Change Files Burnt On Cd From Read Only?

Jan 30, 2008

Problem when saving a .dbx file or a .pst file to a cd. I want to bring emails from one PC to the other. On the hard drive the files are not read only but when I burn them to a CD they become read only and will not let me change them.

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DVD-CD Drive Will Not Recognise Burnt DVD

Aug 20, 2005

I recently burnt data onto a dvd disk, on a laptop version of my computer and once back on my pc, i cannot open the data because the disk is not regonised as being in the PC.

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Change READ ONLY Disk

Dec 22, 2004

how can or can I change a floppy disk from "READ ONlY" to one that I can read and write to? I am runnning windows 98.

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Pro All Files Read Only - GREEN BOX

Jul 11, 2008

I noticed that every file and folder in my XP pro laptop was read only. I attempted to uncheck the read only attribute, but the GREEN BOX just kept coming back. I went to microsoft's website and did the regedit and the command prompt commands, but it didn't work. I gave all user accounts (which is only one) full access in case it was a permission conflict. Failed sad.gif.

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Unable To Synchronize Files With Read Only Attributes?

May 4, 2005

I use briefcase to synchronize files on two computers. I can not sync. some folders because of "read only" attribute. When I uncheck read only box and apply it seems to correct but when you reopen properties, it is checked again.

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Accidentally Changed Hidden And Read Only Files

Nov 16, 2008

I was trying to find any Hidden Folders inside the "Desktop" folder, so I went to Properties and clicked on Hidden, thinking that would show hidden files, obviosly I was wrong. I then unchecked it. Both times a small window opened and you could see files being changed i assumed. Then I tried unchecking Read Only. But this time when the small window was up and the files were changing, I got a messege box asking if I wanted to change 3 files. I clicked Yes. I didnt find what I was looking for and rechecked the Read Only box since that was the way I found it. Now I have some problems (Im sure alot of you are shaking your head at me, i dont blame you). When I try to open Mozilla Thunderbird to check out Email, i get an error that says our disk my be full or close to full and that there is a security issue, to conact our IT professional. Now that wasnt word for word, but close. Its the same with a few other Applications. Is there any way to fix this? I am thinking I will need to reinstall XP Home again.

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Can't Read Any Text / Html Or Word Files

Sep 5, 2007

I had Windows XP Pro SP2 installed, and then i did the huuuge mistake to install Vista Ultimate. Got annoyed and reinstalled XP Pro SP3.I backed up my files before goin back to XP on an external HD. And when I copied back the files to the pc I saw, to my horror, that everything looked ok. But when I try to open text documents, it's just garbled text. Looks like this.Every single document looks like that, rtf files, txt files, word documents and so on. And I've tried to open them and converting to different codings in word and so on (UTF, ANSII and what not). Nothing works.And then I saw, when I was gonna import my bookmarks in Firefox that I saved before I went back to XP from Vista, that those html files also are full of garbled text

I looked around on google, and can't find anything about it I would greatly appreciate some help. Every single text document, which is quite a few, is messed up. And some of them, I didnt even open in Vista.. So don't know if it's because of Vista or if its something else.

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Attachments In Outlook Express - How Can Read The Attached Files?

Apr 20, 2007

when Outlook Express removed all my attached files in my email by claiming that the attachments were unsafe. May I know how to stop Outlook Express from doing so in order that I can read the attached files

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Read Write Text Files - Batch File

Jul 19, 2005

i would like to know if there's a good place to learn about makingbatch file because i don't know about the syntax. I only program in c,delphi and Java.What i would like to know is if it's possible to do a "while", "if"(Conditions) and "read/write" text files so i can do a several testlike ping few computer in my buisness and be sure that they are wellconnected by creating a file that after it read the name of the computer it will ping and it pings it, write a file with the name of this computer with a "ok" next to it if it worked and "Not connected"
if it can't ping it!

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Cannot Delete Files - Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk

Feb 18, 2006

I'm trying to delete programs I dont use anymore, and hava a couple which are not showing up in add-remove programs, so I do a search for those programs and find them. The problem I'm having is when I click on the file (s) and then click on delete I get the following error message: cannot delete file: cannot read from the source file or disk.

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Cannot Read From Source File / Copying Multiple Files

May 23, 2008

I'm having a problem "finding" my music files after I moved some files around on the computer between users.My simple solution was to copy them to an external HD and the re-load them so I searched for all music files then selected all and attempted to copy them to the external HD, but I got an error message: "cannot copy file.cannot read from the source file or disk".

