Endless Setup Loop

Apr 2, 2005

I;m trying to do a repair install of Win XP on a Toshiba laptop. Setup gets to the installing Windows part, then flashes a black screen covered in zeros, then a quick blue screen that I cant stop long enough to read, then reboots, and setup restarts.I have given up on repairing this install, now I just want to wipe the disk and start over. Problem is,I dont know how to get out of this vicious setup loop.

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Stuck On An Endless Loop Of Rebooting

Mar 5, 2006

Just installed SP2 on a fresh Windows, and it's stuck on an endless loop of rebooting - never going past the Windows logo loading screen.

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Autocheck Endless Loop - Tried Most Advice

Apr 22, 2008

the latest victim of the autochck not found rebooting cycle. I've been thru the forums looking for a solution. this link


provided some good info however generally the point is being missed. You cannot get into the registry to modify any autochk values.

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Stuck In Endless Circle Loading Desktop And Wall Paper

Dec 29, 2008

I believe there has been a small HD problem, the result is that when I boot up, it goes thru normally till it loads the desktop. The wall paper shows up and it starts loading the tray with its programs. During that load, it stop, re-loads the wall paper and starts loading the tray again... sometimes it stops and just has the wall paper up with no icons. When in this state, you can run any program by bringing up task manager and running it in "applications" "new task". I have found that I can run almost any program by getting to the "start" menu fast enough during the time it is loading.I have run a chkdsk in read only mode and it reports errors during phase 2. I can put the PC into the "circle" mode if it is sitting still with the wallpaper by running Windows Explorer. I have tried doing a system restore, went back one day and it seemed to restore, but nothing changed - and - now I cannot do another restore. It shows restore points as available, but when I press on their date nothing happens. The rest of the restore programs responds normally.I hesitate to run chkdsk in repair mode since it might leave the computer useless and it is the way I am writing for this help ! I assume there are some sectors that include WINXp that are bad. It all started while I was online and the PC went a little nuts, I shut it down after a quick scan with Symantec anti virus ( thinking I may have picked up a baddie). The scan showed nothing. The symptoms started on the first reboot.

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Users Try To Install Fax Client / Setup Hangs Asking For Fx Setup Files

Aug 20, 2005

I've setup Windows 2003 fax services on a W2K3 server and shared the device. I've tested faxing from Word on my PC and it works fine.However, when other users try to install the fax client, the setup hangs asking for the fx* setup files. I've tried different XPSP2 CDs, copying the files to a local directory, making sure that the users have local admin rights (and even domain admin rights) but to no avail. The files are already in the system32 directory so in theory the setup doesn't even need to copy them. Even if I delete them, it doesn't work.Our corporate SMS team reckons that there isn't any policy which could
cause the problem.

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Pro Upgrade Fake Setup Call Himself Instead Original "setup.exe

Dec 4, 2006

I started an upgrade for xp pro part way through the install I got a message "WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe" no found I pressed enter then got another message "fake setup call himself instead original "setup.exe" ; setup abort!" now each time I reboot it starts to load xp then gives me the same message then press enter it then reboots.

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Corrupt Setup / Trying To Remove Setup By Logging On From Another Disk

Feb 24, 2008

I mistakenly launched XP Setup and want to know how to stop it from progressing further. I have another XP installed on another virtual disk. Rebooting from there allowed me delete the Setup files. Or so I thought ! The main XP installation however continues to try to launch Setup. Just about whatever I do, it ends in tears. My question is how do I stop XP on this disk from thinking it has to launch Setup? I dont want to reinstall XP, as that will involve a huge amount of work to recreate my environment.

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2000 Setup Won't Complete - Setup Stops

Aug 4, 2007

I was told to reinstall windows 2000 aon a C800 I was given. I stopped with an erroro reading line 3221166496 hivedef.inf corrupted. Setup cannot continue.

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Error: Setup Can Not Find Setup.exe

Oct 29, 2008

i am trying to install windows office 2007 but after a minute from start of installation ,it popup dialog box saying setup can not find setup.exe file and say browse valid installation source and click ok.
I don't know whats happening.I have just formated my C drive and installed fresh copy of windows xp.
here is image of error message.
what should i do?


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Login Loop Tried Everything

Aug 31, 2005

I have the login loop problem. Click on user's name and the system loads settings, and then saves settings and returns to logon screen. I have checked the Winlogon registry entry, and yes it is correct. I have copied the userinit.exe file to wsaupdater.exe. I have done an in-place reinstall of XP Home with SP 2 which I have succesfully re-activated.

