Last Saturday was the last time that System Restore worked for me. Counterspy set a restore point before doing its thing. Since then I havn't been able to create a restore point all week. I'm running XP home edition.This is what pops up when I try to create a restore point. System Restore is unable to create a resore point. Please restart the
computer, and then run System Restore again. Restarting will not help
I recently downloaded some drivers as I was trying to install a new printer who's software would'nt load. This did'nt solve the problem. I decided to get a printer that I had had before, Brother DCP-110C as I knew this had worked well. I tried to install yesterday (28th July) but could'nt and my PC keeps switching itself off near the end of the installation. I then thought I would use System restore to go back to a happier time when I had the first Brother printer. previous saved point wont let me to restore
I am unable to acess any of my or XP's restore points. When I went to restore to an earlier date. All appeared to be going as it should. However, when I got to my profile a message window came up that said unable to restore to (chosen date/time) etc. I chose 3 other restore points over the last month, thinking it might be some recent problem, still a no go. Any help would be greatly appreciated? Is there a utility to use to check and see if there is something corrupted?
I'm trying to do a system restore without success. It goes through the motions but after it restarts always say "cannot use restore point, no changes have been made to your system". I'm trying to correct a font setting change that happened without my knowledge.
My system restore is enabled but no matter what bold restoration point I choose I am told system can't be restored to that date, choose another restoration point. I do, the system shuts down and restarts and I get the same message.
Installed Norton Internet Security 2005 and now, whenever I try and do a system restore it says "System restore encountered a problem and has to close". It does this all the time, even in safe mode. Symantec has mentioned that I should turn off NIS2005 and try system restore. If it then works it is a Microsoft issue. I have been onto the Microsoft websites and they do not mention how to repair or reinstall system restore
I am trying to use the system restore function on windows XP, but every time i select a restore point and the system reboots, it says that the restoration was incomplete and "no changes have been made." I have tried multiple restore points. suggested that i verify that the task manager, WMI, and system restore services were running, and they are. I also tried disabling my antivirus program, but the same thing happens.
I reset my Windows after an apparent virus and now cannot get back to restore my system. The e-mail does not work and I would like to restore my files (its my last semester of school). System Restore does not work.
My system restore has not worked in XP for some time now and I have tried a XP repair and that did not do it A tech told me to remove the monitoring from the drives than reboot tehn put monitoring back on
Over the last two weeks, my XP started to take longer and longer to shut down. Now, it doesn't and I have to manually press the startup/shut down button. XP is 2002 version; SP ;, 2.3 GHz CPU; 2.29 GHz and 0.99 GB RAM.My virus/security suite is Zone Alarm.I tried to use System Restore and though it does shut and restart the computer, system restore tells me it could not restore the computer.
Was having a problem with the computer, doing weird things so I thought that I might go back and do a restore from an earlier point to see if it solved the problem. Anyway, went to earlier point, restored sort of, after it did everything, it told me it could not restore to that point and that nothing was done. I went to another restore point further back, same message, was not installed at the restore point, current settings are intact. Did this 2 more times, same results. I have made restore points along with the ones the systme makes. None of them works.
I found that i couldnt go to: start-"all programs" and have it work. when clicking all programs it does nothing. then, i remembered a dvd triedinstalling "hot llama" and it was stopped in the middle. I think that may be the issue, tried to do system restore and that wont restore to any date.
Literally every single time I try to use it it doesnt work. always says restortion incomplete. I have it set to use the max disk space. I even tried formatting the hd, reinstalling windows, and then the I tried using it and it didnt even work then.
I cannot create a system restore point, nor is System Retore creating any automatically. I tried rebooting my system, using the check/uncheck box in system properties, using the "Run" line, and trying to run System Restore in Safe Mode. I also tried copying the "framedyn.dll" from the windowssystem32wbem directory to the Windowssystem 32 directory (I don't know if it's supposed to be there or not. The only option I have left that I know of is to reinstall Windows XP.
My PC began looping from the Dell splash screen to the Windows start-up screen, then clicking off and repeating....over and over. I tried several things and couldn't even get System Restore to work. Finally, after several well-intended friends had me fooling with my command prompts (I'm sure that was a mistake), I decided to just reinstall Windows XP. Well, now it's reinstalled, but I can't connect to the internet, none of my drivers are recognized and nothing is showing up on my desktop, When I go into My Computer and look on my hard drive, all of my programs and files are still there....but the operating system doesn't seem to know where to find them. I have a desktop Dell Dimension 4600.
I am trying to use system restore, but it does not work. I select a previous system restore point to restore to everything works fine until the computer reboots. Then its says system reboot did not work, nothing was changed and try another restore point.
my pc (XP) will not boot or close up clean. The only way I can boot is using safe mode. Is there a better way to fix boot problems without doing a complete sys recovery? The instructions for complete sys recovery is pretty vague it seems to me.
I am running an HP Pavilion a1624n with Win XP Media Center 2005, running on a wireless network with one other desktop and one laptop. I also use Firefox browser and have NAV 2007. I have had this PC for about two months and the first time or two that I tried System Restore, it worked OK, Now, (with System Restore turned ON),it has gone downhill and when I try to run it, it goes through the process but at the end I get the error message "your computer cannot be restored to 00/00/00. No changes have been made." It does not make the automatic 24 hour restore points, even though it does make restore points when new programs are installed and manual restore points can be made. It works fine in Safe Mode using the rstrui.exe command. This latest problem started yesterday.