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INDD File Opens Read-only / ZIP Files Suddenly Open In BG

Dec 9, 2007

One of my co-workers has been having this odd problem and I'm not sure what to make of it. On occasion, she goes to open an INDD (Adobe InDesign) file which is stored on our Windows 2003 server, and it opens as "read-only." She opens the file to make changes and can't because InDesign won't let her save any changes to the file.There's no apparent reason for this - she has full access to the file, the file's read-only bit has not been set, and there's plenty of space on the server.What she usually does to get around it is to "Save As." over the file she's just opened. That normally works. On occasion this doesn't work and she has to "Save As." to her desktop, then "Save As." back over the original. It's a pain for her at the very least.

What's odd is that I've checked the "open files" list on that Windows 2003 server when she gets the error. Her workstation suddenly opens a whole handful of zip files located on the same Windows 2003 server (some of our digital artwork comes in zip packages). They are opened in read mode only (READ, not READ-WRITE).When she does her "save as." and gets past the error, the read locks/handles on the zip files are closed also. The ZIP thing sounded suspicious to me and I scanned her computer (as well as the ZIPs) for viruses. Nothing came up. I have since even re-installed the entire operating system (Windows XP Professional, SP2) and still the same behavior.Now what's funny is it's only InDesign (CS). All of her other apps (even other Adobe apps) seem to behave correctly.

I've even inspected her network wiring and replaced her aged CAT5 with brand-new CAT5e, which needed to be done anyway. (we run gigabit). Net connections are solid (she's only 20-30 feet away from my office where all the office switches are located, which makes things easier). No one else in the office has the problem, and her computer (and software installed) is comparable to everyone else's, at least in her department.
Our software is too old to get support from Adobe (upgrading to CS3 isn't financially feasible at the moment but not sure an upgrade would help if I don't know what the problem is), and I've tried the official Adobe forums with no luck. I didn't get very far - most of the people on that forum aren't PC/NET tech experts, just Adobe users (for the most part). It seems that way, anyway.I guess I'm running out of ideas. What should I do to figure out what's going on here?

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No Administrater On Any Computer / C Can Read A But Not B / B Can Read A And C

Nov 6, 2005

I have four computers, three on windows XP and one on Linux. All are connected to the internet via a D Link DI-704. I had to reformat and reload one of my computers yesterday with windows XP and then proceeded to set up the networking. I will call the windows computers A, B and C. I reformatted A. Having run the networking wizard I can now from A read C but not B. B will not let A or C in. I need permission from the administrater. There is no administrater on any computer. C can read A but not B. B can read A and C. Does anybody know what is going on?

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Installed And Slave Drive, Can't Read Files On Slave

Feb 21, 2005

I just installed Windows Xp on a brand new HDD. The previous hard drive had Windows 2000, and since I didn't want to lose any files I installed that drive as the slave. But when I boot the machine up. And select the slave drive, none of the files, such as pictures, word docs, etc. are there. The folders are blank. The jumper pin setting is correct because the picture is right on the label for the drive

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Way To Change The Ownership Of Files

Oct 25, 2009

A friend has asked me to look at their computer the other day and it turns out that the only thing in the computer that is working as it should is the HDD, so i have taken the hard disk out and connected it to my laptop via a usb adaptor but i am not able to see some of the files. I am guessing this is because i am not the owner of the files and folders. Is there away to change this because they are wanting me to get the pictures off as they have not backed up the latest ones.

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Temporary Internet Files Change

Mar 23, 2006

Temporary internet file is set to Zero and i can't change it. I slide the bar around and the box with MB beside it doesn't seem to repond. This is allowing me not to g on certain sites and i can't use the history thing. i set the history to 3 days but none is showing up. This is all the the Temporary Internet File Settings under Tools. When ever I click the OK button regardless of my setting it says: Please select a value between 1 and 0 on how much disk space temporary file may use.

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Cant Change Background And Files Wont Open With Right Program

Oct 10, 2007

I cant change my background like I should normally be able to. I can't right click on a jpg and set it as background and it wont detect any of the wallpapers i have in my pictures folder like it used to. The only wallpapers it will use are the default windows wallpapers or anything i set to wallpaper by right clicking on an image online. As for my other problem, I can't get files to open with the correct program. I know i can set a file type to always open with a certain prgram, but that isnt working. Example: I have a .max file which should open in 3ds max. Instead it opens in nothing and stay a blank file with no icon. I can still open it by opening up the program and opening it from there, but it's annoying. My winamp play lists also all seem to want to open in windows media player no matter how many time i tell them to always open in winamp.

I've noticed another problem after restarting that I don't normally have. When I log in i get this Preparing to Install. Please wait while windows find 'new copy' ERROR 1706. No valid source could be found for this product NewCopy. The windows installer can not continue.(I press ok)....

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Themes Downloaded From The Internet - How To Apply Files To Change Look

Oct 8, 2005

I want to use a windows xp theme that I downloaded from the internet with out haveing to use a program like "window blinds". So I downloaded this compressed file (a zip) that has a bunch of files in it. How do I apply these files to change windows look and feel? I would like to use the windows theme tap located under the desktop propertys.

