Not Able To Do Printer Sharing Mannually

Mar 10, 2006

I'me having a bit of a job trying to share my printer with my other pc I downloaded network magic which is supposed to configure printers to share it did'ent work. I've tried to do it manually but when I click on sharing I get a message 'in order to share this printer an administrator must configure windows firewall to permit the sharing of printers.' I'me the administrator and I thought I had done this.

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Sharing Printer?

Oct 6, 2005

I just bought my wife a Dell Laptop with wireless capability. My desktop is in another part of the house with a printer attaced. I would like for her to be able to use my printer when she is in the kitchen printing out recipes etc.
I wentthru the Control panel, Printers and Faxes, right click etc and checked "sharing" on the desktop that has the printer attached. I am not having much success getting the laptop to print.
I have Windows XP on both computers.

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Unable To Printer Sharing?

Aug 20, 2005

I have established an Ethernet LAN between my Windows XP HOME SP2 and my
Windows XP Professional SP2 PCs. I have printer sharing set in both
PCs. The XP Pro PC can see and print on all of the printers on the XP
Home machine. However the XP HOME PC can see the XP Pro PC on the
network but no access to the XP Pro machine is permitted. I get an
error message relating to "Incorrect Logon type" When I click on the XP
Pro PC Icon on the XP Home machine. I've read and tried everything I
coule find on the subject with no luck.

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Sharing Printer And File

Jun 26, 2007

I am running WinXP on my Gateway pc and my Gateway Laptop. I know that printer and file sharing is an easy procedure. I have done it before and it worked. I know networking the two is a simple procedure and I did that too. My problems began when I switched from dial-up to satellite (Wildblue)internet. Don't know if that could have made a difference.Here is what I've tried so far. I first googled the problem and then took all the advise I could find, followed all the directions and nothing worked. I believe the two machines are networked because they are sharing the internet connection and when I did the 'ping' thing, each computer communicated with the other. I've done the printer sharing procedure over and over and over and when I go to the laptop, the printer on the desktop doesn't even show up. Both the pc and the laptop are on the same workgroup so that's not the problem.I

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Unable To Perform Printer Sharing After Installing OS?

Jun 28, 2005

I had printer sharing set up the first time everything went smoothly. I have 2 pc's on a network 1 is xp home the other xp pro. I had to do a clean reinstall of my operating system on xp pro.Now I've right clicked on my printer on xp home entered the printers name as printer 1. When I go to my other computer and run the wizard I get a box come up saying printer and underneath a larger box.What have I got to put in the printer box my printer is a Lexmark X1100 Series.In the lower box this is where I have had printer names appearing in the past although mine was'ent there I am now getting 'Microsoft windows network' coming up.When i click on the next button I get 'you need to specify a valid printer name.

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Unable To Install NIC LAN Configuration For File & Printer Sharing?

Aug 4, 2005

During my network troubleshooting, I was checking my NIC configuration on my desktop to make sure that file and print sharing was enabled and realized that there is nothing installed, no clients, services, or protocols. When I try to install I got an error message that the file could not be found.This is strange because I get access to the internet.Is this possible?Could this be the reason my laptop cannot access the desktop? How I fix this?

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Additional Printer Icons In Printer/Faxes Window?

Mar 24, 2007

In the printer and faxes window there are printer icons listed in addition to my default HP Printer. Whiy are they listed there and what do they do since you can't use them...or can you and if so, how? Two that are listed on my computer are:

Broderbund PDF Creator
Quicken PDF Printer

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New HP Printer / Woke Up Printer At Shutdown And Startup

Aug 24, 2005

I bought a new HP printer today. I had a hotfix installed at some point that shutdown and woke up my printer at shutdown and startup. The new printer isn't affected by this hotfix. Does anyone know where I can get this patch?

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Issue Connecting Printer With Two Printer At Same Time

Mar 14, 2009

Two custom PCs with XP Pro at same SP level. PC1 sees printer through switch. PC2 can not see printer. PC2 connects and sees printer when I cable the USB DIRECTLY to the printer instead of going thru a switch. Therefore, I know PC2 can print. Have tried 2 different switches. An A/B data switch and Belkin's 4x1 USB Peripheral Switch F1U401. PC1 works with both switches but PC2 does not.

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Cannot Change Printer TCP/IP Port Or Add New Printer

Jun 3, 2009

We've had to change our address space and therefore the printer address has changed. I've changed the address on all but one computer. On this particular computer when I try to edit the TCP/IP port I get the message:

"An error occurred during port configuration. Access is denied."

If I try to create a new port I can select that I want it to be a Standard TCP/IP Port and then it tells me:

"Specified port cannot be added. Access is denied."

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Printer Problems With SP2 And Network Printer Unless Lo..

