Not Showing Full Partition Capacity?

Nov 4, 2008

I used to have dual boot of Ubuntu, Fedora, and WinXP but today I remove the Fedora and Ubuntu. When I add the Unallocated space in Partition Magic it shows the drive at 95GB but in my computer or in disk management it is only showing the capacity as 72GB how can I get this other 23GB to show in WinXP?

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Does Not Recognize Full Capacity Of Hard Drive

Dec 22, 2006

I have a laptop which after I purchased it and installed my own backup utility and created an image. I then started my windows xp home eddition with the cd and went to the section to redo the partitions. I deleted the partion for the recovery however after doing so it is not shown as unpartiton space. The system should have 80 gb hard drive however the statement above the partion says only 75gb is available to use. This is the same total as on the control panel / disc management. How can I get XP to recognize the entire hard drive space?

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19' Inch LCD Support Full Capacity Of Screen?

Nov 12, 2006

I was looking at a Lenovo desktop that comes with a 19' LCD, and noted that the full screen was not being used by XP. Are there settings in XP that would use the full screen capacity of the 19' LCD, or does XP only use a portion of the total screen area no matter what parameters are changed?

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Computer Running At Full Capacity - 100% Usage

Mar 12, 2006

My computer is running at 100% full capacity all of the time. As you can imagine, this makes things run very slowly. Any ideas of what could be causing this problem? My task manager has unfortunately stopped showing processes, and no programs are running when the capacity shows 100% usage.

I'm using a dell inspiron 8000, Windows 2000, Pentium III.

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Doesnt Recognize Full Capacity Of My 500gb Hard Drive

Aug 10, 2010

Two weeks ago I installed win7 on my system,but 3 days ago,bacause of some problems,I decided to uninstall it and to setup an older version.But unfortunately I had many problems to setup another one.Although I had the related DVD in DVD drive,after some seonds it asked for the DVD labeled Win XP.Anyhow finally I could setup win XP 2002,but windows only recognizes drive C with capacity of 100GB and I don't have my other drives as before.For your information it's NTFS.I decided to setup Win7

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Partition Magic 8 Saying Completed New Partition But Not Showing Up?

Jul 25, 2005

My existing C: drive. First I was getting the "Error 983" error. Then I un-installed SP2 which was causing a gang of problems, freezing programs for a couple mins mostly. After I got it uninstalled I did a disk defrag, then a chkdsk /f. Now I have partitioned the drive using PM8 again and this time after the reboot it is telling me it is completed but once Windows XP reboots there is no new partition.

Im trying to install Suse Linux 9.0. But I really want to have 2 new partitions, one for Suse, and the other as a back up.

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PC Showing That Hard Disc Almost Full - Can't Find

Mar 16, 2010

I have a Lenovo Thinkcentre PC, with windows XP. I'm having a problem with the PC in that although I use an external hard drive to make sure the PC hard drive is not full and have very little saved on the actual PC, when I look in properties on the 'C' drive by right clicking on the 'C' drive icon, it is showing that there is 118GB used and only 26.1GB free space (total capacity 144GB). But when I go into the 'C' drive and manually explore all the different folders, there is nowhere near this much space used. Probably less than 5Gb that I can account for. I think it is drastically slowing my system, and also every few days I get a message that my computers performance is degraded and that I should defragment. I was under the impression that you didn't need to defragment anywhere near this frequently....

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Svchost.exe Is Using 100% CPU Capacity?

May 3, 2007

When I start it, after a few seconds, a task is appearing in the Task Manager, called "svchost.exe", which is using 100% of my PCU. I know this task is part of Windows, but I'm wondering why it uses so much CPU... I performed a search on the web and found 2 tips: 1- Performing a registry scan (with RegCure or equivalent), then a spyware scan and a virus scan; 2- Updating my system on Windows Update. I did the first step with the free versions of RegCure and RegistryFix (registry scan), AdAware and AVG Free. But concerning the 2nd step, when I go on the Windows Update site, the automatic update tool performs an infinite search to find the suitable updates for my system

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Find The Max Ram Capacity For My PC

Aug 21, 2008

My work pc is literally running two 128 dimm memory sticks and yes, it's slow. How can I find what the max dimm memory I can install in my computer?

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Svchost.exe Using 40-50% CPU Capacity Soon After Startup?

Jun 6, 2010

So svchost.exe has been eating up a lot of CPU lately. Like 40-50%, at all times. Really driving me crazy. I have the Intel E8400 (dual-core), so even on occasions when it spikes to 100% CPU Usage, my system isn't locked up. However, this does degrade my performance in games quite drastically My operating system is Windows XP Home Edition (32-bit), Service Pack 2.

