Winlogon.exe Encounter

Mar 25, 2007

I got some problem during windows startup time . some message come like Winlogon.exe encounter a problem and need to close.i thought some virus attack. Pls help to solve the problem

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Please! First Blue Screen Encounter

Dec 2, 2007

I woke up to a blue screen on my desktop PC today and ran across this forum when trying to search for a fix. An earlier post by someone back in September is giving me hope that perhaps someone here can help me out, because it looks as if I might have the same problem.

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ESP NT System Luncher Encounter

May 28, 2010

I keep getting this annoying error message. ESP NT System Launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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Encounter Very High CPU Load

Sep 13, 2005

Within the last week or so I've frequently encountered a very high CPU load that stays around 70, 80, 90 percent and sometimes even gets stuck at 100% at which point I usually just have to reboot. It occurs even when no programs are running except minimal background like McAfee and ZoneAlarm. P4, 2GHz, 512 DDR RAM, XP SP2.

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Sp2 Encounter A Problem And Need To Close

Mar 31, 2006

A HP zv5000 dual core, 684 mb ram, 80 ghz. First problem I have is when I turn on, it takes forever to load up. I have to restart several times in order to work. Second problem is once I got in and the middle of my internet session, a window keeps pop up saying sp2 has encounter a problem and need to close. And third problem is that my laptop seem to run very slow even though it's a dual core chip sets.

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Certain Programs Encounter Errors And Need To Close

Sep 8, 2006

i've just re-installed Windows XP SP2 and i'm getting some errors i've never had before:MSN Messenger (version 7.5) - a few seconds after start-up, it gives me this error:Windows Live setup gives me the same error.

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Wont Start Reload Windows Will Encounter?

Sep 15, 2005

A few days ago my pc wouldnt start. it started to load on the XP logo screen - progress bar moves across - then stops. so I use the power button to restart, which gives the option for safe mode etc. Ive tried system restore, scanning, starting up using boot disk. still not happening. Question I have is if I use the utility to reload the pc "as I bought it". will I get the same problem? I dont want to go to the trouble of reloading windows, software etc. (I only made a boot disk after this problem begun; will this have any bearing on reloading windows?)

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Install A HP PSC 1350 Printer / Encounter An Error Repeatedly

Oct 10, 2005

I have been trying to install a HP PSC 1350 printer, but have encounter an error repeatedly. The installation runs smoothly until I am asked to insert the USB cable. When I do, the progress bar reaches 6/8 before I am notified that the 'RPC Server could not be reached'. I have check Services, and both the RPC services are on, but still nothing- what could it be?I am running Windows XP Home, with 171.2GB additional memory, 512MB RAM and and a 3Ghz Processor.

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Winlogon.exe Backup?

Jan 17, 2006

when i was scannin my computer i accidently deleteed winlogon. for my windows xp and now everytime i start the computer it says winlogo cannot be found where can i download it sincei dont have windows xp home cd rom and my morephues wont start now.

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Boop Up Pc : WinLogon.exe ERROR

Apr 17, 2006

When I boot up my pc. I get a "WinLogon.exe" ERROR. I did a search on it and I read that one should only be concerened. if that file is located anywhere else other than in your C:WINDOWSsystem32. So i did a Search on the pc, and it was the only location it found.
One other weird thing.I was running a 'Ad-aware SE Personal' scan, and immediately it detects" Modules Identified "and then that "WinLogon.exe" ERROR appears...and then (I guess its called my 'theme') changes to something totally different, then the pc

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Winlogon.exe Application Error

Dec 8, 2004

Im getting this message when trying to restart windows XP. i get it even when i try to enter into safe mode. If I click on either option it restarts the machine. I cant even get access to the safe mode of windows

"Application error: Winlogon.exe. Click ok to close or cancel to debug."

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Error - Cannot Find Winlogon.exe

Jan 11, 2005

I'm experiencing some problems with a PC running Windows XP. Recently went through several steps to remove spyware & viruses from the PC. Following error on startup:

Windows cannot find c:windowsinetmwinlogon.exe

The other problem I'm seeing is that I have no desktop icons, and when I try to create a file or shortcut on the desktop, nothing happens. I can right-click/new, but it doesn't appear.

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Keeps Restarting / WinLogon.exe Error

Feb 18, 2008

My computer keeps restarting and i keep getting the winlogon.exe error.

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Winlogon.exe Error On Win2k

Jul 26, 2008

I get a winlogon.exe error when i boot my computer, it appears at the login window. and if i hit 'ok' or 'cancel' the computer gets rebooted. I've checked other posts as well as the post at 'simple pc help', but couldn't do anything. I also tryed to use the win2k intall cd to repair the installation but it didn't work.