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Themes - Is Any Website For Download Files To Change The Appearance?

Jun 29, 2005

Windows XP allows you to customise the appearance of Windows XP and has I think 4 different appearances you can choose from in the display properties under windows XP style with Windows XP plus installed. Is there any website that lets you download files to change the appearance of Windows XP without installing an extra program such as Window Blinds? I ask because I'm not artistic enough to create my own.

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Change File Display / List As The Default Way To View Files

Mar 20, 2006

I now have W XP. When I click on folders I get icons or thumbnails. I want to establish "LIST" as the default way to view files. When I click on List, it works the one time but then future clicks brings me back to the thumbnails.

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Batch Files / Change The Date Last Modified Through Command Line

Aug 17, 2008

I am wondering if there is a way to change the date last modified through command line. The reason for this is because I want to update the date last modifed as part of a backup solution.

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Relocate Files From One Drive To Another Drive - Change Drive Designations?

Jan 31, 2008

Today I noticed that what WAS my E drive is now called F and what was my F drive is now called G. I don't know how it happened, but it's wreaking havoc with Adobe Premiere because on all old projects I have to relocate all files on what were F that are now on G. It's also messing up my shortcuts.

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Clean Profile Change / Name Change

Sep 18, 2005

I have one user with a laptop (windows xp pro). he initially signed on to the laptop as jsmith. This was fine except the username he has at work and the email address he has is he would like to have his laptop signon as pjsmith rather than jsmith.I would like to simply create the user new (pjsmith), copy the old (jsmith) profile to the new (pjsmith) profile and then delete the old (jsmith). I have tested this on another machine and it doesn't work so well.

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Cd Rom Won't Read 700 MB Cds

Aug 28, 2005

I have a CD-Rom and CD-R Burner on my Windows XP Pro (SP2) machine. The CD burner will burn data to a 70 min/800 MB CD (and that CD can be read with no problems on other computers), but neither the CD-Rom nor the CD burner will read any 80 min/700 MB CD, even the ones it burned itself. The CD Burner is a Mitsumi CR-4804TE drive, using driver version 5.1.2535.0 (7/1/01), the latest update I can find. Mitsumi has more recent updates, but they do not list WinXP as one of the OS.Not sure of the make of the CD-Rom, WinXp lists it as HL-DT-ST CD-Rom GCR-8483B (same driver as the CD Burner).Is there a general WinXP patch that will enable me to read these CDs? Will the Mitsumi driver work on WinXP Pro?

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How Can I Read A RW DVD Disc?

Oct 5, 2005

I recorded a show onto a -RWDVD. It plays on the dvd player fine. I wanted to edit it and then burn to a -R disc. BUT, my computer "E" drive says the disc is blank.

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Cannot Read From Source

Jul 12, 2008

My daughter has asked for help with the removal of music from her mp3.When she tries to move or delete anything she gets a message saying 'cannot read from the source file or disk'. As I know absolutely nothing about mp3's I said I would try here.

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Cannot Read Disk

Apr 23, 2007

Just turned on my comp and when it got to the part where it says 'Verifying DMI pool data'It says 'A disk read error occurred' then asks me to ctrl-alt-del I did that and I keep getting the same message. I have win XP pro. I tryed to start it with the XP pro disk in.

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CD ROM Won't Read - Cleaner

Mar 18, 2005

I have recently experienced problems with my CD-ROM well its a DVD ROM. I was burning CD's fine. then it stopped or would only burn one or two things. I thought it might just need to be cleaned so I went and bought a cleaner. I tried it and now it won't do anything. I bought a brand new CD and it won't even read it at all. I can try others and it does.

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CDROM Does Everything But Read

Aug 8, 2007

This is a NEC ND-3520AW. Worked fine until ? I don't think I installed anything or saw any other contributing factor.

1. The main problem is if I insert a known good CD, when I open the drive which is the D drive in this case it shows no contents. If I take the same CD to another computer and open it I see folders, files, etc.

2. I can write to the drive on a CDR or CDRW fine using Nero.

3. I can boot from the drive using an Ubuntu or other boot disk.

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SD Card Not Being Read

Apr 22, 2008

I have a 4GB SD card for my digital camera and when I insert it into the card reader on my laptop it doesn't even show up as being read. I know my card read works because it picks up my sisters card from her camera.I am getting sick of having to whip out the cable and do it that way.If anyone has any advice please share it.

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Read Only On The Attributes

Jul 20, 2005

I have been trying to copy files, both program and data files over to a CDRW disk and when I finish and look at the properties it is always read only on the attributes.Any idea what needs to be set or configured to all me to use the information on other computers?

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