Change The Theme On Both Users Desktops..

Jun 28, 2008

I am having trouble applying themes in Vista. I have two user accounts set up. I am using third party software to do it (Desktop Architect). I can use Desktop Architect just fine to apply the theme on the main user's desktop. However, when I try to use Desktop Architect to apply the theme on the other user's desktop, every thing in the theme shows up fine (icons) but the desktop background picture doesn't show up. It's just black. I found out that I can fix this by right clicking on the desktop, selecting Personalize, then Themes and then select My Current Theme and clicking on apply. After that, the picture shows up just fine. However, I want to use Desktop Architect alone to change the theme on both users desktops. I don't know why it works fine for one but not the other.

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Can't Find/open Theme Window To Change Themes?

May 20, 2009

I can't find/open theme window to change themes.

When I right click, Personalize. I don't have a 'Theme' option to click on. I tried looking every where on how to get it back or to change themes another way. This is my last option to fix this. Here is a screen shot on what I am trying to explain.

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Change The Color Of The Desktop Behind The Wallpaper In The Windows Aero Theme

Apr 3, 2009

How do i change the color of the desktop behind the wallpaper in the windows aero theme? I've done it before so i know it can be done it's just that i can't remember.

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Allow To Change C:Users[xxx] Location

Apr 2, 2008

Please, add a feature, in a patch or sevice pack, to allow to change simply the location of C:Users, or C:UsersOneUser folder location. I have done many internet searches, this seems not to be possible simply. And don't tell me that I have to change each folder location (Music, Pictures, and so on). This does not fit my need.

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How Restricted Users Can Change Their IP

May 2, 2008

we are running a workgroup based network and their are two different internets are being used in the network currently all users have administrative rights so that they can easily change the IP class to shift from one internet to the other Now i want to restrict users but i still want that users change their IP by themselves

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Users Are Unable To Change Domain Password

May 1, 2008

Our network is 2003 AD with XP clients and about 120 vista enterprise machines. When you try to change your domain password on a vista box is tells you the username or password are incorrect, doing the same on XP machine is fine. We have another seperate 2003 AD network using the same Vista image, here we have no problem. Everyone group would appear to have change password permissions, like I say all on XP is fine but not Vista on this AD. We have update to SP1 on Vista, no change and Group Policy looks fine.

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Windows 7 Provides No Real Benefits: Vista / Windows 7 Are Mostly Transparent To Normal Users - Even Monster Power Users

Oct 9, 2009

I calculated that to migrate to Vista or Windows 7 will cost close to =A32000. not including my time - It will take around 100 hours. This is because many of my existing software / tools / utilities does not work on Vista and the vendors expect me to buy a new license because it is a "new product" even though it does exactly what it did before - just on a different OS. Even the products that do work have problems and glitches that have to be worked around. All this takes time MY VALUABLE time. In other words I am suffering because Microsoft want money. In the past some versions of windows were worth migrating to Windows 2000 and Windows XP were great

But most of the improvements to Vista / Windows 7 are mostly transparent to normal users - even monster power users like me. I believe Microsoft have a serious attitude problem. just wait until they take full advantage of TPM to screw even more money out of us. If I am wrong please point out a real tangible benefit that Vista or Windows 7 brings to a large percentage of users or to me. I also I can no longer buy a laptop because they only come with Vista GPU drivers (some come with buggy unsupported XP GPU drivers - great)

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Two Desktops Running At Once

Jan 19, 2010

I somehow really messed things up. I have two of the exact same desktops running together. When you click on the Start button and you see the desktop name, they are listed as the exact same name, one under the other. In Windows explorer under the desktop name, the name of the second desktop appears in alphabetical order in the same directory as Documents, Downloads, Favorites, etc. The path for this second exact desktop is c:users. how to get rid of this desktop. Everytime I try to delete it, it says it is open (because of course it is a mirror copy of what I am running).

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Multiple Desktops In Ultimate X64

Jul 29, 2009

Is it possible to enable multiple desktops in Vista.? Also can I have seperate desktop backgrounds on each monitor (2 or more).? I have no problem doing this with XP.

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Press Prt Screen: Gives 2 Desktops

Aug 19, 2009

I have a prob with my desktop. When i press prt screen it always gives me 2 desktops : look: Imageshack: 67475151. Its really frustrating because i only have one monitor.