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Winlogon.exe Missing - Errornuker

Dec 4, 2004

I'm getting a message on my windows XP saying 'winlogon.exe could locate component. This application has failed to start because stc_os.dll was not found. Re-installing might fix the problem.' The strange thing is that it does start up and everything's working except for the printer. I found something called 'errornuker' on the net today.

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Winlogon.exe And Svchost.exe Errors After SP2 Installation

Feb 23, 2008

When I startup my computer, it gets to the XP login screen and then winlogon.exe errors. I don't know the exact error code, I didn't copy it down, but svchost.exe also errors twice, and the first code is 0x0000d0005 I believe.

This happened straight after I installed XP Service Pack 2 directly from microsoft's website.

I have a feeling something to do with my wireless card installation caused it. The thing is, Netgear install a custom msgina.dll (for reasons unknown to me) and I actually replaced my msgina.dll with a different one a few months ago as I didn't like having to click on task manager when i pressed CTRL+ALT+DEL, which is what happened with the netgear msgina.

Anyhow, what I've currently tried is using my XP installation CD and going to the recovery console and then doing this:

copy msgina.dll msginabackup.dll
copy E:I386MSGINA.DL_ msgina.dll

So replacing my msgina.dll with a backed up version. This doesn't solve the problem, however if I do the same for winlogon.exe and use both the backed up msgina and the backed up winlogon, I don't get a winlogon.exe error anymore. But, I still get the two svchost.exe errors and when I click to login, it says "loading your personal settings" and then goes back to the default loading screen, so I click to login, it says "loading your personal settings" and then goes back again etc.

I have a feeling there might just be a file or two extra that I need to restore from backup copies, but I have no idea which they'd be. I'm an intermediate-expert PC user but I don't really dabble with system files so I'm all out of ideas for what could be wrong, which is why I'm posting here.

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Error With Winlogon.exe / Mosty Trojans

Apr 28, 2006

My computer has been catching a lot of viruses, mosty trojans, and I just got McAfee re-subribed but everytime I start my computer it gets to just before the logon screen and an error occurs. It says "The Instruction at "0x100096b0" referenced memory at 0x01568000". The memory could not be read." It gives me two choices either to press ok or cancel. Either way the computer screen turns black and a minute later it appears at another black screen telling me that something failed and to shut down the computer. I have tried opening up in safe mode and running McAfee, AVG, Spyware Doctor, and Registry Mechanic.

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Winlogon.exe - Application Error SAS Windows

Sep 7, 2006

I get one option "OK" i click on that, and I automatically re-boot. I'm returning this error when I boot:

SAS window winlogon.exe application error

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Winlogon.exe No Disk Error When Boots Up

Jan 13, 2008

Everytime my PC boots up I'm getting a Winlogo.exe No disk error; cancelling it 4 times I then get to Windows

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Winlogon.exe Application Error On Startup

Feb 18, 2008

I get the following error evry time my Windows XP Media Center PC boots

winlogon.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x0101050c" referenced memory at "0x117e4000". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program Click CANCEL to debug the program When I click either the system reboots and I'm stuck here. I cannot get it to boot in safe mode but I can boot to a DOS prompt in the Microsoft Windows Recovery console.

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Startup Error 2ldsrch.dll Winlogon.exe

May 25, 2004

FONT=Tahoma SIZE=3 COLOR=Red I have lately been having this problem that when i boot up and log onto the internet i get a weird error. it says Quote: "winlogon.exe - Aplication error.The instruction at "0x10017ef4" refrenced memory at "0x013cc000". The memory could not be "read"

click on ok to terminate the program
click cnacel to debug"

So like if i click on either of those Windows totaly crashes and goes into the blue screen. So if i dont click it after 2 minuts another message pops up

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Accidentally Deleted Everything In The WinLogon Folder?

Feb 19, 2008

i was in safemode to delete wgalogon from "regedit". i was in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsoftwaremicrosoftwindows NTcurrent version i accidentally deleted everything in the WinLogon folder except default. now it wont let me logon. anybody know what to do?

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Logon Application (winlogon.exe) Trying To Connect To Www

Jan 6, 2005

my sygate firewall keeps informing me that windowsnt logon application(winlogon.exe) is trying to connect to www i have run spybot adaware and hijack this adaware is unable to clean up a file called f2j2ocloef.dll as it is in use i dont know if there's a connection I'm running windowsxp home edition

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BSOD For A Winlogon.exe Restoring From A Restore

Sep 25, 2009

I experienced a BSOD for a winlogon.exe error. I resolved it by using Gateway Restore, which effectively created another partition on my hard drive, and reinstalling XP into it. However, during the restore process, the process said my files and data would be moved into a backup folder. Only the most superficial parts of my data was saved, but my hard drive, which is 160 gigs in size, now has 3.6 gigs for the operating system, 8.6 gigs of stuff from my recovery, and free space of about 12 some odd gig. My old system, and all my data, is in the accounted for partition. How do I access that partition of my hard drive?

