Desktop Switcher (allows To Switch Between Two Or More Desktops)

Jun 12, 2009

At first I have to say that I'm not looking for a desktop switch, which switches between two or more desktops with windows on it.

I am looking for a application which allows to switch between two or more desktops. With "desktop" i simply mean the wallpaper with the desktop icons on it.

Mine is very overcrowded and so I searched for a solution that allows to adapt my workplace to the thing I'm doing. If I'm programming i want links to all my compilers and tools, if I'm gaming I want all my games at the desktop.

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How Can Desktop Switcher

Nov 9, 2009

At first I have to say that I'm not looking for a desktop switch, which switches between two or more desktops with windows on it. I am looking for a application which allows to switch between two or more desktops. With "desktop" i simply mean the wallpaper with the desktop icons on it. Mine is very overcrowded and so I searched for a solution that allows to adapt my workplace to the thing I'm doing. If I'm programming i want links to all my compilers and tools, if I'm gaming I want all my games at the desktop.

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Multiple Desktops, Nested Array Of 'Desktop'

Mar 14, 2009

The problem is that he has many many desktop folders. Under his user folder he has a Desktop folder. Click on that and there's a folder called Desktop. Click on that and another. This goes on and on for perhaps 30+ times. Worse there is another called Desktop1, with a nested array of 'Desktop' folders below. Worse still Windows Vista won't let you delete any of these because their filenames are too long. It won't let you move their location either to condense/combine them for the same reason. I don't know when the problem started or why.

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Strange Application Switcher

Mar 3, 2009

Just discovered a bizarre application switcher from microsoft, somewhat similar to Apple's Expose.

Here's the screenshot ...

The thing came up when I clicked the mouse wheel. The mouse is Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000. Microsoft software that came with the mouse is installed. Checked the mouse buttons config, and it says that clicking the wheel brings up the Flip 3D.

But, since I use the basic vista theme with Aero disabled (like it more this way), there is no Flip 3D on my machine. When I enable the Aero, clicking the mouse wheel brings up Flip 3D.

Anyone got any idea what is this thing?

Actually i quite like it, because it is fast as hell, way faster and more useful than other third party "expose on windows" third party solutions I tried some time before.

I was wondering how to bring up this thing from my keyboard, but win+tab does nothing. As for now, only clicking the mouse wheel works.

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Windows Switcher Can't Drag Back

Nov 22, 2009

I accidently moved the Windows Switcher Icon from the Taskbar to the desktop and cant get it to drag back. Of course this renders it usless because I cant see it with other windows open. How can I get it back on the taskbar?

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Window Switcher Not Option Properties

Sep 9, 2008

Issue: the 'Winder Switcher' Location: lower left corner of the bottom tool bar In the past: you can scroll though the open windows, as they appear on your screen visually, at a nice 45º angle, and you pick the window you wish to return to. Today: This scrolling is no longer there... just a a box comes up and shows you via a 'flat screen look' what apps are open by name and box, no view of the application itself. What changed - I had Speedup my PC and their Tweaker program ( this is offered Uniblue) on my system. I removed it as it caused more grief then good. How to: Now, where can I find the 'switch' that allows for this scrolling to work as it did out of the box? It is not an option that I see in the Winder Switcher Properties section of the app.

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Two Desktops Running At Once

Jan 19, 2010

I somehow really messed things up. I have two of the exact same desktops running together. When you click on the Start button and you see the desktop name, they are listed as the exact same name, one under the other. In Windows explorer under the desktop name, the name of the second desktop appears in alphabetical order in the same directory as Documents, Downloads, Favorites, etc. The path for this second exact desktop is c:users. how to get rid of this desktop. Everytime I try to delete it, it says it is open (because of course it is a mirror copy of what I am running).

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Multiple Desktops In Ultimate X64

Jul 29, 2009

Is it possible to enable multiple desktops in Vista.? Also can I have seperate desktop backgrounds on each monitor (2 or more).? I have no problem doing this with XP.

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Press Prt Screen: Gives 2 Desktops

Aug 19, 2009

I have a prob with my desktop. When i press prt screen it always gives me 2 desktops : look: Imageshack: 67475151. Its really frustrating because i only have one monitor.

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In Start Menu, There Are Two Desktops

Apr 16, 2008

I am the only user on my Vista Home Premium system. When I click Documents in the Start Menu, there are two Desktops - one at the top of folders and one under my Username. I am trying to figure out why there are 2 Desktops.

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Multple Virtual Desktops Can Removed

Aug 1, 2008

I have suddenly obtained multiple virtual desktops. Most of my original desktop now appears in one or other of the virtual desktops. How can I remove them and get back to my original format. If I try to delete them others appear.

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Change The Theme On Both Users Desktops..

