Windows Media Player Sound With Black Video Window
Jun 4, 2005
when I try to play a movie preview with either media player 9 or 10, I get good audio but a black video window. the media seems to be mpeg-4 video v3 if that helps any. I'm sure it's operator error of some
sort on my end!
Downloaded SP2 for Windows XP Home and immediately lost all video (not audio) in both Real Player and Windows Media Player. Removed each of these and reloaded "fresh" version - same problem. Then removed SP2 and presto - video returns.
im having trouble with media player. i have vs. 9 atm. ive tried to install upgrades and i get an error. when i insert a DVD i get this message *windows media player is currently unavailable to play dvd video.Try decreasing the number of colors displayed on your monitor or decreasing your screen resolution. For additional solutions click more info.* tried all that and i get same message..
Having recently had someone else using my computer for a while, installing various software (like winamp and SubEdit player) it seems windows media player (that's what I use) no longer recognises the usual files as media files like .mp3 .wmv .m3u .avi etc etc so when I click open file and select "media files (all types)" in the file type box it shows nothing, so I have to change it to all files which is irritating. Media player still plays everything fine but this is pretty annoying.
My Windows Media player 10 is trying to play some video clips as songs rather than video clips. This has only recently happened. Do I need to purchase some decoder to fix it or is there a down oad for it?
I would like to capture music from a DVD I own. Ideally, I would like to import it to an ITune but mp3 would work. Can this be done with Windows Media Player 10?
In the past I have had no problem playing video files on my Windows Media player 10. Now, all of a sudden I cannot see the video but I can hear the sound. This is also the case with the two other players I use - Real and VLC. Having discovered the problem, I have downloaded some codecs from in case the codecs are corrupt but it makes no difference.
I am running windows XPSP3 with windows media player 11. For some reason I cannot play wmv or avi files. I get the audio but no video. This is true for any media player that I have tried. I have re installed both the media player and windows to no avail. I have checked the codecs and seem to have the most common ones (see below) I ran GSpot on one of the files and it said that I had the proper codec, yet it still won't play. I am sure it is a setting problem of some sort , but don't know where. Can you give me any help?
i have an image (bmp, jpg) size 800X600 its RGB color is 16,0,16. If I play a video in windows media player and then open the image with windows picture viewer, the image becomes transparent and the video can be seen. this always happens for the first video. If I have many videos lined up to run in a sequence, on some computers the transparency remains through out the duration of all the video, while on some machines every alternate video can be seen. An idea why the same happens. I need the video to be seen always with the image over it as a small part of the image contains a logo in white color.
Whenever I attempt to use Windows Media Player 10, I can see a picture but can't hear any sound. My speakers are still working as I've checked various sites and viewed clips and could hear sound with no problem. I am using Windows XP. How can I fix this?
My windows media player will play all of my files just fine. But when i insert a dvd it will play but it has no sound. I have checked all the obvious things like my volume control and my volumes nothing is muted i dont know why it wont play sound. I have also tried different dvd's.
I was looking at some video clips from Solid Works Website and lost the server So that I couldn't finish what I was doing. I wanted my son to see these clips and I was wondering if I have them and am able to access them on my computer without having to go back to Solid Works Website.
each time i try and error message appears: "gdiplus.dll is missing".what can i do to fix the problem? iv already tried downloading the software from the microsoft website but the same message came up.iv also searched my pc for the gdipus.dll file and loads come up!
When I play a DVD or MP3 with Windows Media Player 11 (WinXPproSP2) the movie plays but there is no sound. There is audio if I use WinDVD or Real Player so it is not a hardware problem.
Before update, was able to play wmv and mpg file with sound. Now with update, can play mp3 files with sound, but not wmv or mpg. Can some kind person help me? Bob C.
WMP 10 will not play completely through an mpg file without hanging every few seconds.It seems like it is having a buffering problem but these short 3 minute mpgs have never caused a problem before. I tried downloading WMP10 again nothing changed.Is there a buffer setting that might have changed? I have 2G RAM and these files are little. I'm completely up to date on all MS updates.
I cannot play DVDs or DVD files in WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER 10. It worked fine before, now nothing. When I go to try and play a DVD or file, I get the following message:Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. Open Display in Control Panel, and then lower your screen resolution and color quality settings. To view the DVD Troubleshooter, click More Information.
i have read all of the faq's and trouble shooting guides as to why windows media player 10 cannot play .avi files on my computer. i have no idea what kind of video card i have so i dont know if i can get the drivers for it.the playback is green and choppy but i can hear the audio, it does not do this with all movie files i beleive it is only .avi's.
Can anyone tell me how to configure windows media player 10 to work from behind the windows firewall which was installed when i updated to windows service pack2? I am using windows xp and explorer6.0 with verizon dsl 3.0 internet connection.
i tried to install media player but it said i needed the update rollup 2 so i tried to install that but it failed and no updates are working they all fail. Someone told me to uninstall some updates and reinstall them but i cant find them. any ideas?
It seems like right about the same time I installed SP2 I cant get any video on my media players. I have tried ACE MEGA CODECS and SLD CODEC PAK neither to any avial. I surffed the web looking for a answer seems like I am not the only one with the problem but no one has a answer for me. I tried installing FFDShow as someone recomended but still no luck.
I use Windows Media Player 10 as my primary media player. But I like to keep Real Player and QuickTime quietly waiting in the wings and call upon them occasionally. Well, I got the latest version of the Real player and clipped its wings so it wouldn't take over every audio and video file i have. Then downloaded the latest QuickTime player (after uninstalling the old one.) Every time an attempt is made to install the QuickTime player after 11 or so seconds into the process it stops and gives me this little message: "1607: Unable to install Installshield Scripting Runtime."
I had a TV/ FM card installed. I got it to work. I tested the dvd/cd player with a music cd. Windows Media Player10 ran through its setup but no music. I lost sound to the tv/fm radio. I looked in device manager but didn't see any yellow marks.
Whenever I try running Windows Media Player 10, it takes up about 98% of my cpu usage. Making it slow to play songs whenever I try clicking on a new song it takes like 45 secs just to change it. I use Anti/Vir, Ad-Aware SE Personal, Spybot S%D 1.3, and MRU
I keep having a glitch in windows media player, where the texture seems to be incorrect or somthing... I have no idea what is causing it or what started it in the first place...anyone have any ideas on a way to fix it?...I've tried reinstalling windows media player 10...but it doesn't fix it
I have synced my mp3 upto windows media player as the software that came with my mp3 dosen't work that well.The problem i have with the windows player is that it won't allow me to drag items across so that i can get the songs on to the player.