Cant Change Color Of Desktop Symbol Font

Jun 4, 2008

i cannot change my desktop symbols font color?

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Cannot Change Font Color

Feb 16, 2010

i don't know what happened but whenever i try to rename or make a folder in my c: the font color of name is blue. but in all other drives or user folder there is no can i change it?

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How Add Color And Change Font Size In Signature?

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to change the color of the signature in Windows Mail (Vista)? Also, how do I change the font size of the signature? My regular font size for mail is 10pt, but the signature comes out at 12pt.

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How To Change Font Size And Color Outgoing E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Mail thru Vista and have tried to change my font size and color on outgoing e-mails to somthing different than the default but everytime I go in to compose an e-mail it keeps going to the default font size and color. I went to TOOLS - OPTIONS - SEND and COMPOSE and have changed them there but that doesn't seem to work.

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Black Screen And Change Desktop Color

May 5, 2008

how the broken system acts. When I turn the computer on (it's an HP pavillion DV2000 laptop) it first shows the black screen with the little bar that says MICROSOFT CORPORATION near the bottom of the screen. Then it transitions to the Vista screen that says WELCOME , then the message changes to PREPARING YOUR DESKTOP. These phases take about as long as usual, and the hard drive LED shows a lot of hard drive activity. Finally the Vista logon screen is displayed. I type in my password and the screen changes to my usual desktop color but there is nothing displayed except the mouse pointer.

There is nothing to click, nothing to do. Ctrl+Alt+Del gives the usual menu for LOGOFF, Task Manager, etc. Task Manager shows about 20 processes and the CPU is 96% idle. It shows many services - some of them stopped. Starting in SAFE mode ends up in the same situation. I can't start from a Vista CD because I never got one with this machine - I have only the recovery partition for reloading the original software. So I can't get to recovery console...............

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Change The Color Of The Desktop Behind The Wallpaper In The Windows Aero Theme

Apr 3, 2009

How do i change the color of the desktop behind the wallpaper in the windows aero theme? I've done it before so i know it can be done it's just that i can't remember.

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Windows Explorer Font Color

Jun 12, 2008

I created a new volume fron unallocated space. The volume seems to work fine. However in windows explorer the font is blue, not black. For all other volumes the font is black. Is this a problem? Why is the font blue? how can i chabge it to black?

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Changing The Color And Font Of Text In New Letters

Mar 23, 2008

I'm used to have Comic Sans while composing an email and Courier New when writing to a newsgroup. I've choosen these settings in Tools->Options->Send but they seem not to affect what's happening. What can i've done wrong? A guess is that there's an overriding setting putting everything to the same font. The settings for reading are working, though.

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Sidebar Background Color Want To Change

Apr 4, 2008

A neighbor is trying to change his side bar background to Transparent.

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The Color Of The Text Do Not Change (black)

Feb 19, 2009

In the past I can change the color of the fonts (red, blue..) with the color icon on the right of the fonts. (fat, italic, underline). Suddenly, now when I select a color, the color of the text do not change (black). I have verify the parameter, normaly they are good. For the text it's in HTLM.

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How To Change Telnet Client Color

Jun 10, 2008

I want know how to change the color of telnet client program. I tried to change the color by using the command . But the color f0 command change only the cmd windows, that is dos prompt window. By the command , the colsole color changed. But when I connected telnet server in the colsole, the color of it did not change. I tried another method to change telnet color, for example, , but only to fail. Is there anyone who knows how to change telnet client color when connected telnet server which supports IAC or ANSI. If there's any, let me know it. Anything is welcomed. If you use registry or by command argements, it will be helpful for me.

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In Windows Mail Can't Change The Fonts Color

Jan 7, 2010

In windows mail suddenly I can't change the fonts color. It's always black. Also when I received a message where some word are in red or other color. Have a solution?

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Turn Off Transparency And Change Color Of Just The Taskbar

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate with "Aero" and I'd like to turn off the transparency of the taskbar and perhaps also change its color (currently two shades of gray) without disabling "Aero" and without changing the transparency or color effects of other windows. Is this possible? Are there options within Windows or free 3rd party apps that can do this? I've seen this question posed before but with no satisfactory answer.

I notice that maximizing a window makes the taskbar appear opaque, but then I can't see the desktop. I'd like the taskbar to be opaque all the time. I also notice that using a background that's black at the bottom can make the taskbar appear opaque, but that prevents you from having fun with different backgrounds.

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Default Font In - How Do Change It?

May 25, 2009

I suspect there maybe a simple answer to this, but for the life of me I can't find how to do this. My default font was changed about 2 weeks ago (long story as to how and why) to something that looks like GEORGIA or LUCIDA or something similar, and was forgotten to be changed back. So every webpage I open, every menu option, is all in this new font which I dislike.

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Change Font Size Permanently

Sep 15, 2009

Is there anyway to permanently change the font size to a larger print in Windows Vista. I have tried suggestions from IE going to options and then "general", but there is no place to change the size of the font.... One of the reasons I don't use the new e-mail set up is because the print is too small and everything is bunched together. They weren't thinking of senior citizens when they designed that!

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Change Font For Printing Email

Mar 23, 2008

When I print a received email (Vista Windows Mail), the print is so large, it prints 3 pages for something that should be on 1 page. I have tried changing settings through HP printer, Internet Explorer and Windows Mail.

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Change Font Permanently In Word Pad?

