Cannot Delete File - Setting Disapears

Jul 28, 2005

I have two files that are sitting on my desktop. They came from a friend via gmail and I have scanned them for viruses. They are reported as being 0 kb in size and are grayed out. When I choose to hide system files in Explorer's view settings they disappear. I cannot delete them at all. I have tried deleting them via safe mode, with a program called movonboot and many other to how to get rid of these annoying files without reformatting?

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Setting File Association In Context Menu / File Types

Jun 27, 2005

Running xp home sp2. I cannot get it to recognize the program Quick Par for par2 files. When I right click a par2 & select "open with", it defaults to the wrong program, and the correct one (Quick Par) is not listed. When I try using the browse option from this point, it ignores my selection of Quick Par's .exe. When I go to WE/tools/folder options file types, I get the same dialogues with the same result. When I try to delete the par2 association from here, hoping to reset it the file to the right priogram, the delete button is dimmed. If I open Quick par & select the file in question, it performs normally, but I want the much more convenient right click context menu option. How can I associate these files with Quick Par, which the pc seems determined to ignore?

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Delete All User / Local Setting / Temp Files

Oct 12, 2007

I notice that in the c:documents and settingsusernamelocal settings that there is a TEMP and a TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES directory.When I delete the temporary internet files in explorer let's say, the files are gone in the pathname above mporary interent files. My question is can I just go and delete the files in the TEMP folder manually as well? without damaging some other program applicaiton operations?

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Unable To Change System Setting After Delete User Profile

Aug 30, 2005

All the systems on my network about 30 systems all running windows xp pro with service pack two keep deleting user profiles the sytems all connect to a win2k domain controller. users keep having problems opening their files or changing system settings even though they were originally configured as administrators on their systems wondering what the problem could be.

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Setting File Permissions On Home

Aug 12, 2002

For getting XP Pro security settings on XP Home.Easier way to set sharing permissions on folders. You can use the GUI instaed of the more complicated command line without having to go into safe mode.1. Click on the start button2. Then run3. Type shrpubw4. Chose the folder whose permissions you want to change and give the share a name5. Click next, now you can chose custom if you want to have full options.Quick Tip: In order to set file permission in windows XP Home, the file system must already be converted to NTFS.

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Setting Permissions For File Sharing

Jul 28, 2005

I want to share a folder on the network, giving just certain users the ability to read and write its files, but not other users. That's easy in Windows 2000, I right-click on the folder and choose Properties. On the Sharing tab I click the "Permissions" button and then choose the users who will be allowed to access its files. But in Windows XP the Sharing tab has no "Permissions" button.

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Setting The Default File Location Directory?

Aug 31, 2006

How do I set it up so that when I boot up I automatically open in the root directory (C:). That is, I don't want to have to click on My Computer, C: each time I boot up.

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Batch File: Setting Output Of Program To A Variable / Correcting Command?

Sep 1, 2009

I have gone through the above thread. I have a specific requirement to count the files in a folder and set it's count value to a variable in the batch script. I will then use this value later in the program. e.g. for /f "delims=" %a in ('dir /a-D /B /s "C:codedepotinstallData File DistribProductName" |find /c /v ""') do Set tempVar=%a I am having trouble with the space in the path. I tried using escape with slash '' but didn't help. Can anyone correct my above command and get the count in the tempVar?

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Setting File Open/save Dialogue Boxes To Display Thumbnails?

Aug 23, 2005

I'd like to permanently set my open and save file dialogue boxes to display thumbnails instead of the usual list display but can't find any way to do this (the folder options setting doesn't appear to affect this aspect of windows XP).

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Start Safe Mode Cannot Delete File - Source File Not Found

Mar 20, 2007

I read the advice to start in safe mode to delete files that gave the errror message cannot delet file - source file not found. They wouldn't delete in Safe Mode either. I am trying to delete mp3 from my c drive because I have an external disk where I have my music library. I can delete them one at a time without getting the error message but not a bunch of them. Some of them I have been able to delete in a bunch.

