Tried Aston Shell Replacement

Oct 23, 2007

I tried the Aston Shell Replacement. I didn't like it, so I uninstalled it, and now the windows shell is gone. No desktop at all. When I try to run explorer.exe from the run command, it brings up the folder explorer instead of the windows shell.

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Blue Screen With Nothing - Aston Software

Oct 15, 2006

I had a problem with aston software a few months back and was causing a few problems when it expired,i stupidly restored my pc back to the date that i had the problems,so i now have a blue screen with no start up menu or nothing,i have to go in to task manager to access internet from c: drive,can any one tell me how i can get back to the restore point to restore the pc to a more recent date when it was fine,i dont have a start menu so cant get in to it.

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Help With CPU Replacement?

Jan 8, 2006

I was curious what I need to look for in a cpu replacement.
it's a p4 2.2ghz/512/400 It's a 478 pin deal.
What needs to be matched for a replacement??

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Mislaid Pro CD (Replacement?)

Jan 22, 2008

Can I get my Windows XP Pro CD replaced? If so, how? Or do I have to purchases a whole new operating system @ full price.I am building a new system with new hard drive. I upgraded my old system from 98 to XP Pro 3-4 years ago. Since then, my my XP Pro upgrade CD has gotten mispacked, 3 moves in 12 months. By luck, I have found most of my CD's including the 98 cd. Or should I upgrade to some version of Vista (from 98?)

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PRo Replacement CD Or Download

Apr 22, 2009

My school was recently given a number of nice computers from a business that was replacing them. However, they wiped the hard drive clean so the OS is gone. I have the serial numbers for the XP and thought I might be able to download or purchase a CD as a replacement for the original OS. Two questions - is it possible? and where do I find what I need?

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Replacement Home CD?

Apr 2, 2005

Not sure which forum to start this thread in, but this seemed as good a place as any... I have an XP Home CD which has corrupted apparently. Does anyone know of a method for contacting Microsoft to ask for a replacement CD? I have the original package, Product Key, etc. I've Googled, and can find that there apparently is a method for accomplishing this, but I can find no specifics. I'd appreciate any assistance

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Purchasing A Replacement Pro CD W/ SP2 (Already Have An Pro License)

Oct 3, 2007

I have a really old retail version of WinXP Pro that doesn't have any Service Packs on it. I bought it when it first came out.

Is there any way for me to purchase a new genuine WinXP Pro CD only, that would have SP2 on it and some of the latest updates? I already have a genuine license key

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Is Media A Good Replacement?

Jun 21, 2008

I need XP Professional to install and run a particular application. I have been told that XP Media is XP Pro under the hood and a good substitute. XP Media is ten dollars less that XP Pro. Which should I choose? What is added to XP Media that I might not want? Lastly, since I am buying the upgrade version. I am guessing the version of Windows 98 SE that I have will work.

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Media Center Replacement

Mar 19, 2006

I was just wondering if there was a media center like program that will run on top of windows

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Is Svchost.exe Replacement Safe?

Nov 26, 2005

ok, i'm really getting sick of this svchost file. every time as soon as i disable my zone alarm firewall svchost starts to communicate with my other networked computer and it does that too much to the point of slowing down my 3-computer LAN. i read somewhere that there is a possibility of svchost being "infected" or bugged or whatever you want to call it and that it has to be replaced with a clean one. (i ran antivirus, antispyware and numerous other 'security' tools but nothing helped, i even monitored the activity with packet monitoring software but couldn't find anything but ridiculously high network activity of all sorts)

now. i tried a lot of things about this suspicious activity but nothing helped except zone alarm which successfuly stopped the activity. the thing is, i didnt block svchost so i have no idea how it all even works, the only thing i know is that when i disable zone alarm on my laptop, it immediately starts communicating with my host pc (ICS host). i still dont have a switch, using a hub, but i dont think that represents a problem.

sorry i couln't find anything with search button so i just want to ask if it would be safe that i find svchost.exe from someone else and replace it with mine? im running win xp pro sp1.

