Vpn Connection: Error 789 Immediately

Mar 20, 2005

the vpn connection was set up on my notebook by our systems administrator, and is supposed to work - but
it doesn't. i've got windows xp sp2 and i connect to the internet via
adsl. when i start the vpn connection i immediately get error 789
(L2TP) - without any data being transferred over the adsl connection.
I've searched for a solution to this problem some time now - and there
seem to be some topics about IPsec and NAT-T
(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B818043) -
but it didn't work for me.

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Error Disabling Connection / Not Possible To Disable Connection

Aug 18, 2006

I go into network connections, then I try to disable my lan connection and enable my wireless and bamm."Error Disabling Connection- It is not possible to disable the connection at this time. This connection may have one or more protocals that do not support Plug-and-Play".

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Error Message - Error 623 The System Could Not Find The Phone Book Entry For This Connection?

Apr 14, 2005

a message keeps popping up saying the following: Cannot load dialog. Error 623: The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection. All I can do is click the close button and it goes away and nothing else seems to happen, but it pops up again in a few minutes.

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Error - No Connection To The Internet Is Currently Available

May 28, 2007

I have no problem connecting to the internet however I constantly get this message while surfing the net. No Connection to the internet is currently available. To view internet content that has been saved on your computer, click work offline. click try again to connect or WORK OFFLINE try agian. My internet connection is fine.

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Error No Connection To The Internet

Oct 15, 2008

About 3 or 4 minutes after switching on my computer, this message pops up. "No connection to the internet is currently available. To view internet content that has been saved on your computer, click work offline. Click try again to connect." This message gets repeated every half an hour or so. Though I had an internet connection when I bought the system P4, 2.8 GHz Windows XP SP2 four years ago, CURRENTLY I HAVE NO INTERNET CONNECTION FOR THE PAST ONE YEAR. I started getting this problem around 3 months back which I had ignored until a friend pointed out the nuisance it was causing. Searched around in the forums. But the suggestion all applied to those who had active internet connections which I do not have at present.

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Timeout Error On Connection

Aug 20, 2005

For the past 2-3 weeks, I have had a problem where at random intervals (anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours so far), I am no longer able to connect to the Internet. I use Firefox 1.0.6, and eventually my Internet connection just dies. My roommates (all connected to the same Linksys Router) do not lose their connection. If I try to access a webpage, I will get a Timeout error. I can't check email, connect with an instant message program, or web browse (tried loading IE after it happens, no success with that browser either). I have tried shutting down Spyware Doctor 3.2, and Eset Nod32 Antivirus to see if they might be causing the problem, but I have not had success with that either. My connection will stay down until I reboot my computer. After rebooting, I can connect without trouble until the problem shows up again. I have fully updated Spyware Doctor 3.2, and Eset Nod32 Antivirus and run complete scans, but nothing is showing up. It is rather annoying, as I usually have at least 6 browser windows open at a time, and I hate to lose all of them by rebooting. The only thing I can think of is it seems to be about the same time I updated from Firefox 1.0.5 to 1.0.6

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Cannot Connect To I'net / Error : Create A New Connection

Aug 15, 2009

I have bought a laptop that has windows pro 2000 installed and want to connect to i'net via my wireless router on my main comp.the laptop shows that wireless is working fine.I cannot connect to net I was told that I have to create a new connection..but I have tried my best to do so and am lost.

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TS Connection Error Connecting To Only 2 Of 5 Servers

Dec 5, 2008

We have one computer that is unable to connect via RDP to two servers. The system gives an error "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server Licenses". We know that it is a computer issue because we can have that same user logon to another computer and they can use RDP to connect to all servers. This is a fresh install of XP Pro SP3. We have 5 different servers that users can logon to, 3 are Server 2000 and the other 2 are Server 2003.

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Internet Browser Connection Error

Jun 24, 2005

This problem is that I have an active internet connection (dial-up) but neither of my two browsers (IE6 and Netscape) can find any websites. This is running XP Pro.It's as if the connection isn't recognized as being there? I've tried pinging but that doesn't work either.What can go wrong between having an active connection (shown on the task-bar icon) and having it accessible to applications? What can I check on?

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Remote Desktop Connection Gives Error While Opening It?

Aug 23, 2009

I have just installed XP pro SP3 and all is fine except that remote desktop connection gives me an error when I open it.'the pre release version has expired, download full version or contact administrator' I have downloaded the full version but get told when installing it that XP already has RDC pre installed, is there a problem with SP3? and can I fix this without having to reinstall OS?

