Installer On Constant Loop

Oct 7, 2007

I recently performed an optimization of my cpu with the Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC program. After the optimization i reebooted and have a bizare problem.Windows installer is trying to install the WinDVD program.I get 1 window that says: Please wait while windows configures WinDVD and another window that says: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'WinDVD.msi' in the box below then below it says use source: C:DOCUME~1CoreyLOCALS~1TemppftA~tmp.When i click cancel i get this message: Error 1706. No valid source could be found for product WinDVD. The windows installer cannot continue.

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Constant Reboot Loop On Startup?

Oct 14, 2006

I had to store my PC for a couple of months due to some home renovation. Hooked it all back up yesterday, and it booted fine. Only thing out of the ordinary was a message "new hardware requires windows to restart". I figured it was my TV tuner, it's always been touchy after a complete power-down. I chose not to restart right then, and used the pc for an hour or so, then selected shut-down. It powered down, then re-booted on its own. No problem, the TV tuner causes this, I waited to get into Windows to turn the DVR function that I know causes this, but it refuses to boot! I get to the windows screen with the progress bar, and after about 15 seconds, the screen goes black and it reboots.

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Computer Keeps Going Into Constant A Loop Reboot.

Oct 29, 2008

I have a gateway desktop with windows xp home and it is constantly going into a reboot loop. Within 15 to 20 seconds of the computers start up it reboots itself and if left on it will continuously go into a loop. I get no blue screen flash neither, which I've heard a lot of people get with this problem. I have taken out the RAM cards and placed them in one by one seeing if RAM was the problem. It worked the first time, but after having one card in the second time it went straight back to a loop. So I crossed out RAM, I then took out my hard drive to see if it was causing the problem. I took it over to a friends house and it worked perfectly on a different PC. So that was out! I then thought maybe it was the PSU not sitting right, but it seems to be sitting fine. I cleaned my fans out as well thinking maybe it was just a simple problem. There are a so many different things that can cause this If I am correct? I just haven't the slightest of idea how to test my MOBO nor do I want to even go close to even touching it. I've also heard that WINXP service pack 2 suppously could cause this but I've just heard this. After trying everything in my personal arsenal I just did a clean reinstall of WinXP Home and everything seem to be working perfectly fine. The PC stayed on for about 2 and half hours after I installed the Wireless card then I turned it off for the night, thinking everything was fine. So I woke up to turn it on and to my surprise, it went into a reboot loop.

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IE 6 Constant Error

Aug 28, 2006

i kep getting these darn UNEXPECTED ERROR. WINDOWS NEED TO CLOSE PROGRAM then got the nerve to ask me to send this report to MicroSUX. i have checked the MicroSUX dowload page, but i saw nothing that says ANYTHING about the problem I am there anyone who had this problem & got it fixed. Pls help me & tell me what ya did. I am tired of being in the middle of something & then KA BOOM.

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Constant Beeping While Starting Up

May 23, 2007

I've had an HP Pavilion a600n computer for about 3 years now, no problems till now. Earlier today though, it randomly reset itself and stopped working. So I rebooted and started getting constant beeping noises (they last 2-3 seconds) every 5 seconds or so. And it's not just a couple of beeps, it just keeps beeping non-stop.

I read up on the issue, was told to unplug all the wires, hold the power button for 1-2 mins and then replug everything in and try, but I get the same damn beeping noises!

I've heard that the # of beeps and frequency can help you determine the problem (something about BIOS? I dunno, not really a computer nerd) but the problem is, the beeps never stop so I can't really count I guess?

Other information (dunno if it's relevant)...
- The LED button on the PC remains green constantly.
- The fan of the PC works perfectly fine...


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Constant Updates Every Shutdown?

Oct 1, 2007

Constant updates every shutdown....for the last few weeks. Always update one of one.

