I have computers with two logins, one as myself as administrator and one for my students as limited users. These were previously County computers with the County as administrator. One of these machines has locked me out as administrator. I can't install uninstall programs. How can I remove this identity? I am already setup as administrator but am locked out on this one machine only.This computer has Windows NT as its OS.
I am the owner and administrator on my laptop, today it won't load YIM nor will it allow me any administrator rights-run and open programs,I don't know the admin password-never had to use it to run a program
Normally I reinstall windows when I run in to this problem, 9 times out of 10 caused by a virus. This time I decided to try and restore policies and get rid of the virus by hand... but I couldn't find a guide telling how to get these policies back! Has anyone created a guide or done this before? I figure if the rights can be taken away, they surely can be given back.
In win XPPro environment I have lost admin right to all accounts. While installing a sfotware I get this message:"You currently do not have access to the Windows registry. Please see system admin to install realplayer." I tried checking the install and uninstall file to make sure the read is unchecked, I looked for previous versions of software to remove and In safe mode as Administrator and also created a new administrator and still cannot download software due to same issue. I rebooted and restarted the computer several times.
I use the PC at church to project the words for the audience to see. Unfortunately other people tamper with it and very often I go to use it and the settings have been changed. Can you tell me how I can go about allowing others to use the PC but only allows me to change setting.
I'd like to know how others deal with programs that require Administrator rights or they refuse to run. I'm currently running Windows 2000 Pro, but I'll be moving to XP and the issue is the same with either OS.I don't want my domain users to have Administrator rights because they install things like webshots and ITunes and other junk that could lead to spyware.How do others balance this.
In our Windows 2003 domain at work, we have a number of laptops that connect to our network. The users of these laptops (both Windows 2000 and XP) need to take them home to work on them.Some of them have hardware devices at home such as printers and wireless home networks, which they may want to connect their laptops to. should you make laptop users a local administrator of their laptop? It would mean that they can connect anything to their laptop and install anything onto it. There have been times where our users have messed up their machines because they have local admin rights to it. What kind of policies do you lot use in this kind of scenario?
I am running windows XP on an IBM T42. I used to be the administrator on this machine, though I set up a separate log in with all admin privileges. Using this account, I used to be able to install, uninstall etc. A week or so ago, I noticed that I was no longer able to uninstall anything using this account. The system kept saying that I needed to be logged on as admin.
I have a home computer with windows XP and I have lost my administrator rights. Most likely a virus or a hijacker has taken over but i cannot do anything to clean up the computer. I cannot uninstall, run the virus program or even reinstall XP. Is there anything I can do to gain access back to my computer.
I have bought a second hand computer (Windows XP) and am unable to load any new programs onto the computer as I don't know the administrator's user name/password.how I can delete or over-ride the administrator's account/rights.
I can not make any changes in msconfig, nor can I change any program startup options in services.msc...If i try to uninstall a program I get a dialog box that states windows installer can't be located, I've tried to dl and install it but, you guessed it, no installer to install it with. There are three people using these machines, myself, my wife Kim and our 16 year old boy.Having done a little research I've read that I shouldn't go online in an administrator account due to vulnerability issues while in an admin.
I can only access my computer using the guest account. This is husband's computer and he has admin rights. When signing in to my or his account, we only get the wallpaper on the desktop with nothing else -- no task bar, no start, nothing to click on. I am limited in downloading/running virus scans because of the non-admin status.
My OS is XP Pro. For quite a while now, whenever my system tries to install the latest version of Win Media Player, most of the installation happens and then I get an error message saying the installation wasn't completed and that I must log on as administrator. Since I am the adminstrator, I guess I've somewhere along the line lost my administrator rights.
I have Intel Celeron 2.40 GHz desktop with Windows 2000 SP4 installed on it. It is a standalone machine at my residence. The problem is that whenever I login as an administrator or even make a new user with administrator rights or assign an existing user as an administrator and login, the computer reaches the desktop and then restarts. Then it runs scandisk. After successfully running scandisk, it comes to the login screen and the moment I login, same thing repeats. However, if I change the administrator rights of another user to Guest or something, it works fine.
I am using Windows XP in a corporate workstation where I have been given the local system administrator rights and I am not in any kind of domain or workgroup.But my problem is the USB ports are disabled and I wanted to enable them.
I'm using Windows XP. I have one user account with administrator rights.
When I boot up, my desktop is blank except for the desktop background. In other words, no icons, no start menu, start up programs don’t load, etc. At one point, I got this error:
"Windows cannot find '/idlist, :400:2196,c:'. Make sure you typed the name correcttly, and then try again ..."
(I haven't been able to replicate this error, though. It showed up once.)
Im running windows xp, and Im locked out of everything that is considered 'administrator' and i cant access my calendar, control panel, internet options etc etc. I am the administrator, and i cant access these applications in any of the user accounts, OR make new user accounts. Its clear that some kind of spyware or malware, or SOMETHING that i dont want on my computer is doing this to me and ive had a problem similar to his in the past and a little program i think i downloaded off this site helped me out, but i cant seem to find it again.
i have a problem lol so i disabled all the accounts except for the administrator because i needed to log on as the admin...so on startup the admin is the only user account available. BUT...i was led to believe that the password was blank so it would log in automatically but it is password protected, but i never set a password for it so im confused as to how to enable my other user accounts. Is there a way to do it in safe mode from the cmd prompt or do i have to just reinstall another windows OS to get it back up and running.
I seem to have a problem similar to at least one other person.Control Panel has disappeared and any attempt to change any settings results in an error messge directing me to the Sys Admin.
I recently downloaded "teakui" to remove email details on loggin page. I use Incredimail as my email programme, this is now not my default programme and it will not let me change it. It says "you need administrator or power user privileges in order to set it" I am the administrator.
I have a laptop that runs Windows XP. Recently I opened it and an error message that says that the computer is locked and only the administrator can log on appeared. But, I'm the administrator of the computer! It is not apart of any network so no one else was using it.The keyboard is also locked so I can't type anything.
I installed a new hard drive today and decided to delete the partition on my master drive. I used Windows Disk Management to achieve this. But now I'm sitting with 50gb of unallocated space.Know of a way I can retrieve it? I really can't buy software specially for this especially since I am only going got be using it once.
When I try to log on the dialog box cycles through "retrieving user settings"... "logging off"... "saving user settings"... and then returns me to a log in screen. The log in screen is more like an NT screen with fields for user ID and password rather than the XP screen with a button for my users. I have tried my ID, "XP" and "Administrator" with similar results. I installed xp service pack 2 about a week ago. Just before this occured the computer reported "lost or damaged clusters on startup and I allowed it to go through the repair process. The only file listed as damaged had nothing to do with start up [thumbs.db in my pictures]
In my my new computer i only saved the hdd and the rest of the old computer was sent to my brother and now when i try to install the old hard disk with everything else new computer is not booting. I bought a new and bigger sata hard drive and installed a fresh windows xp and not able to retrieve my old files with message access is denied.
My computer is networked to my boyfriends computer at home. He's the administrator and im guessing can browse my computer remotely. Though it appears that i cant connect to his computer to retrieve some of the files that are mine on his computer. See he saved some stuff on his, i have a laptop he has a desktop.
Everytime I boot I get an "Administrator has prohibited access to CD/DVD DRIVES and removable storage devices" All of my USB ports and my CD are greyed out with a red circle and bar symbol. I am running XP Pro with SP3. I am the only user of this computer and I did not restrict them. I have gone in with the secret administrator account and it is also locked.