I recently have had problems with my computer slowing down after clicking on programs such as Firefox. It takes about 40 seconds for the hourglass to go away and then the program will finally load. Other programs also. I have been using some anti-virus and spyware programs thinking I had a virus or spyware , such as Spyware Begone. It found a spyware and deleted it. I tried to use System restore and it only showed one restore point in January (the 27th when I first tried Spyware Begone), but would not restore to that date. I could not get Restore to go back to December. System Restore is on and running. Any suggestions would be helpful. I also used System Restore in Safe Mode thinking that would help, but it would not restore to the 27th. System Restore works, but after completing it the message says "could not restore to the 27th).
I have tried to restore my system to the first date available. xp always fails to load and I have to go back to "start windows from the last good configuration" – I started in safe mode, disconnected from the internet- scanned with NAV cleaned a bunch of junk off, scanned with Spybot S&D – cleaned some more junk off tried to restore to day one – same problem - go back to "start windows from the last good configuration"- several hours wasted and I am going crazy. This may be a virus problem
Recently I found System Restore not working. It would neither restore to an earlier time nor create a new restore point. I tried doing a virus scan using Avast, rebooting, checking that it is (supposed to be) running and safe mode.Disconnecting from the Internet and turning off antivirus and firewall also made no difference. I also turned it off and on again. I noticed that initially it said it was monitoring drives C, D & E but after turning on again it only showed drives C & D. These drives are all partitions on my HD.On checking E I found that it had no file system and was advised to format it. On attempting this I got Format did not complete successfully.I also attempted to Defrag and got Disk Defragmenter could not start.
I have recently removed a piece of adware from my pc, only thing is i cant install any programs as nothing happens as you click on the installer icons, so i tryed to restore the system to an earlier time to see if this would work, but system restore won't work the window opens for it but its blank, what is wrong? also when i yahoo account internet explorer will only let me select a few of the buttons not all though, are these problems related? what can i do?
I tried to use the System Restore function on my HP and it runs, but gives a message that System Restore can't complete and doesn't work. I even manually set a Restore point and tried to go back and restore using it, but got same message?Do I have any options, such as reinstall Restore or is there something else I can do?
In the past I used to just copy my stuff and then when Windows went up, you know slows down, get's corrupted somewhere, etc. I would reinstall windows and then my drives, apps, programs, files, etc. Upon my studies I learned that the default Windows backup could do these things as well as recover system state. Well I started doing backups every so often on my home PC and my server at work.
The other day I actually needed to use it as my PC had this weird issue of clicking on icon executables and not ever running them. It would refuse to start programs from the executable in the folder under program files, under start menu, or command line. It wouldn't give an error it would just click and go away. it would do it once the computer was on for a while and for a week or two I just would reboot, but I mean come on, that's a little annoying.
I have developed a very strange problem on my PC, everytime I have to press the reset button on my case, or there's a power cut when Windows reboots, it will boot to the desktop fine and I can move my mouse but no windows, no programs or anything will open.
I tried running system restore and after the computer restarted, I got a message saying the restoration could not be completed. There was no explanation why. In case it matters, I have about 2 GB harddrive space left.Also, system restore has worked in the past.
I think i did something really wrong... i had a registry backup on my desktop and i wanted to move it to another area on my computer. I clicked on it and it said : are you sure you want to add the information in C: blah blah registry backup.reg to the registry? I dont know what i was thinking but i clicked on yes. And now i have several problems.... too many to mention but here's a few: anything windows site or microsoft site related cant get in.
I've been havin trouble with my computer so I went to restore it and before it actually starts to restore it back to the date i choose,it doesn't do anything I click the date i wanted it to restore back to, click next,then it says the selected restore point blah blah blah,so i click next and it doesn't do anything It doesn't work for any of the dates.
I had probs, so I did a system restore. When rebooting after that, it asked me for passwords to get in, both my account and Guest. Niether of them should have actually had passwords on them, therefore I can't get into the pc now. Tried everything, including using Administrator and password blank, still doesn't work. So on some peoples advice, I decided to do a Xp reinstall, choosing upgrade instead of formatting (so I don't lose everything). When going through that process, it gets to the point where I choose R for repair. It then askes which version to install on, so I say option 1 - Windows. THAT is when more probs come in. It now asks for the Administrator password. I've never given one in the past, and if I have then it's one of two options - either my surname or the word 'computer', so after trying both of those, and also trying a blank password, it then restarts the computer because I've given 3 incorrect passwords. The point is that there IS NO password!! I can't understand why it's asking for one??!! This is really getting me down.
I am getting the blue screen of death with 7E error code. It gives me the standard message at top.This is the ONLY information listed where it says TECHNICAL INFORMATION:STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x8A98AAB3, 0xBA513B98, 0xBA513894)I've tried system restore with no success. I have added no hardware or software recently. This started unexpectantly yesterday. The night before I went to a website and it was not a trusted website and I "x'd" out of it. The next day it does this.