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Constant Crashing And Freezing

Nov 14, 2007

This started since I started overclocking my graphics card. I thought might be it but a new symptom occured.First, it started freezing and crashing randomly and I thought it would pass if I stopped overclocking. I took out my graphics card and hoped it would stop.It got worse. What happened was I tried to turn on my computer and it crashed while starting up everytime. I had a bunch of recovery discs so I used them because they worked everytime in the past. Bad idea. I started the recovery process and as soon as it started, my computer crashed. I turned my comp back on but it said there was no OS installed. I tried reformatting and my computer crashed in the middle of that too.At this point I'm really pissed at my computer. I can't reformat. I can't recover. I can't even start up my computer up to the desktop.

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Constant USB On Without Any USB Devices Attached

Sep 5, 2009

Im having a problem with the USB error bubble popping up constantly.. Sometimes i will get an hour or two without the bubble coming up.. but usually it pops up bout every 2-5 seconds.. As you could probably guess this is interferring with how my computer is operating.. It freezes up alot but it will resume after the freeze.If i restart sometimes that will help a little by cutting down how many times the bubble comes up.. I dont have anything plugged into the USBs But i do have a modem connected by ethernet.The error bubbles say USB device unrecognized after clicking on it it shows one unknown device. I have tried powering down and shutting off the power strip. And unistalling all devices and rebooting.

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Constant Aurora Pop-ups - CPU Usage

May 12, 2005

I'm getting constant Aurora pop-ups along with a bunch of internet windows popping up, and my CPU usage, is always at 100%, and I have over a gig of ram.

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Constant Error Report

Jan 6, 2005

I am a little stumped by this error that came into Tech Support. One of our end users emailed us and stated that he keeps getting windows errors and then of course XP prepares a Error Report to send to Microsoft .I have done an extensive search about the problem on the internet and find this issue a lot. I have just never seen a successful resolution. Some say it is video driver issues, some say spyware. I am not going to sit and guess as what it is. I figured I would ask everyone here at this board and see what I came up with.

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Constant Bad Image Error

Jun 6, 2006

i have an annoying computer problem i am trying to solveon my new laptop. Im using Windows XP and whenever i run a program a messsage pops up saying BAD IMAGE 'The application or DLL C/windows/system32/interceptor.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.' A lot of these pop up on start up to. How can i put an end to these messages?

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Constant Computer Crashes

Dec 6, 2007

Recently my computer has been randomly crashing. It seems to occur when it is loading something big (like a game) or running a lot of programs at once. It just flickers and then goes to a blue screen that says:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

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Constant Program Crashes In XP

Oct 18, 2008

It seems that whenever i'm using firefox, IE, Media Player or almost anythingfor that matter,they keep on crashing.I have installed a fresh copy of XP and still have the same problem. I'm assuming that it could be a hardware issue but not too sure really.How can i post the information in the error reports if that would be of any use or is there any other info i can give to help solve the problem?

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Constant Explorer.exe Crashing

Aug 26, 2008

Yes, that's right, whenever i start up the computer, five seconds later all my desktop icons and the taskbar disappears. Every time when i enable explorer.exe (via the run command in the Task Manager), the same thing occurs, five seconds working, after that it disappears. By the way, i am running Windows XP.Now, i am afraid a virus is on this computer, but sadly i cannot open BitDefender, since it is "expired" and i don't know what else to do.

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Fix Constant Italics And Font

Aug 27, 2003

When a rogue program decides to install its own version of system fonts, it may replace the original version of the font file with a shortcut in the font folder.  Once this program is uninstalled, the shortcut may now point to a font file that no longer exists.  Windows XP in turn reacts by turning all unspecified fonts into italics upon next reboot.The simple way to fix this is to delete all shortcuts in the font folder and replace them with the actual font file. you can also double check the path of each font and look for any suspicious paths.