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Multiple Svchost.exe (5 Of Them), Explorer.exe At 100% CPU Activity, Winlogon.exe...

Apr 25, 2007

Alright this is really damn annyoying, the pc runs incredibly slow, when I look in task manager, explorer.exe is using 97% of the CPU, so I end the proccess and start a new one, then winlogon.exe runs at 97% CPU usage and this proccess can't be ended, and I noticed there are multiple "svchost.exe" about 5 actually, I even reinstalled the operating system about 3 times and the computer still has the problem. I looked all over the internet and I can't find anything that can solve this. I have the log from HijackThis:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 05:33:42, on 25/04/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)

Running processes:
C:Program FilesApoint2KApoint.exe
C:Program FilesRealRealPlayerRealPlay.exe
C:Program FilesAOL 8.0aoltray.exe
C:Program FilesApoint2KApntex.exe
C:Program FilesEzButton VE 2.14EzButton.exe
C:Program FilesStarOffice6.0programsoffice.exe
C:Program FilesUniblueRegistryBooster2RegistryBooster.exe
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMsMpEng.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe
C:WINDOWSsystem32 askmgr.exe
C:Documents and SettingsRojan ThomasDesktopHijackThisHijackThis.exe ...

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System Startup: Winlogon.exe Application Error?

Aug 21, 2005

i cannot go past starting windows screen after that it gives me a message: winlogon.exe application error instruction a "0x00dafcf0" reference memory at "0x00dafcf0" memory could not be written.then it turns to blue screen:Stop:c000021a (fatal error)windows logon process system process terminate unexpectedley with status of 0xc0000005 system has been shut down at the time this happened i was downloading panda anti-virus and did not delete my anti-virus program and had also downloaded a2hijack program that was running at the time

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Winlogon Exe Errors When I Type In Wrong Password

Mar 21, 2007

When I sign on windows with the right password, it works just fine and everything loads up. However, when I happen to type out my massive password wrong the following error comes up:MCI Command Handling Window: winlogon.exe.The instruction at 0x0179116e reference memory at 0x0070ffff. The memory could not be read.I'm running XPPro. I recently reformatted my entire PC and I've never had this happen before reinstalling XP. I don't know what specifically the error stems from cause I installed so much stuff in one day. It was all the same stuff I've had on the PC before. Other accounts across the net, however, did NOT also reformat, so I'm thinking it must be something to do with a virus or some error in SP2 or windows update. I've done a virus scan and found nothing.

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Winlogon.exe Application Error / Can't Close My Windws Properly

Jun 19, 2010

So,basically the event goes: Startup>Popup saying the above>If click Okay or Cancel,Comp restart. Annnd,I can't close my windws properly.

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Winlogon.exe Error ID 1002 / Trial Version Of HDDLife Pro

Aug 13, 2006

I've worked for 2 days on this problem off and on and found no working solution yet. To make it short and sweet, if I right-click on any folders or on the hard drive icons in My Computer explorer.exe freezes. I have a program called HDDLife Pro (trial version) that says my hard disks are at 53% and 85%. The program measures the current tempurature and how much life is left on your hard disks. There are no tale-tell signs of a failing disk either.

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Setting The Default Blue Background Color In Ntoskrnl.exe, Winlogon.exe?

Jan 22, 2008

I was wondering if anyone knew where the default light blue color background (approx rgb 80 110 200) that appears just before the welcome screen (not classic logon) when you boot XP or switch users is set. I'd like to change it so that it matches my customized desktop/welcome screen.

I've changed the following registry keys but no luck:
HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelColorsBackground
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogonBac kground
HKEY_USERS.DefaultControl PanelDesktopWallpaper

It might be the same color as the one that appears when you run chkdsk and stuff like that at boot time, so I was thinking the color is set in ntoskrnl.exe?

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Black Screen - No Boot Option Work After Error: "WINLOGON.EXE - Bad Image"

Sep 24, 2004

After browsing through many of the threads here I have decided to post my own as I am unable to come to any conclusions. MSI, Pentium 4 1.9GHz, 2x60 GB HD (Maxtor ???), 2x256MD DDR-266, It won't boot at all - none of the F8 boot options work, which I have tried several times after recieving the following error

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