Aug 17, 2005

I have connected 3 new PC's on a P2P network, and connected a HP 4610 Color Laser Printer via a JetDirect 175 print server. On one PC, I can only print from the Administrator account. The other 2 computers work fine. On the one that is having issues, when printing a test page I receive a "Failed to Print" error mesage, and looking in the printer jobs menu, it shows that there was an error printing. The
Administrator account can print fine from this machine.

The user accounts are "restricted user" accounts on all 3 computers.
All 3 computers are exactly the same type, and all have the latest

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Printer Spooler Stops When Trying To Add A Printer

Aug 24, 2005

After a system crash all printers are gone and when trying to add a printer I get the message:
"Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service is not running" After starting the service manually and trying to add a printer I get the message:"Operation could not be completed" and the service is stopped again.I looked at some of the previous answers and related topics (like article nine, and Q324757

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Get An All-in-one Printer Or Stand-alone Printer?

Oct 10, 2005

i have seen some comments on forums that there are a lot of problems with all-in-one printers.

i should just buy a stand-alone printer and separate scanner?

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Printer Spooler Won't Stay On - Printer Spooler Service

Mar 10, 2008

I'm a tech at a college and am working on this computer that the printer spooler service won't stay started.You start up the machine and go to printers and faxes. There are none listed (of course cause the spooler isn't running) You click on add printer and it tells you that the service isn't running. So you go to run services.msc, printer spooler says it's stopped so you start it. It will then run until you try to print something or go to printers and faxes in the control panel. Basically as soon as you open the window the printer spooler service stops.Does anyone know a fix for this. Last time it happened one of my co-workers found a tool to fix it but we haven't been able to find it since and all the researching I have done leads me nowhere

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Sharing Printers

Jun 27, 2005

I use to be able to share my printers over my network , but since adding service pack 2 for windows xp , when i try to connect to my printer over the network , windows displays a message saying.' The driver isnt installed ; browse for driver

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Cannot Sharing Files

Jan 27, 2009

I recently came back to cable modem, and set up my linksys router. hardwire to desktop, wireless to laptop. internet works great on both, but can not share. checked the share settings on both, checked computer and workgroup name, and no luck. I am not real savvy on computer knowledge but open to try. By the way, this used to work when it was initially hooked up.

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Pro File Sharing

Mar 30, 2006

We have a 6 user office (Mac/Windows) networked with Workgroup. One of the computers doubles as a desktop for the secretary and file server. The computer runs Windows XP Pro. This computer shares a folder and everyone can access it. I need to restrict access to this folder or a subfolder.I have used Administrative Tools to setup users and groups. I can't find a way to setup privileges and restrict access to a folder depending on the user.

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IRQ Conflict Sharing

Aug 30, 2006

I have a minor problem in that fairly frequently my system will freeze when I close a window by clicking on the top right "X", although it seems to close normally when using the "Edit-Close" function. On freezing, Taskmanager indicates that "explorer.exe" is running 100% CPU resource, and can only be closed by rebooting via reset button.The only thing of any possible concern I've noticed is that there are 11 apps sharing IRQ7, while my laptop with the same OS and a similar set of applications does not even use IRQ7, and has no more than 2 apps on two IRQs.There may be no correlation between the freeze problem and the IRQ setup, but it makes me uneasy.

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Sharing Internet

Aug 24, 2005

I have two computers at home which has both WinXP installed. One has a internet connection(host)(DSL) and i wanted my other computer(client) to onnect through host internet connection. My host has 2 lan card installed one supposed to be for internet sharing. I already run WinXP Network Setup Wizard on both computers and both has same range of IP buth still i cannot share my internet connection.If I will be using cross cable connection, still anything else i need to configure aside from running Network setup Wizard and checking the Allow others to connect to this internet connection?Is it possible to use a hub to share internet connection, since I dont have a broadband router?How about using a wireless network because i do have one, how can i share internet using access point. How can i configure it? Is it also possible that
i use hub so that i have my access point connect to it and i still have ports
to connect using utp cable network.

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Speed Sharing Up

Oct 28, 2002

copy the following to notepad, save as shares.inf, right click, install
[Version]Signature= "$Windows NT$"LayoutFile=layout.inf
[DefaultInstall];AddReg = Reg.TestSection.AddDelReg = Reg.TestSection.Del
[DelReg = Reg.TestSection.Del][Reg.TestSection.Del]HKLM ,"SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerRemoteComputerNameSpace{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}"HKLM ,"SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerRemoteComputerNameSpace{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}"
;****END COPY****

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Pro File Sharing In 2k Domain

Feb 25, 2010

I have an XP machine that I'm trying to setup as a fileserver, but when I go into permissions, the only thing that shows up is the local machine, not the domain or any of it's computers.