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PC Locked Into Constant Reboot Cycle

Oct 6, 2009

Despite advice to the contrary my youngest son has taken to shutting his PC off by turning off the power on the back of the computer. Now it wont boot. It starts loading windows (shows the splashscreen) but then reboots, goes into the set up option page, ie safe mode/safemode with networking/last known good configuration and so on. Only I cant get it into safe mode or last known good configuation...just reboots and goes through the whole thing again. Tried repairing windows with the install disk but get to Recovery Console and then I don't know what to do-I just get a command prompt for C drive , like its awaiting a command but I dont know what command to give it. I cant see any other option to repair the installation. I dont want to format the drive and reinstall Windows unless i can help it.too much software to reinstall and lost game data!

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BSOD On Startup / Constant Reboot?

Aug 15, 2009

Hello, i have had this problem in the past where I would get the bsod on startup. As soon as my desktop loaded in fact. It had to do with a display driver I had installed.Since then I have a new machine that running without a hitch for a while now,and this time I do not have those display drivers installed . The problem started happening after I did a scan with malware bytes and super anti-spyware and after I cleaned what it found I got the BSOD on reboot.

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Constant HD Usage - Task Manager

Nov 19, 2007

This is driving me nuts. The hard drive is constantly being accessed. In task manager I get usage from, services.exe zlclient.exe taskmgr.exe explorer.exe ycommon.exe vsmon.exe system idle process at 98% There are 70 processes from all users. Is this normal or what? I'm very diligent about running Ad-ware and Spybot at least twice a week. I have Avast antivirus and Zonealarm firewall and Windows defender running. I defrag once per week.Windows XP professional, 250 g hard drive, 2g memory.

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Constant Messenger Service Error

Dec 12, 2005

A Messenger Service Error will keep popping up every 2 minutes or so, and says that my system is encrypted.I dont know what else to do, plz email me at if you know what i could do to fix the problem!

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Constant Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

Jun 13, 2006

I have been getting many errors saying that this page cannot be displayed. I did do a Google search, a search of this forum, and I read the lengthy Microsoft article, which is way over my head. I am getting the impression that there can be many reasons for this happening. I do get a message that says Javascript DoNet Detect. I did do a Windows update right before this started happening.

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Constant Error Message Becoming VERY Irritating

Mar 26, 2007

Every time I refresh a page in internet explorer or sometimes after waiting a few minutes I continuely get an error message saying, "Documents has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It then has the text about telling Microsoft about the problem and then the buttons "Send Error Report" and "Don't Send"Well I've done both as you can imagine and I have also started looking at the file that causes the problem everytime I get the error window. It's always a different file, but it is always in the Temp folder.I have tried multiple times using Ad-Ware SE Personal to get rid of the crap on my system and I have gone into internet options and cleared out all history, cookies, temp internet files, and passwords. And I've restarted the computer after this, and to my dismay I still get the error message. The error doesn't seem to be doing any harm yet, but it does get quite annoying after loading a page having an error window pop-up, and giving no help or hint as to a way to correct the error.

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Constant Error In Event Log On Bootup

Oct 18, 2006

I have done a couple of searches and cant seem to find anything, this may be due to my search criteria not being good enough, but hopefully not and im not double posting.I constantly get the following error in event log on bootup and cant seem track down whats causing it.The COM+ Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to report this error.There is nothing in the knowledge base at microsoft for this. If anyone can give me some pointers or a possible direction to go in I would appreciate it.

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Constant Error Message On Win Start Up

Jan 13, 2005

When I rebuilt my PC (new mobo, CPU, memory & case) evrything went fine. Moved all the hardware from my old case to the new, re-formatted the hard disk, nice clean install of Windows etc etc. Problem came when trying to install software for my USB cable modem. The software included various connection monitoring tools but I kept getting an error message that a particular file could not be found. In the end I decided to use a LAN cable, (LAN drivers came with the mobo) give the cable software a miss - no problems! However, every time Windows now starts, I keep getting the missing file error message. I checked the registry to see if there was any chance of it being a 'run once' type of file but could'nt see anything (although I'm not overly familiar with the registry).As I said this is just a nuisance - but it would be nice if there was a way to get rid of the error message permanently.

