Task Manager End Process / Repair Connection - Accessing Password

Mar 12, 2010

I recently installed a program to block my internet at night so I can get back in to a normal routine. The only problem is I can simpley go in to task manager and end process and repair connection and i can do what I want again. I want to stop me from using computer at night so i can get in to a good happier routine. In order to stop me acessing program i passworded it with password i could not remember off top of my head, tried to make it as random as possible. but because i can just go in process and end it... its kinda pointless.

I left it so I can uninstall it because well there maybe a valid reason why I need to uninstall it sometime... and i know better then to never leave one safe clause. I know I wont uninstall it tho but because its so easy to just go to processes and end it... its just to easy. So I wanted away in which I can block processes from been closed or hide it so I can't close it like that.

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Terminate Process In Task Manager

Jun 20, 2005

I'm trying to terminate a process in the task manager, but the process
keeps coming back. How can I stop it?pogisanpoloPosted from http://www.pcreview.co.uk/ newsgroup access

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Click On A Process In Task Manager It Wont Allow To See It

Mar 29, 2010

When I open my task manager i noticed there is a task running that I do not recognize, when i click 'properties' or 'open file location' nothing happens.

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System Process Using Over 100000k In Task Manager

Aug 24, 2010

When I open task manager it says under memory usage that the process "system" is using 103,000 k this seems quite high and its only been using this much recently, I thought it might be a virus so I ran several scans using AVG, even a command line scan in safe mode and it found nothing malicious. Does anyone know why it would be using so much memory.

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What System Idle Process Means In Task Manager?

Sep 15, 2009

what System idle process means in windows task manager?

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Task Manager Partially Loaded Only End Process Button Appears?

Jun 4, 2005

my computer was recently infected with a Trojan which i seem to have gotten rid of. Today when i opened the task manager it only seems to partially load. It will bring up the process list with the "End Process" button, but that is it. The other tabs and pull down menus are gone. The Task in the taskbar has the icon for it but doesn't have any words next to it

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Computer Running Slow: Task Manager Having Process Ending With .t?

Jan 15, 2007

My computer started running slow. I noticed in Task Manager that there were processes that ended in ' .t ' Running a search on my computer showed that there are over 100,000 .t files now on my computer. I've run Spy Sweeper, which blocks some of these from starting up, but won't get rid of them. Same with Spyware bot. What are these files? and how do I get rid of them?

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System Idle Process Hogging Resources - Task Manager

Mar 17, 2008

Has there ever been reports of this hogging resources in XP? I assume it's something that uses the CPU for other OS tasks when not in operation by the user. The problem is even when I'm using the computer it uses 97-99% of CPU.

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Process Manager - Process Leads To Virus?

Sep 28, 2006

when I push ctrl+alt+del i cant get into the process manager!! the process button is not lit and cannot push it!anyone knows what can i do?

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Accessing Password Protect Documents After Reinstalling OS

Mar 20, 2006

I was wondering if anyone could help me in solving a little problem that I overlooked.I had XP OS on C drive and my documents on D drive. I recently had to reinstall my OS on C drive from scratch due to a bug, trying to make sure that I installed it in the same manner.Everything proceeding fine, until I went to access my documents on D Drive. In the inital setup I had set security/privacy access to limit only me seeing my documents, now after reinstallation I can no longer access my documents due to it not recongnising me as the account holder or administator. I can access all other documents shared etc.. but not mine.

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Task Manager Acting Weird - Shows The Running Task Window

Nov 1, 2008

when I click on task manager it only shows the running task window. it used to have a list of all startup stuff and a thing where I could look at a graph of cpu usage, but those are not there anymore

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Restrict A Limited User From Accessing The Internet Without A Password?

Mar 30, 2005

What i want to do is restrict a limited user from accessing the internet without a password. I have been looking around in the computer management console but don't see what i am looking for. Do i need to set up a new policy?