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In Start Menu, There Are Two Desktops

Apr 16, 2008

I am the only user on my Vista Home Premium system. When I click Documents in the Start Menu, there are two Desktops - one at the top of folders and one under my Username. I am trying to figure out why there are 2 Desktops.

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Desktop Switcher (allows To Switch Between Two Or More Desktops)

Jun 12, 2009

At first I have to say that I'm not looking for a desktop switch, which switches between two or more desktops with windows on it.

I am looking for a application which allows to switch between two or more desktops. With "desktop" i simply mean the wallpaper with the desktop icons on it.

Mine is very overcrowded and so I searched for a solution that allows to adapt my workplace to the thing I'm doing. If I'm programming i want links to all my compilers and tools, if I'm gaming I want all my games at the desktop.

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Multple Virtual Desktops Can Removed

Aug 1, 2008

I have suddenly obtained multiple virtual desktops. Most of my original desktop now appears in one or other of the virtual desktops. How can I remove them and get back to my original format. If I try to delete them others appear.

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Independent Desktops Connected 2 Monitors

Nov 27, 2008

i recently connected 2 monitors on my computer. but i play a lot of games and they are played in fullscreen mode. i also talk to some people who dont have mics on skype or aim. but when i click on the other desktop to talk to someone on aim, my game minimizes. i understand why this happens, cuz the other monitor is just an extension of my current one, but i still would like to keep my game in fullscreen mode when i click on my other desktop, any help on doing this? i also noticed when i play certain games, i cant get my mouse to the other desktop, anyway to make it go and stay on the game as well?

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Multiple Desktops, Nested Array Of 'Desktop'

Mar 14, 2009

The problem is that he has many many desktop folders. Under his user folder he has a Desktop folder. Click on that and there's a folder called Desktop. Click on that and another. This goes on and on for perhaps 30+ times. Worse there is another called Desktop1, with a nested array of 'Desktop' folders below. Worse still Windows Vista won't let you delete any of these because their filenames are too long. It won't let you move their location either to condense/combine them for the same reason. I don't know when the problem started or why.

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Multiple Desktops, Separate Paths, Same Account

Mar 29, 2009

I've managed to create two (or more?) desktops (not just shortcut icons or copies). I don't know How, or When, so experimenting with "restore" times is kind of a moot point. One I assume is at the regular path, accessible through "my computer" on the left hand side under "folders". I can't get it's exact path because if I right-click on it and go to "properties" it opens up "Control Panel>Personalization". Opening the "desktop" via that path shows the icons/shortcuts I currently have on my "visual desktop". ("Visual Desktop = the desktop I see on my screen). If I add a new folder to my "Visual Desktop", this is where it shows up, not in any of the following locations.

Another one is accessible through my user account name after I open up "computer" under desktop (path: C:Users*username). The files shown here are various shortcuts, none of which are actually on my "visual desktop"..........

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How To Divide Screen Into Multiple Screens / Desktops?

Dec 9, 2008

using the short-cut target line in XP I could set games to run in window or at a different resolution. How do I do this in Vista? More Specifically I want to run Atlantica Online in smaller res than 1024x768 so I can leave I running in the background but still keep an eye on it while i surf the net (a small resolution like 640x480 would be ideal). I tried editing the target line with no success. Any ideas?

If the above is impossible are there any third party programs that would allow me to resize the window how I want? Or allow me to divide my screen into multiple screens/desktops?

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Improve Multi-Tasking With Virtual Desktops

Aug 27, 2008

Microsoft’s Windows Sysinternals group has released a new virtual desktop utility called Desktops.  If you have used virtual desktops on *nix or spaces on OS X you will feel right at home with Sysinternals Desktops.

For those of you that are new to virtual desktops, they are a great way to organizing your work and help you multi-task better. 

Running Sysinternals Desktops is like having 4 monitors with 4 different desktops that you can have different windows or applications open on. You can easily switch between the desktops with your mouse or shortcut keys. I like to break up my tasks on different desktops. For example, I have Outlook open on virtual desktop 1 and my web developer apps like Dreamweaver and Photoshop open on desktop 2. When I am switching between different tasks I can just switch my current desktop view instead of minimizing and maximizing windows. This allows me to quickly switch between tasks without losing my window locations and setups.

After you download Sysinternals Desktops and run it you will see a new icon in the system tray that looks like 4 blocks. If you click on the icon you will see a preview of what you have open on each desktop....

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Aero Theme?