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Constant Delay Opening Programs

Nov 13, 2006

My computer has a constant delay opening programs for the first time. For example, I'll open Internet Explorer (or any program) and my computer will take 30 minutes to open it. While it's doing that, I can hear my computer "working" which sounds like a grinding noise. Programs on either my C or D drive do this, so it doesn't seem like a problem with my hard drive. I can't do anything (or very little) while it's opening something. Task Manager won't open, for example. I've done a spyware/virus check and there is nothing. It's not a slow computer. It has 1gig of RAM and more than 2.6Ghz. This didn't use to happen.

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Constant Flashing Hard Drive LED

Nov 13, 2009

Originally Posted by Cookiegal. It doesn't appear to be malware related so I suggest you start a new thread in the XP forum. I just built a brand new system several months ago with an ASUS Rampage Extreme, Q9650 Quad Core and XP Pro Service Pack 2. It has 2GB of RAM with an ASUS HD4890 video card. I have a bunch of games installed and some graphic utilities but not much more than that. It's mostly used for gaming and graphics. I installed AVAST home edition immediately after the first start up. Configured the system to Classic mode and patched everything up. It has two SATA2.0 320GB drives.

I have this very annoying problem. I have 2 other computers running exact same versions of XP Pro and none do this. I get a constant hard drive led flashing about once a second. I've installed and run "Process Explorer" and slowly went through all and suspended them and it keeps running. I ran an AVAST scan and nothing came up. I've also run every malware detector recommended here and found nothing.I do browse the internet frequently with this computer and I was concerned that I picked up a trojan program but Cookiegal worked with me for quite a bit and said it isn't malware. I'm concerned about what it may be doing to my hard drive though and I would like some help if someone can give it to me. I want to find out what is accessing the hard drive constantly and shut it off if possible or make sure it's not a problem.

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Got 64 Constant Blue Screens While Installing OS?

Nov 2, 2007

I've installed a fresh copy of XP x64 recently but am being constantly interupted by blue screen errors.I've used driver agent to check for updated drivers, and all (according to this site) are current. there is no pattern to the blue screens. happens with one program open, sometimes no programs (at night). sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after several hours.

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Constant CRC Errors On Large RAR Files

Nov 2, 2009

Every time I download a large RAR (more than 700 MB), it won't extract properly, and will say there's been a CRC error of sorts. What does that mean?This has been happening to every large file I download, from multiple sources.

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Constant Pop-up Window In Email Regarding Network Logon

Dec 12, 2005

constant pop-up window in email regarding network log on followed by window that says I can't long on (though I am on)

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Keyboard And Mouse Freeze At At Constant Intervals?

Jul 15, 2007

both my keyboard and my mouse freeze all the time! It happens at constant intervals (about 3 seconds) they freeze for maybe a tenth of a second. But its long enough to get my mouse stuck, or mispel word?

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Constant Bsod , Computer Runs Very Slow?

Jun 2, 2010

A few weeks ago I decided to try messing around with the RAM. I took out the last stick and the computer, yet again, seemed to work perfectly… for a week at least (enough time for me to assume it was fixed). The problems persisted. Note that by now not only did I have bsod problems but simple problems like browsers not being able to open, programs crashing at a very high rate,windows unable to shut down, etc. (these reasons made me decide to start experimenting with the RAM) After RAM stick #4 did not work, I started switching out ram (to no avail) And just yesterday I took them all out and put only two in, so I am running 2 gigs memory

Last night, my computer seemed to run fine, I got my hopes up yet again. This morning my comp bsod’d. After waiting an hour, I turned my computer back on and now I have a constant “Microsoft windows, the system has recovered from a serious error” error report sending thing, which no matter how many times I click don’t send or send it will pop up again. I have moved it to the corner of my screen to write this. I believe I may have had this problem before and just restarted to fix it, but I am not sure.

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Constant Browser Hijack Attempts: New Scan?

Mar 11, 2005

Ok, new scan with updated hijackthis. Hopefully I will get an answer now using the new verion.

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