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Tips For Windows Reinstall HD Replacement

Oct 27, 2005

my system is running SLOOOW and it's annoying me. I think it's about time that I reinstall windows and, since my HD has become quiet noisy lately, I've been thinking that maybe I should kill two birds with one stone and replace my HD at the same time. I recently purchased a big external USB HD. I have the Windows CD that came with my Dell notebook, but I've never reinstalled windows. I don't want someone to walk me through the entire process...what I would really appreciate though is some suggestions re: the best way to go about backing up/recovering my settings and etc.I don't really care about most of the programs and etc. (except my anti-virus program whihc I paid for).

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Replacement Installation Disk Needed

Jul 5, 2005

A couple of years ago I purchased a computer with Windows XP pre-installed. I recently had a bad crash, and corrupted my hard drive.The recovery disk does not work.I need an installation disk to reinstall my system.Can I get one from somewhere? As I understand it, if I go to a shop and buy a Win XP installation disk, I'm really paying for the licence.The disk itself is a trivial expense.I have already paid for a licence for XP. But I don't have the disk to install it.I don't want to have to buy a new copy and pay for a licence which I already own.

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Online Pro Replacement Install Disc Or Image

Mar 4, 2007

A friend has XP Pro on their computer with the product ID tag stuck on the case. She doesnt have the disc. She needs to reinstall (Her box is past help). Does anyone know if its okay to use another disc with her product ID? I think it must be, cuz its the number thats unique, right?If its okay, my real question is does anyone know a source of XP Pro without a product # on-line? Initial searches didnt turn anything up.

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Looking For A Shell Extension

Jul 31, 2005

I am looking for a feature I have encountered in linux in the past which allows you to launch your applications from a right click.Anyone know of anything?

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Shell Will Not Load

Jun 1, 2006

I'm trying to fix a computer running WinXP Home Edition. It was infected with several spyware programs and I ended up finding a couple virii as well. I cleaned out everything and have ran about 5 different spyware programs and have clean logs for all of them. The security forum helped me out and they have now referred me here.The problem is that I boot up the computer and takes me to the XP logon screen. I then select the user I want to log-in as and then I'm taken to a blank desktop - no icons, no start menu, right-clicking does nothing, etc... I can run almost any program via ctrl+alt+del and selecting 'New Task'. If I attempt to run explorer.exe the start menu flashes momentarily and then disappears again.I've attempted to do 'sfc /scannow' and also a windows xp repair reinstall but I still have the same problem.

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What Is Secure Shell?

Jul 14, 2005

how do I install it on my XP PRO system?I pose this question becquse my university url mgr wants to implement APOP for our email server to encrypt.

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Launch Pad Shell

Dec 28, 2004

I downloaded some drivers from Canon for my scanner,which included the software.But when I tried to install them,the drivers installed fine,but the software didn't.Now in my system icon tray I have an icon saying "LaunchPad Shell",just sitting there doing nothing.And in device manager,it says I have a scanner that is working properly,but without the other stuff,I can't use the scanner.I un-installed everything and tried from scratch

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Doc Shell Alert

Jun 26, 2006

I have started to get the attached alert on an occasional basis on my laptop.If I click OK it goes away and does not seem to have any effect. Does anyone know what this means ? I run Win XP/2 home1.2 GB mem 60 GB.

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Cannot Find Shell.dll

Oct 27, 2006

I am having trouble opening certain software, keep getting the message "cannot find shell.dll" I've tried to download this file off the internet but it doesn't seem to work. The programs I have trouble with are quickbooks and corel.

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Removing Shell Extension

Jul 27, 2005

I deleted microsoft antispyware ,but in c program files there is still a folder that contains MS Antispyware shell ext.I have tried zap etc,but I still have no luck getting rid of it Please advise. WXP I E 6 SP2

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Explorer Shell Replacements

Aug 4, 2008

I have tried out BBLean and, as it is nice and different, it wouldn't be ideal for me. Are there any other shell replacements that are as stable as BBLean or any blackbox shells?

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How To Remove Shell Extensions?

Jul 7, 2005

I have ACDSee installed on my XP Pro computer. Everytime I right-click on a file (any file, for that matter), one of the choices is "Browse with ACDSee". I want to remove this from the list. I tried running ShellExView but this particular program knows how to hide itself and does not show on the list (probably purposely designed by ACDSee). Anyone know an easy way to remove this annoying shell extension?

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Turn On Autocomplete For DOS Shell

Aug 12, 2002

You can enable filename completion in the NT "DOS" shell by editingHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand Processor and changing the CompletionChar value to 0x00000009.

