Pentium 4, 2.44 gig processor, 2 gig memory, XP Pro SP3. I have had recurring BSOD for 2 months. After running a mini-dump with BlueScreen View, the problem appeared to be a corrupted ntoskrnl.exe file. I rebuilt the Boot.ini file, which loads the ntoskrnl.exe file. Still BSOD crashes. I then purchased "Registry Booster", and ran that. Continued BSOD crashes. I can send a JPEG of the BlueScreen View if any one can help me figure out the cause of these random crashes.
almost once a week i receive a blue screen, so if anyone could tell me what is causing that i will apreciate it.i attached the contain of the folder mini dump.
I had a blue screen crash and after the memory dump it came up with this error message: BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : 80564C3A BCP3 : F3C5ABD4 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 3_0 Product : 768_1
I have found that i am frequently running into BSOD.I have been trying to use windb to determine the cause of the problems and while i'm pretty sure there is a driver somewhere that is at fault i have no idea how to determine which one. In the last month and a bit i have updated every driver i could think of, but the BSOD keep occuring.i have run memtest 86 for 24hrs without any problem being detected, but i've heard that some problems can be missed so i havent ruled out a faulty memory stick.I have attached a copy of the crash dumps generated by the BSOD and i am wondering if it was possible for someone to have a look and see if there is anything obvious that may be causing the problem. there are 41 mini dumps ranging from september last year until 8.30 pm tonight.
I am running Windows XP Home Edition, and I have recently been having frequent crash errors. Everything seems to be running fine and suddenly the screen goes blue and a long message shows that said that the computer is shutting down to prevent a crash.
Spontaneous re-boots due to bug check I disabled: system properties > advanced > startup & recovery / settings > failures / automatically restar. Event viewer > save dump. I have read KB 385271 [ how to use dump check ] & KB 314084 [ how to gather information after a dump check ]. I tried to use pstat.exe to solve the problem, but I am unskilled.
Have a Dell Dimension 2350 at home with XP as the OS. Rarely use the PC because it is on NetZero's free dial-up. Has current CA Internet Security Suite too.
Getting the blue screen occasionally when I start NetZero's free dial-up program. The blue screen will appear right as the PC is trying to open up a Internet Explorer window, after the dial-up connection has been made successfully. The blue screen states to disable BIOS, but I don't have a clue how to do that
I run Windows XP and keep finding that when I leave my PC unattended for more than 10 minutes I get a blue screen with a scary message regarding the dumping of physical memory. The error codes in the message are as follows:
stop 0X0000008E, 0XBA40721F, 0XEBC267C, 0X00000000, videoprt.sys - address BA40721F base at BA401000 Date Stamp41107d08
I've done about as much research on this as I can understand, but I am still at a loss. I have recently been getting the infamous BSOD and lots of Error Reporting Messages. Most commonly, the error reporting is with Internet Explorer or Firefox, and tonight my BSOD was during a full system scan using F-Secure.
I used to get BSODs all the time, but a co-worker took it home for a weekend and replaced some RAM (I think?) and got things running again. This only solved the problem for a few months and things have gotten progressively worse.
I am a computer science/engineer major and I know somewhat a lot about computers, but this is my first time seeing this blue screen. My computer will start up to the compaq screen then goes to windows xp and then it flashes a blue screen for a split second. I was able to freeze it, but do not know how i did it, but it said something about a cretain system32 file is corrupt. there is a corrupt hive. complete physical memory dump complete. contact tech support or system administrator. right now, I am out of town and i have been reading about it and they say something about using a recovery console. I do not have my XP disk with me. I was wondering could I use anyone's XP disk and how do i fix this problem with no disk or using a XP disk?
when my PC boots it up it goes to a black screen giving options such as safe mode etc. All of these options end up with the computer going to a bluescreen and the following message: STOP: c0000218 (Registry File Failure) The registry cannot load the hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. have no disks at all with laptop. And my knowldge goes as far as being able to use the internet.
blue screen showing On my windows XP SP2 machine no error messages, no corrupt or invalid data.earlier it was saying some firefox files were corrupt, but a reboot and a skipping of chkdsk has fixed this.
I keep getting a blue screen crash I have loaded my xp cd and ran sfcscannow once that had finished I restarted the computer & it seemed to work then yesterday it crash again I have also run my Reg cure to clean up but Iam still getting a blue screen. It might not happen for a few days, but then it could crash
Since Win XP (+ service pack and annoying CA EZ Trust virus software; anyone know how to keep the ez firewall software from loading at startup?), my computer will crash intermittently - with no seeming pattern. No blue screen, no warning, just 'bang'; I kill the powercord, turn it back on and it's like nothing happened to the unit. there's often no event of the crash in the error reporting queue sometimes crash occurs and startup prompts for a diskcheck; never a problem there. This phenomena occurs most frequently when I'm (trying) running a backup - or when I do an extended virus search backup routine I can't complete without a crash; virus check has gone thru completely a number of times.
It has recently started shutting down, with a blue screen stop errormessage.note data in parameter 2 & 3 different each time. This is typically STOP:0x0000008E (0xc0000005, parameter 2, parameter3, 0x0000000) Event log for each occurence would appear to show the following: source: system error category: (102) event: 1003
I needed to do a clean install so backed up all my files to a slave hard drive using the windows XP File and Settings transfer wizard. Went on to do a clean install and then started to import the files back (To the same Win XP operating system they were exported from The UNC file F.A.S.T created is a whopping 89 gig in size
An error that has been on common on my computer for some time now. i have had it a lot more frequently. I have yet to complete a full panda virus scan on my computer except on safe mode. I found a virus and it disinfected it,my computer still crashes quite a lot. I used to have norton installed, but i couldn't finish a scan with that either so i tried to remove as much of it as i could and installed panda.
My PC keeps rebooting and I don't even get a blue screen most of the time. Occasionally when I do get a BSOD it is for 0x000000F4: CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION I have used Norton, Adaware, noadware and spybot and they have turned up nothing.
Computer crashing to the blue screen. I had the mini dump auto saved when this happened but have no idea what to open it with and would like someone to have a look and let me know what the problem was.
well i just installed trial version of webroot spysweeper and then i go on to TSG then my computer goes all blue and it says things about dumping files on disk or something
When switching between users, general to admin I got the following info on a blue screen. Before that I was on a site that kept making pop ups. The monitor went black and back and black a few times, then blue. Here is the info: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your computer.
windows starts up normally, i just log on and do nothing at all, everything is normal for about an hour or so ,then BOOM, screen goes black and the system crashes with a nasty blue screen it clearly indicates a registry error, i've been told not to mangle with the registry, i have made a registry backup prior to upgrading to WMA 11 though.
I had a problem with my electric supply, transformer shut down and my desktop was on. I have an old voltage regulator, not an UPS type. My pc was loading win xp back then, now whenever I fire up my pc it shows the - start winxp normallyuse last working confsafe mode - black screen.
my Toshiba Satellite M110 recently froze, crashed, displayed the blue screen (beginning dump of physical memory). i restarted the computer, but it suddenly displayed: Read Disk error. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart.I talked to Toshiba Corp. Australia, but they said i had to bring it in to be repaired, or backed up, then a system restore. my dad has a technician friend, who will be able to back it up... but is there any other ideas? i mean, this might sound rather random and deranged, but does anyone here know how to open up and remove a HDD (hard Disk Drive) from a Toshiba Satellite without blowing anything up? my dad's tech friend has a laptop USB HDD Caddy, but i just need to well yea. i have the recovery disk and know how to recover, so i got that bit covered, just the removal of the HDD before 2nite and safely too. other wise i can just get my dad's tech friend to do it.