i deleted a software program i had but discovered it was not completely removed. i tried to click on these items and received the message "access denied". i have found the listing in my registry. how can i safely delete this entry? the following is my computer info: system: windows xp sp2 - home edition internet : anti spyware/antivirus installed: ms antispyware win patrol sygate firewall spybot ad-aware spy guard spwareblaster cw shreder
If we want to remove a software in our system we will uninstall it by going to Add/Remove programs and i want to remove the software by going to registry so could anyone tell me how to remove a software by using the registry.
I am having various problems with programs that won't install/uninstall, specifically uninstalling ZoneAlarm free firewall, which also happens to run its initial "Configuration Wizard/Tutorial" every time I log onto Windows from any account. When trying to uninstall, it falsely tells me I need to rerun them from an "Administrators account" I have two accounts on WinXP, both admins, and have even tried in Safe Mode 'Administrator' account and get the same error no matter what. I have scanned with RegistryMechanic(registered), Adaware Personal SE(free), Housecall (FullScan), and Norton Antivirus. No traces of virus/trojans, but BonsaiBuddy & eUniverse spyware kept coming back until I ran Adaware without System Restore on. Now there are no traces of either, but still having problems
I run Windows XP Home, SP 2, with all patches and upgrades through the latest MS Update. I use an HP Pavilion Desktop. I have extensive realtime spyware/antivirus protection and scan daily for viruses and spyware. I think the machine is clean. I have used a 3rd party uninstaller program for about 8 months. It will detect 9 invalid uninstall entries--they are Registry Keys
I've deleted software from my PC. I used the uninstall process that came with the software. I've had to delete the reference in my Program folder. I noticed that the registry still has at least one reference to the deleted software. How can I identify all registry references created by this software and how could I delete them?
Have uninstalled Mobile Phone Tools for Motorla as it wasnt working properly. I have cleaned out everything except there are a few Motorola Modem entries in the registry that wont go. Do I need to get rid of these before I re-install? I want the comp to detect the phone as new hardware. If I need to remove the entries how can I do it when it tells me no?
Then an error message appeared on Windows Messenger I was to sign on as the administrator and correct the registry in which it couldnt (something like that) anyway i am signed on as the admin all the time.Checked registry (run-regedit-enter) found the microsoft keys were all locked, gave permissions to admin and went back to messenger, still an error.So, decided to go into add/remove programs and uninstall or repair, further messages came up, showing an error in the same reg key, could not access.
Am Running Windows XP home with SP2 on a P4 machine,everything running smoothly except that I tried to uninstall a program through the control panel-add/remove route and even though most programs are listed there, only a few of them like 5 out of 40 odd have the change/remove button when the particular program name is clicked. It just shows size, used frequency and last used on, I cannot uninstall those programs incl. the officeXP package. I am absolutely sure all this was possible few days back and tried to get my system back to a 7-8 day restore point but this does not help as well
In registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall " only 5-6 programs are listed and the change/remove button only shows up for these. Where did the rest go?..as all these other programs are running on my computer. What could be the problem and how can I resolve it without re-formatting
I have always been able to "drag" sites I have in my favorites list to a position I wanted them, regardless of their name or ABC order or whether or not they were folders or individual sites, but all of a suuden my 98 system lists them in ABC order with the folders first and the individual sites following and I can't change it where they will stay where I move them to. Does anyone know what has happened or tell me where to go to change the setting to get this corrected? Seems like more view this XP forum than the 98 forim so I entered it in both.
I was cleaning up my computer today and I think that I accidently deleted a program that I should not have. All the Change/Remove buttons from the Add/Remove Programs listing disappeared. I searched online for solutions and all the questions I found were leading to to the Registry. However, the uninstall folder that I am supposed tobe seeing under Registry/Local Machine/Software/Microsoft/ Windows/Current Version ismissing. How do I make the folder 'UNINSTALL" appearin the registry so that I can bring back the Change/Revome buttons in my Add/Remove Programs listing?
I had a problem with not being able to list files from my cds on my new laptops dvd drive (with winxp home). I could play files from the cds but not browse files on the cd. After intstalling ASPI drivers it all worked fine.