Jul 30, 2008

how I can permanently change the default font in Word Pad?

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How To Change The Taskbar Font On Windows?

Mar 13, 2010

I am a bit of a newbie so a step-by-step guide

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Increasing Font Size Not Change

Mar 17, 2009

Last week I purchased my 1st laptop and thus entered the world of Vista after running Win XP home since it 1st came out. I'm a senior at 62, and my eyesight isn't the best anymore. I tried 1024x600 for larger font size but didn't like how graphics and Icons looked, so I went back to the default of 1288x600. My problem is the the font size including emails is just too small, so I'm forced to continually use Control + to increase it. Is there a way to change the font size so I don't have to do this. I'm running Firefox 3.07 and the latest version of Thunderbird. My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L305D-S5934

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Changing Background, Image Plain Color The Sidebar Does Not Change

Mar 12, 2006

1) When changing the background from an image to just a plain color the sidebar does not change, it is still looking as if there is a background image behind it. It will only adapt to the change if you flip it from left to right, and back to left again. Same thing goes for taskbar/start menu bar on the bottom.

2) Sometime I get random re-boots when resuming from standbye or just for the hell of it sometimes.

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Change Color Of Glass With Regedit (with Decimal To Hex ARGB Converter)

Dec 12, 2006

Would you like to use the registry to set the color of aero glass on your PC? The registry setting requires an ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) hex string for this setting. This is not very easy to create on your own so I wrote a simple decimal to hex converter below that will automatically convert the values and generate the setting value for you. Follow these steps to get started:

Open Registry Editor and navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows and DWM...

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Windows Mail: Font Change Possible In Stationery?

Feb 6, 2009

If you use stationery in Win Mail it seems to use Aerial whatever font you may have selected for Mail.

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Boots Windows Font Size Change

Jul 29, 2009

I finally found a fix for the above problem and you two surely deserve to know what it is. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Settings > I modified Always Use My Font Size from (1) to (0). Initially, I was doing my searching using the entire computer and it literally took hours. Since I knew that searching KEY_CURRENT_USERS was a waste of time (you had already suggested deleting Windows Mail), I only searched for key words using LOCAL MACHINE. This allowed me to shorten search times to a reasonalbe amount.

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E-mail Fonts: Can Change Default Font

Aug 2, 2008

when you write a new message in Windows Mail - by default it starts with Arial fonts. Can you change this default to your own particular liking and save it, so when you start a new message,it starts with your choice automatically?

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Desktop Icon Text Appears In Blue Color

Mar 10, 2009

A friend is having a problem with the text (Name) of his desktop icons. Text should be white on the blue background but the text appears to have some blue color in it which makes it appear blurred. When he has black text on a white background it appears to have some white in it. It looks like the background color is bleeding into the text color.

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Websites Dont Work Right, Change My Font Size

Aug 24, 2009

There are websites that i visit that dont work right and i dont know if it is Vista or just my computer. I just got this computer, it is brand new. My old computer had XP. There is a site called When i comment in the forums, it wont let me change my font size, color or anything. I could do all of that on XP. And when i go to game websites like, the game will load, but it wont show up. Is this Vista doing this, and if so how can i fix it??

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Find The Font Folder, So That I Can Copy A Font Onto A Disk

Feb 23, 2009

I am trying to find the font folder, so that I can copy a font onto a disk to put onto my laptop. In other versions of Windows its C:windowsfonts, which it appears to be in Vista, but once in C:Windows I cannot find the fonts folder. If I go through the control panel to the fonts folder it will not let me copy the front from there. It will let me right click the font to copy, but not let me paste onto a memory stick. I have already got into Folder options and made sure that Hidden files are visible.

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Desktop Still Black And Can't Change

Apr 20, 2008

I recently shutdown and restarted my laptop, and my desktop came up black, and I can't get it to change back to my regular desktop. Here's what I've done:

1-Searched and searched for an answer
2-Right clicked to Personalize/desktop background/blah change
3-Downloaded Wallpaper_enable.reg and ran as admin etc, no change
4-Oh yeah, scanned with AVG, Malwarebyte's thing...nothing shows
5-Ran autoruns to see if I could spot anything...didn't change anything
6-Ran hijackthis...still looking at it
7-Here I am

My thought is that I had removed spyware but didn't restart? ( I might have been tired)...I was so used to just hibernating my system...when I shutdown & restarted yesterday, a reg file was changed, and my desktop went to crapland. i know it's just cosmetic (I hope) but I guess I'm funny that way.

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Can Change Setting Of Desktop

Jun 24, 2008

can i change a setting on both my desktop (Ultimate) and laptop (Premium) so that either can "wake" the other? I know i can set the network card to "wake on LAN", but i tried that and i believe the machine (desktop) never went to sleep because the card was always active since i'm on a cable modem that's always on (memory is a little fuzzy on that, its been a while). Basically, i want to be able to access and wake either machine that may be "sleeping" without physically going to that location to wiggle the mouse, as it were.

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Change Desktop Icons?

Oct 3, 2009

In XP and earlier, you could select how the titles for your desktop icons looked. The titles, by this I mean words directly below the icons, all have shading. This used to be only an option. Now it "seems" to be the only possible option. I would really like to change this, I never liked this look.

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Cannot Change Desktop Background

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to change my desktop background it comes up with a message that says, program disabled contact you system administrator. I know I did not disable this option myself and no one else uses my computer. How do I get the option to work again?

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