firewall might be blocking ur connectioin"

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Cannot Connect To Internet, IE7

Mar 23, 2008

Once I open IE7 or FF it will not connect to the internet. No other apps work via internet either. I've disconnected the cable modem and rebooted and still get the same thing. Once I hit the "check for solution" on the IE screen, it says my connection is fine. I've tried this setup on my 2nd HD on the computer (XP) and it works great. Why is it my Vista 64 setup isn't working correctly. I've looked through my ipconfig/all command. I've virus checked (and safe boot w/check). I am in serious debt to whomever can help me. I've looked and looked and I haven't found anything that helps. I really do not want to format just for this one issue. Is there something in the Event Viewer I could pull up and see what's going on, or post my config?

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Does Not Connect The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I wish to replace the computer I use for valued data. To protect this data I will not connect it to the internet. From what I read, if I buy a computer running Windows Vista where Vista is pre-activated by the retailer, then Vista may still try periodically to re-validate on line. If it fails then the computer will be made unusable by nag messages or worse. In other words Vista, including Vista SP1, is not usable on a computer that does not connect to the internet. Shop assistants have told me otherwise. Please can you clarify because I can afford neither the time nor money involved in choosing the wrong operating system.

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Cannot Connect Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new computer with Vista Home Premium 32 bit. The main problem is I can't go on the internet but when I am browsing my network I can see my other computers shared folders. Every computers are connected through my Linksys wrt54g v.5 wireless router and all of them, except for my new one, can go on the internet.(I have 2 desktops, one running with win98 and the other with winXP and they are connected directly with cables on my router. Also, I have a laptop with winXP using the router wireless.)
Here are my ipconfig/all:

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Andy-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast........

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Can't Connect The Internet

Dec 23, 2008

I either cannot connect to the internet or lose my connection. I use Earthlink dial up. I have two icons on the taskbar. An eartlink icon indicating a connection and a double monitor with the globe on it.That one indicates access local and internet. The earthlink icon indicates that I have a connection but the other one indicates limited connectivity. It says I have a network connection that is not connected.There are no network connections on my PC.It seems to be pointing to Windows Media Center. I have Vista Home Premium SP1, 2 GB of RAM, AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 2.30 GHz and a 250 GB HDD. I had this problem when I first got this PC about 14 months ago. Then, for no reason I can tell it just stopped. IT seems to have started again when I installed Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite. I then uninstalled and installed basic Zone Alarm. I then uninstalled that and just used the Windows firewall. Through all this the ability to connect to the internet comes and goes. In the network and sharing center when it's not working there is a connection from the internet icon to the earthlink@username Earthlink icon but no link from there to username-PC this PC icon.

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Can't Connect To Internet

Jul 1, 2008

Not PC savvy, so words of less than one syllable Existing desktop (PC1) runs XP, and was connected to internet by cable modem, and ethernet cable networked to other desktop (PC2). Recently got a new laptop, running Vista. Was able to network this to PC1, files were transferred, and the laptop could access the internet through its network connection via PC1. PC1 was then moved to the other office, taking the place of PC2, and the laptop became the internet connected computer. Still using the ethernet cable, the laptop can see PC1 on the network, but cannot acces it.

PC1 cannot see the laptop, or connect to the internet, and says that there is limited or no connectivity on the local area connection, even after trying to use the network wizard. ipconfig shows that there is no gateway IP address. I've looked through all the previous threads, and the only thing that might help is the Network Magic, but PC1 currently can't connect to the internet.I'm sure all my firewalls are off. Have I missed something ?

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Can No Longer Connect To The Internet

May 5, 2009

Well something wierd has happened...I had a working internet connection until Saturday PM and now I cannot access the web... Strange thing is apps like Google Earth seem to access the web fine, browsers don't and neither does my Kapersky updater. I am using Vista 64 bit Home Premium (SP1). I have a wireless Linksys router that vista can see and connect to.. My laptop, PS3 can connect to the same router and access the Internet ok.

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Won't Connect Wirelessly To The Internet

Mar 26, 2009

I'm at a friends home and setting up her computer/network. I have everything running well on the XP tower but her vista laptop won't connect wirelessly to the internet. The network is asking for the code under the router. The little piece of paper on the bottom of it got scratched when we jamed it between the tower and the corner of the desk. I called verizon and gateway for her and they said they can't help and also ( as always !!!!!!!!! ) said to reformat. I know it's a security issue but come on. I had her call verizon back and they want to send her a new router and mentioned there may be a charge.

1.) how much are routers today?
2.) can they do that?
3.) does anyone have an app that can view it. I had something like it but I can't find it in my disk full of tricks.

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Consent.exe Does Connect To Internet?

Mar 9, 2009

What is consent.exe? And does it need to connect to the Internet?

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Does Not Connect To The Internet [local Only]

Mar 18, 2009

We have four computers One desktop and three notebooks. The desktop and two notebooks use XP Home Service Pack 3, the other notebook is two weeks old and has Vista Home Basic installed SP1. The desktop has a NIC and is connected to a Linksys WRT54GS wireless router connected to a Speed Stream 4100 DSL modem.