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Computer Is Using A LOT Of Memory - RAM Capacity

Oct 12, 2006

I bought my Dell Inspiron 9300 (1.86 Ghz Centrino, 1.0 GB RAM, running Windows XP Media Center Edition [stupid, I know that now]) in August of last year. It was really high-end then, the idea being that by the time I finish college it will still be... enh, adequate.Upon installing Google Toolbar and adding the System Monitor gadget, I discovered that even when I have just turned the thing on it's using over 60% of its memory (RAM). If I am using Yahoo! Widget Engine, that figure jumps to anywhere between 67% and 80%. This is rather unsettling, because the computer has 1 GB of RAM. How can my computer, at rest, be using over 600 MB of RAM? Is there a way I can take that down?

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Maximum Ram Capacity Of My Mobo

May 23, 2010

i have an EMAXX mobo EMX-AMD780G-PRO with a maximum ram capacity of approximately 3GB is there a way to released the maximum ram capacity of my mobo?

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Recovering Hard Disk Capacity

Sep 2, 2007

A year ago, I was having ME/XP opr sys problems and reformatted my HD. Being cute, I formatted into a 29 G section and an 8 G HD and put ME upgraded to XP in the 8 and all 'personal' and controllable programs into the 29G section "C". All photos and video are in the 29G section. The 29G section has 23G free. The 8G "D" has filled up (careless on loading software, etc). I have now deleted programs, looked for large files, emptied trash, etc to try to get back to Opr Sys files only (as best I can determine). No matter what I do the free space seems to shrink. Now 7.97 G. total, 472 M free. I have XP and 97? office. Except for deleted programs (I have the discs), everything seems to work, although slow.

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Resize C Drive To More Capacity Without Loosing Data?

Sep 26, 2009

I have a 120 gigabyte hard drive. It has been divided into three partitions when I bought it. My C drive has about 15 gigabytes, the D drive has about 100 gigabytes, and the hidden recovery partition has about 5 gigabytes. Can I resize the C drive to make it bigger without losing data? Is it safe? I have Windows Xp SP3 and EASUS Partition Master Professional version 4.0.

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Laptop Slows Over Time - CPU Running About Half Capacity?

Nov 18, 2007

here's what's up - after about 10 minutes of being on the computer it slows down significantly, particularly web browsing. i usually notice the problem when using firefox 2.0 to check out videos on Internet. after watching 2 or so videos, the videos become very choppy and the system starts coming to a halt. checking out the task manager - i find that the cpu hits 100% during these episodes and per the processes the cpu is being gobbled up by firefox. a similar thing happens when i run itunes.

i installed a browser to monitor cpu speed/temp etc. i found that i have tons of ram available (at least 600 mb) even during the slow periods. i also found that the cpu temp is pretty reasonable (53 c) but then i found that my cpu is running at 600 mhz (most of the time, irregardless if plugged in or not). i can't seem to make my system run at full cpu capacity and am not sure why or if this has anything to do with my problem.

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CPU Usage % / Two Files Occasionally Start Running And Tie Up Cpu Capacity

Mar 9, 2005

Two files occasionally start running which tie up large amounts of CPU capacity. Checking thro Task Manager these appear to be

MSMSG.EXE which i assume is microsoft messages of some form but no message is actally on screen the other is VSMON.exe which is part of the Zone lab firewall, they only activate sporadically and when I am on the Net but they show cpu usage at 80%+ so everything freezes. When they are not active the cpu runs at around 15%.

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System Unable To Recognize Hard Drive Capacity?

Nov 29, 2006

At first I thought it was BIOS not autodetecting my HDrive capacity. But in the setup screen it indicates the correct size.However, in WindowsXP-My Computer, it still says my harddrive is 20GB rather than 40GB.

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C: Drive Inexplicably Fills To Capacity With Unknown Data

Nov 24, 2006

I just installed XP on a brand new core 2 duo system. After I leave it on for about a day, C: fills up entirely, apparently on its own.The weirdest thing is, any time I reboot, the extra data disappears and the free space returns to normal, then slowly reaccumulates again. The paging file is located on a different partition so it's not that. I usually have Symantec Corp installed, but I switched to Kapersky by recommendation of a friend and it found two viruses - one of which was a downloader. It removed both and I figured that was that, but the problem persists.Ideas short of a reinstall.

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How To Make Second Partition Bootable / Restore Hd Image When Partition Is Too Small?

Aug 16, 2005

How do I make the second partition, which includes all files from another hard drive, pretend that it is the main partition? I want to simulate the second partition being my main one for a while.


How do I resize system partitions?

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Want To Create A Secondary Partition, But Added All Space On Primary Partition

Nov 16, 2007

I have my Windows format disc and I want to create another partition with it. I tried to create one, but it said something like "You have no more space to create another partition because you used up all your space on your Windows primary partition". See, when I reformatted my computer a while back I just created 1 partition for Windows and applied all the space onto that partition.

