Turn Premissions Off Change Folder Name

Apr 7, 2008

As far as I can tell I have managed to turn 'Permissions' off, but nevertheless I am told I need permission when I try to change a folder name. How can I do something about this?

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Turn Off Transparency And Change Color Of Just The Taskbar

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate with "Aero" and I'd like to turn off the transparency of the taskbar and perhaps also change its color (currently two shades of gray) without disabling "Aero" and without changing the transparency or color effects of other windows. Is this possible? Are there options within Windows or free 3rd party apps that can do this? I've seen this question posed before but with no satisfactory answer.

I notice that maximizing a window makes the taskbar appear opaque, but then I can't see the desktop. I'd like the taskbar to be opaque all the time. I also notice that using a background that's black at the bottom can make the taskbar appear opaque, but that prevents you from having fun with different backgrounds.

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Turn OFF Win Firewall, No Folder (hidden Included)

May 30, 2008

Am trying to turn OFF Win firewall, yet it's nowhere to be found. (Yes, it is on and running) except for a shortcut link which also does not show up (C:ProgramDataMicrosofWindowsStartMenuPrograms). No folder (hidden included) exists for it anywhere and it has no icon in the control panel either.

Any link found with: "Open Windows Firewall", meets with stoic non-compliance. After some digging I came up with the following error message: " MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly. Name: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security CLSID: FX:{b0556ac-fe9c-4368-be02-7a4cbb7cbe11} "

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Cannot Change Name Of Folder

Jan 6, 2010

I have Windows Vista Ultimate. Quite often I try to change or update the names of a folder, and Vista would not let me allow, and I get dialog boxes telling me that I cannot have access, or do not have persmission, etc, and I get these denials even after I closed all the other files. It gets annoying that I get the "NO" after I already typed the new names. I am the only person who have access to this home PC. How can I change this so the computer will let me change names anytime I want to?

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Change Folder Attribute

Nov 25, 2009

I can't "see" C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsCookies unless I uncheck 'Hide protected operating system files' in folder options. Why would Vista consider the contents of this folder operating system files? How do I change the Hidden attribute for for this folder?

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Change The Store Folder For WLM

Jan 23, 2009

I would like to change the "store folder" for my windows live mail to another computer on my local network. However as soon as I cross into the LAN, the "ok" button to select a folder is grayed out. My goal is to have my XP desktop store my email and calendar items, and then access, view and update from my Vista laptop.

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Change Folder View Templates

Feb 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me if I can change the templates used to display folders in Vista.

I've searched the forums and discovered plenty of tutorials about the problem of Vista remembering the template used and how to change which template is used.

But that is not what I want. I actually want to change the template itself (In an ideal world I'd like to create new templates), but at the minimum I'd like to change what the existing templates show.

For example, I have a number of Sound FX files and for those, I'd like the template to show the length of the clip. Similarly, I do not use Ratings, and have no use for them or Genres or track numbers, but I would like file size. For Images, I again never use Ratings, or tags (I use Adobe Lightroom to catalog my images as I have thousands) but I would like to see file type and modification date!

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User Folder Shortcut Name Change

Jan 4, 2008

I accidentally changed my user folder shortcut name in Windows Explorer under Desktop.

It was changed when I tried to save a file to the desktop and accidentally create new folder while highlight the user folder shortcut. It might be a bug in the system, since I can’t duplicate the change again.

I have tried to rename it but nothing happens.

I deleted it but it came back after refresh (F5).

There is no property available since this is a special folder or shortcut like network shortcut in Windows Explorer.

I briefly went through the registry and search for ‘shell’ related value but find none to resolve the issue. Did the search on Google and this forum, I have found nothing related to this problem. Maybe I use the wrong word for the search. Does anybody know how to reverse the change or edit in the registry?

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Change The Folder To Which Files Are Down Loaded To In Vista

May 8, 2010

How can I change the folder to which files are down loaded to in Vista?

