Webshots And SP2 / New Wallpaper Is Automatically Downloaded

Jun 28, 2005

I know very little about Webshots. I friend had it installed on a Windows HE SP1a system,and the desktop wallpaper used to download and change at certain intervals. She now has a new SP2 system. After Installing Webshots on the new system, each time a new wallpaper is automatically downloaded, because of the SP2 security, instead of the new wallpaper replacing the old, she gets a dialog box about the dangers of downloading files from the internet, and if she accepts the download, rather than the wallpaper being automatically replaced, she gets a Save As window. I have already looked at the Webshots web site, and there is nothing about security settings that should be changed for SP2 for a fluid change of desktop wallpaper upon the automatic download timed interval. Does anyone with SP2 use Webshots for their desktop wallpaper, and know which security settings should be changed to avoid the warning messages, and have a fluid change of the desktop wallpaper, without the save as box coming up?

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Webshots Wallpaper Only Appears Centered

Jun 17, 2005

I downloaded Webshots 2.0, but when I try to use it as wallpaper the wallpaer only appears centered, and I already checked the "tile" option in windows properties. XP "tiles" every picture except in webshots.

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Ok So I Made A Mistake Downloaded Webshots

Aug 9, 2005

like a fool i downloaded webshots, it seems to be riddled with adware, now no matter what i try i can't get rid. i have run ad-aware, spy-bot sd, microsoft anti spyware and i have norton 2005 but i am still suffering with the blessed pop-ups and my system is running fairly slowly

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Unable To Delete / Remove Wallpaper Downloaded From Internet?

Aug 8, 2007

I have been trying to delete a wallpaper my son downloaded by mistake (always blame the kids) named just Internet Explorer Wallpaper I think my sorry his mistake was setting it as background instead of saving in my pitures it seems strange to me that you can go into your hard drive and delete crucial files but its made very difficult to delete a wallpaper.

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Updates 76 Files Downloaded - Don't Install Automatically

Jul 23, 2007

I did an in-place repair of XP MCE 2003. I had previously installed all MS security fixes and updates, the list in my "installed programs" showed about 70 or 80 updates. The in-place repair gave me an unscrambled registry, and an unpatched XP install, without touching my installed programs or data. A good thing, overall, it fixed my major problem.

I immediately went to get all the updates -- 76 of them downloaded. I don't let Updater install automatically -- I get all the updates, but decide which to install because I got a bad version of IE7 that took me a long time to delete and recover from, but I installed ALL security updates. I generally use FireFox, so I didn't view IE7 as a security update. Anyway, it installed one or two updates, and then said the rest could not be installed....

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Desktop Wallpaper Offers My Pictures - Prevent 1st Choice Wallpaper

Jan 11, 2008

The last thing I want ANYONE to see is My Pictures. Why is this damn thing offering THAT place as first choice for dektop wallpapers? I pointed it (browsed to) Windows/Web/Wallpapers but it STILL insists on my pictures included there! And there is no obvious, clear cut way to change it, I have to google all over the place to find the damn answer! Pure wasted time. to remove that place and prevent it from ever showing up as a first choice for wallpapers?

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Finding Desktop Wallpaper Location - Label IE Wallpaper

Jan 26, 2006

I am wondering if it is possible to find the location of where your wallpaper pic is temporarily stored while it is your current wallpaper. The reason I ask is because I thought I saved the pic before I made it my wallpaper, but I cannot locate the file. Also, is there a way to find out the name of the file? Then I could do a search, but as it is, Desktop properties just labels it "Internet explorer wallpaper

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Desktop Wallpaper Wont Align - Wallpaper Big Gap

Aug 18, 2007

I have a 27" Dell Monitor with a Radeon X850XT card. Never had a problem with it and this new problem has just come out of no where.All background wallpapers leave a big gap down the left hand side of my screen. The pic's are big enought o fit the screen resolution and if I choose a smaller pic and 'center' it in display properties it does not center..I have just updated drivers and no change.Have WINXP ser pack 2

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Webshots Error Message Comes Up

Jan 25, 2005

I have a user who has this error coming up. I removed and reinstlaled the webshots software, but the error remained. Error MEssage:Swebexec.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being generated. The webshots works after you click cancel. What the heck can I do to fix this and remove the error.

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Webshots Software Is Safe?