Jun 28, 2008

I am having trouble applying themes in Vista. I have two user accounts set up. I am using third party software to do it (Desktop Architect). I can use Desktop Architect just fine to apply the theme on the main user's desktop. However, when I try to use Desktop Architect to apply the theme on the other user's desktop, every thing in the theme shows up fine (icons) but the desktop background picture doesn't show up. It's just black. I found out that I can fix this by right clicking on the desktop, selecting Personalize, then Themes and then select My Current Theme and clicking on apply. After that, the picture shows up just fine. However, I want to use Desktop Architect alone to change the theme on both users desktops. I don't know why it works fine for one but not the other.

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Independent Desktops Connected 2 Monitors

Nov 27, 2008

i recently connected 2 monitors on my computer. but i play a lot of games and they are played in fullscreen mode. i also talk to some people who dont have mics on skype or aim. but when i click on the other desktop to talk to someone on aim, my game minimizes. i understand why this happens, cuz the other monitor is just an extension of my current one, but i still would like to keep my game in fullscreen mode when i click on my other desktop, any help on doing this? i also noticed when i play certain games, i cant get my mouse to the other desktop, anyway to make it go and stay on the game as well?

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Multiple Desktops, Separate Paths, Same Account

Mar 29, 2009

I've managed to create two (or more?) desktops (not just shortcut icons or copies). I don't know How, or When, so experimenting with "restore" times is kind of a moot point. One I assume is at the regular path, accessible through "my computer" on the left hand side under "folders". I can't get it's exact path because if I right-click on it and go to "properties" it opens up "Control Panel>Personalization". Opening the "desktop" via that path shows the icons/shortcuts I currently have on my "visual desktop". ("Visual Desktop = the desktop I see on my screen). If I add a new folder to my "Visual Desktop", this is where it shows up, not in any of the following locations.

Another one is accessible through my user account name after I open up "computer" under desktop (path: C:Users*username). The files shown here are various shortcuts, none of which are actually on my "visual desktop"..........

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How To Divide Screen Into Multiple Screens / Desktops?

Dec 9, 2008

using the short-cut target line in XP I could set games to run in window or at a different resolution. How do I do this in Vista? More Specifically I want to run Atlantica Online in smaller res than 1024x768 so I can leave I running in the background but still keep an eye on it while i surf the net (a small resolution like 640x480 would be ideal). I tried editing the target line with no success. Any ideas?

If the above is impossible are there any third party programs that would allow me to resize the window how I want? Or allow me to divide my screen into multiple screens/desktops?

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Improve Multi-Tasking With Virtual Desktops

Aug 27, 2008

Microsoft’s Windows Sysinternals group has released a new virtual desktop utility called Desktops.  If you have used virtual desktops on *nix or spaces on OS X you will feel right at home with Sysinternals Desktops.

For those of you that are new to virtual desktops, they are a great way to organizing your work and help you multi-task better. 

Running Sysinternals Desktops is like having 4 monitors with 4 different desktops that you can have different windows or applications open on. You can easily switch between the desktops with your mouse or shortcut keys. I like to break up my tasks on different desktops. For example, I have Outlook open on virtual desktop 1 and my web developer apps like Dreamweaver and Photoshop open on desktop 2. When I am switching between different tasks I can just switch my current desktop view instead of minimizing and maximizing windows. This allows me to quickly switch between tasks without losing my window locations and setups.

After you download Sysinternals Desktops and run it you will see a new icon in the system tray that looks like 4 blocks. If you click on the icon you will see a preview of what you have open on each desktop....

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Do I Own Windows On My Laptop 100%, Use The Vista Home Premium 32bit Key From The Laptop On One Of My Other Desktops

Nov 5, 2009

I bought an Laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. If I install a FULL version of Windows 7 on this Laptop, can I use the Vista Home Premium 32bit key from the laptop on one of my other desktops? If so, would I talk to Microsoft or the manufacturer to get a disk without all the manufacturer "Bonus" software?

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Switch 64-bit To 32-bit

Feb 4, 2009

My mother bought this computer like 3 or 4 weeks ago. Well Adobe Flash Player will not work. It says its downloaded. We had this same problem with Java but now Java is working properly. I need Adobe for alot of websites like myspace.

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Switch From 32 Bit To 64 Bit?

May 3, 2009

I just installed 4G ram and would like to use it all

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Can Switch Between 32 & 64 Bit

Dec 15, 2008

I really do not have a real need for the x64. I want to run games that do not require x64. Also can you turn off DX10 for DX10 games to improve performace - run them from a DX9 instead. All bells a whistles aside - I am gonna streamline this system and I don't need the added junk bogging my cycles down.

IMO XP Pro x32 would do it for me and if possible I will reformat the HD completly without voiding warranty. I really don't need it for what I want to do. It came pre-installed from Asus. There is not alot of support in gaming to warrant the DX10 or the x64 yet and this is not the best gaming laptop. I only spent $650 for the rig couldn't pass it up for that price.