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How Do I Change The Icon For A Specific Folder Or Drive?

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to set some key folders to have icons that identify what is inside. So my Windows install folder would show a folder with the Windows logo in front. (I have the ICO for that.) But how do you do that? I found a folder that has such a specific icon, but I wasn't successful getting it to work. My example used an icon inside an EXE. My icon is a stand-alone ICO.

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How To Change Temporary Folder When Burning CD/DVDs

Jan 25, 2009

How much hard disk space do I need to burn a disc?

If you're using the Live File System format, you don't need to allocate any additional space to burn your disc, since each file is written to the disc as you go.

If you are creating a Mastered disc, however, Windows needs to create a complete "image" of the disc before it is burned. This disc image can be as large as the maximum capacity of the disc you are creating—you might need 650 megabytes (MB) on your hard disk to create a CD-R, or 4.7 gigabytes (GB) to create a DVD-R.

Can I choose where the disc image is stored?

Yes, if you have more than one hard disk installed in your computer, you can specify which disk is used to create your disc image. Here's how:

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.

2. Right-click the drive that is your disc burner, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Recording tab, and then click your desired drive from the drive menu. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

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How Do Change The Folder Path Of A Downloaded File

May 25, 2009

i use firefox and i installed this add-on called easy Internet video downloader 1.1 . it works fine, but the file i downloaded (mp4) went to my appdata folder. i want to change the folder path to something that is easier to access. so how do i change the folder path for those particular files i downloaded off Internet?

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Interface Change No Longer Folder Vista

Jul 29, 2009

I use Windows mail for past few weeks. Suddenly the interface has changed. I can no longer (on the left side) see the list of folders (inbox, outbox, sent, etc). How to get it back? Vista.

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Save Vidw Specific Folder Won't Change

Apr 5, 2010

I was wondering if there was any way to save the view type of each folder. Example: I have my music folder in list view as its easy to scroll down through to choose, but I like my picture folder in the large icon view so I can see each picture better. The problem is that it seems to change the view of all the folders when I change one, and sometimes I open a folder and get a completely random view type that I never use, like extra large. I there a way to save a view to a specific folder so it wont change?

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Icon And Folder Change Error Message

Sep 14, 2009

I have recently logged on to my computer to find that all of the shortcut Icons that overlap the program icons have changed, and also that all my folder icons have also changed as well as in the start menu. See attachments for images. To try and fix the Shortcut Icons i have installed FxVisor32 for 32-bit Vista. I tried to change all the icons back but recieved the following error message. which stopped me from changing it. Note i am running 32bit Vista home premium.Code:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at VistaArrowGone.Form1.btApply_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)............................

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How Change Default Destination Folder For Saving Files?

Apr 9, 2008

In particular, when saving an email attachement, in this case a word file, the default location is the Documents folder. How could I change this in Vista so that whenever I do a Save As, it points to my, lets say, Temp folder instead?

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Change Default Destination Folder For Extracted .zip Files.

Sep 8, 2009

I download several .zip files a day, and when I extract them, the default destination folder is Documents. Is there any way to change the default to another folder? I am using Vista Home Edition.

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Windows Mail Store Folder Change To Other Drive

Jan 27, 2010

I wish to store my emails on a secure virtual drive I have created on my laptop. When I attempt this in Tools/Options/Maintainance/Store Location the window will only allow me to store the files on my main disk drives (C & D) how can I bypass this and store them to a secure drive?

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How Can I Turn On My Computer: Possibly Software Controlled To Turn It Back On?