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Cannot Delete File: Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk In Recycle Bin

Sep 1, 2010

I have files in my recycle bin. My recycle bin shows nothing when I open the folder but there is 6 items in the folder. I have tried to delete them through C: ecycler but when I try that I get an error on the bottom of my screen that says The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

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Cannot Delete File: File System Error(1148), WIN2K

Apr 16, 2005

I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.

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:cannt Delete File: Cannot Find Source File Or Disk

Mar 20, 2010

I am running windows xp sp3. I tried to uninstall Frost Wire, via add or remove programs. I noticed that after it supposedly uninstalled from the a or r file the shortcut was still listed on my desktop. So I searched for F W and found a few references that popped up after my search. When I right clicked on them and tried to delete, that is when I received the above error message

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Strange File: Delete It Or Not Delete It?

Apr 21, 2005

Is the following file to be deleted 16 - DPF: {72C23FEC-3AF9-48FC-9597-241A8EBDFE0A} (InstallShield International Setup Player) -

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Files Won't Delete - MOB Delete File

Sep 12, 2006

I am attempting to clean out my temp files on my Windows XP Home. The files and folders that I am addressing are: C:WINDOWSTEMP*.* *.OLD *.CHK *.BAK ~*.* _*.* and MSCREATE.DIRI have managed to clean all but one, which is _*.* When I run the search, I get the result of 144 files. I click on edit, select all, then file, delete. I receive the following error "cannot delete file: Cannot read the source file or disk" (please view screen shot). When I right click, I have no delete option, just "open containing folder, copy, and extract. (please view screen shot). I have run AdAware, Spybot, Ewido, and Avg Free. I also have CCleaner, Easy Clean which I have run. I have also used "Move On Boot" by putting the file path in the MOB window and try to have MOB delete the file. MOB says the file will be removed on the next boot.

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Cannot Delete File:Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk

Mar 17, 2007

after a search, when I click on a file and try to delete it, do I often get a msg. saying: Cannot delete file:Cannot read from the source file or disk If it found it for the search, why can't if read it from the source file or disk

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Deleting A File: File Wont Move Or Delete?

Jul 29, 2007

Ive got a file on my desktop I cant Move, or Delete. Ive tried using Other Software, doesnt work,Says filename is Invalid. I cant rename the file,the context menu for the file is different than any other file, removing the Rename, Delete, and everything Useful... I cant open the File, btw was supposed to be a picture... Ive tried that technique you can use to rename a file, by clicking once on it selecting it, then clicking on the filename again, but beeps as if it was invalid. I have also tried safe mode, which also failed...

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Cannot Delete File - Read From The Source File Or Disk?

Jul 18, 2005

I cant deleted this file on my desktop. It is an empty file(0 bytes), I tried renaming it and tried deleting it in safe mode. still I get " Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk." I did a search for the file and nothing shows! not even the actual file that is on my desktop. So used "registry cleaner" to see if it will delete it...nope. I tried safe mode again and the same problem. I ran AVG, Norton, Escan, Hijack, all came clean. nothing wrong.

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Paint - Character Map Disapears

Jul 14, 2005

for some reason I dont have paint or a character map on my pc. I used to
before I got windows xp, but now its disappeared!

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Search Capability Disapears

Nov 8, 2007

All of a sudden, my search capability has disappeared. How do I get it back?

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Task Manager - Disapears Settings

Jan 15, 2005

I have Windows XP Pro and for some reason, when I try to bring up my task manager, it apperes for a second and then disapers as if it were never there. What can I do to fix this problim?

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Microsoft Visual C++ - Desktop Disapears

Jul 20, 2005

Whenever I open explorer (not IE) and attempt to delete files I get a box saying: Runtime Error! Program: C:WINDOWSexplorer.exe abnormal program termination (OK). If I click the explorer window the dialogue box disappears behind the explorer window and I can continue deleting files etc. However when I finally click the (OK) in the error box, All the Icons on my desktop disappear for about 15 seconds and then reappear as if nothing is wrong. But sometimes the icons do not reappear and then I have to use the Ctl-Alt-Del method to restart the computer. What is happening and how can I fix it without reinstalling windows XP SP2.