Sep 8, 2005

Anyone know anything about webshots, i like this software and it has some great pics but is it safe? does it, or it's pics contain any malware.

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Cannot Uninstall Webshots - Error Occurred

May 30, 2004

I am trying to uninstall Webshots but in Programs there is no uninstall option,if I go to add/remove and click remove it says an error occured while trying to remove Webshots perhaps it has been uninstalled well it hasnt its like it doesnt want to go.

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Webshots Photos In Wide Screen?

Nov 21, 2006

i just bought a widescreen monitor. i use webshots desktop and the wallpaper comes from that program. but sdince the monitor is wiodescreen i get vertical bars in desktop. I try to correct it throw strecht,tile position, but nothing changes the batrs are there. is anyone knows a way to make photos from webshots full screen?

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Webshots Option Button Will Not Stay Checked?

Apr 11, 2005

I installed the new version of Webshots Desktops the "Use Webshots wallpaper on desktop" option button will not stay checked. If I check it and say ok it starts to work, but after shuting down and restarting, it is always unchecked. All the other option buttons stay checked. I'm running Windows Xp Pro with update 2.

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Webshots Prompted To Confirm Email Address

Jan 5, 2006

Have signed up for Webshots, and downloaded the most recent version of the software for Windows (XP). Last night, I tried to upload photos, but I was prompted to confirm my email address. Entered my address, but no confirmation received. Tried again tonight, still no luck. Opened a new account, used different email address, no confirmation.Unfortunately their help section has no info on this, and I don't want to pay them money to contact their support team if the free service doesn't seem to work.

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Cant Change Wallpaper?

Jun 25, 2005

after an attack with some bad viruses or something,i noticed my option to change my wallpaper has disappeared? and im so sick of the wallpaper i have right now..

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Cannot Change Wallpaper

Jan 7, 2007

My desktop suddenly went the default XP blue and when i right clikc and go into the properties, the desktop tab is all disabled meaning i cant change it. I am running XP SP2. Before this happened i did find some malicious software on my pc that random installed itself from a website. I think this could have lead to it. Any ideas of how i could fix this? Attacked i have my hjt log file. Any help will be great. Also if anything else has come up from the log?

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Not Able To Change Wallpaper

Jan 26, 2007

I had a few adwares on my O.S. (win XP HE), but I managed to remove them all except for one little trace. I've tried many removal tools, but none seems to be helping with this last problem that is anoing me.I can't change my wallpaper. What actually happens is that when I try to scroll down the "Background" scrollbox at the "Display Properties". "Desktop" window.I believe it has something to do with policies, but windows xp Home Edition is very limited in what comes to policies and it has no editor. By regedit I couldn't find any policy key that would actually make me believe it was it. I already tried to google this issue, but I can't find anything concrete.The closest clue I have is that this was caused by a spyware installed to advertise a spyware software, which installed itself and changed my desktop wallpaper to a black image that said that I was infected with malware and I needed a spyware software to resolve the problem. The image also said something claiming it was from Microsoft and they suggested a product.

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Can't Change Wallpaper

Sep 18, 2008

This is a friends computer she has asked me to work on so I don't know how or when it happened. When you try to change the desktop (wallpaper) the different ones are still listed but you can not highlight them to switch from one to another. Any help would be appreciated.

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Wallpaper Screw Up

Nov 18, 2003

I have a wallpaper that is always off centre, to the bottom right. Even when i try and stretch it out. It happens with all wallpapers, so i know its not a problem with the wallpaper itself.

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What Is My Old Wallpaper File Name

Aug 14, 2006

My network at work has started force feeding everyone the same wallpaper image. Since they started doing this my old wallpaper is still there and shows up when I pull my CAC card or lock my computer. My question is: what is my old wallpaper's file name? I'd like to be able to change that image even if I can't change my wallpaper.

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Change Wallpaper On Os

Nov 26, 2005

When I change my wallpaper on Xp it changes everyone elses ? Any ideas ?

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Only Displaying Wallpaper After Boot

Jun 8, 2009

I have a 2GB RAM + 2.5 GHz + nVidia Pro motherboard + Windows XP PC.

Everytime i start my PC, after loggin in, it just displays the wallpaper. NOTHING ELSE! No mouse right clicks, no windows button works! Cannot work on it AT ALL!