If there is a way I could remove some space off of my Windows primary partition and create another partition with the space I removed. I want to do this so I can put general things in my other partition such as documents, music, etc. and just leave the other partition for Windows and programs.

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Remove Partition & Add Space To System Drive & A Diff Partition

Apr 22, 2007

What are the steps needed to access one of my partitions, delete it, then use 1/2 the space and apply to system drive and the other 1/2 to another partition?

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NTFS Partition Filled Up / Finding Reason To Keep FAT32 Partition?

Feb 5, 2008

I bought a new computer.It appears to have been partitioned into a NTFS format and FAT32 format.The default drive for my documents & my pictures etc is the NTFS which I have been using happily. It is Media Centre Edition so I also have a few large files (>4GB) - though I dont keep them long term.NTFS partition has fulled up - but I cant move my large files to other partition to free up space

I've done a little bit of reading but my question is "Should I reformat the FAT32 to make it more of use to me?".I cant really see the need arising to access older OS files, except .JPG's (photo's I had on my old Windows ME Comp) or "Should I move all my smaller files (documents and photo's) to the FAT32 partition and use the NTFS drive for the bigger files?"

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Formatting Primary Partition Without Extended Logical Partition

Nov 23, 2008

My hard disk arrangement is C(primary partition FAT32)for Windows XP
D(extended logical FAT32) for non-os data (movies, pictures etc..)
F(primary NTFS) for Vista..
I am formatting F: and then C: through XP installation CD
(and C->NTFS from FAT32)
is this ok???
will D: be accessible after installing XP on C???

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Can I Take Space A Extended Partition And Give It To A Primary Partition

Dec 31, 2009

I would like to know if it´s possible to take free space from an extended partition and redistribute it to a primary partition using partition magic 8.0..both partitions are NTFS

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Partition Error Trying To Reinstall XP: No Valid System Partition?

Jul 7, 2010

Now I am having multiple new problems. I want to completely erase the hard drive and install a new version of XP Home, not Pro. At the beginning of the installation process, it gathers system info. Immediately it responds with "no valid system partition" and the only option is to exit from the process. How can I get past this to complete the installation?

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How To Partition Drive Using Paragon Partition Manager 8 5?

Apr 9, 2010

what are the steps to create partition using Paragon Manager?

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NTFS Partition Thinks It Is FAT In Partition Magic?

May 1, 2005

I had perfectly working PC with XP Pro installed on a 160Gb Maxtor HDD.For no reason I error checked the hard drive, which the system did after rebooting, at the end of the test the system rebooted and announced that there was a error on the boot and boot.ini.Useing XP Emergency (on disk) I tried fixmbr which did nothing then I tried Fixboot. XP found the drive identified it as FAT and said that it was successfully fixed.The drive was FAT and is now unusable.Partition Magic sees it as a FAT drive as does XP when I switched the HDD into another machine.

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Split Primary Partition - Logical Partition

Aug 17, 2005

i plan to format my computer again and this time i plan to split my primary partition before i format. When i go to format i want to format only the active partition with windows in it.I have two questions. This trick does work right? the partition i created in windows using magic partition 8 won't be formated along with the active partition right? I plan to backup everything on my second partition.When i created the second partition i had two options. to either make it a logical partition or a primary partition. I chose primary partition. would that work?i plan to install windows xp pro sp2.

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Partition Setup - Partition Size When Copying HD's

May 3, 2006

Over a year ago when I setup my new system and before installing most of my APPS, I backed it up to a small HD. My Win Xp Pro MCE 2004 has become a little buggy (MY FAULT).How would I copy or clone the smaller HD over to my 80GB drive AND maintain the larger partitions? I have Ghost 2003 but I'm not sure if it permits me to set the partition size when copying HD's.

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Win 2000 Pro Boot.ini On Dos Partition Rather Than OS Partition

Jan 31, 2007

I reinstalled my OS several months ago, and decided that I might want a dual boot in the future. I already had an old, smaller drive in the machine that's labeled the c: drive.
Reading one time that for security purposes it's good to have your OS on a drive other than C:, I decided to not alter the drive lettering.

I then partitioned a new internal hard drive into several logical drives. I formatted the D: partition as a Dos fat32 partition and the rest as NFTS partitions. Somehow, I allowed the D: partition to be the primary partition, while the E: partition which contains the Win 2000 Pro OS Winnt directory is a logical drive.

When I just checked disk management, I noticed that not only is boot.ini on the D: Dos partition, but so is ntldr along with the following Dos setup files:

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Xp Pro Partition Advice & Partition Programs

Feb 3, 2006

I'm running Xp Pro SP2 & I need to redo the system. I have 2 Samsung 80gb hard drives but only one is currently in use.

What would be the best way to set them up for system speed, reliability & ease of back ups?

What sort of partitioning software do people have experience with ?

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