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Update Messed Everything Up - Desktop Disapears

Jan 1, 2006

I recently updated my pc from windows update, it was a update to SP2 from the sp1 I have, anyways when I did that and restarted the thing my whole desktop disapeared, so I restored mp pc back to what I had before but now it boots up really slow, it takes over 1 minute to get through the screen before "Log in" that says "windows is starting up", it used to take just a few seconds.

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Desktop Wallpaper Add - Remove Properties Disapears

Aug 2, 2005

A first with the wallpaper. a have installed one that i can not remove. I've tried to find it in the add/remove but is not there also looked in the properties, nothing

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Replaced The Cmos Battery - Clock Disapears

Aug 22, 2005

My clock problem is that it seems to run at a snails pace. It will lose as much as 6 or 7 hours overnight. I've replaced the cmos battery a couple of times, with no success at all.

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Where To Find Setting For Documents And Setting

Oct 5, 2008

I just finished a complete reinstall of Windows XP. Before the re-installation, I partitioned the hard drive. I want the basic Windows XP system files and drivers on my "C" drive and then I want to accumulate data files (word processing, spreadsheets, photos, music files, etc.) on the new partition which in this case has been labeled the "G" drive. The difficulty I am having is getting getting the "Documents and Settings" to move over to the "G" drive. So that when I want to load photographs from my camera to the computer it goes for C:Documents and SettingsMy NameMy DocumentsMy Pictures. Instead I would like it to go to G:Documents and SettingsMy NameMy DocumentsMy Pictures. Using Windows Explorer I changed the file name of "My Documents" to 'Windows XP old path My Documents" and then I was going to set up a new path to the "G" drive through Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Managment>Disk Management.

However I noticed that when I clicked on Start in the bottom left hand corner and it puts up that little window that "My Documents" which was listed now had the new title 'Windows XP old path My Documents' which I believe means I haven't gotten to the proper place to change the main configuration for Documents and Settings. Long way of saying how do I change the basic configuration for where Document and Settings are stored to a new location.

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Cannot Delete Name Of File

Dec 7, 2008

for win xp the remainder of the message is: it is being used by another person or program. close any programs that might be using the file and try again. i'm sure that no other program or person is using the file. is there someway to find who the mysterious program or person is? or is it just some parameter set to yes or on or 1 or true, etc?. is there any way to clear the 'in use' status so the file or folder can actually be cleared?,

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Cannot Delete File - In Use

Jan 20, 2008

i know i can reboot and i will surely be able to delete the file but im looking for an alternative. is there a program that can tell me the related programs/dll whatever that is currently using the file? i get this problem quit often and im tire of having to reboot just to delete that single file/folder without knowing

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Cannot Delete File

Sep 5, 2007

I have an XP Home computer with an empty folder that it refuses to allow me to delete.

Here is what I have tried so far:

Running RootKit Revealer

Running AVG Anti-RootKit software

Running Sony RootKit Remover from Sony

Run Spyware Doctor

Booted in SAFE MODE

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How To Delete File?

May 15, 2007

I've got a video file that just won't go away.In other words, when you right click a file there is usually an option called delete.On this particular file I get a shorter menu of options and non of them are Delete.I also tried to move it to a New Folder figuring I could put it into that and then delete the folder, and it won't go into the folder.

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Trying To Delete File

Oct 30, 2006

Several actually. Unimportant background info: I'm reinstalling Steam onto my F: drive since my C: drive is running out of space for it.I made the backup (all but the few files I'm having trouble deleting) & uninstalled Steam already.Important background info:So now I have just a few pesky files hanging around in my C:Program FilesSteamSteamApps(email)(multiple sources from here) folder. All of them have the same CRC thing going on. "Cannot delete (Filename): Data error (cyclic redundancy check)"So thinking I might be able to get around it by deleting the files from the command prompt I go start up the little psuedo-DOS window. I don't think it would have a problem deleting the directory or files could I find them, but there's a problem.

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