All three XP machines have no networking problems - only the Acer Aspire 5515 with Vista Home basic which has an Atheros AR5007EG wireless network adapter. The problems are 1)does not connect to the internet [local only], on powering up and 2)coming out of sleep mode or 3)drops the internet connection randomly.

I tried unchecking the QoS Packet Scheduler, the Internet Protocol Version 6, and both Link Layer Topology choices. OK, restart. Also tried CMD prompt: netsh Winsock reset. Neither of those seemed to solve the problem and the QoS Packet Scheduler, the Internet Protocol Version 6, and both Link Layer Topology check boxes are checked and back as they were.

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Unable To Connect To The Internet

May 4, 2009

I brought a laptop of mine over to my gfs today and connected it to anexisting network that her roommate has setup. I have not had any luck getting it to connect either by wireless connection, connecting to an ethernet cable to a wireless router which goes to the modem, or connection to the ethernet cable which goes directly to the modem.
I had no problems with this laptop at my place connecting to wireless or wired and both places use comcast cable for internet.

I've been searching forums all day looking for clues. I have seen a lot of talk of MAC addresses, unable to contact your DHCP server, ip renewing etc. But nothing seems to work. It defaults to a 169.254.*ip which I believe means it cannot connect to the DHCP server.

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Cannot Connect Internet Through Wireless

Jun 27, 2008

I've a new laptop with W.Vista and when I try to connect to internet through wireless an error message appear. I read that D-Link DI 514 isn't supported anymore in Vista. Its possible to fix it? To change my wireless router is my last option.

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Wireless Internet, Cannot Connect

Mar 23, 2008

I just received my HP laptop with wireless internet, yet I cannot connect to the internet. I am using a linksys wrt54g version 2 router. I already have a number of computers already connected wirelessly to this router with no issues. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong with this new computer. This is my first computer with Vista, so I'm a bit rusty with the set up.

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Can Not Connect To The Internet Via Cable..

Sep 8, 2009

i can't connect to the internet via cable! there's no lan cable icon even, i downloaded all the hardwares that are for this cause! from the hp website and installed them, but still nothing have been changed. i even re-installed it from the recovery manager and restared, but still no icon and when i plug in the cable nothing happens. i realy need ur help guys i dono whats the problem. i was using the cable before i restared and it was working good!

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Desktop Pc Cannot Connect To Internet

Dec 8, 2008

my vista desktop pc i am using a apple airport express wireless router and can connect on my laptop which is windows xp fine but cannot on my desktop far ive found out that when i do ipconfig it says media disconnected, my piv6 is limited. but the strange thing is it says im connected to the internet when i go to network and sharing center there is nothig wrong it shows my computer the router and the globe (which is telling us that its connected to the internet)....

ive tried to disable ipv6, ive tried the whole cmd command netsh int ip reset thingie all that and nothing. when i open up internet exploerer it just goes internet explorer cannot display this page etc. if i click diagnose it says there is no problems with it at alll. i have tried typing in other web adresses a;sp deleting all browsing history reseting and restoring internet explorer defaults and still nothing so.

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Internet Connect To Another Network

Jun 21, 2009

My internet has been turning off on me randomly for a good 5 seconds, and it happens daily. I figure it was my internet I set up at home, so I'd connect to another network. Same thing happens. The little internet icon, with the two computers and a picture of the world, the world would randomly disappear which causes my computer to not respond to the internet.

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Can Connect Internet Only In Mozilla And IE.

Apr 25, 2009

I have a strange problem.I can am getting internet only in Mozilla and IE.When I try to connect using other browsers I get a network error.I cant connect to the internet through other softwares like Download Managers,Media Players,etc.Any soloutions for this problem,please let me know. OS-Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Hardware-HP Pavillion tx2500

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Connect The Internet Sucks

Nov 25, 2008

Recently I have not been able to connect to the internet. I've had the computer for a little over a year and I've been able to use the internet ever since i got it untill about 2 weeks ago. It says my access is Local only and then i look at the network and sharing center, there is a red x between my network and the internet. In my apartment we have to plug the computer into the wall with a cable. Everyone else's computers in my apartment can connect, except for me. I even tried connecting into their ports and still, nothing. I've tried installing every update i could think of by downloading onto a jumpdrive from another computer then onto mine. What else can I try? has anyone else had this problem and fixed it? Can anyone point me in the right direction? not having the internet SUCKS.

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Can Not Connect Internet Not Browse

Feb 27, 2010

I have an Acer and I have been using it for months. Browsing the web, IMing, torrents and whatnot. HOWEVER, about a month ago, my internet connected BUT my broswers (Firefox and IE) would not connect to any websites I typed in nor would Windows Live work. My uTorrent works and every other laptop in the house. I am connecting wirelessly btw, but i have tried plugging it in to through the Cable. What should I do?

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