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Password Fails When Accessing Shared Folder Over Network

Jul 13, 2010

From my XP SP2 (Media Center Edition) computer, I can access shared folders on my other computers (a Vista, a W7, and another XP computer). However, those computers cannot access shared folders on this computer (the XP SP2 machine).The shared folders are visible from the other computers, but when they attempt to access them, they get a dialog box to log in with userid and password. I have tried various combinations of userid and password, including "thiscomputernameprimaryaccountname" with the associated password. Authentication fails.I am using simple file sharing.

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Task Manager Unavailable - Manager Becoming Disable

Jun 24, 2005

I have Windows XP and I recently had a problem with my task manager becoming
disabled. Upon attempting to open task manager I would recieve a message
stating that it had been disabled by my administrator, I am the administrator
and I did not disable the task manager. I corrected this problem and now when
I attempt to open the help menu in the task manager I get a message stating
that the task manager has encountered a problem and needs to close.

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Task Manager / Device Manager Don't Run

Aug 30, 2005

A friend of mine has a 4 yr. old PC running XP Home with 128Mb of memory. He's had problems with programs aborting recently. I tried to run Device Manager to make sure there were no issues there. It briefly brought the screen up, then it went away. The same thing happened to Task Manager when I tried to see what was running and how much memory was being used. Anybody ever see this behavior before? I might try installing a memory cleaner pgm (ie. Memturbo), but I'm not sure I would even be able to get it to run. The hard drive amd memory seem to have no errors.

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At Repair Blue Screen Appears And The Process Starts

Mar 22, 2007

I was having some problems with windows xp media centre 2005 on my dell dimension 9150 so i decided to do a repair, i put in the xp cd and booted from it at start up, then the blue screen appears and the process starts, i then get the choice to install windows or repair using the recovery console, i chose install windows and then pressed r for repair on the os that was already there.It now has gone to the installation off the os where it installs the files and finalizes the process, it is getting to the third option where it installs devices but it is getting about three quarters of the way and then the driver box pops up saying that microsoft does not athorize the use of the driver would you like to continue but the thing is i cant, my mouse will not move on the screen so i am unable to click continue.

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Task Manager And Task Bar Not Responding

Feb 27, 2006

I recently downloaded some media files and straight after my computer slowed down to a crawl and then would not respond. The mouse pointer remains active but i cannot click on anything succesfully. The task bar and task manager do not respond at all, i can open files saved on my desktop but cannot do anything when they're open and cannot close them again. I reset my PC a number of times but this did not solve the problem. I assume this is a virus or spyware problem but could it possibly be anything else?

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Task Manager - End Task Queries

Oct 16, 2007

You know how after you end a program using End Task in Task Manager, it asks you if you want to tell Microsoft about the problem? I was able on my other XP system to change an option somewhere so it doesn't ask me that any more. I just can't remember how I did it.

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Task Manager Refused To End Task

Sep 1, 2005

At times, I have this problem.When I tries to "End Task" of some program, Windows Task manager refused.The same will happen to Process Viewer that comes with Norton SystemWorks

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Stuck In Repair Process A Stop: C0000218 Registry File Failure?

Sep 10, 2006

Ok, using this help website, http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org/how...air_a_stop.htm I am at the harder method, but encountered some problems.md tmp(nothing really happened not sure if anything was supposed to) copy c:windowssystem32configsystem c:window mpsystem.bak (copied fine) copy c:windowssystem32config software c:windowmpsoftware.bak (it says the file can not be copied). Do I go on with the rest of the tutorial, or where exactly do I go from here? Is there any possibility that I will not have to reformat and get my old computer back?

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Generic Host Process Error - No Task Bar

May 15, 2008

when i start this error message shows up... Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close it is scaring the life out of me because so far it has caused MAJOR problems,
when i close a window, the taskbar will not be in winxp view but an older versions, and it has messed up my sound. when i click on the sound icon it says "there are no active mixer devices available." the sound problem has never happened before

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Tried To Repair XP And Been Requested For Password

Sep 25, 2010

I tried to repair the XP and been requested for password. As far as i remember there is no password set. Mine is Dell. Tried to install to other folder and it work. The problem now is, I cannot get the program installed in the first installed XP.

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Password Prevents Repair

Aug 9, 2007

I have a non starting xp, which I suspect needs a Fixboot or Fixmbr.As I inherited this machine, I have no way of knowing the Administrator password it asks for when booting from xp cd and choosing repair.