It seems like it has hung, but if i try a Cntrl+Alt+Del, the task mgr screen opens up and i can select a single program by "New Task" and run it! so, definitely there is a normal PC running behind that wallpaper!

Now, heres the frustrating part -

I have had this issue after formatting the PC for abt 7 times till now! the antivirus (tried all) run immediately after a format shows nothing now - and still the issue would crop up after 2-3 days again!

I am really terrified with this, seems like a major virun attack as my PC shows up behavorial changes each time coupled with the above issue!

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How To Retain Desktop Wallpaper?

Dec 3, 2004

If I set my desktop wallpaper to a .jpg file then my profile will not retain the wallpaper the next time I log in. However, if I set my wallpaper to something like, FeatherTexture.bmp, or I believed any .bmp files then my profile will retain the wallpaper. So assuming this is true,

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Too Many Pics When Choosing Wallpaper

Nov 28, 2008

I did something while moving some pictures to the "windows web wallpaper folder "Yesterday I went to change the desktop picture and was met with a choice of hundreds of pics.I have checked the registry and it points to "windows web wallpaper folder ", I can not figure out why so many files are now showing up when I want to change the wallpaper.Most are from various places in "My Pictures " But some are elsewhere.Its crazy there must be two hundred of them showing up as wallpaper choices ..I need to know if anyone can help me figure out how to sort this out.

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Changing Background Wallpaper

Nov 2, 2007

I've got a problem on my buddy's PC. I downloaded a wallpaper from the net. 1024x768. I open it up and right click it to set as background and the background will not change to the new wallpaper. It is like that for any image I try to set as background.

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Can Change Background Wallpaper ?

Oct 18, 2004

I'm using XP Home Edition, with all updates installed. For some reason, I can't change the background wallpaper on my screen. I right-click on the desktop, select Properties, then select the Desktop tab. There is only one wallpaper listed in the Background list, as well as the (None) option, which works. Unfortunately, I can only switch between (None) and my current wallpaper. Browse works, in that I can search my computer for other images. But when I select any of those images nothing happens. The current wallpaper remains in the preview screen, and the wallpaper I selected through browsing doesn't show up in the Background list. (I can Center, Stretch and Tile my current wallpaper.)

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Desktop Wallpaper Folder

Jan 27, 2006

I was wondering if there is a way to point the Background page (Right click>Properties>Desktop) to another folder?The folder it is currently showing has pictures in it that I don't want set as a background, but there is another folder I have which I do want to be used. Edit:: I'm guessing there is just some .ini file somewhere that I need to alter, but I don't know where to start looking.

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Desktop Wallpaper Changings

Jul 13, 2005

I Cant Change My Desktop Wallpaper At All, When I GoTo Properties And Click On Desktop In Windows Xp Home Edition There Is Wallpapers In There But Wheni Click On One Nothing Happenes I Dont Know What Happened, I Was Able To Do This Before. I Even Went To System Restore And Repaired Windows Xp But That Didnt Help Either. Also When I Have Aprogram Open And Its Not Responding And Usally I Can Hit Alt Ctrl
And Del To End Task It States That Taskmananger Has Been Disabled By
Administrader And I Dont Know Why Because I Havent Changed ?

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Desktop Wallpaper Disappears

Apr 8, 2008

I have a HP Pavilion A1624N computer, running Windows Media Center 2005.
AMD 64 x 2 Processor 2.0 GHz, 1 Gig of RAM.
All of a sudden yesterday morning when I right clicked on my desktop and un-checked Show Desktop Icons (to take a print screen for my friend) the problem started. This worked fine, I did the print screen and saved it in paint no problem. But when I right clicked again and then chose Show Desktop Icons, they came back, but my wallpaper disappeared. I tried several ways to get it back

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Screen Stuck On Wallpaper

Oct 12, 2010

My XP desktop only shows my wallpaper. I can open programs using Task Manager.I can't run sfc / scannow from task manager - it just flickers a square box and disappears. Nothing changes. It won't run. It won't let me open any antivirus program.

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Disable Wallpaper Change

Sep 11, 2005

is there a way to completely block users from changing the wallpaper.the computer only has one account that everyone uses. i removed the "Desktop" tab from the display window in control panel but this still leaves other ways to change it.ex: right clicking a pic in IE and "setting it as background" or using paint.

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