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Hijack This Log After Fixing Log On Log Off Loop

Oct 8, 2009

i was reading an old thread about the log on log off loop because my computer was expirencing the same difficulties, i managed to fix the promblem and log back on, but the end of the old thread i was reading(expired now) said to run hijack this and to send in the log file, so im sending mine now to avoid this promblem in the future,can someone tell me if there is still something wrong with my computer and i have a dell inspiron 1100 sp3.

this is my log:
Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 1:02:11 AM, on 10/8/2009
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)
Boot mode: Normal
Running processes:
C:Program FilesNETGEARWPN511UtilityWPN511.exe
C:Documents and SettingsOwnerApplication DataU335155111AD82C629LaunchPad.exe
F:Blow your mindHijackThis.exe
C:Documents and SettingsOwnerApplication DataU335155111AD82C629285E6953-BF3C-4445-9376-3FE5D7F645B2ExecinSignupShield.exe
O3 - Toolbar: &Radio - {8E718888-423F-11D2-876E-00A0C9082467} - C:WINDOWSSystem32msdxm.ocx
O4 - HKLM..Run: [IgfxTray] C:WINDOWSSystem32igfxtray.exe
O4 - HKLM..Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:WINDOWSSystem32hkcmd.exe
O4 - HKLM..Run: [AS00_WPN511] C:Program FilesNETGEARWPN511UtilityWPN511.exe -hide
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:WINDOWSSystem32ctfmon.exe
O9 - Extra button: Related - {c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a} - C:WINDOWSweb
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Show &Related Links - {c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a} - C:WINDOWSweb
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - C:WINDOWSNetwork Diagnosticxpnetdiag.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - C:WINDOWSNetwork Diagnosticxpnetdiag.exe
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe
O23 - Service: Firebird Server - MAGIX Instance (FirebirdServerMAGIXInstance) - MAGIX� - C:Program FilesMAGIXCommonDatabaseinfbserver.exe
End of file - 2272 bytes

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Login Loop- OS Is XP Professional

Oct 13, 2004

My OS is XP Professional. I rebooted my PC & when I got to the login screen, I press Ctrl-Alt-Del. I go to the password screen & enter my password. XP then displays 'Loading your personal settings'. after a few seconds, it displays 'closing network connections' & 'saving your settings' & goes back to the login screen asking me to press ctrl-alt-del to login. This loop is happening whether I try to log to the domain or try to login as stand alone. If I enter wrong password XP says so & ask me to enter correct password. I am able to access my PC through another computer though & check the hard disk for any virus no virus found.

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Log On Log Off Loop - Malware Virus

Sep 13, 2009

i had a malware virus that was removed by norton, its stuck in a log on log off loop, i tried a image file it did not work, next step in hard drive removal,can some tell me how the network 2 computers so i can change the registry to usernet or whatever

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Ctrl+Alt+Delete Loop

Jul 13, 2005

User has XP Pro. Log on keeps looping around. User is able to put in credentials, log on screen goes away, then reappears empty. User has to do Shut down/Restart to clear, is then able to put in cred and log on completes.

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Reboot Loop Due To Virus

Dec 25, 2006

I encountered a reboot loop due to backdoor.sdbot.ab or the viruses that come with it. I caqn't get into safe mode, I can't use the command prompt, can't use safe mode, I can't do anything basically. Everytime I boot up it goes to the windows 2000 screen then reboots to the beginning and keeps on doing it.

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Logon / Log Off - Loop Did Not Working

Jan 16, 2005

Just cloned my hard disk and everything copied. I go to enter my username/password, hit enter, and then the splash screen appears. It says "Loading Personal Settings..." and then disappears. However, it is still loading as the splash screen color bar is still moving. Then, about 45 seconds later, it says "Saving Personal Settings..." and then "Logging off." It then proceeds to take me to back to the logon screen. The Microsoft.com solution to the logon-logoff loop did NOT work

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Continual Boot Loop

Sep 4, 2008

Has been working fine for 3 days but it took a while to shutdown 2 days ago so I shut down with power switch.It now refuses to boot up. Goes through all usual till the 'start windows normally', run in safe mode' etc. The cursor will not move via any key on keyboard (although can use keyboard to access bios features) so I have no option other than to wait till 30 second timer countdown and it tries to start windows norally. After the 30 second countdown, the Windows splash screen appears half illuminated and it goes back to boot up again. Have tried to boot from CD (Windows disc) via Bios setting but the process continues as usual not allowing boot from disc.Have swapped Sata cables for new ones on DVD and HDD, tried to run windows setup with a brand new HDD but get BSOD after 2 minutes saying virus or HDD problem?Have tried swapping memory modules, removed graphics card and wifi card, nothing works!