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Generic Host Process Error - Network Connection Disconnects

Aug 29, 2009

Well I get the message"Generic Host Processes has encountered a problem and needs to close"Also option to Send and don't sent the error report.When I click on Don't send option,My net connection disconnects automatically after few seconds.I know many people have reported that it is a virus and for this I have installed Antivirus also.But this is the only virus Iam encountering everytime I reinstall Windows XP.

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Repair Asks For Admin Password Which Never Set

Sep 23, 2009

I read elsewhere that I should initiate a repair of the OS with the original CD. The problem is to do that it is asking me for an admin password I never set

Keep in mind:I have no access to reboot with the original motherboard(fried) I have 4 Legal copies of XP on 4 computers (including the fried one) I have lost the disk and the XP serial number for that machine. I still have 2 OEM and one Upgrade XP disks So Eventually I am going to have to deal with the serial number issue I think (hope not) System 7 is not an option I need to fix this now and I do not want and illegal copy of the beta

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Task Scheduler Asks For Password / Get Task Scheduler To Run The Task?

Jun 3, 2006

Using Windows XP Sp2.

I am trying to create a task using Task Scheduler, and it asks me to "set account information". I am given three boxes. One of them, marked Run as has "COMPUTERJesse" already filled in. The other two are marked Password and Confirm Password. This is odd, because I am running under an Admin account (yes, generally not smart, but I'm smarter than the average bear when it comes to computers, so I feel confident I'm not going to mess it up with downloading viruses and such

I clicked OK to get out of the "Set Account Information" box, and in the entry for my task, the Status is listed as "Could not Start", Last Result is "0x0", and Creator is "Jesse". how can I get Task Scheduler to run the task and most of all, obey my authori-tah?

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Can't See The Task Bar - Click Repair Few Minutes Disappears

Nov 16, 2006

I can't see the taskbar anymore!! dont know what happen. When I restart or turn on my Pc I just cant see it for a few seconds then is gone. I have downloaded the taskbar tool you advice to download in a previous post but doesnt work for me when i clic on repair it shows only for a few minutes but then it disappears. I have tried using running my pc under safe mode, I click on the taskbar properties (the taskbar does appear under safe mode) and auto hide is not checked. I tried moving the taskbar in any other position of the monitor; but when i turn back to normal windows it can't stays on. I have used system restore on a previous date, it does not work either.

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Home Repair Facility - Administrator Password

Oct 17, 2005

Ive been trying to run the XP home repair facility. I keep getting asked for the administrator password, but nothing I enter is recognized. Ive set the supervisor & user passwords in the BIOS & the administrator password in control panel/user accounts doesnt help. Ive disabled all three above still doesnt help.What password is it asking for, how do I find it, & how do I reset it to something I will remember for next time I need it?

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Generic Host Process Crash - Lose Connection To My Wireless Access Point

Jul 25, 2008

Generic Host Process Crash So I have this problem and it's been driving me crazy for some time now. It seems that "randomly" when I lose connection to my wireless access point, I will get a Generic Host Process for Win32 crash. I have disable the forced shutdown that usually occurs after this happens, but since it renders the system mostly unusable, I have to reboot anyway. What's odd is that it doesn't happen every time I lose connectivity to the network.

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Ctl -alt - Del Does Not Bring Up The Task Manager?

Dec 22, 2008

When I turn it on my wallpaper comes up on the desktop but no desktop icons or start up bar. Just an arrow. ctl -alt - del does not bring up the task manager. Absolutely nothing can be done. Nothing on the keyboard makes anything work. Is she gone or what? Please help this is my baby here. I tried the recovery disk that doesn't work either.

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Multiple Net.exe In Task Manager?

Jan 11, 2007

I was working on a computer that was extremely slow. It's an older Dell, Win XP SP2, Celeron, only 128 MB RAM. When I opened task manager there were several net.exe and net1.exe processes running. I would end a process and a new one would take its place. I scanned for spyware and viruses. The spyware that was found was cleaned. There were no viruses. When I ran in Safe Mode there were no problems.

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