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Boot Into A DOS Shell With NTFS Support

Mar 7, 2005

I've got a corrupted load of XP that will not boot up. Is there a way to boot into a DOS shell with NTFS support so I can see my files and then copy them to a second hard-drive. I used to do this often with 95/98, just add in a second(slave) hard drive and then boot with a DOS disk and copy the files to the second drive then I could format and reload the original HD. I haven't been able to do this with NTFS volumes, if you boot from a DOS disk you don't see anything

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Unable To Locate Shell Process

Jul 11, 2005

I really don't know how to start this so I will give you some of the symptoms
1. When I run Panda online scan it hangs on file 319 and will not go any further
2. When I run Spybot at the end I get "Error during check! Xuron55 (Datei C:Windowswin.ini kann nicht geoffnet werden. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
3. When I search for a file in Regedit it searches forever
4. In one of my log files (C:WindowsSystem32WBEMLogs) it says "Shell name Explorer.exe in registry not found in process list Unable to locate Shell process. Impersonation failed.
5. In my event viewer I am getting alot of "The Shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restartedI am running XP Home Edition and this has been going on for a couple of weeks. I run Panda Online Scan, Adaware, and Spybot weekly and because I have had a couple of viruses in the past I run Stinger pretty often also.

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Changing Norton 360 Shell Extension

Mar 12, 2010

I was helping my Dad clean up his My Documents folder. Halfway through the process, I could not longer choose several .doc files, highlight them, and then right click and choose copy. The process would just hang and I would have to use Ctrl-->Alt-->Delete to end the hung process. Did some web searches about the problem and found out about ShellExView . Following some online instructions, I slowly started to disable the 'Context Menu' extensions. It didn't take long. When I disabled the Context Menu item associated with Norton 360, which is called BUContext MenuClass the problem disappeared. Enabling the item immediately produced the same problem.

Norton 360 wasn't my first choice for my Dad's system. I used to think of Norton stuff as terrible, bloated and a resource hog. I was away from town for a while and my Dad had some computer problem; he had a guy in who uninstalled Avast and installed this version of Norton AV.Is it okay for me to have disable this 'Context Menu' item? In truth I have no idea what it is - I was just following some online troubleshooting tips I got, which happened to work. Is my Dad's computer open to attack if I disable the item? I left it enabled until I get an answer to this.

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Explorer Won't Start In Shell Mode

Aug 16, 2005

I reboot instead of getting a desktop and a taskbar, i get a windows explorer window with the my documents folder opened. all other desktop shell replacements will work.but i can't get explorer to work

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CMD Shell Doesn't Use Path Statement

Jun 14, 2005

I can no longer access programs from the command prompt that are in the path statement. For example, I can not run ping.exe, attrib.exe, etc. unless I actually put in the full path to my system32 folder or navigate to that folder first. When I type "Set" at the command prompt, I see that my path statement contains:
"Path=%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%". So, why doesn't XP use this at the command prompt?The env variables are good. When I type "cd %systemroot%system32", it will properly go to C:windowssystem32.Just for clarification; when I talk about the command prompt, I am talking about typing CMD from the run box, or "Open command window here" from Explorer right click.

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Error Message Cannot Find Shell.dll

Jul 1, 2005

as mentioned before, I get the error message cannot find shell.dll and missing or corrupt dll's"when i try to install some things.cannot find shell.dll on reboot.I have used, spybot,ad-aware,registy mechanic,error nuker and microsoft baseline security analyzer and nothing can fix or even find the problem.I have done a search for it.

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Shell 32.dll And Logon User Interface DLL Failure

Apr 4, 2010

Have not done any updates lately, nor anything unusual, however, suddenly laptop displays two error messages re/Win logon.exe and Isass.exe failure. Part of the solution noted in the forum was to restart "using last known good configuration", but this doesn't work. It simply attempts to start again and comes up with the error messages again.

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XP SP3 User / Can Archive Explorer And Shell Files

Jul 18, 2009

Alright, so, I have tried searching All Engines, IE every search engine and some. And I have not been able to find one web site, including Microsoft that has backup files for Windows Explorer and the Shell files.Is there a XP SP3 user that can archive the Explorer and Shell files for me? It would be much appreciated, as I have some bugs that are very annoying.

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