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Installer On Constant Loop

Oct 7, 2007

I recently performed an optimization of my cpu with the Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC program. After the optimization i reebooted and have a bizare problem.Windows installer is trying to install the WinDVD program.I get 1 window that says: Please wait while windows configures WinDVD and another window that says: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'WinDVD.msi' in the box below then below it says use source: C:DOCUME~1CoreyLOCALS~1TemppftA~tmp.When i click cancel i get this message: Error 1706. No valid source could be found for product WinDVD. The windows installer cannot continue.

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In A Boot Up Loop Booting Up?

Nov 10, 2006

It's a good thing I have another computer to use...otherwise, I don't know how I would be able to ask these questions.My other machine is an HP a730n, 1 Gb RAM, 3 GHz, running with AVG anti-virus, all Windows updates in place.The machine was on overnight. Two programs were running (photoeditor, word processor).This machine also has two external drives connected to it, through USB ports.When I turned on my monitor, there was an error message displayed, but I didn't write it down. I clicked okay, and then the machine proceeded to shut down, and now it is going through an endless loop of trying to start windows.It initially gives me a screen with the options of safe mode, safe mode with networking, or command prompt, letting it start with the last known working configuration, or start windows normally. I've tried the start windows normally several times, to no avail.In safe mode, I clicked on Administrator, which then said it was starting windows up, but I then got a window that said "winlogon.exe application error. The instruction at "0x7498aaba" referenced memory at "0x00000008." The memory could not be read. Click cancel to debug, and OK to close.I also tried the last known good configuration, with the endless loop continuing.

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Xp Login Loop- Do Not Have Original Recovery

Jan 23, 2010

can i get past the login loop if i do not have original recovery or startup discs

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Recently Reformatted - Stuck In Loop

Aug 8, 2010

I recently reformated xp computer with xp 2002 disk all went well until i got to the activation of windows I activated windows and clicked ok then as i got to the logg on screen the error popped up again i repeated what i did the first time and sure enough it worked but when i clicked finish it returned to the logg in i tried once again to logg on and it came the same error but this time it told me windows is already activated and the only way to access windows is via safe mode which dont allow u to activate windows.

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Constant Reboot Loop On Startup?

Oct 14, 2006

I had to store my PC for a couple of months due to some home renovation. Hooked it all back up yesterday, and it booted fine. Only thing out of the ordinary was a message "new hardware requires windows to restart". I figured it was my TV tuner, it's always been touchy after a complete power-down. I chose not to restart right then, and used the pc for an hour or so, then selected shut-down. It powered down, then re-booted on its own. No problem, the TV tuner causes this, I waited to get into Windows to turn the DVR function that I know causes this, but it refuses to boot! I get to the windows screen with the progress bar, and after about 15 seconds, the screen goes black and it reboots.

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Reboot Loop / Error Message

Apr 22, 2007

This is kind of a long one, so please bear with me. In the last week I've been getting a lot of pop ups (almost every time i clicked a link or visited a new site) which i never used to get before. Many of them were things saying my computer was at risk and i should download such and such software, but i didn't know if they were legit so i didn't do it.Then one morning a couple days ago i woke up with the computer running the windows loading page. It took me to the password screen, i entered my password and windows started. But then once all the programs had loaded, it flashed a blue screen error, too quick to read, and then went black. Then it started loading windows again and took me back the password screen. I logged on and the same thing kept happening over and over.I started it in Safe Mode and did a full scan with my virus protection software (Symantec). It found six threats and i deleted them all. Restarted the computer but the same thing happened. I tried the disk defragmenter in Safe Mode but that didn't work either.

Finally i changed the System Config Utility in Safe Mode to diagnostic which allowed me to open windows outside of Safe Mode, but not use any programs. So i went back to the system config and turned off all the programs that i could recognize as unnecessary (AIM, Kodak, winAmp, etc) and restarted. This time windows started fine and stayed up for awhile. Just to be on the safe side i disabled the automatic restart so that if it happened again i could write down the blue screen error. After about a half hour of working fine it went to the blue screen error again.