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Error Connecting To Local Area Connection

Aug 31, 2007

I am to trying connect my daughters pc to the internet.A friend has built it from various pcs and it was working fine at his house.Surfing and downloading programs fine.When i brought it home and took out my LAN cable from my pc and connected it to her pc a Local Area Connection error shows.2 little pcs in the task bar area next to the clock with a yellow warning triangle saying Limited or No Connection.Told my friend who asked me to Start/Run/CMD then IPCONFIG /RENEW.This then is displayed. Error Ocurred While Renewing Local Area Connection Unable To Contact Your DHCP Server.Request Has Timed Out.I have no idea what this is as i am a newbie where the workings are concerned and friend has went away on holiday.

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Remote Desktop Connection Timed Out Error While Connecting?

Sep 24, 2006

I have tried to setup up Remote Desktop Connection But I get this error. Quote: The remote connection has timed out.Please try connecting to the remote computer again.so I go to the troubleshoot help thing and it says this: Quote: The remote connection has timed out.Please try connecting to the remote computer again.Cause:The terminal server disconnected your session because you did not send a response within the time limit set for responses.

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Generic Host Process Error - Network Connection Disconnects

Aug 29, 2009

Well I get the message"Generic Host Processes has encountered a problem and needs to close"Also option to Send and don't sent the error report.When I click on Don't send option,My net connection disconnects automatically after few seconds.I know many people have reported that it is a virus and for this I have installed Antivirus also.But this is the only virus Iam encountering everytime I reinstall Windows XP.

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Log On And Log Off Immediately

Aug 5, 2008

Here is what is happening...When you type user name and password you are again presented with User name and Password dialogue box. You try hard to get in but to no avail. (make things worse, I made the change to the registry!...don't ask!) See Microsoft Help...http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555648/en-us
This solution could work if I had the computer on a network, but I don't.Basically I need to make the following change to the registry, but alas, I cannot get into safe mode and have not been able to make any changes in "repair(?)" mode when booting of XP cd.

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Log On - Then Auto Log Off Immediately?

Apr 15, 2007

Whenever I log on to a non-administrator account, my computer automatically logs itself off again before I get a chance to do anything. I see the logging on message, and before the desktop even shows itself, I see the 'saving your settings' message, and I'm back at the welcome screen. I'm pretty sure it's a bad configuration in one of the administrative tools. I'm running windows xp pro on service pack 2.

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System Log Out Immediately After Log In

Aug 22, 2005

I have a windows XP box that is being recovered with Backup Exec 9.1 restoring the system completly, with system state. After it restores all the files and registry the computer needs a reboot, it comes up fine to a windows log in Ctrl-Alt-Del screen, you log into the system, it accepts the password for the local machine only, no domain access, and as soon as the Log in box disappears, the "Windows is Savings your settings" screen pops, just as if you did a start -> log out command. and that is all it will do, the hardware is the same, the system was running fine before the hard disk's motor died and crashed. the backup was from the week prior.

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System Just Log In - And Logs Out Immediately

May 9, 2009

I'm using XP professional SP2, after I login at the welcome screen, my screen shows my desktop wallpaper for less than a second and it auto logged off to the welcome screen again. Now I can't access my PC.

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When Log In / It Immediately Logs Me Back Off

Jul 20, 2008

Last night I took the recommendation of Jeruvy and Arctik at this post and ran my virus checker (AVG) and spyware program (Spybot) in Safe Mode. You can read about the erratic behavior I was trying to correct in that post, but it's not directly related to the problem at hand.AVG found no problem, but Spybot found one malware program that it didn't find when not in Safe Mode: W32/GGDoor..I had Spybot correct it, which it said it did successfully. While I was in Safe Mode, I went ahead and cleaned up a bunch of temp files in each account's %temp% folder. I then rebooted.Since the reboot, I cannot properly log in to Windows -- not in regular mode nor in Safe Mode. When I log into any of the accounts (this is XP Home with multiple accounts), Windows logs me in, but before much of anything else happens, it says it is logging me back out.