I went to set up a new dial up connection in XP.I went to connection wizard, I click next, I check connect to the internet, I click next, I check set up my connection manually and click next. On the how do you want to connect to the internet page, connect using a broad band connection is allready checked and the other choices are greyed out. I cannot uncheck the connect using broadband listing. Every time I try this it is the same thing.
Root of C: and any directory with a large (>3Gb) file or many files/directories is now taking up to 10 seconds to list on a P4 3Ghz 1Gb RAM.WinXP Home, SP2. Defragged, run scandisk, emptied temp files, deleted restore points and other junk, turned off antivirus just to see if it was that.
When I attempt to open a file or to get a directory listing in Windows explorer I have a delay of about 12 seconds. Before I get a listing (within a program) I see where it says at the top "Open - not responding". After eventually getting the listing I will be able to obtain another listing quite quickly while in that program. If I exit the program and go to another as from Word to Excel I again experience the slow listing and the "Open - not responding" before the listing shows. Long ago I had a similar problem where the listing took an even 30 seconds to appear and it was determined to be a virus. Nothing shows in any of my virus scans.
Does anyone know how to pipe a directory listing in windows to a text or excel file which includes the file summary data, e.g.Title Comment Author Owner field.
I want to backup my Autocomplete User Names and Passwords, Web Addresses, and Forms entries in the registry. What are the registry addresses for these items?
I tried to delete the registry entries which were bad, I had 30 of them, but the these two will just not go away, even by doing them manually, such as saving as a backup then deleting it manually and remerging. They just show up no matter what I do, or so use programs like Registry Mechanic, which I found only mediocre, very far from the ratings. to delete these two entries somehow from someone who is actully knows how to without using several so called registry cleaners, which only work partially.
I have entries in my Windows XP Professional Registry that are no longer needed. When I try to delete these entries the registry editor will not allow me to delete the entries. Is there a way that I can delete/remove these registry entries?
Everytime I try to export HKLM and HKU as Registry Hive Files using regedit, I get the following error message: Registry Editor Cannot export D:HivesLocal Machine: Error writing the file. There may be a disk or file system error. I am trying to export the above mentioned hive to my second hdd. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong
I foolishly deleted something in my registry. Now I cannot access the internet from a program that wants to communicate with it to register the product or collect information via the internet, such as Print Master.
On my box at home, I have Norton System Works, which contains a registry diagnostic/sweeper.At work, where I run Windows 2000 Pro, I was wondering...I know there are various registry diagnostic & cleaner utilities out there on the web, but I thought I had heard that Windows itself either includes one on the OS disc or makes one available for download.Is there such a thing as an official Windows Registry utility?
I installed the SP3 today and have been kicking myself since then. I didn't even follow advice I was giving others to wait. I set a restore point before I installed it and went into Safe Mode to restore to that setting. When I checked on my Add/Remove Programs file it states the SP3 Cannot be Removed. I have read here in a few threads that some people have uninstalled it. I don't know of anyother way other than AddRemove programs. I hope I don't have to reformat. What happened was that my computer would start to boot up and hang, then I got it to boot up as far as desktopand then it will just hang.
Since I decided not to have ICQ (I didn't register) I get an error messege saying Error Opening File:icqPro2003b.log this file is necessary to perform Uninstall. Press Ok to quit uninstall. Since I don't want ICQ in my system (I wanted to try it but stupid me) now it's stuck my system. Is there still a way to remove it?
Hello Folks. I have been trying to uninstall sp3 and reinstall sp2. I found out how from microsoft but it has been running all day long without seemingly going any were can someone help.
I'm facing a problem when i try to uninstall XP SP3. I get the following error "Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is selected as the language for standards and formats, or for non-Unicode programs. This language is not supported prior to Windows Service Pack SP3. Please see readmesp.htm to select a different language". I have tried all steps mentioned in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950249 but it could not be solved.I also tried logging onto administrator's log in which was used to install SP3 but even that did not work out. I get the same error
A friend installed 2000 over 98, is it all possible to unistall the 2000 and restore the 98. The HD wasn't reformatted when the 2000 was installed and they can still get to the 98, but only in safe mode.