Feb 6, 2009

I have my Vista laptop (HP) hooked up to an external monitor, I have been using the sleep mode at night. The laptop is closed and on a shelf that is very hard to get to. I would like to shut it off at night. I can shut it off with the keyboard. Is there any way possibly software controlled to turn it back on? To reach the power button on the laptop you must first raise the lid which there is not room to do

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Ultimate X64: Turn Off Display, Will Not Turn Back On

Nov 2, 2007

Running Windows Vista Ultimate. Display turns off after about fifteen minutes regardless of whether I am actively using the computer or not. The only way to turn the display back on is to close and then open the lid. This disconnets me from AOL, so I have to sign back on again, and if I was emailing, I might lose my current email. Under Power Options, I have 'Turn off the display' set to Never for both On Battery and Plugged in. Under 'Put the computer to sleep' I have both On battery and Plugged in set to never. Nonetheless, the display still shuts off while I am working. What do I need to do to prevent the display from turning off at odd intervals?

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Turn Off Went To Start Turn Off Computer

Aug 27, 2009

I am embarrassed to ask it. Previously I had WindowsXP on my laptop - to turn it off you went to Start, Turn Off Computer. This laptop is using Vista, and I cannot find anything comparable. Last night I turned it off using the off-on button, so got the Windows did not shut off properly message when I turned it on; and I have a "thing" about leaving my computer on overnight. Also, is there a way of hiding all the command bars to "hide" like you can with the taskbar on the bottom?

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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Turn On Computer When Turn Off

Dec 29, 2008

Would over clocking it when your turn on the computer and then before you turn off your computer you put it back to factory settings screw it up???? or what The reason i ask is because when i turn off my computer it gives me the BSOD then the card goes back to factory settings but i can play the OC version of the card

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Folder Views: Set Up The Folder Options To Display The Number Of Subfolders Or Items When Its Selected

Jun 2, 2008

how to set up the folder options to display the number of subfolders or items when its selected. It used to display in the bottom of the folder window but got disabled. Any folder clicked on would display in a small footer the number of items stored in in and size.

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Copy Folder From Memory Stick To External HD

Feb 6, 2009

When trying to copy a folder from a memory stick to my external HD it says Destination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action. No doubt its something similar to my last post, but I can't seem to get around it. Any info would be great. TIA BTW I have 2 memory sticks and only one came up with this.

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Rename Folder'S Name Message Displays THE FILE OR FOLDER DOESNT EXIST

May 21, 2008

i am trying to rename folder'S name message displays THE FILE OR FOLDER DOESNT EXIST.i tryed to run downloaded registry fixer to fix this problem,but its opens in notped with lots of simbols.i have windows vista 32 bit.i think it occured after installed updates

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Program Files Folder Switched To Pictures Folder Type...

Apr 15, 2008

I don't know how this happened, but I didn't do it myself. For some reason,my Program Files directory has been changed to the Photos directory type, so it changed from the details like file type, size, etc., to rating, photo size, etc.I cannot figure out how to change the directory back to a General file folder type. The toolbar shows things like Slide Show, etc.The sub-directories are all fine and appear as a General type. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32-bit, without SP1.How do I change the folder type back to General?I can't figure out how with this single folder.

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Folder/file Rename

Nov 10, 2008

On external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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Folder Odd Behaviour; Junction / Hardlink, Rename Folder?

Jul 22, 2009

I have C & D drives, I use D for mundane filesdownloads and portable apps. However, I have a few folders that's are different from any I've seen. I don't know how to explain it other than using a detailed example.

I have D:Folder1
I can rename Folder1 to whatever I want.
E.g it will appear as D:NewFolder
However the dir location of it still points to D:Folder1

I have also scanned the registry for D:Folder1 and D:NewFolder there are no references of it. I've reformatted the C: drive multiple times and reinstalled windows. So I know it's nothing to this specific windows installation (the folders have been like this for about a year) It's not really a problem, I love it because I can rename the folder without messing up links etc. At first I thought it might be a junction, however in cmd it still shows as <Dir> not <Junction> I also checked for hidden folders on the drive. I found nothing.

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Public Folder Appears Automatically In Private Folder

Jun 17, 2008

When I put e.g. documents in my publick folder, do they appear automatically in the private folder too? Do I really need 2 folders to see all my docs in vista?

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