I has 5 computers with windows 2000 pro. Their is no "server" only peer to peer
network. I want to be able to get 2 private ip address at my home to allow a data and an ip phone connection. Would a VPN through cable modems work well for this? Or my other option is to use a wireless bridge, my home is about 1.5 miles from the office but has several trees that may block the signal.
I have a windows server 2003 in my office connected to LAN and Internet through DSL router but without a fixed IP address. How can I access this server from home pc directly, not through another website.
Having Notebook with XP Pro, latest updates and service packs on it, running on a network with several other computers running XP also. I used to be able to use Remote Desktop Connection to log into it and do maintenance, then Log Off. Now it has stopped allowing me to Log Off. I can click Start, Log Off, then it asks me if I'm sure, I click "Log Off", and that box goes away, then nothing. Its like I never requested to be Logged Off.
"Connect network registry" But when I do that, it says access denied. So I googled it and it says I need to turn on: "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer". But I can't because I have the login/logoff problem where as soon as I log in, windows logs off. how can I enable this feature using the Windows xp recovery cd
i've follwed every steps written about Remote Desktop and still can't connect to the remote computer. Is it because I use Panda Platinum instead of Windows Firewall?
I have Windows XP on all our computers. I have some parental controls on other computer using Zone Alarm. Is there a way I can see what she is doing on remotely from my computer without knowing other? I already have remote desktop working with concurrent users possible, but that doesn't do
I am at home. A co-worker is also at home. She has a VNC connection to the computer in her cube at work. We need to reboot the machine that's in my cube at work. She has to do it remotely, as I don't have the VNC software here. Is a way to do this via WMI
i have one laptop and one desktop. i want to keep my laptop plugged in upstairs in my room. i would like to be able to turn it on using some wake-on-lan thing and be able to control it remotely as if i had the laptop in front of me.
We have a user that went to grant someone access to a folder on the network. They did this from there desktop, not the server, and now no one can access the folder. Not even an administrator login. I'm assuming they got the warning about changing permissions remotley, but he swears he didn't see anything like that. Now we have a couple of users that have icons that don't work because they're coming from that folder.Any way to change those permissions back? I know the permissions default to something.
pc one plus and a Media pc two. Both running XP Pro I can connect and control the media pc using remote desktop no problem. The trouble is that when I exit from remote desktop the host pc is left in screensaver mode, and when I log on again, which is a bit of a pain as I like to hide the keyboard behind the telly. I do control the media pc quite regularly to load music files
I have a business in Kent and I am trying to figure out how I can access the camera system from home? is there a program I need to buy or can I do this through XP Pro?
I'm attempting to remotely connect to a laptop running Vista, and I'm using XP. The problem is that I don't know how to do it. And She can't access the internet from her system. She has contacted her internet provider, and they have assured her that everything checks out on their end, but she still can't connect.I was going to remotely download some software from my computer and send it to hers.
i have 4 computers in my home, all running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, they all have the Norton Anti-Virus/Internet Security 2005 Anti Spyware Edition installed also. My issue is that on one of my Desktop I cannot connect remotely to any of the other computers in my home
I don't understand why, but my computer is turning itself on! Just now - 6:08 PM, PST it turned itself on. Could it be someone controlling the computer remotely? Could it have to do with "Hibernate?" Usually I use "Hibernate" to turn off the computer.
My frined i haveing some problems with her laptop witch is running windows vista. is there anyways possible to remotly access her vista? i've been up all night trying to reseach it and im not finding anything that is work. the reson i dont just go to her house is because she is a good 500 miles away.
Host PC is XP Pro - I can remote in OK the problem is more printer related. I have printers shared on the remote options as well.At home the client has a PSC 2650 HP printer connected. When remotely connected the printer does not show. More than likely on a DOT4 prot.I have the home PC printer pooled to LPT2 and the DOT4 port. On the remote (HOST) pc, I have installed the printer driver, but with no printer actually connected I can't get the printer to show in printers.
I use remote desktop to remotely control our lab pc, which is connected to a camera. We want to remotely control the camera to take pictures of what is shown on that monitor facing the camera and connected to the lab pc. Now the problem is: when I do remote control, MS XP always show a blue log-on screen on that remote PC. That's bad because we want it to be able to show some pictures.
Can someone please tell me how can I launch throughout a work station a program that is installed in a server?
In other words, I need to install all mt programs in a server and only launch on my work station so I do not corrupt the server and I don't have to reinstall all programs on a new work station.
okay at first this wasn't too anoying but now it is a major problem at first it was just that when i went to windows update it would get stuck in the thing where it says that it is checking for the latest updates.to try and solve this issue i did these things:i ran windows update for 3 days straight and didn't do anything on my computer (it was stuck in the screen i mentioned before)i reinstalled windows, but for some reason the problem carried over a friend of mine told me about windows defender and that it was free, so i installed it and behold it uses windows to update and im stuck with the bare bones of the program.
I have a Logitech M305 wireless USB mouse that my XP won't recognize on any port. However MY XP recognizes my wired USB mouse and printer, and scanner. The M305 works fine on my other machines?
i have MCE and whenever i try to play a video or tv, it says that the files needed to display a video are missing or corrupted. How can i fix this. The videos work fine in Media player, but not in Media Center
I am using the IIS on Windows XP to test pages I develop. Is there a limitation that Includes are not processed? I know they work on the server but do not seem to work from the local IIS install.
I just got a laptop with 200 server installed on it and I would like to learn about it. I need some help with what I thought would be a simple setup. I want to set up 2 users for this laptop. myself and my daughter. I have it set with myself as the admin and her as a user. I want to be able to limit the amount of damage she does to the poor thing. My main question is how to set up certain programs to work and not work for her. I have one program music match that works in admin but not on user even though it seems to say it will work for users. From what I have seen from this operating system its not real easy to set it up. I have a book from the library but its a que and not good for me. Any advise on a good book would be great. I know it would be easier to use xp or win 2000 pro but thats not nearly challenging enough for me.
I have a Toshiba laptop satellite series A205-S5814.the time i bought it the USB ports were working but after a period of a year they are no longer working I updated the drivers but still now. I also changed the operating system that is from vista to XP but the problem persisted. It did not stop on that only, the DVD-ROM also failed to read DVDs.
i bought a new road adventures USA game and it says it will work for windows XP, Me, and 98 but my computer is a windows 7 so will this game work on my computer or not? i cannot open it and see if it works because if i do and it dosen't work i will not be able to return it.
Device Manager malfunctions after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 View products that this article applies to. Article ID : 893249 Last Review : October 25, 2007 Revision : 3.0 Notice The hotfix that this article describes has been replaced by hotfix 914450.