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The Power Switch, Just FYI

Apr 1, 2008

I Kept Installing Ubuntu And Windows All The Time Every Day All Day And All Night. Just FYI. Once I Powered Off The Computer. Just FYI. I Didn't Know How To Power It Up. Just FYI. I Had To Have My Dad, Who Used To Work As A Janitor At The FBI To Help Me. Just FYI. My Dad Showed Me Where The Power Switch Is. Just FYI. Dad Said To Make Sure Not To Put A Drink In The Cup Holder In The Front Of The PC.

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DTV~2009 Switch To Dtv ?

Oct 19, 2008

I was wondering will this tv tuner still work when the dtv switch happens? Pinnacle - PCTV HD Pro Stick USB 2.0 TV Tuner - 82301002301

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E-mail: How To Switch From 1 To Another?

Jun 15, 2008

i have opened 2 e-mail identities. How do I switch from 1 to another?

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Possible To Switch Off From Crossfire To Normal?

Oct 13, 2009

i have a 4870 right now and im looking to get a second one (yeah i know 5000 series are out but w/e) i heard if u crossfire 2 cards u can only get 1 display is this true? im pretty sure it is but anyway im gettign a second monitor and i was wondering if its possible to switch off from crossfire to normal so i can game on a single one and then just watch while watchign vids on Internet on the second just like that? or would i be better off not crossfiring @ all. and if i dont corssfire what would be my fps boost?

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No Internet Connection Through A Switch

Jan 17, 2009

i just installed Windows Vista x64 and immediately ran into network problems. My Network and Sharing center said my connection was connecting/disconnecting every few seconds and I was unable to reach the internet. My network is something like this (ignore the periods, they're there because the field won't format blank spaces :P ) :

Cable modem ---> Linksys SD2005 Switch ---> Wireless router ---> Game systems ........|........ (Netgear WGT624)......|.......+--->Vista 32 Bit PC........+--->Windows XP SP2 PC.....+--->Vista x64 (mine)

I have 4 separate IPs from my ISP so I can RDP into anything not behind the router from work. The wireless is just nice for random evices. All 3 PCs have independent IPs assigned from the ISPs DNS. All systems work fine except the x64.I thought it was my on-board NIC so I went and bought a PCI NIC. It did the same thing. At this point I think I might have 2 bad NICs so i went and got a third - same thing. I read around on some forums and tweaked my duplex settings which stopped the connect/disconnect, but then I got something like this in my Network and Sharing Center:x64 ===>green===>Unidentified Network===> X ===> Internet,Changing the duplex settings around did not resolve this.Next, I followed a Microsoft fix and changed a setting in my registry that did something about disabling a packet broadcast Vista does that some devices cannot respond to. Still no go.After pulling what's left of my hair out I slept on it and plugged my x64 system into the router.

Disco! It worked. However, because of the physical locations of each system this is messy and cannot remain in place. (Aside from that I want to resolve this issue because I think it is dumb :/ )So my question is - why can't my Vista x64 system get an IP via DHCP from the ISPs DNS? Is there something I need to turn off/kill that I haven't hit yet? When it is getting it from the router it seems happy as a clam but through the switch is no-go. (gives that nasty 169.... (preferred) address). I used mostly XP before and it looks like Vista is trying to connect to some local network and self-assign its IP. How can I make it stop (without asking my ISP for a static IP, cause they prolly won't give it to me w/o mucho $$)?

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Switch Windows Icon?

Sep 17, 2009

I have vista home basic. i think i accidently deleted the switch windows icon like completely not just from my quick launch how do i restore it?!

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Switch On Computer Automatically?

Oct 6, 2009

I want to know if it's possible to create a scheduled task that switches on the computer from hibernation at a specific time, gets past the user logon screen (it appears even though I haven't set a password) and then hibernates after a certain duration.

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Emails: Switch Between Different Accounts

May 4, 2008

how do I switch between different accounts, we have my husbands and mine both at charter, but only mine comes up ty

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File Sharing Not Switch On

Mar 23, 2008

when I tell vista to turn file sharing on, shouldn't it actually listen to me? When I select 'turn file sharing on' and apply it doesn't actually seem to do anything. Also the public folder filesharing gives the message 'RPC server unavailable'. Other computers on the network cannot be seen, but the router can. I have checked the router, done all the standard reseting things, checked that file sharing and network discovery are allowed by the firewall (and even turned it off to make doubly sure), used the netsetup program, and had several people who are fairly fluent with networking all give up in frustration.

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Switch On The Bottom Cannot Back

Nov 8, 2009

My laptop inspiron 1515 (I know it starts with 15) has below it, a switch you can make "lock" in place and also has a picture of a lock next to it. I pushed it all the way and it locked in place, and I can't get it to go back where it was or unlock. Felt like breaking the thing but I thought maybe someone here would know what it's for.

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Windows Aero Cannot Switch

Jan 4, 2009

I'm having a big problem: I have Vista Home Premium. I had the ability to switch between windows by pressing the windows button + Tab, and windows thumbnails on my task bar...After using Adobe After Effects, it changed automatically to windows vista basic color scheme.I changed it back to windows aero, but I still can't switch between windows and all...

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