Oct 1, 2009

everyone knows vista should have the aero theme, right? i don't. maybe it is the home basic os? i also saw on the taskbar properties that it says "show windows preview" and i have this box checked ...

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Theme Is Missing

Mar 23, 2008

I have wista home premium and my theme is stuck in classic with no option for swithching back to vista

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Theme Something Orange Like It Does Anybody

Jan 11, 2008

I am looking for this vista theme or something orange like it does anybody know where I can find it?

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Basic Theme Not Available

Apr 21, 2008

Using my computer as normal, surfing, gaming, music etc. Then yesterday when booting up i noticed the desktop theme had changed to windows classic, not liking this i went into personalize and tried to change it back. However it no longer exists on the list. I have already used system restor to take me back one week and still no joy.

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After Installing A Theme

Oct 12, 2009

I have the same problem as the guy in similiar topic. Quote: Originally Posted by stew2 expand -r E:i386wscui.cp_ C:WindowsSystem32 I've tried doing this,

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Windows Theme Deleted!

Sep 26, 2009

i thought to get the aero theme to my windows vista. So i search in google how to get windows aero. I found a way to have by installing a free program called VistaGlazz 1.3 (Available in So I downloaded the program, follow the instructions and installed
windows aero. First it was good but then i thought how to make it look more transparent. So i tried to download a custom theme of vista aero by someone else. I dont know how i screw it but the thing is that i put the theme file in C:WINDOWSResourcesThemes. I saw the old file of vistaglazz so i tried to delete it. But when i deleted it my computer got corrupted and the all the thing got in black. saw that my desktop was all in black. I coudnt even see the letters. So luckly i change my windows into the classic version. When i go to C:WINDOWSResourcesThemes i saw that my Windows Vista theme file had dissapear. Even in customization and apperreances there was no windows vista. So now iam using a aero without windows vista original theme file. I dont know how happened but I think that in a way my windows vista theme file got mixxed with vistaglazz aero file. So it got deleted.

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Standard Theme Missing

Feb 7, 2009

I installed Vista SP1 Ultimate. By default the aero theme is activated. I would like to switch to the Vista standard theme, but it seems this theme is not present. In control panel / Appearance and Personalization / Personalization / Theme, there are only two themes listed: Windows vista (aero) and Windows Classic. Is there a way to install the Vista standard theme? It should be present in Vista Ultimate.

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Customize Basic Theme

Jan 25, 2007

On my notebook, my main machine, I can't run Aero, but would like to change the colour of the Vista Basic theme. Does anybody know if there's a registry entry or something like that that would allow me to change it?

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Get Accellerated Classic Theme?

Jun 22, 2008

I would like to run Vista in the Classic theme, but its horribly glitchy and slow since they removed GDI 2D acceleration from WDDM. Is it possible to hack GDI acceleration back in? What I really like is the Classic theme with Aero effects (zooming windows, vsynced,etc.)

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Aero Theme Disabled

Mar 5, 2009

I can't seem to turn on Aero in the display properties menu at all.

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Theme Icons Missing

Dec 6, 2008

So a while ago, I installed a theme. It was some Alienware theme, some friend had recommended it. After a few days, I got bored of it and reverted my theme back to the default Windows Vista thingie. It was later I discovered it hadn't fully gone back to normal. Some folders icons were displayed as the Alienware ones. Not all, but only some. And they were all in the same area, my Documents folder, strangely. Anyways, I left it at that and since then it has really been bothering me and I've decided to get rid of it. One thing I did was go to the folder properties, go to that customize section, and set the icon to default. This worked for some folders, to my joy but it didn't work on some.

Another thing I discovered is the folders are only displayed like that on my particular user account, not on another one. I have tried deleting the icon cache or something like that, and I've used some program called Winbubble or something but nothing's been working. Any possible fixes or theories or whatever are welcome. A system restore isn't possible, as this, as mentioned, was a while ago.

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Taskbar, Theme And Previews

Oct 30, 2009

I recently have updated programs and have been cleaning my registry with RegistryEasy. Suddenly the taskbar changed and the theme isn't vista-like anymore. I have attached a picture of the bits........

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Theme Vista How Can To Saved

May 16, 2009

I'm going to do a science fair project and I thought I would to something to do with computers.I was thinking of making a theme for vista that people who aren't tech savy ,so they can easily tell what is what.Does anyone know how to go about this? I would like it as a msstyles theme rather than Window Blinds. Or else does anyone have any annoying problems with there computer that I could make a solution for?

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