-Is the computer connected to the domain: Yes.

-Can the computer ping other computers: Yes.

-Can the computer access other network shares? Yes.

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Pro File Sharing In A Domain

Jul 28, 2005

I am trying to set up a shared folder on an XP pro machine and give permissions to only certain domain users. Problem is when I go to permissions, then "Add" then the only location I can see is the local computer - no option to see in the domain for users/computers on the domain. WIN2000 clients bring up the option of the local computer name and the domain no problem.

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Sharing My Documents Folder?

Sep 9, 2005

How do I share "My Documents"?

I can share any drive or folder except "My Documents". It doesnt even give me the option.

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Sharing Folder Between And 2000

Jun 22, 2007

1. I would like to share a folder between 2 computers. I created a shared folder on Windows 2000 computer. I am unable to connect this shared folder by using My Network Places between Windows XP and Window 2000 computers or by using \computernamesharename link.

2. There are 2 folders on my computer with following link
C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator
C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator

They have same number of files. If I try to delete a files from one folder, the same file from both the folders get deleted. I just want one set of folders.

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Internet Connection Sharing Between 2 Pcs

Jun 18, 2005

I seem to have a problem sharing the Internet between 2 pcs. The Internet connection lasts for a while & then, later on, it doesn't work. Is there any reason why this might be? The 2 pcs have Windows XP & they are both configured using the Network Connection Wizard. They should both work fine but they don't.

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Sharing Internet Connection (ASP)

Feb 24, 2006

i try to share internet connections to play my xbox. Let me tell you what i am trying to do first and the error and i am getting. I have my internet connected threw USB dirctly to my modem. Then i have my crossover cable plug into my Xbox and the other end in my ethernet port.. And when i trying to bridge the connections i get a error on my xbox something about the DNS sever i try to fix that but i think its because I am not sharing my internet connection.. This is the error i get when i try. An error occurred while internet connection sharing was being enabled.The specified service does not exist as an installed service And here a screenshot of the error you can make it bigger for you can read it..

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Pro - Can't Stop Drive Sharing?

Nov 24, 2008

Recently I accidentally noticed that all 4 drives on my personal computer were being shared (C: 2 mirrored drives, F, G, H external drives). My login has admin rights, so thru drive properties Sharing, I disabled Sharing for each drive. Thru Network Connections/ Local Area Connection/ Properties/ General I also removed "File and Printer Sharing for MS Networks"

(I noticed on the Advanced tab that "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet Connection was checked and grayed out so I was mysteriously unable to disable this...) Problem is everytime I reboot the computer, the drives show up being shared again although the "File and Printer Sharing for MS Networks" protocol does remain disabled so I have to disable each drive again. I have never chosen to share my drives, don't wish to and am concerned about the insecurity and my inability to permanently disabled the sharing. how to stop the sharing or what might be causing this?

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File Sharing Woes Very Odd

Mar 12, 2008

I have been experiencing a problem with sharing folders between two Windows XP Pro (SP2) Computers. I have searched the internet high and low for a solution, but i have not found one. This problem is driving me insane.When sharing folders between the two machines I AM able to access the folders and find them in "My Network Places". The problem is, while I am able to view the contents of all shared folders correctly, some files will not open and i will get a "you do not have appropriate permissions..." error. This is very random.... for example: say I have a shared folder with 30 files in it... I will be able to open and copy/move most of them, but there are several that will not open (when i try to launch these 'problem' files [zip, exe, wmv, whatever] I will get the error mentioned above). I dont understand how files in the same shared folder will act so differently.

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HJT Log - Internet Connection Sharing (ics)

Feb 8, 2007

1. When I go to access my firewall I get an error saying "Windows firewall settings cannot be displayed because of the associated service is not running. do you want to start the windows firewall/internet connection sharing (ics) service?"
I then hit yes and "windows cannot start the windowsfirewall/internet connection sharing (ics) service"I went to microsoft and found info on it but as I read all it seemed to say was "blah blah tech talk tech talk blah blah blah" I got no where...I really did try! Did something take over my firewall should I be scared?

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External File Sharing

Aug 1, 2007

I have setup the two external HDD's as share on the primary. I can see those HDD's through "My Network Places" on the secondary computer, but I get an error stating that I must see the administrator for access permissions. Is there a clean and safe way to share these 2 external hard drives from the secondary computer by leaving them connected to the primaru computer?

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Sharing Sound Scheme?

Jul 5, 2010

This Is my second post and I'm new here so.... go easy on me............. I have windows xp media 2004 edition computer. I want to know how to move the sound schemes from one computer to another.... I've spent a lot of time on finding free sounds on the internet and customizing them to make sound schemes. I know where the sound files are but I just don't know where the system saves those sound scheme extentions or whatever they are.

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