"my Computer" Changes To A Different Icon That's On My Desktop
Mar 9, 2006
I have this weird icon problem. im not sure if this is some bad thing, but once in a while one of my desktop icons, like MY COMPUTER changes to a different icon that's on my desktop. MY COMPUTER still takes me to the right place but the icon thing is just annoying. once i actually thought MY COMPUTER got deleted, then i noticed the icon changed to a video game icon that was right next to it
I am running XP and have the Classic Desktop settings, I was working from my external HD and I shut in down and went to open it back up from My Computer and it was not there. I copied and placed another one on the Desktop and it shows as a copy and when I go to rearrange my Desktop to (type)and My Computer does not go where it orignaly suppose to be.
A Dell Dimension 2400 PC with XP-Home on it. I just notice the My Computer icon is missing from my desktop. How do I restore this icon? Also, how do I eliminate all those pesky little "balloons' that pop up along my taskbar. I am the only 1 using this PC and this little balloon notification are annoying.
i use windows xp professional suddenly my 'my computer' icon on the desktop has disappeared.can you please advise how i access/ retrieve my local disk drives.
On my computer suddenly & without pro vacation or malice Windows XP Pro just arbitrarily decided to remove the My Computer icon from the desktop.I can restore it by going to the start menu, right clicking and then going properties,selecting start menu and add it from there, but when I go back to the classic start menu it takes it away again.It seems it will only let me have it if I added it using the Start Menu and I can't stand the size of it and all the crap that comes with it.I prefer the Classic start Menu as used in earlier versions of windows.
Just wondering why when you drag an IE http short cut to the desktop, it does not display the site logo icon. Sometimes, they will show and others not. I have had them even come and go after different sessions. I log on to Internet both through work firewall and at home on network through firewall and in motels through open and firewall protected isps.
I am trying to remove an icon that says "install_flash_player", but every time I try, it says "Cannot delete install_flash_player: It is being used by another person or Program. Close any programs that may be using the file and try again."
I've tried shutting down the pc, but that didn't work. I've closed all programs when trying to delete it but it won't go. I then tried opening my task manager to view processes, but am unsure as to which process to end.
I applied eo Dell for credit to order items. When I received my reply, an icon appeared on my desktop that was titled credit decision. How do I delete it?
I will click on a desktop icon and nothing happens. Well, the hour glass comes up but thats it, nothing else happens. I can click on several icons and the exact thing happens each time (nothing). Control-alt-del will not work either. After letting the computer idle for about 5 minutes I will click on anything and then every single icon that I clicked on earlier will all pop up at once.
Not to be seen. when I go to my computer and then to the desktop, ok it shows there so I have to move the item into a desktop folder. Close my computer, go to my desktop and move that item out of the folder back onto the desktop.... this has gone on for a long time and it's starting to get old...
I am running Windows Xp Pro on a network. I have version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600. My problem is that last Friday my desktop icons started having a blue back ground behind them. I have tried right clicking on the desktop and clicking properties then the desktop tab and there I can change the background colors, but I want the background to go away totally. I used to have just the icon and words with no back ground color at all. Can anyone help? I've compared the setting on this laptop to my other one at home and didn't come up with anything there. I also tried to restore the system to a date prior to Friday, but I get the message can not restore for every restore point I have chosen.
i deleted the desktop icon for I E/sent it to recycle bin.iwant to know how to get it back /without having to replace it with an icon with the dreaded white arrow in the bottom left corner. i have tried going to control panel-display-desktop-customize desktop/no luck.i am running windows xp home adtn/sp2.any advice would be much appreciated.
I would like to have the original desktop look on the Windows XP computer that I had on one of the user accounts.There should not be shadow on the desktop icons and there should not be a license plate style behind the icon description text.
i installed a hp 750 all in one printer from a cd . Operating System is windows 2000 pro. Printer is working fine scanning is getting a message their is no director icon on the desktop.checked in device manager and their is no imaging devices listed.
I installed Nero Ultra 7 Edition, every thing went fine, but there is no icon on my desktop for it. I have looked everywhere for it cant be found. I have installed it 2 times. Hope you can help me.I have Windows XP Profesional SP2.
I tried Customize Desktop under Display Settings for Desktop, the box next to Administrative Tools is not checked, but when I reboot, the icon is still there.
I am having a 'blank' desktop icon added when I exit cbsnews.com. At least that seems to be when it happens. When I right click on the icon it says Type of file: File Description: blank Location: c:Desktopetc Size: 196 bytes Size on Disk: 4.00 kb
noticed an icon on my desktop representing the email I had read (and deleted). Now I can't delete the icon. It is grayed out and I get the message "Cannot delete file: cannot read from source disk or file"-no kidding. How do I get rid of this thing?
Run xp SP2. Computer won't shut down. Started couple of days ago. Do not remeber installing any programs just before that. Starts the process, all icons disappear from desktop, than freezes. Stops cold. Only way to turn off is by pulling plug
My desktop looks like this (sorry for the large image) and I don't want the text on my icons to be highlighted. I can't seem to get rid of them, though. The color corresponds to the color of the desktop behind the wallpaper
I am seeing a number of problems related to windows explorer:Explorer won't start from the desktop icon. Selecting it from Accessories simply returns you to the desktop. My desktop is messed up. It displays a background plus 3 items in the column down the left side - "System Tasks", "Other Places", and "Details". Previously it was just a desktop with icons. I moved the contents of "My Documents" from my "C" drive to the E drive (different partition) in case the partition was failing, but yesterday the E version of MY Documents disappeared. I'd like to get these back. Before the folder disappeared, I would open it and see a treeview of all the subfolders. Immediately afterwards, starting at the top of the tree, the "+" would all disappear, just leaving folders. Also, some of the folders were white, not yellow. I suspect the situation is a combination of screwed up privileges and registry problems, but I'm not sure where to start.
My friend was checking for trojans, and apparently deleted Explorer.exe (we are not so clear on why). Following this, his computer (which is running Win XP Pro SP1) displays a white, icon-less desktop, with no direct access to the start menu and no right-click ability. He installed SP2 - no joy. He also can't find the original OS disk for the 3 years-old computer
I don't use Microsoft Outlook and would like to delete the icon from my XP desktop but when I click delete I get the following message: Confirm Delete--Are you sure you want to delete the Microsoft Outlook icon from your desktop? The Outlook Desktop icon provides special functionality and we recomment that you do not remove it.