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Home Logs In Then Immediately Out

Jul 29, 2009

My wife uses a home-built computer with windows xp home edition on it. On Friday last week it was working just fine. she left it running over the weekend, and on Sunday evening she went in to check her email. The screen had gone black, so since she couldn't get any response from it, she performed a manual reboot (at my suggestion)

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Immediately Logs Out Upon Logging In

Jul 19, 2005

Got a virused computer, as soon as I ran a PAV ( Mcafee Daily on NTFSDos ) to remove virii the system now gets to the welcome screen and upon clicking on a user account, it says logging in, immediately says logging off and dumps back to the welcome screen, this is with any account, including administrator, even in safe mode. I'm going to attempt to see what PAV pulled out using a linux live distro and maybe restore any missing files via recovery console,

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Logs Off Immediately After Logging On

Nov 21, 2008

i'm using a Dell inspiron 6400 laptop, windows XP.

-I turn my laptop on
-I get to the screen where you choose a user
-Whatever user i choose, it goes to log on and then immediatly logs off and goes back to the user screen.

How can i fix this? Sorry if i've missed off any info needed to help on this

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Opening Cmd In Start Run: Close Immediately?

Jun 11, 2005

ok when I type cmd from start>run a window opens temporarily and says cmd.com in the title window but closes almost immidiatly but when I type cmd.exe (the actually command Interpreter) it works just fine....so how can I fix it so I can once again type cmd and get the command interpretter to stay open?

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Power Up Immediately Once The Computer Plugs In?

Jan 12, 2009

I am trying to get my PC to automatically boot up once it recieves a power source. My reason is that I am using a small pc as a server to a salon server and i work elsewhere off site so if the power were to go out the salon staff wouldn't know how to get the machine back up.

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Logs Off Immediately With New IDE Raid Controller

Aug 8, 2005

I have a Home Theater PC (XP Pro with SP2) that I have been using for a few months. I recently decided to mirror the O/S drive since this machine was very valuable to me. I bought a RocketRaid 454 controller
and added it to my system. I first booted up with no drives attached to the new controller (left them connected to the onboard). I did this so that XP could recognize

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Program Will Open Then Close Immediately

Oct 20, 2007

I downloaded the latest episode from the Hugel CD (Ragnarok). The installation was successful. But the problem is when I click start game, Ragnarok will open then immediately close. I also tried reinstalling my Ragnarok but its still the same. I have all the latest players like java players, adobe flash player and Direct X 9.0. My Specs are 80GB hardisk, Intel P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB RAM. But all other programs are working fine.

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Immediately Exits From Login Screen

Jun 20, 2005

Whenever i try to connect to my laptop running xp pro SP1 via remote desktop after i enter my username and password it shows the loging in screen for a second but immediately exits without any message esplaining what happened

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Hot Key Activates Screen Saver Immediately

Aug 22, 2005

Is there a hotkey (or some other way) that activates the windows screensaver immediately?

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Unable To Login Win / Seems To Immediately Logout

Feb 10, 2005

I'm unable to login to a computer.

1) WinXp splash screen is presented and a user login shown.

2) Click on user name.. and message "loading settings" then almost immediately.. a message "saving Settings" then back to login selection.

3) There is from time to time a brief flash at the desktop background .. then it appears to log out.

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Explorer.exe Closes Immediately After Login, Same Iexplore.exe

Aug 20, 2007

since today i've been experiencing quite unusual behaviour of windows explorer. After logon the taskbar shows up for a blink of eye, and then closes. Explorer.exe cannot be started from task manager as well (the same behaviour). Iexplore.exe neither.

I've seen some similar problems here, usually caused by malware, but I couldn't find anything suspicious on my computer. This is HJThis log:

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Start Downloading - Azureus Immediately Shutdown

Aug 20, 2007

I was downloading some music and a movie for my sister through Azureus. I went to a torrent site and chose the file and began to download. However, when I started to download Azureus immediately shutdown. I did not understand why so I re-opened the program and, again, it shutdown. Not knowing what was happening, I decided to open the file's folder in my documents. However, as soon as I tried to, the window closed. It was at this time that I began to think I had a virus. So, I opened my AVG and ran a scan. As soon as the program scanned the folder the files were in, I was given a message stating that the program encountered a problem and needed to be shutdown.

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Gateway Laptop / Turn It On It Almost Immediately Freezes

Aug 13, 2007

I have a laptop that was given to me in bad shape. When I turn it on, it almost immediately freezes, even when not connected to the internet. This makes it impossible to run a virus scan or anything. My ? is, what can I do to fix this problem. Even if I have to lose everything on the computer, I don't care cause I want to start fresh with the computer anyways.

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