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Computer Keeps Going Into Constant A Loop Reboot.

Oct 29, 2008

I have a gateway desktop with windows xp home and it is constantly going into a reboot loop. Within 15 to 20 seconds of the computers start up it reboots itself and if left on it will continuously go into a loop. I get no blue screen flash neither, which I've heard a lot of people get with this problem. I have taken out the RAM cards and placed them in one by one seeing if RAM was the problem. It worked the first time, but after having one card in the second time it went straight back to a loop. So I crossed out RAM, I then took out my hard drive to see if it was causing the problem. I took it over to a friends house and it worked perfectly on a different PC. So that was out! I then thought maybe it was the PSU not sitting right, but it seems to be sitting fine. I cleaned my fans out as well thinking maybe it was just a simple problem. There are a so many different things that can cause this If I am correct? I just haven't the slightest of idea how to test my MOBO nor do I want to even go close to even touching it. I've also heard that WINXP service pack 2 suppously could cause this but I've just heard this. After trying everything in my personal arsenal I just did a clean reinstall of WinXP Home and everything seem to be working perfectly fine. The PC stayed on for about 2 and half hours after I installed the Wireless card then I turned it off for the night, thinking everything was fine. So I woke up to turn it on and to my surprise, it went into a reboot loop.

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Laptop Is In A Booting Loop - Very Slow

Aug 5, 2007

I started getting ad popups and it started running very slowly. I didnt think anything of it at first but then it started freezing and having a hard time closing windows and it was BARLEY running. And the bar at the bottom would disappear. I had to restart the dern thing 5 times just bc even ctrl/alt/del didnt even work closing these windows. Then it happened. One day when I was trying to restart it, It was in the middle of booting, and when the 'Windows is starting' screen comes up, the blue one right before you would select a user and put in a password comes up, the laptop just CLICKS OFF then restarts the rebooting loop over and over again.

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SP3 Reboot Loop When Usb Mouse Plugged In

Jun 2, 2010

decided to fix up one of my old computers...I am running an Asus A8n32-SLI deluxe and just my luck they have problems with sp3 install causing the reboot loop. Over the last few hours I have found out the following information:

The loop happens when I have my usb mouse plugged in, doesn't matter which spot and no other usb device causes. Have tried multiple types/brands of mice they all cause the loop. My flash drive also causes the loop but my keyboard does not.

When I reset the CMOS the loop did not occur until I sync'd my computers time, SP3 only

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Check Disk Start Up Loop

May 31, 2010

When I turn on pc it starts scandisk. Only scans about 6 or 7 percent then shuts down and starts over and repeats this indefinitely.

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Reboot Loop At Login Panel

Nov 25, 2006

I have an XP PRO customer PC with a strange problem. It boots to the "login" panel and I can enter the PW but get the windows "forgot?" messageand the machine reboots. If I wait 30 seconds or so it reboots on its own.Same happens in SAFE mode: after about 30 seconds I get a reboot.No BSOD, no other indication.

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Updates Caused Reboot Loop

Jul 6, 2010

So I downloaded some Windows (XP SP2) updates as usual on my Dell Dimension C521 Desktop, and after being nagged every 10 minutes to restart the computer, I finally gave in. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. I tried the Recovery Console as suggested, but it wouldn't let me past the Admin Password prompt. (And besides, Microsoft says not to do that on an OEM-installed operating system. )Soon, the error message disappeared and turned into a reboot loop, going endlessly back and forth between the Dell screen and the Windows screen. I tried a Repair Installation and it looked like it was working but it just added a new screen to the loop that says: "Setup is being restarted."

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Reboot Loop - Desktop Rebooting

Jun 10, 2006

My friend's computer keeps rebooting itself when he powers it up. He said that sometimes it gets as far as the desktop but most times it doesn't but it just keeps rebooting itself.

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Hibernation In A Loop - Disabling ACPI

Sep 19, 2009

I messed with some setting in the window for display properties>screen saver>Power Option Properties. Don't remember what I did, but the next time I restarted the comp. it loads windows then immediately after the startup screen goes away it says it's going into hibernation and does.It will stay on in Safe Mode, but the checkmark that tells hib to be on or not is not there. I've tried disabling ACPI in the BIOS but that doesn't fix it.There has to be some setting in the registry that can be changed to disable hiber, but no one seems to know how.

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